God of Fishing

Chapter 2160: Terran Sisters

   Han Fei couldn't help but sink, what does Chen Yan mean? My Human Race female cultivator, that is also a dignified sea, have they all fallen to that point now?

   Originally, Han Fei was happily leading people, anyway, for the Wanlin tribe, there are still many strong people in the sea-breaking realm. Oneself is equivalent to picking 20 king puppets to go back, equivalent to misfortune 20 thousand scale clan powerhouses.

   Now, Han Fei's thoughts have directly changed.

   He only heard "Xue Fei" grinning suddenly: "Oh? There is such a good thing? Brother Chen, quickly show me."

Chen Yan also grinned, with a meaningful expression in his eyes, and only listened to him whisper: "Brother Xue, although they are human female cultivators, most of them are not very good tempered. And, you can't pick too much. Five, this is already the back door I opened specially for my brother. This has to be left alone, at most one, there is no discussion at all."

  Han Fei immediately clasped his fists: "Brother Chen, good brother. If anything goes to my mountain city in the future, my old Xuedang will treat me with great hospitality..."


   The two looked at each other and laughed. In fact, Chen Yan was annoyed. I told you to give you five. Do you really want it? The son of a tortoise, I knew I told him about three. I lost...


   Scavenger Law Enforcement Camp.

  In the city of scavengers, if you want to become a strong one, you have to become strong desperately. However, there is one type of person who is different, that is, human practitioners.

   In the entire law enforcement camp, human practitioners accounted for less than half of the total, or perhaps even less than half. Because under the pressure of the Wanlin tribe, under the pressure of cultivation in the human village, it is actually equally difficult to open the sea.

   is different from the Open Heaven Realm, which becomes stronger at every turn. It is a difficult point for the Venerable to go to the sea. This point is the same whether it is in the rioting sea or in the sea world.

   Take the mountain city as an example. There are nearly a million sages, but how many kings have appeared? Anyway, Han Fei saw only a few dozen. Perhaps with the addition of those sent to the main city, the number of people may be a bit more, but Han Fei does not think it will exceed 50. Open the sea.

   may be because the mountain city ranks relatively low, but this proportion of kings will not increase too much. At most, there are systematic training, trials, and life-and-death battles in law enforcement camps. This kind of high-intensity squeezing behavior may double the proportion of kings by two times. If you think about it, you can only rely on time and qualifications.

   At this moment, the law enforcement camp, the gathering place of the human race.

   Several celebrity female cultivators are discussing the path of spiritual practice.

   "Sister Yingyue, my Jade Immortal Art feels like it has come to an end. Although the energy crystals in the Primordial Sea are barely enough, the Primordial Sea is still a bit misty. Is my resource too single?"

The woman called Yingyue, her heroic aura, her face seems to have undergone some changes in her face, she only sighed slightly: "It is not only because of the single resource, the ingestion of chaotic energy, the transformation of fairy energy, and the body The strength of this will affect the Origin Sea. Collect more energy crystals, and when you rest, go to the city to replace them with various resources. No matter what resources are, they are better than energy crystals."

   The person asked: "But, how long does it take to replace? Our energy crystals are not very abundant. If this is replaced, the amount of exchange may be enough to fill hundreds of miles of the original sea."

Yingyue: "No matter how little you have, you have to change it slowly. If it doesn't work in one year, it will be a hundred years. If it doesn't work in a hundred years, it will be a thousand years. You can see that if you look at Wen Ruqing, she has changed for almost 3000 years. More than 60,000 miles have been opened."

   Not far away, a woman named Wen Ruqing said: "But first of all, you have to survive. If you have a chance, you will have to replace your weapon. The weapon that suits you best will greatly increase your chances of survival."

   I only heard another woman sigh: "Three thousand years! Only sixty thousand li. How long will it take to open up the original sea of ​​100,000 li?"

Wen Ruqing shook his head slightly: "Don't go too far. If you have enough resources, you don't have to be for three hundred years, but you don't. Moreover, it doesn't mean that you have the capital to open up one hundred thousand miles. Although you can sense the opportunity to open the sky, if you open the sky rashly, it must be a death. You can't bear the baptism of thunder."

   Only Yingyue said: "So far, only three people have successfully opened the sky on our human side. Unfortunately, they fell accidentally."

   However, some people sighed: "Where is the accidental fall, I think it is murdered at all. They don't allow us to become stronger..."

   "Hush~ Don't talk nonsense, do you know the consequences?"

   At this moment, a familiar icy cry broke out in the void: "Assemble!"

   Everyone's heart moved, and only Yingyue said: "No, there must be someone here to ask someone. Try to hide your strength and make yourself ugly."


   Following Chen Yan's order, he saw the figures instantly take their place.

Han Fei thought about it. There were a total of 418 people. Among them, there were 352 men and only 66 human female cultivators. Han Fei understood why Chen Yan was so thief and said that there were several human female cultivators. This ratio is indeed small. .

Chen Yan looked ruthless, and his voice was cold and cold: "This person next to me is Lord Xue Fei, Lord of the Mountain City. Today, your blessings have arrived. You can follow Master Xue Fei to his territory and dominate one side. Okay. , All female sisters, go out."


   After a while, countless people raised their heads one after another, why only choose female sisters? This is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened, how can they not understand it in their hearts?

   For a while, the human race is strong, with an ugly face, daring to be angry but not speaking. Han Fei could even feel their anger, but they couldn't do anything, they could only watch this happen.

  Han Fei sighed, wondering when they came to Scavenger City to seek opportunities, have they ever thought that there will be today? Therefore, people have to rely on themselves. Relying on other people's hands to seek opportunities, this possibility is very slim.

  Even, Han Feixin said that you don’t understand, even if you get some chance here and your strength reaches the Open Heaven Realm, what can you do?

   How many strong people of the Ten Thousand Scales Tribe in the Open Heaven Realm? There is also the Great Emperor Ten Thousand Lins pressing on it. Apart from surrender, there is no other possibility at all.

   At this moment, Han Fei can only save a few. Even if he is a human emperor, in this situation, he can only forbearance. Only when one day reaches the strength of Gu Tingnan, is he qualified to break the deadlock of the human race being enslaved.

   In fact, Gu Tingnan is already good enough, but after all, he can't change the status quo. Therefore, Han Fei has to be stronger than Gu Tingnan.

   At this time, Chen Yan also transmitted Han Fei's voice: "Look, the human race is like this, no matter what, they can bear it. But they are wild in their bones. Brother Xue will have to train when he goes back."

   "Xue Fei" responded: "That's natural, just a few human races, can Xue not control it?"

   Chen Yan said: "Brother Xue, please..."

   Chen Yan meant that Xue Fei began to choose.

   I only saw the gaze of "Xue Fei" and swept across the crowd. It was obvious that there was another polarization in the Human Race female cultivator.

   A kind of female cultivator is completely unconcealed, her face looks extremely delicate and gorgeous, and she even tries to push her strength to the peak state. These people seemed to have seen through what "Xue Fei" wanted to do, and they only wanted an opportunity to leave the city of scavengers and develop independently.

   There is another kind, which is a little concealed. They don't seem to want to be enslaved by an insignificant lord like "Xue Fei". Some even deliberately show hidden injuries, and deliberately make themselves ugly.

   If you only slightly twist your facial features, it is not a disguise, but it is a bit ugly to feel intuitively. Anyway, for the Ten Thousand Scales tribe, they are actually a bit blind when looking at humans, and they can only choose the group that feels the best among the blindness.

  Even if they can detect the slightly disguised female sisters, but they don’t like that face, who still wants it? Why not find a few charming and proactive.

   There are only 66 female cultivators in total, and Han Fei scans them one by one and it won’t take much time.

  Han Fei can see who is strong and who is weak almost at a glance, so Han Fei no matter whether they want it or not, he points his finger and said, "That, that, and that... I..."

   At this time, I just listened to Chen Yan: "Brother Xue, there is no other pair of sisters. The qualifications are pretty good."

  Han Fei followed Chen Yan's gaze, and he did see two similar ones, but both of them had slightly distorted their facial features, so they didn't notice much similarity just now.

   Those two girls ~www.readwn.com~ When they saw Chen Yan and "Xue Fei" looking at them, their hearts suddenly became tight. At that time, they were all ill.

   Xue Fei said: "That's them."

   Chen Yan smiled in his heart and said to pretend to be with me, can I not know what you are thinking? It's a pity that the sisters' flowers were originally intended to be cultivated and then sent out. Who knew that Xue Fei didn't know what he had done, and he was paid attention to by Lord Honghuang.

   Chen Yan saw that the five people had already been decided, and he said: "Yingyue, Jiang Ya, Jiang Liuyu, Wen Ruqing, Chu Lingyu, Er and others have entered Lord Xue's original sea."

   Immediately, Yingyue said: "Master instructor, Jiang Ya and Jiang Liuyu are only new kings, and the original source sea is less than 30,000 miles away. I am afraid that they will fall into the team of Lord Xue. Should I be replaced by hers?"



   Following Chen Yan's cold snort, Yingyue immediately sprayed blood, her face pale.

   I only heard Chen Yan: "What do you think you are thinking, the emperor doesn't know? If you dare to question the emperor, die."

   Han Fei sneered, Chen Yan, right? This person has remembered that he will kill the number one person in the future. It is you.

   Xue Fei smiled coldly: "You guys, hurry up, the lord is in a hurry, please be happy."

   Yingyue still wanted to talk, but Jiang Ya held her back: "Sister Yingyue, let's go."

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