God of Fishing

Chapter 2168: Wandering is my destiny

   Those people like Sun Youcai have never imagined that the sea level can be so strong. It's not that they have never seen a powerful king, even if they have opened up a hundred thousand miles of origin sea, they have seen many of them.

   However, it is unheard of to be able to kill the enemy like Han Fei as if he is performing an artistic powerhouse.

  Fourteen kings of the Wanlin clan, Han Fei killed eight of them alone, which left Sun Youcai speechless. Isn't this person's origin sea already open to 100,000 miles?

   Actually, they guessed right. Han Fei has a huge amount of resources, and he can't use it anymore. When the contract spirit beast and the talented spirit beast can't be used, he can only use it for Nezha clone!

   is also due to the Nezha clone, super strong combat foundation and excellent foundation, which can carry so many resources to improve himself. Now, the reason why Nezha clone is released is to digest the swift and violent improvement brought by this 100,000 li Origin Sea.

   And Zhang Daqian's body incarnation is not that he can't quickly open the sea, but there is no suitable environment for the time being. It is better to practice under the eyelids.

   No, the war ended. The City of Wanderers completed an extreme counter-kill. Under the effect of Huntianling's ban, none of the 14 kings of the Wanlin clan could escape.

   I only saw Han Fei retracting his three heads and six arms, carrying a fire-tipped spear in one hand, Hun Tian Ling tied to his neck, and the universe trapped on his wrist. The Nine Dragon God Fire Cover and Yin Yang Sword were made by Han Fei himself, but they didn't have the characteristics of Nezha, they were prepared as additional weapons.

   However, this set of gorgeous Dinghai Bizarre Treasures shocked all the kings, and asked how much it would cost to get so many treasures?

   When fighting, you can have six hands, and only the ones that fail, it’s the one in front of you.

   Of course, in addition to weapons, Han Fei's own strength is also extremely strong, whether it is speed, physical, or kendo, guns, strength, and spirit attack methods, there is no difference, it is basically an almighty existence.

   At this moment, several people from Sun Youcai thanked Han Fei.

   "You are talented in the next grandson, thank you fellow daoists. Fellow daoists generously acted, saving me is tantamount to distress, this life, I will wait for a few people to owe you."

The green snake that almost fell, also paled, and bowed to Han Fei: "Jun Xing thanked brother for saving his life. Great grace does not say thank you. If you need it in the future, Jun Xing's life is your brother. of."

   However, Han Fei showed an arrogant appearance, with his head held high, but he nodded slightly: "It's easy, don't make such a fuss."

   Sun Youcai smiled and said, “It’s a simple effort for Brother Nezha, but for me, but for saving my life, I should be thankful. I don’t know which Brother Nezha is from? Why did he appear on the battlefield?"


Han Fei took a look at a few people and said: "I come from the Tiankeng world in the East China Sea. I heard that in the Chaos Wasteland, there is a place called the City of Wanderers. It is the home of the Wanderers. I just heard about you. This is the dialogue between the two."

   Someone from Sun and a few from Jun Xing looked at each other, and they all showed surprise.

   Jun Xing swallowed and said, "Old Sun, Tiankeng World! Legend has it that the largest battle zone in the Sea Shenzhou in the Middle East is said to fight against undead creatures and evil demons every day."

Sun Youcai replied: "You can see this by just looking at this shot method. I have never seen such a hit. How far is it from the tiankeng world to the chaotic wasteland? How far is he going? coming."

Hearing Sun Youcai hurriedly laughed and said, "So, Brother Nezha came from the legendary world of Tiankeng? Really rare, we are the people of the City of Wanderers. However, the City of Wanderers is not here, where we are now, It is the battle zone of the three major forces in the Chaos Wasteland. There are three major forces in the Chaos Wasteland. They are the City of Our Wanderers..."

  Han Fei listened to Sun Youcai's remarks, a little indifferent: "The battlefield? Why, do you have to participate in the battle here first to join your city of wanderers?"

  Sun Youcai: "Of course not. I am the city of the homeless, and welcome all casual repairs in the world. As long as it does not violate the principles of the city of the homeless, that is, you must not destroy the homes of the homes and betray the creed of the homeless."

   Han Fei: "What creed?"

   When talking about the creed, only Sun Youcai said: "All races have the right to survive. The homeland is not allowed to be defiled by anyone, including myself."

  Han Fei obviously felt that Sun Youcai was a little excited, and only listened to him: "This sentence was said by the Lord of Silence himself, and I will treat it as a guideline."

Just listen to Jun Xing Dao: "In my city of wanderers, as long as we abide by the creed, don't betray, don't abandon, this is the prosperous age, the most perfect place in the East China Sea Shenzhou. The current war is inevitable, and we must be in the war. , To defend the homeland of the wanderers."

  Han Fei's heart moved. As expected, the strong are always strong. Gu Tingnan's courage and methods cannot be underestimated. It was not easy to be able to take so many people out of the riots at the beginning, and to build such a city in the chaotic wasteland today.

   Listening to the tone of these people, you almost want to enshrine Gu Tingnan as a god, and you know where the city is really strong.

   This is true faith, the faith that everyone works hard for a goal.

   I saw the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused: "It suits my liking, then where should I join?"


At this moment, a figure walked out of the void, but when he saw Sun Youcai, he hurriedly saluted: "I have seen an injustice, and there is something important to report to you. The primitive cemetery No. 9527 we found is a fake. The strategy of the Wanlin clan. I was ambushed and hunted down by the Wanlin clan. Xiaofeng, Night Wolf, and Chen Yu accidentally fell down... We were lucky enough to be saved by Brother Nezha... Oh, Nezha Brothers are from the Tiankeng World of Shenzhou in the East China Sea..."

I saw the person who came and said: "I have heard, Nezha, a traveler walking in the dark. The combat power is amazing, and he is covered in treasure. If nothing else, you have almost reached the pinnacle of the Sea-Piercing Realm. That's it. Strength is nothing more than an opportunity to open up the sky..."

After speaking, this person introduced himself: "I am Jiang Buping of the city of wanderers, Chaos Wasteland, one of the warriors in the cemetery battlefield. I am responsible for the exploration of some primitive cemeteries and the trial mission of the cemetery battlefield. Your Excellency has just been an enemy. 10. I have seen the performance of combat power with my own eyes. If your Excellency wants to join me in the city of wanderers, we naturally welcome it. Of course, if you disagree with the purpose of our wanderers, you can also choose to leave. You save me People, I will give enough certain resources to make up for it."

  Han Fei carried a gun on his shoulder and raised his head slightly: "This belief is very good. I will join, but are you afraid that I have a problem?"


Just listen to Sun Youcai: "Brother Nezha, maybe you don’t know enough about our city of homeless. From the establishment of the city of homeless until now, none of the people who harm our homes of homeless are still alive. Even if it’s my lord The Lord of Silence, personally makes a move and enters the enemy's main city, and will kill that person."

   After a while, Sun Youcai and others' eyes lit up, and they knew that a person who could deliberately search for the City of Wanderers from a place as far away as the Tiankeng World would definitely have some persistence in his heart.

   However, Han Fei immediately said again: "However, I will only join temporarily. After I open the sky, I will still leave."

   Jiang Buping frowned slightly: "Why? Believe me, the rise of the City of Wanderers will happen sooner or later. As more and more people recognize us, we will naturally become stronger in the future."

   Han Fei shook his head: "Wandering is my destiny. What you pursue is the homeland, and what I pursue is the preaching, which is the further road after the preaching. A short stay will not change my original intention."

Jiang Buping was a bit difficult for a while. He felt that with Han Fei’s current strength, opening the sky could be a matter of time. He didn’t know that Han Fei would have to spend hundreds of years to digest the power of Origin Sea, so he only hesitated. What happened is that if Han Fei stole any information in the City of Wanderers and then left, where would he go to find him?

   Just listen to Jiang Buping said: "With your strength, I can report the Four World Wars in the City of Wanderers for confirmation~www.readwn.com~ If they think it’s okay, you can stay in the City of Wanderers."

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "When will it be visible?"

Jiang Buping: "My city of wanderers has just fought with the other two forces in the Chaos Wasteland. Today, the situation on the battlefield of the cemetery is tense, and it may take a while. If you don't mind, you can join me with me. Just adapt. It just so happened that Sun Youcai's team has lost three strong sea-breakers. According to our ten-man team's practice, I will give you two more kings. You will be led temporarily, and Sun Youcai will be the deputy captain, you see how is it?"

   Jiang Buping is a pity for talent, and it is indeed because Han Fei’s outbreak is too strong. In any major power, it is not uncommon to open up the sea. However, there are also strong and weak points in the sea-opening realm, such as Han Fei, basically cannot be judged as a normal sea-opening realm strong. The threat he posed at the level of the sea-clearing realm is almost comparable to that of the open-sky realm. Who is not rare for such a strong person?

   Just listen to Han Feidao; "I'm not used to crowds, just these few people are enough."

Jiang Buping is eager for Han Fei to not want it. The sea-breaking realm powerhouse is also scarce. Wars are repeated, and the strong are moving around. It is commonplace. Han Fei doesn’t want it. It just saves two sea-breaking realm powerhouses. .

   Moreover, this team, because of Han Fei's joining, whether it is the Primitive City or the City of Wanderers, I am afraid who will die.

"it is good!"

   Jiang Buping responded.

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