God of Fishing

Chapter 2191: Into the camp

Three days ago, the reason why Han Fei went to kill Shenshan was actually just to show off his strength in front of countless kings and let them witness their own growth and strength.

The reward of World Origin Fruit was completely unexpected by Han Fei.

However, having obtained the origin of the world also let Han Fei know that the next thing to look for and obtain is this thing.

Today, three days later, Han Fei returned to the law enforcement camp, but this time, he walked into a trench, a trench that divided the law enforcement camp.

When someone noticed Han Fei, he shouted for the first time: "Look, Ye Fengliu is about to break into the camp."

"What? Is it so fast?"

"He has digested the origin of the world?"

"Hey! Is that really him? Look, he is carrying a knife, it seems that he is really ready to do it."

"Unfortunately, we can't see the battle on the inner camp!"

"No, there is one that can be seen. When he beats the drum, someone must come out to fight."

Someone's eyes lit up, and then he said: "By the way, this guy hasn't been in the law enforcement camp for a day since he entered the law enforcement camp, right? He didn't even rob the cave mansion."

Someone sighed: "I'm afraid, from the beginning, he didn't plan to stay in the outer camp. The goal from the beginning was the inner camp."

During the discussion, Han Fei had slowly walked to the middle of the trench. In that deep darkness, as if something was waiting for an opportunity, it made people feel inexplicably horrible.


I saw a huge black shadow. In a strange arc, from straight ahead, hit Han Fei's place.

The black shadow was very slow, and Han Fei glanced intently, and it turned out to be a big clock, hitting him like a swing.

Han Fei was expressionless, just raised his hand gently and reached out to block it.


The sound of the bell ringed through the two battalions inside and outside the law enforcement camp.

Waiying had known for a long time, and he was watching with wide eyes at the moment. It’s not uncommon for foreign camps to break into internal camps, but there are not many that are really highly anticipated.

Such as Han Fei, who has been in the city for ten years and hit the Scavengers Arena to block the match, there is really no one.

Therefore, everyone wants to see how Han Fei broke into the camp and what the result was.


In the camp.


When this bell rang, most of the strong people who were cultivating in the inner camp opened their eyes.

Someone murmured: "Someone broke into the camp again? It's really noisy."

"Hey! This bell is annoying, it's just going to go to the camp, knocking it a few times, is it interesting?"

Most of these people are strong. After all, when foreign camps break into domestic camps, generally only 900 people and close to 1,000 people will accept the challenge.

In theory, it is the last person in the current internal camp to accept the challenge.

When the bell rang, a man from the Ten Thousand Scales race slowly got up, his expression indifferent and a little hostile. The figure is unusually burly, and the skeleton is particularly large, like a giant in the Ten Thousand Scales clan.

When this person got up, someone smiled and said, "Tu Meng, why is it your turn to fight? What about the people behind you?"

The brawny man said: "The entire ten-man team has gone on mission."

After that, the man named Tu Meng sank into the trench after a few steps.


When Tu Meng walked out, many people in the outer camp exclaimed: "Hey! It turned out to be Tu boss? How could he come to fight? It stands to reason that he shouldn't be the last one in the inner camp!"

Someone said: "This is not simple, it means that the strong behind Tu boss, because of something, they are not in the camp!"

"Heh! Boss Tu is a solid body refining powerhouse, if it weren't for his soul..."


Someone scolded: "You idiot! This is a fair challenge. Now that you have exposed the problem with Boss Tu, didn't you tell Ye Fengliu how to fight?"

The person who was scolded was speechless: "Ye Fengliu is not stupid. This kind of thing is useless to hide and tuck. The strength of Tu Lao Da's soul is his only weakness, but, no matter how bad, Tu Lao also entered the inner camp. The soul is weak, it's just relative."

Someone said: "Okay! It really doesn't matter. Ye Fengliu is said to be a strong body refiner. I heard that the body has returned to the ancestors of the ancient dragon medal and has super defensive power. Even if it is head-to-head, Ye Fengliu will not necessarily lose. "

"Who came from?"

Tu Meng's voice was strong, and the fall of his voice gave people an invisible pressure.

It's just that only Han Fei, with a cold face as usual. Just listen to him: "Waiying, Ye Fengliu."

The corner of Tu Meng's mouth grinned slightly: "Hmm! I haven't heard of it. My name is Tu Meng, and the inner camp ranks 990. Those people behind are not there, so your opponent is me. You can choose not to fight, etc. The 1000th is back."

Han Fei couldn't think about it, and said indifferently: "War!"

Tu Meng originally thought that this game does not necessarily need to be played, but who knows that this person would challenge himself without hesitation.

Of course, Tu Meng wouldn't care too much. It is certainly not a simple role to be able to enter the inner camp from the outside camp. Moreover, before he entered the inner camp, there was definitely no figure like Ye Fengliu in the outer camp. If there is, it is impossible to remember him.

After all, his red scales look too harsh.

Tu Meng: "Okay! Then you are ready!"


This Tu Meng was also simply and neat, with black muddy liquid surrounding his body, his coercion became heavier and heavier, and his power even moved the surrounding seas. The surrounding void was trembling because of Tu Meng's power.

However, Han Fei remained unmoved, not even ready to draw his sword.


Tu Meng, who had already gathered his momentum, exploded to the limit of speed in an instant, and the momentary kinetic energy caused the sea behind him to make a terrible whistling sound, like a sea current of the limit speed, and the Korean Fei impacted.

Han Fei's eyes lit up, and he was indeed an in-house powerhouse. This strength was already extraordinary. Can be turned into two tricks. Because the time was too short, Tu Meng felt that Han Fei could not stop his blow.

However, when he slashed Han Fei's eyebrows with one hand, he only saw the latter, moved slightly to the side, pinched the fist mark with his left hand, randomly used a powerful dragon fist, and counterattacked.

At this level, what combat skills actually don't really have much meaning.

Da Shi Longquan was originally the unique mastery of the Cao family, but if you want to go back up, you may have to go back to the **** of war.

As soon as this punch was thrown, Long Yin was shaken. But this Tu Meng seemed to be a master of Body Refining Flow, and he could barely react, blocking his chest with a backhand, trying to block Han Fei's punch.

But Han Fei showed a trace of imperceptible disdain, and saw that he held the knife in his right hand, backhanded a little from behind, and in the slightest, had the upper hand.

At this time, Han Fei had already raised his foot, gaining momentum, and sweeping away his strength, and he kicked the massacre, even the people and the rapid wave behind him, with one kick, and the entire trench flashed with weird blue light in an instant. Resist this terrifying collision.

In the outer camp, countless people exclaimed.

"Fuck! Is Ye Fengliu stronger than Boss Tu?"

"A kick, it turned out to be a kick?"

"Does Tu Lao Dalian have the qualifications to let Ye Fengliu draw a knife?"

"I heard that Ye Fengliu had an epiphany in the arena, and then he was disqualified from the challenge. Could it be...what did he realize?"

For a time, all kinds of speculations and opinions were divergent.

Although Tu Meng was kicked and flew out, his eyes lit up. Is this person a physical cultivation?

It seemed that interest was coming, Tu Meng stepped on the sea wave behind him again, jumped up suddenly, clasped his fists together, with a gravity avenue on his body, and came to Han Fei's suppression.

Han Fei's heart moved, is this person walking the avenue of gravity? It's kind of interesting.

Only seeing that, at that moment, Han Fei raised his hand, single-handedly crossed, and supported Tu Meng's terrifying power. It could be seen that the flesh and blood on Han Fei's body was shaking, seeming to be unloading.

At the same time, on Han Fei's knife, anti-gravity forces also appeared.

"Huh! Only brainless brute force?"

He only heard Han Fei hum lightly and kicked it to the top of his head. The speed was so fast that Tu Meng barely blocked it as before, but he only felt that his two arms were about to be shattered.

Tu Meng, who was kicked into the air, was about to make an all-out effort. A certain secret technique was being induced, but suddenly, he saw Han Fei coming in front of him at some point.


It was just an unpretentious punch, the fist imprints with Tao rhyme, and golden light flashed.

When this punch went down, Tu Meng was directly hit into the entrance where he came.


The entrance restriction was almost smashed by Han Fei's punch, but it did not completely collapse.

But ~www.readwn.com~ In this way, Tu Meng almost had no chance of winning, because in terms of strength, he was almost crushed by Han Fei.


I only saw that Han Fei carried the long knife on his shoulders casually, came to Tu Meng lightly, and said indifferently: "You, not my opponent. Give way!"

"I can still..."

"You can not."

Tu Meng wanted to stand up, but Han Fei didn't know when he had already pressed his left hand on Tu Meng's shoulder. After working hard for a long time, he couldn't even stand up.

At this moment, Tu Meng was shocked, what kind of character came this particular? Is it so strong?

??Second more... ask for votes...



(End of this chapter)

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