God of Fishing

Chapter 2157: Who is he after the human set collapses?

  Ma Qiankun and the others were racing, and it was on the way of the whirlwind that the jade slip was shattered.

   Suddenly, the whole person is not good, you are broken earlier, but when you are broken early, we don't have to meet Pan Litian face to face, and Brother Ren will not wait for me to stay behind.


   Just when Ma Qiankun and others retreated, a white light suddenly appeared.

   "Blue and white, why did you run away in blood?"

  The visitor has white hair and sword-like eyes. Although she is a woman, she is so heroic that people can't help but want to hibernate.

   Wu Qinghua and several people were running wildly with blood, they suddenly stopped seeing this figure.

   Wu Qinghua, Ma Qiankun and others have their eyes brightened.

   I just heard Wu Qinghua hurriedly said: "Master Qingsi, why are you here?"

  The person who came is Duan Qingsi who almost came out of the original cemetery with Han Fei. The difference is that Han Fei was taken away by the Great Wanlin, and Duan Qingsi was given away by the historical projection of the Lord of Silence.

   Actually, soon after the two of them left the original cemetery, the projection of the Lord of Silence could not be preserved, and Duan Qingsi could only leave the second half.

   But Han Fei didn't use it. The Great Emperor Wanlin sent him that sea area, so his speed was faster. At this moment, Duan Qingsi had just come out and was about to pass by the nearest scavenger city.

   But I walked through one and found that the emperor there was slaughtered, and after two walks, the emperor there was still slaughtered.

   walked through several cities in a row, and found that all the kings of these cities had been slaughtered clean.

   To tell the truth, Duan Qingsi is fascinated by herself. When has the combat power of the City of Wanderers become so strong? Isn't it not long before the war started?

   If a lord of the Ten Thousand Scales tribe was beheaded, it might be strength. Two, maybe there is a coincidence. But three, four, and five are coming next to each other, which is a bit incomprehensible.

   As a result, before I found the root cause, I saw Wu Qinghua and others who were igniting violently.

   I just listened to Ma Qiankun hurriedly said: "Master Qingsi, hurry up to save Brother Ren. After he broke off for us, he confronted Pan Litian, the leader of the ten lords. Hurry up, go back quickly, and it will be too late."

   Duan Qingsi couldn't help but wonder: "Who? Which Ren brother?"

  Ma Qiankun: "Human Emperor Ren Tianfei! Didn't he participate in my lord's secret mission with you?"

   "The emperor will fly to the sky?"

   Duan Qingsi looked dazed: "I don't know this person!"


   Suddenly, Ma Qiankun and Wu Qinghua were all fascinated, so why didn't they know each other?

   Wu Qinghua was dumbfounded: "Brother Ren led us to slaughter the five great emperors, Master Qingsi, did he use another name when he was with you?"

   Duan Qingsi's heart moved, knowing that this person has a problem, and he is acting alone. Where did his teammates say? But no matter what, this person would rather face Pan Litian by himself and cover Ma Qiankun and their escape, and he should save him.

   Just listen to Duan Qingsi shouting: "Where is he?"


   Scavenger No. 93 Farm, Han Fei doesn't know who Ma Qiankun will meet. Anyway, he is now being beaten up badly. This Pan Litian is too strong, it seems that he can't beat it!

   At this moment, this Dao Guiyi Sword is already Han Fei's strongest method. Even so, he wasn't sure whether he could hold that imperial sword.


   Pan Litian was also surprised. After seeing Han Fei's sword, he couldn't help frowning.

  Han Fei’s sword is very strong, and I feel that there are many Taoist rhymes in it, and there is even a faint heaven hidden in it, and the aura of ten thousand celestial spirits bursts out, if it is an ordinary emperor, it can't stop it at all.

   With Han Fei's sword alone, Pan Litian concluded that this guy might be qualified to enter the top ten lord level. Of course, not now, but when Han Fei can use such combat power as he wants.

   What made Pan Litian feel bad was that the drop of sword intent that Han Fei injected into this sword greatly strengthened the power of his sword.



   Sword intent ripples, under the frenzied eruption, all the surrounding ice for hundreds of thousands of miles collapsed, and where the sword's edge was opposite, a black hole burst out of the endless void.

   At that moment, Pan Litian saw a flash of golden light, and when he swept his eyes, he found that Han Fei was already 600,000 miles away and was fleeing frantically.


  Pan Litian was also speechless. What should you do, all the explosions broke out, and you turned your head and ran away? Do you still have the attitude that a strong man should have?

   Pan Litian just wanted to chase after him, but suddenly there was another sensory sweep, isn’t Duan Qingsi who is it? Duan Qingsi also glanced at the golden light that Han Fei had gone away, and said that he could run in Pan Litian's hands. It was indeed very strong.

   "Duan Qingsi?"

   Pan Litian frowned, where did this piece of green silk emerge from?

   At this moment, Duan Qingsi looked at the terrifying power that had just exploded. She really couldn't imagine. When did the City of Wanderers have such a strong man?

   has an unparalleled body and a world of magic, can penetrate the enemy's original sea, and return safely.

   If there is such a person, how could she not know? But now, when she saw this person and Pan Litian's terrible battle, she was even more confused.

   This person is definitely not in the city of wanderers. There are very few who can match Pan Litian like this, even in the City of Wanderers.

   Moreover, what this person told Ma Qiankun and the others was that he actually went on a secret mission with himself, and he was used by others when he co-authored himself.

   Of course, Duan Qingsi has no time to manage that person at this moment. Judging from the last scene after he escaped, it looked like he had been hit hard.

   This person was running with golden blood, and he didn't even want to drop a drop of blood. He was a cruel person.

   I only heard Pan Litian snorted coldly: "I ran one, and then another. Duan Qingsi, I didn't meet you on the front line. Why, you have fallen to the weak point behind the oppressive scavengers?"

   Duan Qingsi's eyes were cold. She came back to save someone. Now that person ran away by herself, she didn't have to save herself. The news that the jade slip was broken, indicating that the army has withdrawn, this is not the time to fight Pan Litian.

   I only heard Duan Qingsi's voice and said coldly: "This is the result of the city of scavengers intervening in the war between the city of wanderers and the city of primitives. Wanderers, never fear war."

  Pan Litian squinted his eyes and said: "I heard that the Lord of Silence is also from the Human Race. Wait, are you afraid that I will wait for this Human Race to start?"

   Duan Qingsi smiled contemptuously: "By you, dare you? Have you forgotten the battle where the Wanderers stormed the Primitive City?"

   After finishing speaking, Duan Qingsi left grandiosely, and Pan Litian didn't mean to do it.

   Pan Litian clearly knew that Duan Qingsi was different from the one Ren Tianfei who ran away. Ren Tianfei completely relied on secrets, treasures, and treasures to forcibly increase his strength and strike a powerful force with one or two blows.

   But Duan Qingsi is different. She can be listed as one of the four warlords in the city of wanderers. She is really strong, not weaker than herself. You can fight her on your own, but it is almost impossible to take her down.


   Several hours later, Ma Qiankun and the others were waiting for Duan Qingsi in a very remote place in the Scavenger City.

   When they saw this piece of blue silk, they greeted them one after another.

   "Master Qingsi, what's wrong? What about Brother Ren?"

   When only a few people saw Duan Qingsi coming back, their hearts sank.

   Duan Qingsi couldn't help being speechless: "A stranger, in a few hours, has your soul hooked away?"


   Ma Qiankun said: "Well, aren't we fellow daoists? I even played with Brother Ren."


Duan Qingsi was not so angry: "When I arrived, that guy had already run away and just staggered with me. If this person is from my homeless city, then I will definitely find him when I return. I'm afraid. He is not from my city of wanderers at all."

   Wu Qinghua: "Why? This person is a serious human race. If it is not ours, who is it?"

   Duan Qingsi: "Have you ever thought about it, what if this person is from the Primitive City?"

  Ma Qiankun said: "Can the primitive city have such a gentleman?"


I saw a piece of white hair swept away, Ma Qiankun was swept away directly, Duan Qingsi said with a black face: "He is the emperor, in case this is just his reason to emphasize his identity, so that the city of scavengers will know that I am a wanderer. The city is so rampant that it arouses the hatred of the Ten Thousand Scales race? If the Ten Thousand Scales race against this human race, with the identity and temper of my lord, will they fight the Scavenger City to the death?"


  Ma Qiankun and others ~www.readwn.com~ are all horrified. They have never thought that they might have such profound meanings.

   Duan Qingsi: "The hatred will deepen. This person has slaughtered five cities, what benefits has this person left for you? Apart from hundreds of millions of energy spars, what else is there?"

   Everyone looked at each other, if it was what Duan Qingsi said, then this Ren Tianfei's pattern is not small, and the pretending is so different, I really believe it.

   Duan Qingsi: "Go! The loss of this battle is certainly not small, the boss is dealing with the original city, we have to return to the city of the wanderers quickly."


   On the other side, Han Fei gave himself seven or eight apocalyptic magic techniques in a row. After 3,000 years of vitality was consumed, he paled and came over with a sigh of relief.

   is too strong, Pan Litian's sword is too strong, Faxiang Tiandi is penetrated, endless water is penetrated, Daoguiyi sword is also penetrated.

   If it weren't for his strong physique and many magic weapons, he might have already hacked him now.

   In that situation, once Pan Litian hacked him, the consequences would be disastrous.


   At this moment, Han Fei is almost reaching the mountain city. It was thanks to him that Duan Qingsi appeared at last, otherwise it would be a question of whether he could escape again when he encountered a powerhouse of Pan Litian's level.

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