God of Fishing

Chapter 2170: Origin of the World

   There is no body, no matter how strong Han Fei is, it is only the pinnacle of the sea-breaking realm.

   Moreover, this peak is to be discounted. Everyone thought that Han Fei had reached the limit of the sea-opening realm. In fact, only he knew it. It was just that Nezha had a good foundation, but the limit of distance was still far away.

   As soon as the team member had an accident, Han Fei shot a backhand, and a spear shot through four consecutive shots, directly smashing that piece of gauze mist.

   However, when a large area of ​​sand fog was penetrated, the person was already bloody. Seeing the huge amount of white sand rushing up under him, only Han Fei was seen rushing out of the void, turning into a blade, sweeping around more than a dozen shots, and finally picked up the man.

   "Thank Captain for your help."

   Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Everyone, follow me."

   At this time, running outside is definitely not good. Han Fei took out the nautical universal instrument between his hands, and muttered silently in his heart: "The weakness of the Devouring Worm."

   I only saw the circle of universe turned into a sky round wheel, crazy assault, and the chaotic energy in Han Fei's body was being consumed in large quantities. These things can't be smashed in plain sight, but they are actually very powerful.

  Sun Youcai: "Captain, leave us alone. It is said that this devouring insect can borrow the power of the world when it devours the origin of the world, so we are equivalent to being an enemy of this world."

   Han Fei snorted coldly: "I have never seen such a weakened world. It has already become a cemetery. Even if I regain some vitality, what can I do? Let me keep up..."


   A few people followed Han Fei all the way, eight consecutive shots along the way, I was afraid that it would be about a million miles away, except for Han Fei, everyone else's reserve of Chaos Qi was basically used up.

   Jun Xing: "Captain, I will be exhausted, you don't care about us, think of a way to run."

   Someone shouted: "Captain, do you want me to wait until I join the sand sea before you are willing to leave?"

   At this moment, Han Fei sensed that sandstorms appeared in all directions.

   At this moment, a pointing opportunity of the Vientiane Navigation Instrument has been used up. There are two remaining, so I have to pinch a bit.

  Although I have my own jade slip protector, I don’t want to use it as a last resort. Oneself, is to come out to experience, not to ask the body to help after coming out.


   only saw a large golden light cover coming, and the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover directly protected Sun Youcai and several people in it.

   Han Fei said indifferently: "A demon plant, no matter how large you are, it is nothing more than a small tool. Licking the dog, come out..."


   Han Fei grabbed the licking dog out, and rode up: "Guzi, this piece of white sand has the ability to devour flesh and soul. If you don't want to die, you will reveal your ability to devour heaven and earth."

   At that time, the whole dog was not good at licking the dog: "Master, how can I eat so much sand? Or should I use the sky shield technique and leave?"

Han Fei: "I can't go. If there is no accident, hundreds of thousands of miles around are covered by this white yarn. We are considered a trap. If you can't burst into the power of devouring the world today, you can support me until I find this creature. Flaws, your master, I have to die with you."


   Licking the dog exclaimed: "Master, don't scare me. Also, you said this sand is a creature? What kind of realm would it have for such a big creature?"

  Han Fei sneered; "Where's the realm of scattered sand? It's just a weak borrowed force. Hurry up, don't dawdle, or when you die, I will call the body projection to help."


   Licking a dog is the kind of personality that doesn't rush and doesn't attack. It is timid by nature and delicious. But eating sand, this was the first time, this guy was forced to rush into the white sand by Han Fei.


   I only saw Hun Tian Ling rolled into a cone shape, banging into the sandstorm with a "bang", opening the way for himself, and the licking dog had to open a big mouth.

   This kind of swallowing, and the kind of swallowing crazy, have the same effect. But the swallowing power of the licking dog can cover a surrounding area. Just licking the dog does not seem to want to swallow too much of this sand, so the area covered is not large, only about ten meters.

   "Master, this sand is a bit sloppy. It has severely slowed down my speed. I can't run fast at all! The speed is more than ten times slower. Can you get rid of this thing quickly?"

   "Shut up, you talk a lot."

   In Han Fei's hand, the Vientiane Navigation Device pointed clearly, and only listened to Han Fei's words: "Dogzi, Tianfu."


   At that moment, only a light was seen walking through the sandstorm. This light broke out, and the speed of licking the dog broke out about four times.

   Han Fei sneered, no matter how fast this devouring insect is, it is impossible to set off a sandstorm that spans hundreds of millions of miles in a short period of time. Since you want to use your strength to strangle yourself and others, there must be holes in the sandstorm.

   Therefore, when the licking dog's heaven escaped the great technique, only five breaths of effort, the Vientiane Navigation Device responded.


   only saw Han Fei jump down from the dog licking. The two swords of yin and yang are united, one sword opens the gate of heaven, only the white yarn is annihilated as quickly as possible.

   I only saw that in this sandstorm, a fruit unexpectedly appeared. This fruit was the only green in this sandstorm. Han Fei slashed, and the rhizome connecting the fruit broke, only to see the million miles of white sand, as if out of control, it broke into pieces in an instant and fell from the sky.

   "Sure enough, the open sky realm of fart is nothing more than a piece of scattered sand borrowed part of the power. If it is really open sky power, I can't get here at all."

   Han Fei reached out and grabbed the fruit that was suspended in the air, but unfortunately there was no demon pot, and he couldn't see exactly what it was. However, this fruit is transparent, like a light green glass ball, filled with flowing gas.

   After a while.

   I saw the licking dog's eyes staring brightly: "Master, do you want to eat it for me? This thing looks delicious."

   "Fuck off! I haven't eaten it before, let me eat it?"

   After a while.

When Han Fei rode the licking dog back to the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Hood, people like Sun Youcai couldn't help but exclaimed: "Captain, you are... this is all done? This is the Devouring Worm! Open the sky! ..."

   A group of people swallowed frantically.

   Originally, when the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover came down, they were very regretful and shouldn't let the captain waste a piece of such a good Dinghai strange treasure.

   But, how long has this special time passed? This sandstorm of hundreds of thousands of miles was broken down?

Just listen to Han Fei indifferently: "There have never been any creatures in the Open Heaven realm here. The Devouring Worm just borrows the power of the world's origin, and its main power is Devouring, and it does not have a strong combat attribute. Otherwise, if it opens A strong man in the heavens, you can't stop any tentacles. This thing just looks bluffing."

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei took out the fruit he grabbed without hesitation. Although he is not sure if this thing is the origin of the world. But thinking about it, it must have something to do with the origin of the world, because the entire sandstorm is supported by the power of this stuff.

   At this moment, everyone looked at the fruit that Han Fei took out and exclaimed: "This is the origin of the world?"

  Han Fei: "I don't know, do you know?"

  Sun Youcai: "I'm not so sure. Such high-end things are generally only qualified by the strong in the Open Heaven realm. We have never seen it before!"

Jun Xing said: "Captain, no matter what, this is definitely a good thing. With your current record, this material can be used as your own to convince the public. We are here to find the treasures of heaven, material and earth, yes, but this information is obviously problematic. . A creature so dangerous as the Devouring Worm actually hit a nine-star security intelligence. This intelligence sender was either really a mistake or omission, or it was the person’s problem. He sent this intelligence deliberately. So, no matter what, this You can accept everything, Captain."

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "Continue to explore, since it is a good thing, let's see how much it has."

   After finishing talking, Han Fei was going to put this thing in the original sea for temporary preservation, a normal person would do it.

   But, the moment when Han Fei put this fruit into the Origin Sea.


   I only saw Han Fei's body full of anger, and Sun Youcai was directly knocked out.


   It is extremely difficult for Han Fei to speak: "This thing cannot be put into the Origin Sea, give me the law protection."

  In other words, the land in Han Fei's Origin Sea is directly becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye. The concrete manifestation is that the entire Origin Sea is full of infinite vitality, a large number of spiritual plants are growing, and Chaos Qi can slowly and autonomously breed in the Origin Sea.

   This feeling ~www.readwn.com~ seems to be spring and everything is resurrected. The world of my own source sea is more like a real world.

   Han Fei directly produced a Ming Wu, this thing is more than ten times better than Xuan Huang Tu.

   If Xuan Loess can consolidate the Origin Sea, it can only play a role in strengthening the Origin Sea land. However, the origin of this world has been exaggerated. It has fully strengthened the origin sea, allowing the resources in the origin sea to integrate and unite with the origin sea more comprehensively.

   To speak bluntly, this world origin has not been able to make much breakthrough in strength, but it has made Han Fei feel his potential and suddenly skyrocketed.

after one day.

   The origin of the world finally ceased, and Han Fei felt that his strength had become less than half. However, the improvement of its own potential seems to be unknown, and it may be known after actual combat.

   Moreover, he felt that one piece of this fruit was not enough. Because he didn't feel the upper limit, it showed that this thing was completely within his carrying range.

   "No wonder, no wonder the people of the sea world are going crazy to explore the original place. This is just a primitive cemetery that has just shown signs of recovery, and someone has come to steal the origin of the world here. What if it is the real original place?"

   Han Fei secretly said that the origin of the turbulent world can give birth to a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Open Heaven realm. How much does it have to be, how strong is it?

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