God of Fishing

Chapter 2159: Emperor Wanlin

   Although Han Fei had seen the Great Wanlin once, it was a quick sighting. It may also be that the thoughts of the Great Wanlin were not on his body, so the Great Wanlin didn't find the problem at that time.

   But this time, before Han Fei came, he knew that he might see Emperor Wanlin.

   Even so, Han Fei came to control Xue Fei. Of course, his body of black mist was still far away, and he had already done enough countermeasures.

  What he wants to bet on is that Emperor Wanlin can't see his disguise and the puppets he controls.

   In Han Fei's view, the emperor is strong, but there should be limits. The temptation this time determined whether Han Fei could finally gain a foothold in the City of Scavengers.

The holy land of the Scavenger City, this is the place where Emperor Wanlin was submerged, but in Xue Fei’s impression, it is rare to hear that Emperor Wanlin was sitting in the city. Generally, it was Zhao Honghuang who was in the town. Everyone did not know that Emperor Wanlin was in the city. Present or not.

   There is a lonely mountain in the holy land, and all kinds of ordinary marine life are cruising around. This peak is as high as one hundred thousand feet, and there is a small palace made of black crystals on it.

  "Xue Fei" came to the bottom of the mountain, and said in an embarrassing manner: "Subordinate Xue Fei, pay homage to the emperor."

   "Xue Fei" lowered his head, and after waiting for more than ten breaths, he suddenly heard a voice saying: "Hold your head up."

   Han Fei heard the sound, and suddenly found something wrong. When he controlled Xue Fei to raise his head, his heart was shocked.

   He didn't move, and there was no space fluctuation around him. But he came from under the mountain to the palace above the mountain.

  Han Fei couldn't help but be surprised that the emperor's methods were so strong that they could not be noticed in the Open Heaven Realm?

   At this moment, even if Han Fei was just a bracelet, he did not dare to look at Emperor Wanlin. In order to prevent clues from being discovered, he could only look through Xue Fei's eyes.

  "Xue Fei" saw the scene change, and then raised his head to look up, and suddenly his body trembled, and said again: "Subordinate Xue Fei, come here to plead."

   Great Emperor Wanlin hummed softly, "What's the crime?"

   "Xue Fei" bit the bullet and said: "The subordinates failed to save the others. It is a serious crime to live alone."

The Great Emperor Wanlin sat on the throne, with a majestic attitude, and only listened to him: "You can live under Duan Qingsi's hands and avoid the projections of the Lord of Silence and the Anjia Emperor. For this alone, you should Proud enough, right?"

   "The subordinates dare not."

   The Great Emperor Wanlin said with a majestic voice: "Okay. This kind of cautious thinking is invisible to the emperor. Your strength is ordinary, but this time, you have slaughtered the three emperors, why?"

"Xue Fei" hurriedly said: "Given the great emperor, his subordinates have improved the way of nightmare. It is a pity that there is still a lack of physical and spiritual power. The emperor can be killed because of Zhang Wei, Long Yunfeng, and Zhang Li. The help. Otherwise, just relying on the subordinates, how can He De, even slaughter the three emperors."

   The Great Emperor Wanlin nodded slightly. Xue Fei said that, if he could even kill the three emperors independently, he would at least be in the top 20 of the lord rankings, and how could he be ranked 80.

Emperor Wanlin: "On this trip, you have also seen the Lord of Silence and the Twin Emperors of the Primitive City. When you come back, you should also know about the City of Wanderers attacking my scavenger sea area. Tell me, how do you feel? "

"Xue Fei" moved his heart, he wouldn't comment on the emperor rank level, but he moved his mind and turned his head and said: "The Great Emperor. After returning this time, his subordinates passed through several cities and found that Pihai Realm had almost been lost in large numbers. , But under the sea, the casualties were very small. The subordinates dare to think that the Lord of Silence must be feared by the great emperor, and dare not really start a war. Otherwise, they will slaughter the city all the way and destroy the foundation of my city of scavengers. As soon as the people fall, we are the strongest of the Ten Thousand Scales clan, and there will be faults."


  The Great Emperor Wanlin couldn't help taking a look at Xue Fei, and said that he was still a little bit knowledgeable.

"carry on."

   "Xue Fei" said again: "As long as the city of wanderers dare not start a real decisive battle, in fact, you don't have to worry about them too much. The subordinates think that this time the wanderers are coming, we are mostly implicated by the original city..."

   After finishing speaking, "Xue Fei" looked up at Emperor Wanlin, as if he wanted to see his reaction, and wanted to act by ear.

   However, the Great Emperor Wanlin looked solemn: "Go on."

"Xue Fei" could only bite the bullet and said: "Although this trip to the primitive cemetery is a round, but in this round, there is obviously a round. The subordinates take a nightmare and meet the queens and queens of the primitive city. , Zeng planted the Nine Nightmare, knowing that they really wanted to kill me, they didn’t want this to be known to others. Secondly, judging from the dialogue between you and the Lord of Silence, it seems that you have just participated in this battle. Subordinates I was thinking, if the emperor did not participate in this battle, what would be the result?"

   Great Emperor Wanlin moved his heart slightly. I have also thought about this question myself. If you don't participate in this battle, you will probably hit the Primitive City with the urinary nature of the City of Wanderers.

   The Lord of Silence is in charge of apocalyptic magic, which is basically Xiaoqiang who can't kill him. If he strikes the Primitive City again and kills at least a dozen Kaitians, he will definitely not run. Injured one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-defeating. If you really want to fight like that, the city of wanderers is definitely not much better. At that time, the city of scavengers is to reap the benefits of fishermen.

   However, because of his own participation, the City of Wanderers directly launched a war of this magnitude, and the warning meant that it was far greater than the original hatred of both parties.

"Xue Fei" continued: "The subordinates are thinking, your dispute with the city of wanderers is just because of the human race. Even if the original place, there is really a great secret. The greater the secret, the original city and the The greater the battle in the City of Wanderers. The more fierce the fight between them, in fact, there is no harm to my City of Scavengers!"

   The Great Emperor Wanlin seemed to have thought about what "Xue Fei" said, so he heard the speculation that "Xue Fei" said, but there was no reaction.

   I saw him solemnly: "Well, this matter, you have to completely forget it, don't mention it to anyone, you know?"

   "Xue Fei" naturally nodded again and again: "The subordinates must keep the secret and will never reveal a word to anyone."

The Great Emperor Wanlin nodded with satisfaction: "Although nothing happened this time, you are not bad. But the cultivation of the Open Heaven realm is mainly about comprehension. You lord, there is no shortage of resources. This emperor will reward you with a piece of mysterious loess. Mei Tian Dao Dan. As for what you can achieve, it depends on you."

   "Xue Fei" pretended to be overjoyed and quickly said: "Thank you for the great reward."

   Han Fei didn't even look at the piece of mysterious loess and a golden pill that had flown over. He put it away.

   "Well, let's quit! Zhao Honghuang said to the emperor that you are cultivating a good seedling. When you have cultivated it, you can go to No. 68 Farm as the lord!"

   "Xue Fei" rejoiced: "Thank you, the Great."

   As soon as Han Fei's voice fell, people had already appeared outside the Holy Land.

Until he completely left the Holy Land, his heart secretly despised: "It's just a small piece of mysterious loess plus a pill, so I'll be sent? It's a stingy to the extreme. As for the No. 68 farm, if you give it down. If so, it's not bad."

   In addition, since they let themselves pick people, naturally the stronger the better.

  The law enforcement battalion in the City of Scavengers is generally used to guard the City of Scavengers. It is a strong man born after a lot of selection.

   In the law enforcement camp, there are two kinds of powerhouses, one is the sea-breaking realm powerhouse of the Wanlin clan, and the other is the Wanlin clan powerhouse of other races of the Wanlin clan.

  As for talent selection, the Wanlin clan maintains the characteristic of being superior to the clan, and generally only seeks for the strong of the clan. Unless you see a particularly good powerhouse from another clan, you generally won't want it.

   In the entire law enforcement camp, in the most basic case, there are more than 30,000 strong people who are permanently stationed in the sea.

   In fact, of course there are more than that, and more, they are either in trials, or on missions, or patrols around the city.

   When Han Fei arrived, there was no need to reveal his identity. Someone had already recognized him.

   I saw an open-world law enforcement camp instructor who was very aggressive, grinning and said: "Father Xue Fei, Master Honghuang has already explained it. I am here in the sea-opening realm, you choose at will."

   Although Han Fei is not familiar with this person, he vaguely remembers that this person is called Chen Yanlai.

   "Xue Fei" smiled and said, "Brother Chen, can you really choose whatever you want?"

Chen Yan laughed and laughed: "As I told you, you can choose at will~www.readwn.com~ How about, brother, I will help you choose? To be honest, I have a batch of excellent seedlings here, and I can't bear to give it away. . Also, Brother Xue, can be favored by Master Honghuang, otherwise I wouldn’t tell him for ordinary people."

   "Xue Fei" grinned: "So thank you Brother Chen, I don't know how many people can I pick?"

   Chen Yan: "20."

   "Xue Fei" couldn't help frowning: "Is it only 20? Pihai in my city, except for my right-hand man, has fallen!"

Chen Yan patted Han Fei on the shoulder and said, "Brother Xue, there are not too many 20. Do you know how many lords come to ask for someone? Even if the entire army is wiped out, I can only give 15. Brother Xue, you come personally, Adding to the special confession of Lord Honghuang, this number can be found."

   "Xue Fei" nodded slightly. It is estimated that this time there are indeed many strong men who have fallen from the major cities. There are dozens of cities, and an average of three to five cities, then three to five hundred strong sea-breaking realms will be given.

   Pihai is not like a venerable person. It is not so easy to cultivate. Three to five hundred people were sent to him at once, which is indeed a lot of numbers. This is going to put aside the riots, three or five hundred kings, that would not dare to think.

   Simply, I just listened to "Xue Fei" saying: "Yes, there is Brother Lao Chen, but I'll take a look for myself first."

   Chen Yan: "Brother Xue is free. As long as you see it, you can take it away. By the way, Brother Xue, I have a few good human female cultivators, haha...you can do it yourself..."

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