God of Fishing

Chapter 2189: Re-enter the mountain of death

When Tian Lei and the group reacted, Han Fei had disappeared from their field of vision.

The reason why Han Fei wanted to rise so quickly, even at the illusion of returning to his ancestors, naturally had his purpose. The barren wasteland, although it only belongs to the most remote place in the East China Sea Shenzhou.

However, this is also part of the East China Sea Shenzhou. Every 10,000 years, the Shendu Dynasty, located at the core of the East China Sea Shenzhou, will hold a 10,000-year competition.

By then, the entire Tianjiao of the East China Sea Shenzhou will go to the Shendu Dynasty. And Tianjiao who wants to reach that level, with Ye Fengliu's current strength, is far from enough.

The king who can go to the dynasty of the gods has never heard of anyone who has not reached the limit of the original sea. The Wannian Competition is the cradle of the birth of the Open Heaven Realm. Every time, during, or after the Ten Thousand Years Grand Competition, a large number of experts in the Open Heaven Realm will be born.

And this time, the Wannian Competition is even more extraordinary.

This time, it is a big ratio once every 100,000 years, which is divided into three levels. Including the three realms of the Venerable Realm, the Sea Opening Realm, and the Open Heaven Realm.

This is the information that Han Fei had learned from Xue Fei's original source, so he had already planned. Because Wannian Grand Bi's quota is very rare, he wants to get a quota in the Scavenger City.

Nezha went to the City of Wanderers, in addition to experience, but also to get a place, wanting to come to Gu Tingnan will not be stingy, even a mere place can not be given.

However, one quota is not enough. Han Fei's idea is to give Zhang Daqian another quota. With Zhang Daqian's potential and talents, if he worked hard before the 100-year Grand Tournament, the development of the original source sea should be able to barely develop completely.

At that time, it should not be difficult for him to prepare some resources and weapons for him.

Han Fei can definitely get this place. In his current bloodline, there are signs of Zhangyu's bloodline returning to its ancestors. At that time, Zhang Daqian will be able to take the place of Ye Fengliu.

The only thing missing now is an Open Heaven Realm quota. As for this quota, Han Fei has no plans yet.

At this moment, Han Fei walked into the valley of law enforcement camps.

However, after he walked in, he realized that he was coming here for the second time. He still didn't know where the way to the inner camp was.

But after Han Fei walked in, many people immediately cast strange glances. Unlike the last time, many people thought that Han Fei was a human race, and felt that Han Fei's blood was poor and extremely contemptuous.

However, Han Fei's last battle in the Scavenger Arena showed signs of returning to his ancestors, and the blood shadow of the Dragon Zhang attracted countless people to brag. Outside, it has been spread that it is Ye Fengliu who can have the strength of the Nine Dragons.

As the saying goes, there are no vacancies under the prestigious name. Han Fei has scored 3,000 in the arena in ten years, and has experienced the return of blood. Now his specific strength has become a mystery.

Many people don't treat Han Fei as a human race at all. Because Han Fei at this moment does not look like a human at all, everyone will only think that he has become a weird octopus, maybe an octopus with dragon blood.

Now that he is here, Han Fei is not afraid of not knowing the entrance of the inner camp. But before entering the inner camp, he was also going to do one thing first, and that was to fight another death mountain.

Before, Chen Yan told himself that when he enters the camp, he can consider fighting Death Mountain again.

And Han Fei has the same idea in his heart. The difficulty of Death Mountain is increasing, which is an excellent place to experience.

As the difficulty gets higher and higher, Han Fei can show his true arrogance in front of these kings.

The last time I made it to the 100 list, it was just a joke. This time, Han Fei's goal is not the so-called 100 people list. His goal is only one, and that is the number one.

Han Fei ignored the countless perceptions of the law enforcement camp and went straight to the trial site of Death Mountain.

At this time, Tian Lei and the others had also returned.

The first time they came back, this group of people were curious about what they were looking for, and wanted to consult. Who is this?

"Hey! Brother Lei! When did you come back?"

Someone noticed Tian Lei and others, and couldn't help but uttered in surprise.

Tian Lei swept his gaze to the second floor, and suddenly said, "Qinghuo, don't worry about when I will come back. That...is the one walking in front. Tell me who is that guy first?"

The king called Qinghuo couldn't help but said: "Brother Lei, your blood fluctuates so sharply, you won't be against him, right?"

Tian Lei: "I was almost cut off by him, this bastard, first tell me about the origin of this new person, what road he took, and which floor he lives on..."


Just listen to the green fire: "Well, Brother Lei, I advise you not to provoke this guy, this guy is not human at all."

Tian Lei said speechlessly: "Nonsense, of course I know he is not a human. How can he be a human when he grows up like this?"

"No, Brother Lei, I mean, this guy is a bit perverted, just don't provoke this person anyway."


Tian Lei couldn't help but said, "What do you mean? Isn't he a newcomer?"

Qinghuo: "He is a newcomer, but... he may be the strongest newcomer ever."

Tian Lei couldn't help but his eyelids twitched: "What do you mean?"

He only heard that Qing Huo sighed: "This guy, on the first day he entered the law enforcement camp, he slashed Chen Feng with a single blow. He only slapped Chen Feng in the life and death battle..."

Tian Lei couldn't help looking straightened: "That Chen Feng on the third floor? Isn't that guy very capable of escape?"

Qing Huo: "That's right! But it's useless. He died without even slashing him."


Tian Lei couldn't help but said: "So strong?"

"Hey! Brother Lei, this is still strong? You may not believe it. In ten years, the ranks started from 7000 in the arena. In only ten years, it reached 3000. After thousands of battles, it has never been defeated. You just won a thousand consecutive victories, do you dare to believe it?"


Tian Lei and the kings who followed were speechless, what are they? Where can the Scavenger Arena place a thousand consecutive victories?

After a while, Tian Lei's ambition for revenge disappeared without a trace in an instant. This one can't afford to provoke, can't provoke...

At this moment, seeing Han Fei standing at the gate of Death Mountain, Tian Lei couldn't help but said, "Co-author, is this guy here for the Death Mountain test?"

Someone behind Tian Lei said: "So with his strength, can't he make it into the 100 people list?"

Just listen to Qing Huo sneered: "Hundreds of people? The first day they came, they made it to the 100 people list. Now, the last one on the 100 people list, that guy named Ye Fengliu, is this guy."

Tian Lei: "..."

Kings: "..."


At Death Mountain, Han Fei stood here again, listening to the roar coming from his ear.

In the face of the first wave of more than a hundred living dead, he didn't even move a bit. With just a little hand, one of the living dead exploded.

In this situation, he continued to hit the 401st place. At that moment, Han Fei finally moved.

Han Fei only knows that the number one ranked first, named Li Hui, had 702 enemies.

According to the rules of Death Mountain, for every hundred people, the strength of the living dead increases by 1.2 times. Han Fei thinks that there are still problems.

If Li Hui can hit 702 people, then his true combat power is probably stronger than when he was at the peak of the sea, and much stronger.

But this is what Han Fei wants to explore.

At this moment, when faced with the 401st living dead, Han Fei contended with strength and burst out.


"It turns out that the increase rate of the living dead in the back has decreased, no wonder. I thought it would continue to increase at this rate."

According to Han Fei's actual inspection, the strength of the living dead above No. 400 reached an astonishing 370,000 to 380,000 waves. This force, if the riots are set aside, it will already exist at the top. Of course, it was also because of those kings who rioted in the ocean, the origin of the ocean was not completely developed.

After a while.

Above 500, the pure power of the living dead can reach between 410,000 waves and 420,000 waves.

600 has been on, the pure power of the living dead can reach more than 450,000 waves.

At this time, Chen Yan had quietly appeared on Death Mountain, and was once again making statistics on Han Fei's power.

"Has the power exceeded 450,000 waves? In ten years, 130,000 waves have been added?"

Chen Yan was also speechless. This time, I was afraid that the rise of Ye Fengliu could no longer be stopped.

outside world.

Countless people have surrounded the void stone stele outside Death Mountain.

When the name of Ye Fengliu appeared in the 98th, these people came to the spirit. Although knowing that he will definitely improve the ranking, I still can't help but want to see how high he can climb.

"Moved, 97th place."

"Hey, I jumped directly to the 91st place, so fast?"

"Look, it broke the 80th place, and the ranking has risen so fast."

"What, why is it still rising after reaching the 50th place?"

For a while, everyone was speechless, exclaiming from the beginning, until they became numb in the back.

At this moment, Han Fei has become 16th, and many people are shocked.

Tian Lei: "Not in the top ten, right?"

I saw that the name Ye Fengliu was climbing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The number of his kills at this moment corresponds to the growth from 616, 617... so far, there is no sign of change at all.

Finally, when Han Fei penetrated 668 people, he entered the top ten.

Someone sighed: "This time, the Wanlin clan actually gave birth to a super strong man who is not his clan?"

Someone sighed: "No, in the inner camp, I have a lot of Tianjiao from the Ten Thousand Scales clan. After all, this list of 100 people was created by the Ten Thousand Scales clan."


And within the Grim Reaper Mountain.

When Han Fei penetrated the strength of the 700th man, this dragon chapter phantom burst out behind him. Chen Yan keenly observed that the scales on Han Fei's body had actually softened.

When the 701st living dead bombarded Han Fei's body, the fist marks were opposite, only to see that Han Fei's body trembled like a ripple, and the huge power was removed a lot.

Chen Yan was preparing to record, but suddenly realized that there was one more person beside him. The one who came was not Zhao Honghuang, but who could it be?

"Master Honghuang?"

Zhao Honghuang nodded slightly: "This ~www.readwn.com~ is the trump card of this son. His level of unloading power has reached more than 50%. It seems that it is indeed the phenomenon of returning to the ancestors of the blood of the ancient demon chapter. "

Chen Yan: "But, Lord Honghuang, even if he can let go, how can his soul be able to stop it?"

Just listen to Zhao Honghuang: "Look at the faint blue ripples on his body, what are they."

Chen Yan couldn't help wondering: "The Soul of the Lordless? His... can he call the Soul of the Lord to protect his own soul?"

Zhao Honghuang couldn't help squinting his eyes: "It seems that his return to ancestors this time is not easy!"

at last.

When Han Fei killed 702, Zhao Honghuang's voice fell.

"Young man, if you want to know how to hide your strength, 703 will stop!"

At this time, outside, on the Void Stone Tablet, the name of Ye Fengliu was already ranked first.

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