God of Fishing

Chapter 2190: The Origin of the World

Although the people in the valley of the law enforcement camp did not see how Han Fei did it, they witnessed the breaking of the Death Mountain record.

It was different from Han Fei's first time to go to the Mountain of Death, because Han Fei had just entered the 100 people list at that time, ranking last. So everyone thought that Han Fei did his best to make the list.

But this time, when Han Fei was in the top ten, the onlookers felt their hearts sank, knowing that an unworldly arrogant was born.

It’s not a big deal for the Death Mountain to be on the list of 100 people. It may be in the top ten, but it is a rare talent that has been rare for thousands of years.

This kind of person cannot live in the outer camp forever, and will certainly enter the inner camp. Moreover, even if they enter the internal camp, they are also the leaders.

No, Tian Lei and others, who were still preparing for revenge before, all turned green.

"Brother Lei, let's...Should we go out and practice again?"

Tian Lei suddenly felt excited: "Ah! Oh... you are right, I still have a shortcoming of energy spar, will anyone go hunting with me for a few years?"

"I, I'll go..."

"Brother Lei, go together, who can not lack the energy spar?"

"Go together, go together..."

Tian Lei's group of people, as soon as they came back, slipped away, and didn't even go to their own cave.

A few people left in a hurry, Tian Lei's heart was still a little worried, then shouldn't he hold such grudges? Regardless of whether you hold grudges or not, first go out and mix for two years. When the time comes, when this person enters the inner camp, how can you have time to trouble yourself?


Shortly after Tian Lei and the others left in a hurry, a figure walked out of the small world of Mount Death Mountain. At this moment, Han Fei's body was evaporating, and his ancestral characteristics were still reserved, and some strange red mist gas was still escaping from his body.

When I saw Han Fei again, the law enforcement camp valley was silent.

Terran, once received Han Fei's Ling Ran, and some other Terran powerhouses. At this moment, they were all shocked, although they felt that Han Fei couldn't completely see it as a person now. However, Han Fei was a human race after all.

In a sense, they felt that Han Fei was still a member of the human race. Even if they knew, the Wanlin clan definitely didn't think so.

Today, Han Fei has become a legend of the law enforcement camp, and they can be regarded as witnesses.

Someone murmured: "He still does, remember Human Race?"

Someone sighed; "Whether he remembers the Human Race or not, what can he do? He is a good Tianjiao, but even if he opens the sky, even if he cares for the Human Race, it will not change the current situation of the Human Race."

Lin Ran: "Anyway, he is my human race going out, I am willing to bless him."

In addition to the issues being discussed on the Human Race side, most people are concerned about what Han Fei will do next.

Someone said: "After breaking through the record of Death Mountain, what will he do next?"

Someone responded: "Is it necessary to say? It must be an in-house camp."

Some people are wondering: "You said, his kill volume happened to be one more than the first one. Is this a coincidence, or..."

Someone sneered: "You don't care if he did it on purpose. It's high-profile enough to be number one."


When everyone stared at Han Fei, only Chen Yan suddenly appeared.

Just listen to Chen Yan said: "Ye Fengliu, officially broke through the first record of the mountain of death, and achieved a new top position. By the order of the predecessor, the special prize, the world origin fruit."


"What? Reward the origin of the world?"

"Will this reward be too heavy?"

"He is not my Ten Thousand Scales clan, how can I easily reward the origin of the world?"

Someone sneered: "What is easy? The arena is never defeated as easy, or is it easy to beat the record of the mountain of death?"

And Han Fei was also taken aback, the origin of the world? He had seen this thing in the memories of Xue Fei and others. But what exactly this thing is, how to use it, and how good it is, he doesn't know at all.

It's a pity that Nezha's body is too far away from the main body, otherwise Han Fei must know at this moment that the origin of the world is a top treasure that enhances his own potential and is much more advanced than Xuan Huang Tu.

Because he didn't know what the origin of the world was, Han Fei acted very calmly. He looked up and saw Han Fei said, "Being able to break the record of Death Mountain is the only reason you got it."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Thank you, Sir Honghuang, and thank you, Sir Marshal."

Chen Yan nodded slightly, and was about to let the world origin let go, but then he said: "You can take it in your hand, don't put it directly into the origin sea, otherwise, this thing will immediately melt, and you have to cultivate in place."

Seeing Han Fei's doubts, Chen Yan snorted coldly, "I don't know where your kid's luck is. If you take it, go and practice!"

When Chen Yan threw out the world origin fruit, when Han Fei took it, the message appeared in his eyes:

[Name] World Origin Fruit

[Introduction] Part of the original power of a small world, containing the great principles, the laws of the heavens, and the vitality of all things, are the foundations of the birth of the Dao. A mortal taking this substance can reach the sky in one step, and at least obtain the 9th-level spiritual channel, and some chances can get the sky channel. Taking this substance, the source sea will be integrated into the natural laws of heaven and will greatly increase its own potential. Even if it falls, the sea of ​​origin is immortal, it can become a small world without a master with the origin of the world.

[Level] Chaos Lingbao

[Quality] Fair

[Contains the origin of the world] Unknown

[Effect] Strengthen the source sea, enhance the spiritual veins, and stimulate potential.


Han Fei's heart was shocked, this is such a good thing, don't look at anything else, the words Chaos Lingbao alone are enough to make Han Fei admire.

The only time in his life he had obtained the Chaos Lingbao was from Senior Sister Qinglian. After Xia Xiaochan ate it, she truly gave birth to the son of the gods, otherwise she might not even be able to condense the carcass the size of a sesame grain.

Han Fei looked at the origin fruit of this world again, and couldn't help feeling agitated. This thing can be taken by mortals in one step. It can be imagined how advanced it is.

I didn't know it at the beginning, otherwise Han Fei felt that he might have dug the world origin of the riot.

"That's it, it turns out that this is the fundamental reason why everyone has to look for the original place."

At this moment, Han Fei understood that it was not how attractive the resources in the original land were, but the origin of this world, which was too attractive.

Han Fei hadn't thought about it at all. He had just beaten a test on the Mountain of Death, and he could actually get such a baby.

Han Fei couldn't help but look at the entrances of several other small worlds. How could Chen Yan not understand his thoughts? Just listened to Chen Yan snorted softly: "This world origin fruit is given to you by the Great Lord, making an exception for you. Most people, even those in the Open Heaven Realm, have never received such a reward. Don't say anything else. A few small worlds are not suitable for you. Even if they are suitable for you, if you break through, you will never get the second world origin fruit."

Han Fei sighed, secretly saying it's a pity. If you only need to beat a trial, you can get such a reward. Then in the next few years, I have something to do, and I will definitely fight through a trial every other time.

And all the kings onlookers burst into exclamation and groans.

"Hey! The origin of the world, I have only heard of that stuff. This is the first time I have seen you."

Someone sighed: "Sure enough, only this kind of evildoer can have the chance to be rewarded for such a treasure."

Someone sighed: "Unfortunately, this person is not from my Wanlin tribe. Otherwise, you can follow."

Someone shook his head: "It doesn't matter if I belong to the Wanlin clan. What's important is that he is in my law enforcement camp, with the predominant man watching, and the emperor sitting in town. Even if he is a genius, he must obey me Wanlin Family."

When everyone was talking about it, Han Fei had disappeared in place.

Cultivation tower.

When Han Fei appeared here, holding the origin of the world in his hand, the old man guarding the cultivation tower was fascinated. Isn't that the origin of the world holding the thing in his hand?

Although knowing that this kid is highly valued, it is a bit weird to reward him with a World Origin.

It's not that it is difficult to get the origin of the world in the sea-opening realm. In fact, if it is rare in the city of scavengers, there is no shortage of the origin of the world. But how long has Han Fei been in the law enforcement camp? This world origin fruit means the attention of the above.

After a while.

When Han Fei put this thing into the Origin Sea, he finally realized the feeling that Nezha clone had experienced at the beginning.

After a while. Han Fei looked at the unusually lush spiritual plants and orchards in the Origin Sea, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty~www.readwn.com~ This thing was at least seven or eight times better than Xuanhuang Earth.

Moreover, although it is not very obvious, Han Fei still feels his own potential, and he has been greatly improved. Han Fei estimated that even if this improvement was not 10%, it would definitely have been a half.

When he is in his current state, he is blessed by the Shuangtian Meridian, and the top bloodline is added to him. Under these circumstances, he can still tap his own potential, and the effect at the moment is evident.

Moreover, as his potential increased, Han Fei felt that his strength also seemed to have improved. But now there is no way to find someone to test, and no conclusions can be drawn.

Three days later.

When Han Fei went through many experiments, he finally determined that the origin of the world is an ordinary king, a shortcut to open the sky, and even stronger.

This thing has no side effects. After merging with the Tao of Heaven, it can even make one's understanding of the Tao of Heaven deeper. The use of avenues is also more natural.

Han Fei knew that in his next step, he had to get more world origin, no matter what method he used.

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