God of Fishing

Chapter 2171: Singles King

   Having tried the power of the origin of the world, Han Fei felt that he had even been sublimated.

   When Han Fei woke up, Sun Youcai and others couldn't help but curiously asked: "Captain, what does it taste like?"

   Han Fei: "No taste. However, this thing can enhance potential."


   Sun Youcai looked at each other and was surprised, and he could also increase his personal potential. Wouldn’t it be possible to raise the growth limit of practitioners?

Jun Xing: "No wonder, such a good thing, no wonder Primitive City started so quickly. Now, this thing has been obtained by the captain, let them regret it! Captain, should we look for it again, what if there is still this thing? "

   After a while, Sun Youcai and others looked at Jun Xing as if they were idiots. Why are you stupid by the sand? This terrifying sandstorm, except for the captain, is unmatched by anyone else. What are you looking for?

   However, someone said: "It's okay to find it, but I think we must be more cautious next, at least not to become a drag."

Han Fei shook his head: "Under the world, how can there be so many good things waiting for us? And, because we killed the Devouring Insect, the people in Primitive City don't know if they will know in advance. Jun Xing, you and the dragon Second, Xu Zhen went back first, and immediately reported the issue of intelligence issues. Immediately let people come over to take over, the origin of the world here is indeed recovering. Sun Youcai and the remaining few people will look for it with me again, for a month, if Without encountering the Devouring Worm again, leave immediately."

   "Yes, Captain."

   Jun Xing and the others hurriedly left, while Han Fei and the others continued their search.

During the    period, Han Fei continued to search with the Vientiane Navigator. The Devouring Worm is definitely gone, but Han Fei discovered that the origin of the world still exists.

   So, in another half a month or so, a few people came to an abyss cave. Millions of miles around this cave are full of vitality, and the strongest creatures have reached the realm of explorers.

   And in that cave, there are some special forces escaping outside, and Han Fei feels that this is the origin of the world. However, when they are excited to stay here and learn the origin of the world. Han Fei found that this amount was too slow to dissipate, and it was almost impossible to achieve the effect of absorbing the origin of the world without a thousand years of eight hundred years.

   When Han Fei used the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler to measure this abyss cave, the test result was directly a "Desperate" sign, directly indicating a life of nine deaths.

   Han Fei admits that there is no need to take this risk. This time I have obtained a lot of world origins, and at least part of my strength has been consolidated and strengthened at one time, the origin sea has also been greatly improved, and the opportunity to blend with the heavens is also looming.

   To put it bluntly, Nezha, who might have needed thousands of years of experience, may now only need 500 years of experience. This is one of the powerful functions of the world's origin.

   One month later.

   Han Fei led Sun Youcai and the others back to the exit, but at this moment, the faces of a few people didn't look good.

  Sun Youcai: "Captain, there is a problem."

   Han Fei nodded slightly, and the three of them, Jun Xing, went back to report to their work. At this time, someone should be here to respond. But the exit here, there is no reaction at all.

   Someone said: "Oh! Junxing and others can't even understand this, we are still in the primitive cemetery. Out of caution, they will definitely come in to meet us. But now... outside, is there a trap?"

   Han Fei said: "If there is no accident, Jun Xing and the others should have had an accident. However, the fate monument they left with me has never been broken. As a result, there was only one, and they were captured."

   Everyone was shocked, and Sun Youcai said, "What should I do? Can you capture the three of them at once without even giving them the chance of self-destruction. Could it be that the opponent broke the rules of the cemetery battlefield and allowed the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse to take action?"

   Han Fei shook his head slightly: "Not necessarily! It may also be an advent technique."

What Han Fei had in mind was Anjia’s Descent Art. He had seen An Bai Rin’s Descent Art, which could bring a huge amount of power to an emperor through a world entrance, making that person directly possess it. The fighting power of the emperor. I have to say that this kind of descending technique is indeed terrifying.

   After a moment of contemplation, Han Fei: "You enter the sea of ​​my origin."

  Sun Youcai were shocked: "Captain, what if the opponent is really an Open Heaven Realm powerhouse? Or we will wait another two years inside?"

   Han Fei shook his head: "What about waiting for another two years? If the camp just sends some more teams, it will also fall into the ambush of the enemy. It just so happens that I also want to feel how strong the Open Heaven Realm is."

   Sun Youcai and others have always known that Han Fei is not an ordinary person, and following Han Fei over the past two years has also gained a lot of benefits. Now, just listen to how courage and heart Han Fei actually wanted to open the sky with a naval battle.

   If this battle is successful, this team will almost end. And Han Fei will definitely become a key role to train, or enter the Tianjiao Trial Ground to participate in some more difficult combat missions.



   As Han Fei and the others expected, Jun Xing and the three of them were indeed controlled. Headed by an Open Heaven Realm and twelve Kings of the Sea Realm, they are now suppressing the three of Jun Xing and the others in the square formation.

  It's just that the three of them are all wounded at the moment, and they look extremely weak, as if they have been reborn several times.

Just listen to Jun Xing roaring: "The cemetery battlefield does not allow the opening of the sky to take action. The strength of your arrival has long been beyond the scope of the sea opening. If this is known by my city of wanderers, even if you chase your primitive city, you will You kill?"

I saw the leader sneered: "Well, you are all dead, who would know? Unfortunately, you are not from the same batch. I did not expect that the guy named Nezha actually killed the Devouring Insect. Strength. It would be a shame if such a arrogant person is not obliterated."


   At this moment, only a void passage was opened. Just as the people in Primitive City were shocked, they were ready to take action.

   saw that in the passage, instead, there was a sword light that penetrated the sky, piercing straight out.

   "Huh! I found out that there was an ambush in advance?"

   "Captain, run."

   At that moment, Jun Xing burst into laughter.

   "Huh, since people come out, you are useless."

   "Boom boom boom~"

   only saw the primitive city side, the head of the person, several consecutive slaps on the heads of Jun Xing. How can Junxing and Xing be able to deal with the power of the Open Heaven Realm?

   The people in Primitive City were only slightly surprised, and they had already killed Han Fei.

   The kings shot together, even if Han Fei controlled the Open Heaven Sword Spectrum, he couldn't penetrate all of these people's power with a single sword.

   However, under Han Fei's sword, the few kings who rushed to the front were still injured.

  When Han Fei came out, there was a crack in the road. The three of Jun and Xing were killed by the people of Primitive City in a blink of an eye.

   Suddenly, Han Fei's heart was full of anger: "What a primitive city, now that the strong are fighting for the front, have they all played the ambush?"

Just listen to the person in Primitive City who laughed: "Well, you should be the one, the one who has been very famous recently... Isn't it? I heard that you are very powerful, and it just so happens that I like to torture and kill Tianjiao the most. Give you a ride."

  Han Fei sneered: "Is there only 12 of you? Is such a small number of people enough for me to fight?"

   "Arrogant...Fighting the sky to battle the formation."

   I only saw that, except for the leader, the others stood proudly in the void, with a triangular mark on the center of their eyebrows, glittering, with a radius of more than ten thousand miles, and the void frozen.

   Immediately, these 12 people, each holding a sword, turned into thousands, and the void here turned into a sea of ​​swords.

Just listen to that leader smile and watch Han Feidao: "The most **** thing is that you stole the origin of the world that should belong to this seat. This seat will rip off your origin sea, and take all the things that should belong to this seat, one by one. Get it back."


   Only saw Han Fei transform into three-headed six-armed, fire-pointed spear, Hun Tian Ling, universe circle, yin and yang sword, held in his hand in a blink of an eye.


   has many hole cards from the main body, which is different from the super burst. Nezha's body is better at fighting in chaos. I saw his figure gleaming in this sea of ​​swords.

   Fighting with the sea-opening realm of these primitive cities, the chief of the primitive city originally wanted to watch a play. But when Han Fei had a spear light, it contained heavenly aura and directly exploded a king with a single shot.

   "Huh! No! How can it be so strong in a mere sea-opening realm?"

   When this person saw that the situation was not right, he immediately shot himself.

   However, a strange fire descended, enveloping the entire banned void. Nine black dragons breathed fire and surrounded this person.

   "Humph! On!"

   With the explosion of this person's triangle seal, the nine fire dragons collapsed, but they reunited in a blink of an eye.

  Han Fei sneered: "This is the best Dinghai Bizarre Treasure, you are just part of the power brought down by the descent technique~www.readwn.com~ Why do you break it?"

   With Han Fei's hands together: "Nine Dragons are in trouble."

   is that the person possesses the power of the Open Heaven Realm, and for a while, he was trapped by the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.

   followed, and he saw a gorgeous performance.

   I only saw Han Fei's war clothes shattered, a lot of weird Dao patterns appeared on his body, and flames emerged from Han Fei.

   Nezha's body, although it is an external incarnation, it also has no shortage of cards. Even if this hole card is not strong enough compared to the body, the great techniques Nezha practiced are all the strongest techniques that have been reasoned by refining the demon pot.


   The sword opens the gate of heaven, and one sword kills the king.

   The yin and yang double swords turned into grinding discs, sucking the power of the kings frantically.

  Hunting on the sky, Dao lines appear, killing bursts appear frequently.

   With one sword, one fell.

   One shot, one kills.

  Han Fei's body is tall and straight, like a swimming elf in the flames, every time he appears, a king is withered.

Until all the kings were killed, Han Fei stretched out his hand, the universe of universe returned, Hun Tian Ling returned, Yin and Yang swords merged, and the fire-pointed spear pointed at the open sky strong man who was attacked by Jiulong and said: "I like you. It’s stupid, now it’s one-on-one, you can go head-to-head."

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