God of Fishing

Chapter 2192: That's it?

At that time, Tu Meng's heart was overwhelmed. He really couldn't understand that the power of a guy who looked so thin, broke out, was so terrible.

Also, this guy is so strong, why do you think of entering the camp now? According to this strength, you can enter the camp a hundred years ago, right?

What Tu Meng didn't know was that Han Fei had only been here for ten years.

In the outer camp, countless kings who watched the battle were speechless, and they knew the result a long time ago, as if Ye Fengliu had never lost in the fight.

In fact, many people know Han Fei in the internal camp. Many people have also been invited to the arena to watch the battle, but Tu Meng did not know it.

At this moment, the brawny man of the Ten Thousand Scales said, "I give up."

Han Fei retracted his palm and watched indifferently as the entrance of this inner camp opened slowly.

When Han Fei stepped into it, Tu Meng followed behind him. Weng asked, "Brother Ye, what kind of race are you? It completely crushes me in strength, even in the inner camp. The strength can also be ranked at least in the top 500, how did you train out of the camp?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "Bloodline problem."

Tu Meng immediately understood, and the loss just now was wiped out. It seemed that this person's blood was extremely strong. He was right in his heart, this guy looks weird, and his bloodline has problems at first glance.

Han Fei set foot in the camp and discovered that this is not a valley, but a small world. This small world is full of vitality, and it is a place a bit like an undersea jungle. However, there are not many creatures here.

Originally, there were not many normal creatures in the Chaos Wasteland. Except for the ominous creatures, there are almost no normal marine creatures here, so it is not easy to see some here.

It is a pity that the scope of this submarine jungle is less than a million miles, about 600,000 miles, and then it becomes sparser as it goes back.

As soon as Han Fei came in, he felt a wave of sensations swept across him. Because Han Fei asked for a fight, he ignored the rules here, anyway, he felt the backhand and swept over.

With this scan, it was discovered that a million miles away, there were cave houses that had been opened up everywhere. The places where these cave houses are located seem to be surrounded by a vein. That ground vein should contain a lot of vitality.


Before Han Fei studied the reasons why these people opened up the caves based on the ground veins, he heard someone snorting coldly. In the next moment, Han Fei felt that his soul was hit by other souls.

Although he could easily shatter the soul, he still pretended to collapse, and the two perceptions collided in the void, collapsed, and exploded.

Han Fei's eyes were cold, and he looked at a cave. In front of the cave, there was a stone monument with the three numbers 827 inscribed.

Seeing Han Fei cast his gaze over, someone in the cave mansion coldly snorted: "The inner camp hasn't reached the point where you want to snoop. If Tu Meng is defeated, he will naturally explain to you."

Tu Meng didn’t expect Han Fei to be such a tiger, and immediately said, “Brother Ye. Whether you are in or out of camp, you will not be allowed to spy on you at will. Now that you have defeated me, you can enter my cave at No. 990, I Simply clean up, and Fuzhong will have a specific introduction to the internal camp."

However, Han Fei said indifferently: "If there are any rules, just say it! I shouldn't be able to use your Dongfu?"


Tu Meng hadn't reacted yet, he heard someone sneer and said, "What a crazy newcomer. You are the Ye Fengliu who has entered the camp for ten years and scored 3000 people in the arena? Why, this is so crazy just after entering the camp. , Are you planning to be in the top 300 in ten years?"

Someone snorted: "Ye Fengliu, I heard that your sword is extremely powerful. Not only has you entered the heaven, you have also awakened your blood. However, if you want to penetrate the inner camp, are you afraid that you are dreaming?"

Some people wondered: "Well! No wonder it's so arrogant, it turned out to be the Supreme Tianjiao. Huh, but, who can enter the camp, which one is not Tianjiao?"

Others sneered: "You may not believe it. He is not a foreign race, but the human race mistakenly eaten different blood and became what he is now. Otherwise, huh, what kind of blood awakening can the human race say?"

"What, Human Race?"

"It's ridiculous that the human race dare to enter the camp?"

"Interestingly, are the human races now arrogant in the camp?"

If it was said that these people in the inner camp were only a little unhappy with Han Fei's strength, then when they learned that Han Fei's original body turned out to be a human race, many people at that time were angry.

Han Fei was also speechless, saying what happened to the human race? Human Race has eaten your rice, or has it robbed your daughter?

Where is the resentment of the Wanlin tribe and the Human tribe?

However, Han Fei didn't bother to pay attention to the reactions of these people, and saw him indifferently: "Since you are not satisfied, then fight! That 827, dare to fight?"

Han Fei doesn't know whether this inner camp can leapfrog. If they can leapfrog, who would be willing to fight one by one? If you play ten games a day, then you have to play for a few months, right?

"Huh! Absurd, wait until you understand the rules before you provoke this king. Besides, this king is waiting for you."

In Cave Mansion No. 827, a voice came out, revealing a deep disdain.

Han Fei couldn't help looking at Tu Meng, and Tu Meng also looked at Han Fei speechlessly. In fact, he didn't like Humans, but who would let him lose? Moreover, where can Han Fei be considered a personal race now?

Therefore, Tu Meng hummed: "Internal camp challenges can only be up one by one. This is an initial place that has not been deprived of the origin of the world at all. Ranking means to enjoy the origin of the world. If you know everything about the origin of the world If you do, you will know how rare the opportunity to practice in the camp is."


Han Fei's heart moved, can he still get the origin of the world by practicing here? He couldn't help looking at the place where the cave mansion was. He thought it was just connecting the earth veins, but now it seems that it should be a release of the origin of the world.

"No wonder, but in that case, it's just what I want."

Just listen to Han Fei indifferently: "No. 989, where is it?"

Someone sneered: "This kid, are you really ready to fight?"

"I don't know how high the sky is, so let's see where this kid can go."

As soon as Han Fei's voice fell, she saw a strong female from the Ten Thousand Scales standing up, only to hear her sneer: "Tu Meng's spirit is not strong enough, I am not surprised that it will defeat me, if you want to challenge, then come!"

Tu Mengxin said, I have never seen Ye Fengliu's soul power. However, I shouldn’t suffer alone. You should also see how strong this newcomer is.

The battlefield of the inner camp was actually very vast. What Han Fei saw was the cave mansion of these people, which was their place of cultivation. All other places are regarded as battlefields of the inner camp.

The inner camp itself is also a place of experience. Outside these people's caves, in the depths of the small world, there are some powerful sea beast creatures, and people will often find sea beasts to fight and stimulate their potential.

The place where Han Fei followed was only a million miles away from the place where the kings practiced.

At this moment, opposite Han Fei, the woman sneered: "Ye Fengliu, I have seen your fight, the body refining stream that walks the same way as Tu Meng. The power of the soul is so-so, the sword is good. If you have a sword, maybe there will be more A glimmer of opportunity."

Han Fei: "My knife was not taken out randomly."

Listening to Han Fei's indifferent words, many people joked.

"Lin Shuang, look, people don't put you in their eyes at all. I definitely can't bear it."

"Lin Shuang, the newcomer is too crazy, see if you have the ability to win it."

"Lin Shuang, if you can't get it, you can let it over. I don't mind giving you a lesson."

Just listen to that Lin Shuang sneered: "Dream of the Dongfu that I want to take away."

Han Fei didn't know what they called the origin of the world, and if there were so many origins of the world that the old saying gave him, it would be perfect.


I saw that Lin Shuang started directly, the power of the soul weaved into a net, grabbed a black steel needle in his hand and turned it into thousands, as if to directly wear Han Fei into a hornet's nest.

That net, Han Fei cut out ~www.readwn.com~, of course, it didn't get out of the sheath. The sword light cut through the Soul Net and found that there was an abnormal power, and he was absorbing his sword energy.

"Humph! Here, Feng Tun Wanli, otherwise, why do you think Tu Meng can't fight?"

However, Han Fei's next moment, Han Fei's body moved slightly, his eyebrows and the power of the soul burst out, turned into a sword, the sword cut the void, and the net of the soul was torn in an instant.

"Hey! Divine Soul Huadao, the strength of this person's Divine Soul is not weak!"

Lin Shuang's face changed slightly, and he elaborated that the strength of Ye Fengliu's spirit was much stronger than he had imagined. But, how can he block his own soul-suppressing needle?

It's a pity that a faint blue appeared on Han Fei's body, which was the manifestation of the soul of no master.

"Ding Ding Ding~"

When the densely packed flying needles landed on Han Fei's body, there was no one that could pierce Han Fei's body that escaped the unowned soul barrier.

Han Fei took a deep look at Lin Shuang and said indifferently: "That's it?"

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