God of Fishing

Chapter 2151: Qiu Chen's true identity

   All of a sudden, four emperors appeared, Han Fei's whole person is not good, it is a coincidence that he just came to this chaotic wasteland, the previous generation of kings was counted?

  Han Fei had to think, did the opening of the sea of ​​riots when he was waiting for someone to come out, aroused the attention of Anjia and the Great Emperor Wanlin?

   This allows them to find a chance to set up a game to attract the Lord of Silence to take action?

   But, what can Han Fei do for an emperor-level shot? Originally, his purpose was actually very simple, that is, to kill all those who knew the riots like Qiu Chen.

  Who knows, there is a bigger conspiracy hidden in it.

   At this moment, Zhang Wei and a few people were rescued, and those in Anjia were naturally also rescued. However, there are four great emperors, and they dare not act rashly. Even if you want to enter that original place, it can't be now. Now, the legendary Lord of Silence is standing there.

   No, just listen to the Lord of Silence, and his voice flatly said: "Ning Tianlong, I hate you more than the original city. If you dare to participate in the war today, then be prepared to pay the price!"

   He only listened to the great Emperor Wanlin, and sneered: "You and I are dead enemies, I enslaved the human race, you protect the human race, I take action, you should be able to guess that."

  The Lord of Silence: "You'd better be grateful that you can leave me today, otherwise, sooner or later you will level down your city of scavengers."


  The Great Emperor Wanlin was full of disdain: "By you?"

On the other side, the Anjia twin emperors co-appeared, but listened to Na An Bailin said: "A few years ago, at the moment when the riots changed in the sea, I was waiting to set up today’s situation. Gu Tingnan, either, you give up the riots in the sea. , Today you are ready to fight to the death!"

  The Lord of Silence: "You are a trash who relies on a woman to prove the truth, and you are worthy of fighting with me? It seems that the Primitive City has not learned enough."

"you wanna die."


   It was too late, it was fast, the four emperors disappeared at the same time, and the ice in a radius of 100,000 li collapsed almost instantly. The place where everyone was, suddenly became extremely cold, because the sea surface was opened, and the extremely cold air quickly spread down.

   The bodies of Zhang Wei and others were almost uncontrollably thrown into this chaotic cave. Obviously, it was the means of the emperor. The fighting outside has nothing to do with them.

Finally, the voice of Emperor Wanlin came from "Xue Fei": "Xue Fei, this emperor placed a projection on you, crushed this jade, and released the projection directly to me in the original place to destroy the human race. "

  In other words, Han Fei's whole person was not good at the time. In the chaos, he looked down, but saw that he didn't know when a jade scale appeared in his hand.

   "Go to your uncle."

   Han Fei cursed in his heart, did the Great Emperor Wanlin keep the projection or how? Of course, after cursing, he quickly put away this jade slip.

   After more than ten breaths of effort, a few people suddenly flew out of the Chaos Cave. When I took a closer look, it was in a black mist.


   When Han Fei and the others arrived here, I immediately felt something was wrong. Where did so much ominous air come from here?

   Han Fei was not well at that time, this was not the entrance to the sea of ​​riots at all. At most it is the entrance to a primitive cemetery.

   At that moment, Han Fei's mind was rapidly turning. Did the Great Emperor Wanlin and the Twin Emperors of Anjia deceive the Lord of Silence, or the Lord of Silence deceived the two?

   But, the Lord of Silence is indeed one-to-three now, can he ever fight? If he deliberately let Wanlin the Great and Anjia Twin Emperors lay out, then the purpose is actually to attract the three emperors.

   So, when the four emperors gathered in this remote place, what happened between the three major cities?

  Han Fei is all confused, this group is all old yin stuff!

  At this time, I only heard Zhang Wei exclaiming: "Why are all ominous?"

  While speaking, a lot of pure stones flew out of Zhang Wei's body. For a while, a lot of purification light emerged from everyone's body to resist the endless ominous air.

  They don't know where this is, but Han Fei knows that there is no ominousness in the rioting sea. So, this is obviously not the riot of the sea, so it seems that it is more like the game of the Lord of Silence, and there must be a second player.

   is just ominous, surely not enough to see. Here are all masters at the lord level. Does anyone have hundreds of millions of pure stones? It is almost impossible to obliterate the six great open world realms based on ominous aura alone.

   Han Fei couldn't help but secretly said, since they can let these Open Heaven realms come in, they must be prepared! Even if the Great Emperor Wanlin stuffed himself with a jade slip, wouldn't Anjia have no success? They should have come with a back hand?

   It's just that, before they burst out, Han Fei suddenly felt that something was wrong, and there was danger.

   almost subconsciously, he controlled Xue Fei and flew out directly. While running, he also laid out many dreams.

   After Han Fei ran away, he saw countless white threads appearing.


   A soft sound rang, but it did not last.

   Because on the other side, Zhang Wei's reaction was a step slower than "Xue Fei". However, Zhang Wei chose to blew himself up in the first place.


   Open Heaven Realm blew itself, the explosion range directly swept the surrounding hundreds of thousands of miles, followed by Zhang Wei and exploded, and there were a large number of pure stones, causing the surrounding ominous air to be emptied of tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

   At this time, Han Fei took a closer look, only to see Qiu Chen, who had grown white hair at this moment. The long white hair made Han Fei think of the term white hair three thousand feet.

I saw that the white hair continued to be densely covered within the scope of Zhang Wei’s self-explosion. Every strand of hair seemed to be able to penetrate the void. For a few breaths, only a "click" sound was heard, as if something was broken open. general.


   That's it, a mid-level lord, fell on the spot unexpectedly.

   Han Fei couldn't help being horrified. I knocked on Nima. He thought that there was a back hand from the Lord of Silence, but he never expected that this back hand turned out to be Qiu Chen.

   No wonder, he has always felt that Chen Chen is weird, and there is always something strange. Now I can see that from the beginning, people regarded themselves and others as cannon fodder!

   It stands to reason that if there is an initial place, Qiu Chen can find more people. Why should he look for "Xue Fei" hunters with average strength?

   Co-authored, people calculated it right from the beginning, because Xue Fei is easy to kill a few people, and when needed, he can kill it backhand.

   In the Primitive City, the strong man in Anjia couldn't help but exclaimed: "The City of Wanderers, one of the four great generals, Duan Qingsi?"

   Han Fei actually recognized it, after all, he had just read the information about the city of wanderers not long ago. The city of wanderers, one of the four great generals, Duan Qingsi, who killed eleven emperors in his life. In the old days, the original city was attacked, and two cities were destroyed by one person. It is said that the white hair became bloodthirsty and turned into blue silk, and it was too mad.

   Duan Qingsi looked at Xue Fei at this moment, and Xue Fei was directly controlled by Han Fei to escape into the ominous atmosphere.

   Duan Qingsi didn't chase it, she just sneered and looked at Primitive City: "If you don't want to die, show your cards. I'll take a look, Anjia Shuangdi, whose projection came."

   As expected, Duan Qingsi did not expect it.

   I only saw the leader of the An family, and suddenly a triangle of gods appeared behind him, which was the magic of An family. It looks like a **** descending technique, because the strength of the settler is rapidly skyrocketing.

   However, this is not like a **** descending technique, because the person's eyes have completely changed, his body is gradually surrounded by another special power, and his body gradually shows the emperor's prestige.

   At this moment, when the person's eyes changed completely, he said in the tone of a strong man: "Duan Qingsi? I didn't expect this to be your game?"

   Duan Qingsi sneered: "Who! I said who it is. Ambolin! How much power do you have? Can this body bear it?"

   "Huh! Today is a round, and you will be killed here as the four warlords of the city of wanderers."

   "Cut me? I really thought this round was that simple?"

   After speaking, I saw Duan Qingsi reaching out to grab a small world.

  Yes, Han Fei knew that thing, it was a small world of crystal ball.


   I only saw that three thousand green silks were like knives, and hundreds of fierce giant shadows appeared at the moment they cut through this small world. Then every black shadow turned out to be an ominous creature.

As for the strength of these ominous creatures, they all have the Open Heaven Realm, not the simple Open Heaven Realm~www.readwn.com~ When the ominous creatures in the Open Heaven Realm appear, the surrounding ominous spirit swept over again. . Here again fell into darkness.

   There was only one emperor who descended from the An Family. He immediately killed him, and the massive amount of pure stone, turned into billions of swords, instantly slashed into this group of ominous creatures in the Open Heaven realm.

   However, even though the Kaitian realm is no match for the emperor, but the strong man who has been cast down by the gods is at best just entering the emperor realm. It's a bit of a joke to want to wipe out so many ominous creatures in the Open Heaven realm with one blow.

   I only heard Duan Qingsi sneer: "I opened the sky for 80,000 years, come to ask for advice today, the emperor respects the fighting power."

   After finishing speaking, the world is covered by white silk. The white silk is like a sword, intertwined into a net, and condensed into one strand, like a great sword of the sea, cutting through the darkness and illuminating the sky.

  An Bai Rin's projection gave a cold voice: "Huh! Only the stars, dare to compete with the sun and the moon? God's seal, necromantic winch."

   At the time of their battle, in that unknown air, Han Fei appeared, holding a fishing rod, and shattering the void. He has fished more than 30 times.

   "The son of a tortoise, it seems that the distance is too far, and it affects fishing!"

   Suddenly, Han Fei felt the fish hook sink, and his eyes lit up: "It's done."

   Waiting for a figure to be fished out from the void by Han Fei. This person wears a mask of ice. This is not the Lord of Silence, but who can it be?

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