God of Fishing

Chapter 2188: When did you draw the knife?

After the war, Han Fei did not leave the field. The millions of spectators only saw that the scales on Han Fei's body were showing some red and faint luster, and Han Fei's personal aura was gradually improving.

"What! Didn't he have an epiphany?"

"So strong, the color of his scales is changing, what's the situation?"

"This, why does it feel like...returning to ancestors?"

"No way? Returning to the ancestors? He is already so strong, can he return to the ancestors at this time?"

The owner of the arena also noticed it for the first time. At this moment, he was muttering: "It turns out that the bloodline returned to the ancestors. In his bloodline, is it Long Yuan who was born?"


At that moment, I only saw Han Fei's blood rushing to the sky, forming an octopus phantom, and the octopus tentacles seemed to be the blood shadows of black dragons. Although this dragon chapter blood shadow only appeared for a short time, millions of people have seen it, and they all seem to have witnessed the reawakening of a strong man.

"What kind of creature is this?"

"Unheard of! This is the first time I have seen it."

"It seems that his blood is very special and powerful. No wonder it is so strong."

Han Fei pretended to have a hundred breaths of effort, creating a magical scene of blood returning to the ancestors, which was enough to make his strength achieve a great leap.

After ten years of playing in the arena, he needs another explosive improvement to continue to penetrate the last three thousand in the arena.


Chen Yan hurried to the sea jungle of the law enforcement camp.

"Master Honghuang, something strange has happened, that Fengliu Ye, who has drawn his sword for ten years in Lien Chan, shows signs of returning to ancestors."


"This son's power, soul, and overall strength will be greatly improved. Hearing from Nie Yunxiang, this return to the ancestors is very spectacular, and it has been witnessed by millions of people."

Zhao Honghuang came to some interest: "Return to the ancestors during the war?"

Chen Yan: "Yes, he raised a knife for ten years. Today, after a knife was cut out, such a scene appeared."

"Oh? Can he draw the sword? Who?"

Chen Yan: "Qiu Yuepiao, a relatively low-key king, belongs to the scavengers."

Zhao Honghuang: "Pay attention. In addition, Ye Fengliu is not allowed to participate in the arena anymore. Over the years, he has earned a lot and can hit 3,000 places. Now he is not far from the inner camp. It seems that it is better than I expected. Yes, it's 20 years too early!"

Including Zhao Honghuang and others, the evaluation of Han Fei is a rare genius in ten thousand years. It wouldn't be strange for anything to happen to this kind of Tianjiao.

And Han Fei's return to ancestors, in their eyes, is equivalent to a huge increase in strength, and being able to enter the internal camp should be a sure thing. However, there are many people in the city, and such talents will no longer be known to the public.

Therefore, the first order issued by Zhao Honghuang was that Han Fei should no longer participate in the battle in the arena.

Chen Yan: "Yes! My lord... My lord, the 30 years you stipulated..."

Zhao Honghuang: "I allowed him for the past 30 years. How he uses it depends on him."


Han Fei, who was told that he could not play in the arena, did not have too many accidents. He stated that he might have three years of retreat.

Even Chen Yan couldn't help being speechless. There was such a big movement of returning to the ancestors that he only needed to retreat for three years to digest. This person is really looking forward to it.

On the other side of the arena, it was announced that Ye Fengliu would fall into a long retreat, and the monthly challenge would come to an end. For this reason, countless people cannot help but regret.

Many people feel that Ye Fengliu's shots are clean and neat, and his Taoist rhyme is extremely strong. Seeing Ye Feng's hand out of his hands, he can truly understand things. It's a pity that such an opportunity is so gone.

When the incident subsided, the scales on Han Fei's body turned bright red. This is the ancestral image he created for himself. It was like wearing a bright red jersey.

Three years later.

This day.

A large number of people in the law enforcement camp valley have just returned from trials.

As soon as someone returned to Gu, he laughed and said, "I'm finally back. It feels good to be back alive."

Someone laughed and said: "Just scream! This time, you have gained so much, enough to cultivate for a hundred years, I am afraid that the development of the original source sea is expected to be 100,000 li?"

The person responded: "If nothing happens, it's almost the same! Finally, you can feel the feeling of the first level of the law enforcement camp."

Someone was surprised: "Hey, the first level of the law enforcement camp, you really dare to think about it. That would have to be 300 before entering the foreign camp!"

The man smiled and said, "As long as you practice cultivation and your strength grows, it is inevitable... Hey! Who is that person, who is all red, so he can jump?"

Many people turned their heads to look, but saw a strange humanoid with red scales on their bodies, also walking towards the law enforcement camp.

Someone shook his head: "I don't know, there must be no such individual in the law enforcement camp before. I guess it's a newcomer."

Suddenly, someone greeted: "Hey! Boy, come here."

Han Fei looked indifferently, and glanced at these people, as if he hadn't heard these people yelling, he didn't take it seriously, and he was about to head to the law enforcement camp valley.

"Hey! Is the newcomer so proud now?"

I saw that a strong man of the Ten Thousand Scales clan, a master of transforming the void, was about to capture Han Fei directly.

However, at that moment, Han Fei's eyes were cold, and when he turned his hands, Void waved the sheathed long knife, and with a wave of his hand, the blade's intent burst, and the man Void's hand exploded.

When the person reacted, he still wanted to do something, but was shocked to find that his palm suddenly became half of his time.

The face of this group of people changed drastically, and the man whose palm was cut suddenly looked cold: "Huh! A newcomer in the stronghold of the law enforcement camp, arrogant to this point, I want to see, where are you holy?"

Seeing his feet move, he has stopped in front of Han Fei.

Next to him, a group of kings of the Ten Thousand Scales clan who are absolutely not weak, sneered and watched the show.

"I haven't returned for decades, and the law enforcement camp has played such a role, so courageous!"

"Old Liu! A newcomer cut off half of his palm with his backhand. I definitely can't bear it."

"Old Liu, teach him what the rules are."

At this moment, the man's palm grew again, and he looked at Han Fei coldly: "Salute to me and admit your mistake. I guess I can spare you once, otherwise..."


Kings: "???"

Someone scolded: "Liu De, give this kid a lesson."

That Liu De was also furious, but at the moment he was still outside the valley, and no fierce fighting was allowed in the city, so he just used the power of the soul to transform into a thorn of the soul, trying to directly hit Han Fei.

However, at the moment when this attack came out, only one scabbard was seen. I don't know when, it actually touched my eyebrows.


Then Liu De Qiqiao spurted blood, and almost became a fool.

And the thorn of the soul just now was cut into two pieces, and it didn't hurt Han Fei at all.

Among the group of people, the head of the group suddenly changed his expression: "Old Liu, step back."

Liu De also knew that he had encountered a hard stubble, and he was able to cut through his power in an instant. This person was an extraordinary man.

And the person in the lead came step by step: "Boy, I am so rude to meet seniors. Today, if you apologize, I will forgive you."

Liu De: "Brother Lei!"

The leader shook his head slightly and signaled Liu Demo to be entangled, and just listened to him: "Boy, in the law enforcement camp, I am not the king of the Ten Thousand Scales and offend the king of the Ten Thousand Scales. This is not a good thing. This has not yet entered the camp, really. Entering the camp, the king of the first camp, can you still fight all the way through?"

But seeing Han Fei's face without any expression, his expression was indifferent: "Get out of the way."

"Special mother, I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick."

Suddenly, a group of kings of the Ten Thousand Scales clan became angry. What kind of attitude is this?

Tian Lei also narrowed his eyes slightly: "I don't want to say the same thing a second time. I apologize to Senior Liu De and forget about it, otherwise..."

Han Fei raised his eyes and looked at Tian Lei: "Otherwise, how?"

Tian Lei sneered: "It seems that the current rookies, although they are not bad in strength, are overly arrogant. Not to mention, today I will teach you a lesson on behalf of the Marshal."

When everyone saw that Tian Lei was about to make a move, the corners of their lips were suddenly raised.

"This kid is miserable. Brother Lei has always acted fiercely. If you don't want this kid half-life, can this matter?"

"This is in the city, is it really okay to be cruel?"

But seeing some kings, they quickly stood in the four directions and directly sealed a piece of space.

Then Tian Lei sneered: "The newcomer should have the consciousness of the newcomer. The road to the law enforcement camp is still long."


Suddenly ~www.readwn.com~ there is a knife blooming, a scimitar, like a moon wheel shining, only the light and shadow, not the blade. Here, the killing intent is bold, with the rhyme of ice cold, and it suddenly appears empty.


When everyone was preparing to watch the play, they saw a flash of light and shadow, and Han Fei had already reached the edge of the ban, and the ban had already cracked a hole.

Under the stunned group of kings, Han Fei walked away.

And Tian Lei, with a sharp smile at the corner of his mouth, was gradually disappearing, but he saw the upper half of his body slowly sliding down.


At that moment, blood was spilled in the sky, and a strong man who could enter the first floor of the law enforcement camp was cut into two in an instant.

Tian Lei's expression slowly turned into shock and panic.

He trembled only when he heard his voice: "When did you draw the knife?"

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