God of Fishing

Chapter 2199: The hunt begins

With the strength of the Open Heaven Realm, Han Fei shouldn't be too easy to do the sea realm.

He is willing to spend hundreds of years to create an identity for himself, and naturally hopes to use this identity to subvert the entire city of scavengers.

While others are still searching, surveying the terrain, looking for targets.

Han Fei has already stepped out of the area he was assigned to. Because there is no root fruit of the world here.

Only half a day later, Han Fei had already crossed two areas and came to an unusually strange place in Baisha. Here, the sandstorm tornado raged across the sky, and the sand sea surrounded it, seemingly about to swallow Han Feigen.

Han Fei paused and didn't really make a move. Bai Ranran didn't say the brand he gave him. It is said that anyone who wears this brand will not be attacked by the devouring power of the Devouring Worm.

However, after Han Fei came into contact with the tide of the sand sea, he knew that the power of swallowing would not hinder him, but the endless sand would still hinder his way.

Faced with this situation, Han Fei directly turned into a piece of white sand and walked in this sea of ​​sand.

It is estimated that this Devouring Worm is also a little confused, why is this person gone? He drives the sand sea with the origin of the world, which does not mean that the entire sand sea is the body of the devouring insect. If so, how big is his body?

Therefore, when Han Fei's trace was lost, the tides in the Sand Sea stopped. Next, Han Fei easily found a blooming sand sea flower. Wasn't it the origin of the world that was hidden in it?

Han Fei couldn't help but grinned, and it really didn't take much effort.

I had known that the origin of the world was so advanced and so easy to obtain, maybe Han Fei would choose a different path from the beginning.

But now! Han Fei is not in a hurry. It takes a lot of time for others to search a sea area. But he has a universal navigation instrument, which can be pointed accurately, which greatly saves time.

No, Han Fei immediately performed the Gemini Divine Art, and Bai Wu's body immediately sat cross-legged, throwing the World Origin Fruit into the Origin Sea.

A pure world origin fruit, the speed of fusion into the origin sea is very fast, and after half a day, Han Fei's originally relatively barren origin sea, all kinds of vegetation began to grow again.

After all, Han Fei’s origin sea reached nearly 200,000 miles. Before taking the world origin, his origin sea was barren. All of his own resources have been attributed to the original sea.

Since returning to the Yuan, it means that there is nothing left.

But now, as soon as the origin of the world is injected, the origin of the sea seems to usher in new vitality. It's a pity that the number of root fruits in the world is too small. With the addition of what Chen Yan gave before, the tenth-rank Jie Dan, and now this one has been swallowed, Han Fei feels that his potential has increased and he has finally surpassed 20%.

He couldn't help sighing. It seemed that he really wanted to tap his original source sea and potential. Without 20 world source fruits, he was afraid that it would not be enough.

"Hmm! Wait..."

Han Fei suddenly felt that something was wrong. He noticed that his mental strength was suddenly lost by three points. According to my three hundred years of retreat, the conversion between mental power and strength is an average of one for one conversion.

But is it now three for three?

Before, Han Fei hadn't paid too much attention because it was too unobvious. Fortunately, Han Feicai faintly felt that something was wrong with the expansion of the power transformation.

"Huh? Swallowing the origin fruit of the world can increase the transformation speed of the power of the soul and the power?"

Han Fei couldn't help being overjoyed. What does this mean? This means that it took me 300 years to transform the power of the soul and power, and it may only take 100 years now.

And only ate a few World Origin Fruits, what if I packaged the World Origin Fruits here?

Han Fei couldn't help grinning, the cemetery battlefield, a great place!

Just when Han Fei felt the Origin Sea was changing, he suddenly moved his heart, and when he looked a million miles away, someone flew by.

It's just that the person who came was not someone he knew, that is to say, it was not from the city of scavengers. Since it is not in the city of scavengers, in order to prevent the other party from being the city of wanderers, I only saw Han Fei's face change rapidly, turning into the appearance of an emperor in the primitive city that I had seen before.

As a result, the person who sprinted towards Han Fei directly got stuck in his body, looked at Han Fei in astonishment, and said in shock: "Master Anxiang?"

Of course, that person immediately discovered something was wrong, Lord Shente An Xiang, there are countless emperors on the battlefield of the cemetery. Who dared to rush out the emperor to disrupt the order of the cemetery and battlefield, the consequences would be very serious, and that would have to be targeted by the other two. Moreover, the emperor must die.

Therefore, when this person saw Han Fei's appearance, the whole person was not good at the time, and immediately began to flee.

Because he knew that Master An Xiang couldn't be here at all.

Han Fei glanced at it, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Interestingly, the first one I met was in Primordial City. You can only be considered unlucky."


No one else was watching, Han Fei's speed was directly full, and it was 600,000 li in the blink of an eye, but for a moment, he stood in front of that person.

Han Fei also stared at the faces of the Ancestral family, smiling and saying, "Keep on running!"

This person's face changed drastically: "You can't be the emperor, at best you are good at disguising."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised up: "So what?"

The person was astonished at Han Fei's speed. Originally, he thought that the Primitive City should be the first batch to enter here, but who could have expected that there would be people even faster.

At this moment, if you want to run, it is already impossible, so you can only fight.


I only saw that there was a triangle mark on the forehead of this person. When this mark broke out, Han Fei immediately felt his power doubled, and his body overflowed with chaos.

I saw these chaotic qi detonated in an instant, and was instantly inhaled by that person. This person all exploded, with a sword across the sky, shining thousands of miles.

I have to admit that when Han Fei saw this sword, he knew the strength of this person, and was afraid that he could be among the top two hundred in the law enforcement camp.

If nothing happens, this should be the Tianjiao child from the Primitive City.

However, when Han Fei reached out his hand and grabbed it at random, the Heaven-Splitting Sword Qi was crushed.

"How is it possible! How could you... in the Sea-Piping Realm, could you break me with your bare hands?"

Han Fei grinned: "Hey! It's a pity, who told you that I am from the sea?"

At the next moment, the person had not had time to continue his action, but just summoned the companion spirit. It is a pity that Han Fei has already slapped his head with a slap.

However, Han Fei did not immediately kill this person. After searching for his soul, he learned that this person was named Zhao Mo and was not the one who settled down. From his memory, Han Fei learned that the Primitive City was indeed led by a butcher named An Tufu.

After understanding this information, Han Fei burst into power.


But seeing this person directly exploded into nothingness, **** cracks appeared in the sky. This is not the sea world, so the celestial phenomena change greatly.

At this moment, in the place of recovery on the 9th, many people raised their heads and looked up. Just two days after they came in, someone came across?

Looking at Han Fei's side, only his face, body, shape, Tao Yun, Qi Luck, voice, etc... all became Zhao Mo's.

Han Fei smiled softly: "The hunt has begun."


After another half day.

Han Fei found the second world origin fruit at the fastest speed. Anyway, because of the speed advantage, when Han Fei got the second world origin fruit, there was not much change other than another sandstorm.

After continuing to consume this world origin fruit, Han Fei deliberately felt the power of the soul and the transformation speed of power, but this time, there was no change.

"Well, I should have eaten less. After all, there is not enough potential to tap."

If you let others know that Han Fei digests a world-origin fruit, and can't even increase his potential, I am afraid his eyes will be stunned.

For example, Nezha clone has digested a world origin fruit, and its potential has been fully tapped by 30%. In contrast, how strong is Han Fei's potential limit.

This place of recovery on the 9th is a sort of cemetery and cemetery that has been determined for many years. Perhaps the original cemetery No. 9 was so strong that it ranked ninth in the cemetery battlefield.

After so many years, the primitive cemetery has more or less recovered. This is also the fundamental reason why so many powerhouses are fighting in the cemetery battlefield.

Today, this place of recovery on the 9th has just started the battle, and Han Fei has won two World Origin Fruits. Even Bai Ranran, the so-called number one in the law enforcement camp, would not have expected it.

After receiving the second World Origin Fruit, Han Fei immediately started tracking the third one.

However, this time, Han Fei's luck was not so good. After all, it took two or three days to get two World Origin Fruits in a row.

When Han Fei found the place where the next World Origin Fruit was located, he found that fighting was breaking out here. Among them, Han Fei knew one person. He didn't know his name. Anyway, he was the strongman of the Wanlin clan who came with him.

And the one who fought against this ten thousand scale clan powerhouse was a demon plant, and there was also a primitive city powerhouse who had performed the **** descending technique.

This is a three-way melee, but the ownership of the world origin fruit is not seen. Han Fei guessed that maybe the world origin fruit has been eaten by anyone.

When Han Fei arrived, the strong man in the Primitive City was overjoyed, only to hear him laugh out loud: "Today, let's see how you can go."

Han Fei knew that this person, after all, belonged to Zhao Mo's team, he had searched for Zhao Mo's soul just now, so he naturally recognized it. I saw in Zhao Mo's tone: "Yunan, where is the origin of the world?"

Yun Nan smiled and said, "Of course I have eaten it. I wanted to set up a net, but two came at once. It happened that we were one of us.

When the Ten Thousand Scale clan powerhouse and Yao Zhi saw Han Fei's arrival, of course they had to leave~www.readwn.com~. Originally, the two felt that the world was so big, how could it be so easy to come again? Therefore, they all felt that they might be able to kill the opponent and become the final winner.

But now, seeing people coming to the original city again, naturally he would give up immediately.

Han Fei didn't hesitate to confront the person from the Ten Thousand Scales clan, when Yunan saw this, he naturally went to snipe the strong demon plant.

This person of the Wanlin clan, named Yang Wan, sighed secretly, preparing to escape from the void. He felt that the opponent's strength would not be much higher than his own. He might not be able to win if he was tough, but there was definitely no problem in running.

After all, there are two main things to come here, one is to find the origin of the world, and the other is to survive the trial and survive.

It's just that this person had just escaped tens of thousands of miles, only to find that he was right in front of him, and I don't know when there was an extra person.

Yang Wan narrowed his eyes: "When did you catch up?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Those who are about to die, so many words?"

Yang Wan sneered: "Under the same situation, few people dare to say that they can kill me, relying on you?"

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