God of Fishing

Chapter 2167: Which warrior is this?

Three years later.

   I saw a big dog galloping in the sea, with a person riding on the dog's back. This person was holding a spear, wearing a golden ring, and a red silk neck.

   Behind him, a large group of tens of thousands of maple snails braved ominously, chasing them all the way.

   At the other end, there is a large piece of flying star fish, coming head-on.


   When two large groups of ominous creatures collided, in the torrent of collision, only a tip of the gun was seen swimming among the fish and snails. Whenever there was a soft "click", an ominous creature had fallen.

   You must know that although using pure stone to purify ominous creatures is the safest method, this does not mean that ominous creatures cannot be killed by other means. It's just that even after they die, there will be an ominous atmosphere, so everyone is unwilling to take risks and fight against ominous creatures.

   However, Han Fei’s Nezha body is an external incarnation who has been fighting until the Sea-Free Realm. From the appearance of this external avatar, he was fighting until Han Fei found Jiugongtian. Even if Nezha clone stayed in Jiugongtian, he was still fighting in trials.

   This external incarnation, Han Fei let it go, and evolved into the image of a fighting madman today.

   I only saw Han Feizai's body in this large wave of ominous creatures, like a fish and a dragon, without a trace of ominous air that could contaminate him.

   "Papa Papa~"

   I only heard this wave of fish and snails, like beans bursting, crackling, just half an hour, without the purification of the pure stone, there is only one living thing left here.

   Han Fei stretched out his hand and sucked away the energy spar that was floating in the sea water, watching a large amount of ominous air being swallowed by the last maple snail, its strength skyrocketed to the sea-breaking realm.

   As for Han Fei, who was already prepared, the tip of the fire spear burst into flames, leaving a fire mark in the sea, and the big snail exploded in an instant.

Wielding a round of fiery spear, Han Fei slapped the head of the spear to his shoulder, patted the tengu and said: "Lick the dog, I heard that the city of wanderers and the city of scavengers will be a group of primitive graves. , Set it as the front-line battlefield. Go, go and see."

   Tengu: "Master, the battlefield! There must be many strong people. There must be strong people in the Open Heaven realm. We take the initiative to send them there. What if people don't look at me?"

   Han Fei: "Don’t forget, we are now wanderers, casual cultivators, and travelers from the Tiankeng world. As long as we can fight, can the city of wanderers not be?"


   The City of Wanderers and the City of Scavengers are bordered, and the two sides are separated by a group of primitive cemeteries. And the primitive city, in fact, there are also a large number of strong people stationed here. The three parties stipulated that the group of primitive cemeteries should be turned into trial grounds, and some battles that occurred in the middle were a matter of life or death.

   In short, the three major forces in the Chaos Wasteland have always been competitive, or hostile.

   At this moment, in this battlefield, a group of 7 Wanderers is under siege by the Wanlin Clan.

   On the Wanlin clan side, there are as many as 14 people in the sea-breaking realm, which is double the difference.

   At this moment, just listening to the vagrant, a human race vagrant shouted: "No, this time, the primitive cemetery is basically a trap. Anyway, you have to find a way to rush out and pass the news to the rear."

   only saw one of them, turned into a green snake, and drank: "Who will break with me? These people are obviously premeditated, Sun Youcai, you are the fastest. Only you can run out here, hurry up."

   The person called Sun Youcai is the strong human race, but his face is also extremely ugly at the moment: "How can I live alone?"

   Someone shouted: "This is the time, are you going to be wiped out?"


   saw three white lights, flashed by in an instant, it turned out to be the three speed-type powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Scales clan, who were going to kill Sun Youcai.

   "Want to escape? You have already killed three people, and they couldn't run away just now. Can you let you run now?"

   "Boom boom boom~"

   The three of them intercepted Sun Youcai, and the other took out a black bead and squeezed it. After a while, the surrounding void was allowed to be imprisoned. The big snake among the few people in the city of wanderers, its giant tail hit the air, and a jade bead shimmering with white light spit out from its mouth.

   I only heard someone shout: "Brother Jun, that is your natal pill."

   The green snake shouted: "People are going to die, what's the use of this pill bead?"


   A huge piercing force swept thousands of miles around. However, the imprisoned void was only slightly damaged and condensed instantly.

   I only heard the Wanlin Clan smiled and said: "This is the void poison of the Open Heaven Realm. Can you be a king who can break it?"


  While speaking, the green snake was severed with a knife, and the others were too late to rescue them, because they were slowed down, and they were instantly hit by a group of ten thousand scale clan powerhouses, which can be said to be severely wounded.

   That Sun Youcai burned his blood and exploded. Seeing being hit by the three kings, he almost died. Suddenly, only a huge golden light cover came down suddenly, and the three Ten Thousand Scales clan powerhouses were caught off guard by the golden light cover.


   I only saw nine blue dragons holding their heads up, blowing terrifying flames, with infinite killing intent, hitting the three men with a single blow, and at the same time, in the flame, the seemingly strange power could actually burn the soul.

   The three kings of the Ten Thousand Scales clan cracked their bodies one after another under the terrible heat.


   When everyone was shocked that someone offered to help, they saw a figure holding a blazing spear, with a ten-foot red silk around the neck, and one foot on the huge mask that turned from gold to red.

  The sound wave shook in the hood, only to see the bodies of these three Wanlin clan experts burst apart.

   "Bold, who would dare to bad me wait for good things?"

   A strong man from the Ten Thousand Scales clan saw that he failed to sniper Sun Youcai, but was rescued by a human, and immediately sacrificed a Soul Eater.

   I saw a sneer at the corner of Han Fei's mouth. He shot the door with his backhand, and the Soul Eater burst directly on the spot. And the person who shot, suddenly only felt tight on his body, and was caught by a golden circle.

   "My name, Nezha, a traveler who walks in the dark. To die on my hand is the glory you cultivated in your last life."

   I saw Han Fei's feet, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Mantle retracted, only to hear the continuous loud noise of "Boom Boom Boom", the celestial phenomena changed, and the three people covered fell down at the same time.

  The person who was trapped by Han Fei tried to break free of the universe, but he found that some of his power was locked by this thing. When he wanted to call for help, he only listened to Han Fei's voice: "The sword opens the gate of heaven."


   The kings only saw a light and shadow passing by, and the person exploded directly.

   Han Fei stepped out and reached out a little bit in the void, this person fell again.

   From the appearance of Han Fei to the fall of the Four Kings, there was only a short period of time.

   Those few Ten Thousand Scales powerhouses are all amazed, where are these powerhouses coming from? Obviously, it only creates a sea level, but how can it be so strong?

   Only one person shouted: "Quit."

   They originally had fourteen people, but now they have become ten in a blink of an eye. And here in the City of Wanderers, suddenly there was a strong man like Han Fei, which instantly reversed the victory of the battle.

   But, just when they were retreating, the red silk on Han Fei's neck floated up. In the next moment, the red silk rose up within a thousand miles, directly trapping the room.

   just listen to Han Fei's voice: "Death will be your only destination. When the curtain is over, you will no longer feel the pain."

   Sun Youcai and the others only saw Han Fei stepping on the void, and if he walked in a leisurely courtyard, in his graceful steps, the spear ignored the void, the barrier, and the distance. Often a gun has just been stretched out, and the tip of the gun has shattered a person.


   Sun Youcai and others were shocked: "So strong."

   Just look at the remaining strong people of the Ten Thousand Scales clan ~www.readwn.com~ yelled violently, the blood exploded, and the scales on the body were shiny, seeming to be erupting the secret method.

   However, Han Fei chuckled slightly. His body began to change. Behind him, on the shoulders, two more heads appeared, and two more arms appeared on his body.

   I saw that Han Fei was holding a gun in both hands, holding the circle of the universe in one hand, a sword in the other, and Hun Tian Ling in both hands, and one person entered the battle.

   just heard the green snake roar: "Thanks to fellow daoists, brothers, kill!"

   Han Fei alone, turned the situation around, when everyone recovered, Han Fei had already killed six kings. They only felt that they seemed to be fighting side by side with the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse.

   After a while.

   Over here, the strong one glanced over. Mainly, there is too much movement here. Even in the first-line battlefield, there is no reason to say that so many kings will fall all at once.

   Therefore, the powerhouses in the City of Wanderers and the City of Scavengers all set their sights on here.

   Soon, they only saw an indifferent young man with three heads and six arms, one person erupted, making the seven kings of the city of wanderers gloomy.

   At this moment, Han Fei slashed the two kings with one enemy and two.

   The Open Heaven Realm powerhouse in the City of Wanderers was shocked: "Whose warrior is this? I don't know at all?"


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