God of Fishing

Chapter 2156: Full burst, strongest state

   When Han Fei saw Pan Litian, the whole person was not good. Didn’t it mean that the city of the wanderers had four gods descending? Even if Duan Qingsi is not there, there are three great generals. They can't even stop Pan Litian. If they let it go, they haven't thought about the consequences?

   At this moment, Han Fei is still in the forefront. If he retreats, using Pan Litian's means, he will definitely bypass the other people and sweep the kings behind for the first time.

   Being able to cultivate to the sea-breaking realm is already commendable. If so many kings fall, the city of wanderers will suffer a big loss.

   Then, I only saw a loud shout: "Pan Litian, take the emperor's punch."


   At that moment, only listening to the rear, Ma Qiankun shouted: "Brother Ren, be careful, Li Tianyin is not a joke."

   Just, when has Han Fei been counseled? Even if the strength is not at its peak, but the road is running, it is equally terrifying. It is not that he has never done the single-killing of the emperor.

   He also wanted to see how strong these so-called top ten lords were.

   I only saw Han Fei's magical world, but it didn't become that big anymore. With the highway running, five times the combat power and violence, with Han Fei's current physique, it was still able to hold up such a high-intensity outbreak.

   That punch blasted out, endless void, invincible aura burst out, golden light shining brightly, shining on the sea.

  Pan Litian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Huh? One who walks the road of invincibility?"

   "What, Invincible Road?"

   "Brother Ren actually took this road."

   "Brother Ren is so courageous. Those who dare to walk invincible in the world are all heroes of the generation. None of these people is afraid of death."

  Ma Qiankun and others were also stunned by Han Fei's fist. When the tens of thousands of zhang fist imprints struck the Void and Litian Seal, the 10,000-li void collapsed and the endless void turned into a whirlpool, rolling ripples sweeping out hundreds of thousands of miles.

   In the rear, the kings retreated one after another. How can you see such a scene?

   Someone had seen Han Fei's fist prints, and even a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes, and he almost fell into an epiphany on the spot.


   But I saw that the Great Seal of the Void Litian, centered on Han Fei's bright punch, quickly cracked to the outside, weakening more than half of its momentum.

   However, the Great Seal of Void Li Tian did not collapse. This scene made Han Fei's heart cold. With such a violent blow, he could not crush this seal of Li Tian?

   Behind him, Ma Qiankun shouted: "Brother Ren, my old horse will help you...Horr..."

   Or say that the people in the City of Wanderers are all tigers, the sea around Ma Qiankun is boiling for thousands of miles, the double axe storm, stirring the water of the sea, carrying thunder and lightning, and killing it towards Pan Litian in an instant.

   Wu Qinghua was also violent. Using her body as the scope, two rows of long bone knives appeared on the sky, like two rows of knives cutting, surrounded by immortal energy.

   The sword formation blocked the road and tried to cut Pan Litian straight.

   The other three emperors, too late to estimate the kings behind, all burned and exploded. One person, gathers the half-length Taoist rhyme and the mass of fairy spirits, and turns into a thorn, traversing the sea. One person was followed by a raging tide of fish, using the tide as an arrow to shoot at the big shadow of the howling dragon.

   "Huh! Overpowering, a group of Kaitians who don't even have a transformation star are also worthy to confront this constellation? Dragon God Strike..."

   Canglong spit, the extreme cold ice flame hit the emperors.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   This is completely broken, the sea is raging, the sea surface is completely collapsed, and the terrifying shock wave rushes into the sky.

   Horse Qiankun, three thousand wind thunders, axe light from the sky, shattered by a single blow, frozen in the middle of the storm, and the whole person was knocked into the air by a blow. If it were not for the body of the fairy spirit, it had been frozen into an ice sculpture at this time.

   "Crack, click~"

   In Wu Qinghua's knife formation, frost and snow drifted, and the scimitar shattered where the ice flame passed.


   Wu Qinghua sprayed blood, his hands were fried into powder, and he flew away.

   The other three people didn't go anywhere well. The thorns were frozen layer by layer, and they couldn't move forward thousands of miles away from Pan Litian, and they collapsed and burst.

The    Fish Tide Array even burst directly, making it the weakest of all.

   There is also that arrow, which is the only attack that hits Pan Litian's body. However, when the arrow hit Pan Li's bright red armor, the latter couldn't even block it. Because, when the arrow reached Pan Litian, it was already weak and couldn't break his defense at all.

   With only one blow, Ma Qiankun and the other five were all defeated. This was only the head of the ten lords. Zhao Honghuang, who was more powerful than this person, didn't know how strong it would be.

   At this moment, a blue dragon ice flame swept Han Fei here. Han Fei's heart sank because he failed to penetrate the seal of the sky with this blow. Others can't hold it, so you have to hold it, otherwise, even if you can run after this battle, you will have to take down at least two in the Open Heaven Realm.

   I only saw Han Fei pulling out Fengyu's crazy knife in his hand. The knife was red in the sea, and the air of a thousand immortals was injected, and the fire wave turned the sea of ​​thousands of miles into a sea of ​​magma.

   "Drawing a sword."

   With a knife, Han Fei has never left anyone behind. He only saw Han Fei spinning around a few times. Faxiang also held a thousand-zhang flame long knife in his hands, cut it down with a single knife, and the sea diverged.

   "Artifact? It's kind of interesting, no wonder you can destroy several cities in a row. It turns out that there is a variable like you. Then you cut this variable."

  Pan Litian watched his blue dragon flame being penetrated, and did not take it seriously. He stretched out his hand and grabbed all the tools. He stepped on his feet: "Leaving Tian Zhenhai, Tian Beng Tu Huang."

   At the top of Han Fei, Li Tian Dayin continued to squeeze, and his power was increasing wildly. Han Fei felt the coercion of the Heavenly Dao, and Pan Litian had already melted the Heavenly Dao into his body, trying to kill himself through the Heavenly Dao.

  In the distance, the emperors who had just stopped Bengfei's body watched this scene in horror. They are also shocked. When the emperor came out without a living, this sentence was not in vain. Pan Litian was as powerful as the four warlords in the City of Wanderers. No matter where it was placed in the Chaos Wasteland, it was the peak of combat power.

   Even if it is outside the Chaos Wasteland, within the East China Sea Shenzhou, in the Kaitian realm, Pan Litian is also the top leader. But they don’t know much about Ren Tianfei. In their consciousness, only four major battles will be able to block a powerhouse like Pan Litian, Ren Tianfei...have never heard of it!

   As for the kings of the city of wanderers, they are even more frightened.

   Someone is shocked: Is this the head of the ten lords of the Scavenger City? Shocked back the five great emperors in one blow. Isn't even the senior human emperor his opponent?

   "Not necessarily. How can the senior human emperor slay the five emperors easily lose? The mere imprint of the sky cannot be suppressed."

   However, the kings' faces were gloomy, and they all knew that slaps were not enough at this time, and Han Fei did seem to be struggling!

Han Fei couldn’t say it, he couldn’t believe it. He actually felt a little exhausted. It’s a little bit too strong for this special seal. He is so strong and powerful that he can’t break this thing. child?

   Han Fei knew that it was not that his strength was weak, but that the other party had borrowed the power of Heaven.


   He only heard Han Fei roar, golden light flowing around his body, and a golden eye opened at the center of his eyebrows.

   "The Eye of Invincibility, open."

   "Sacrifice one's body, fist mark."

   "Boom! Rumble..."

   only saw that the crack range from the sky seal expanded, but the distance was shattered, and it seemed to be a little short.

   "The Great Art of Transforming Dragons."

   Until now, Han Fei didn't care about any reservations. A drop of Canglong essence and blood shattered and one arm turned into a dragon claw.


   At that moment, the Great Seal of Li Tian was pierced abruptly. This is probably the first time that Pan Litian’s Seal of Void Li Tian was penetrated with strength. God knows how strong that power has been.

   "Broken down, broken down."

   Behind, the king exclaimed, his face was full of joy, and his heart seemed to be full of pride.

   However, I only heard Han Fei shout: "Quickly retreat, the emperor breaks the queen."

   Just returned to Shen Ma Qiankun and Wu Qinghua and others, they did not dare to neglect, they and Pan Litian were not at the same level of strength at all. Only Han Fei was able to reluctantly fight Pan Litian, but they also saw that Han Fei was fighting too hard.

   It was too late, it was fast then, Wu Qinghua slammed, the source of the sea opened, and directly installed all the kings in.

   followed, Wu Qinghua shouted: "Brother Ren, sorry."

  Ma Qiankun's blood trembles: "Brother Ren, take one step first."

   A few people didn't dare to stay, they burned blood madly, they stayed for an extra second, and Han Fei's danger increased by one point.

   And Han Fei feels that his body is about to be unable to hold it at this moment~www.readwn.com~ The power carried by his physical body is too strong, so strong that he can't hold his bones a bit, and his flesh and blood have cracked.

  Pan Litian didn't chase after Ma Qiankun. In his opinion, ten Ma Qiankun could not be worth one Ren Tianfei. There is no such person as a star, and the level of strength is actually strong to this point. The key is that he can still carry such a strong force. If this kind of person does not die, he will definitely grow into a powerhouse at the level of the four war generals.

   I only heard Pan Litian snorted coldly: "I really thought you could escape from your subordinates if you penetrated the seal of Li Tian? Nine Dragons Return to One, Emperor Sword.

   At that moment, Han Fei was horrified, what the **** is this? One of the ten lords, can the emperor's fighting power burst out?

   "No, it's not the emperor's combat power, but the kind of opportunity to imitate."

   "Fuck! Do you think that the emperor's fighting spirit will erupt? I will come too."

   I only saw Han Fei directly grabbing the aura of ten thousand celestial spirits, and saw him stretch out his hand a little bit, the road is unified, the sword intent is through the profound.

   However, in this sword, Han Fei added a drop of cyan sword liquid.

   This thing is the non-barrier sword fluid, the origin of the sword intent born in the emperor's sword fetus, and the only emperor-level treasure that he obtained from the origin sea of ​​He Daoyuan.

   I only heard how Han Fei screamed: "The avenue returns to one sword."


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