God of Fishing

Chapter 2200: Meet myself

Yang Wanben was not afraid of fighting, but when Han Fei took a shot, he didn't even have a chance to take a shot, and the whole person was fascinated and unable to move.

Han Fei walked up to him like a stroll, and he couldn't resist that kind of terrifying coercion. That is suppression at the life level, absolute crushing.

"You, you are not Pihai? Who are you?"

Han Fei grinned and his face began to change. He wanted this person to experience what despair is.

When Ye Fengliu's face appeared, Yang Wan was shocked and shocked: "Is it you?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "Becoming my puppet is the glory of your cultivation."


After a stick of incense.

Over there, Yunan was hunting down that Yao Zhi, and the two had been fighting in the void for a long time.

Surrounded by sword waves here, Yun Nan sneered: "I heard that all of your selected teams are strong, why can't you help fighting like this?"

This demon plant provokes the sky full of void thorns and turns it into a realm. But he was first ambushed by this Yunan and suffered a severe injury. Now his strength is greatly damaged and he has no time to recover. Facing Yunan, a strong man with the sword into the heavens, he was now preparing to cut off part of his body.

But here, after just a stick of incense, I saw that the powerful Wanlin clan who had been chased by "Zhao Mo" just now ran back.

"Damn it, what does Zhao Mo eat, what about others?"

However, Yang Wan, who had become Han Fei's puppet, directly shouted to the demon Zhi after he was killed here, "How about you and I join hands to kill the guy in this primitive city first?"

The strong demon planted, wondering, did this person get rid of the chase so quickly? But after getting rid of the chase, why do you come back? This is clearly a problem.

But now that Yaozhi was hit hard and couldn't run away, so he could only respond, "Why didn't you join forces just now?"

Yang Wan, the puppet, sneered directly: "You care why I didn't join forces just now, do you have to choose? Even if you die, you should pull the backside, right?"

And that Yun Nan's expression was cold: "There is no king's face here, Zhao Mo is definitely not dead, you still dare to appear? Are you afraid to fold yourself here?"

Yang Wan smiled: "How can I be willing to leave a person who has just swallowed the origin of the world? As for that person, who is still trapped by me now, he is too busy to take care of himself, how can he have the ability to meet you?"

After that, the puppet Yang Wan shot without hesitation.

They are all extremely arrogant, even if there is a gap in everyone's strength, it is not as far as an insurmountable gap.

Yang Wan made a shot, but his combat power soared much more than before. He saw that he broke through a layer of sword domain with a single knife. It didn't matter that Yao Zhi couldn't make a move, and took the lead against Yunan.

Upon seeing this, the demon Zhi saw that the sword domain was forced to perform a secret method immediately, and part of his body was instantly burned, while it turned into a red light and quickly fled out.

He doesn't believe in this Ten Thousand Scales people, this person wants to make a move, he has already made a move, why wait until now to reappear and want to join hands with him.

And Han Fei didn't expect that Demon Zhi to stay, just intimidated him. The reason why he broke through the sword domain was to give this demon Zhi a chance to run away.

And when the demon Zhi ran away, Han Fei naturally didn't bother to hide, and in an instant, he slammed in front of Yunan. The latter had reacted quickly enough, realizing that this person was hiding too deeply, and his strength must be good. At this moment, he gathered a sword between his eyebrows and used the spirit as a guide to envelop Han Fei from the triangle seal.

However, as soon as the Great Sword of Divine Soul came out of the center of his eyebrows, he saw **** touching the center of his eyebrows.


This Yun Nan was immediately dumbfounded, his brain buzzing, and a small part of the power of the soul was chopped off with two fingers. When he recovered, he found that his body was already unable to move.

Just about a stick of incense, there was another puppet of the living dead in front of Han Fei.

Except for the first person being killed by Han Fei, he had already figured it out when he shot the second person. If the three major powers, the left and right two major forces, are dead, the City of Wanderers is afraid that they will be targeted. These people are extremely arrogant, and they all have the posture of opening the sky. It is a pity that they just died.

Even if you want to die, you can't just die without an audience. Therefore, Han Fei's current plan is to refine all these people into corpse puppets. At least, the water has to be muddled.

Of course, after Yunan was overturned by Han Fei, Han Fei made a special trip to his origin sea. This servant has just swallowed the origin of the world, but a large part of his power has not been digested yet.

As soon as the demon refining pot came out, there was a violent breath.

Han Fei originally thought that after this crazy absorption, he would have more of the power of the world's origin. However, what he didn't expect was that the world origin that was sucked back by the demon refining pot this time was directly poured onto the fifth divine pill, and it was sucked clean in a blink of an eye.

"Ohhhhh, don't grab it!"

Han Fei is speechless, why am I special? No wonder Lian Yao Hu Xiao Teng doesn't like eating ordinary resources recently, and now he is also interested in the origin of the world?

You know, the origin of the world is not much. He was so bored that he didn't even drink any soup.

Fortunately, when the fifth small pill swallowed this part of the world's origin, the luster was faint, and it seemed to have matured a lot. If this is the case. Maybe if you swallow a few more World Origin Fruits, it will be ripe.

It's just that Han Fei's heart is upset. The World Origin is too precious. He needs it, the Fifth Divine Pill, and Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai and Emperor Sparrow actually both need it.

Unfortunately, according to Bai Ranran's statement, there seems to be only a few of these in a place of recovery. How can this be enough?

Han Fei was entangled here, and suddenly felt something wrong in his heart, and there was information synchronization in his mind.

"Huh? Nezha clone?"

Han Feidun time, the spirit was shocked, that's right. When oneself and the clone are relatively close, there will be information synchronization. After all, it is said that it is the incarnation outside of the body, but in fact they are separated from the main soul. In a sense, Nezha clone and Zhang Daqian clone belong to one of the ontology.

Synchronizing information, Nezha is fighting, and it is very fierce.

Han Fei immediately fished out the Multi-Navigation Instrument, and as the pointer turned, it disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Han Fei and his team's execution time for this mission is three years, but it does not mean that the exploration time for the Ninth Recovery Land is three years. In fact, when the devouring insects have almost eaten up here, there is no need for that long exploration time.

Since it is a battle, it should be race against time.

Others don't have a universal navigation instrument, but Nezha has it. The Devouring Worm was originally planted in the Primitive City, so people in Primitive City should have a better understanding of the location of the origin of the world.

Nezha fought fiercely with people so quickly, he must be in an ambush just like this Yunan.


The place of recovery on the 9th, somewhere in the middle of a sandstorm.

A big fat man with a hand-held guillotine, the thickness of the guillotine is like a dragon on the knife. This person was obviously the butcher that Bai Ranran was talking about.

It was Nezha with three heads and six arms who fought with Butcher An. At this moment, the two sides are fighting with each other, and there is no victory or defeat.

Around them, there are two additional battlefields, which are obviously also battles between the City of Wanderers and the City of Primitives.

However, at this level of combat, everyone has the same combat power, and it is actually not that small if you want to fight and die.

Just listen to the butcher Na'an shouting: "Nezha, let your tactics change, but you are not proficient in mastery, how can you win me?"

"Fatty man, if you hadn't had that god-destroying technique, Lao Tzu would have broken you long ago. Carrying a broken knife, you dare to be arrogant with me."

Butcher An was not annoyed, he took a sharp breath, and his body inflated like a balloon. As he spouted out, thousands of ghosts and ghosts, like a demon descending, formed a wall of ghosts, and wanted to surround Nezha.

And Nezha wasn't to be outdone, the mixed sky flickered, the red fleece appeared in the formation, the sword formation burst, the sword tide surged, and the two sides held the wall of devastation hard, and the two sides were evenly divided.

At this moment, Nezha's heart suddenly moved, a large amount of information in his mind was synchronizing, some brand-new insights, brand-new tactics, and brand-new power structure appeared.

Nezha has been getting stronger, and one of the reasons why it is so terribly strong is also because it has gained the inheritance of the ontology. Although the avenues are different, all kinds of perceptions, tactics, and combat skills can be used at will. If this is not strong, I am sorry for the strength of the body.

"The body is here too?"

For more than three hundred years, Nezha had already reached the extreme of the sea-opening realm. Even, Nezha was one step earlier than the ontology, gathering the world's origin fruit, and now his potential can be regarded as fully aroused.

The Tianxuan team that Nezha joined three hundred years ago has become a top ten existence three hundred years later.

This butcher is actually not his opponent. However, the opponent's blessing of blood, weapons, and descent techniques are no weaker than him.

At this moment, Nezha is synchronized with the body information after a lapse of three hundred years, as if in an instant, he experienced another three hundred years of fighting experience, and a lot of insights came to his heart.

He felt that his strength suddenly increased a little.

Butcher An only felt inexplicable, and said to his heart that this **** fellow, how can he continue to grow stronger under such circumstances? Is there any reason for this? Everyone is in the sea-breaking realm. Is there no end to your strength growth?

With a stick of incense, An Butcher just felt that he couldn't move. Nezha was a lunatic, and he could continue to fight for so long. Don't care about the consumption of energy and resources at all.

Just listen to An Butcher shouting: "Nezha, you and I are hard to distinguish between victory and defeat, why bother, anyway, the origin of this world has been eaten by me, you have the ability to go to the city of scavengers to fight! Why do you pester me? ?"

On the other side, suddenly, I saw a round of bright moon lift into the sky, above the bright moon, a sickle hooked, and a strong man in the primitive city was about to be killed.

"Got it!"

It was too late to say ~www.readwn.com~ At that time, I saw that An Butcher suddenly grew a pair of cicada wings. The speed was like flowing light, and the guillotine suddenly blocked the sickle.

Taking advantage of the moment An Tufu rescued the people, Nezha opened the sky with a backhand sword, and passed the bright moon, a sword pierced An Tufu's chest and pierced a big hole out.

And this is nothing, An Butcher doesn't care if he gets on it.

However, at the same time Nezha shot, an iron lump appeared. The iron lump held the giant pillar of King Kong, and a pillar smashed the primitive city powerhouse who almost fell under the sickle.

"Tianhong, I'm going to uncle."


Nezha, butcher An, backed away one after another.

Long Yue holding a sickle, appeared next to Ne Zha: "Tianhong is here, Bai Ranran is also here, and the ghost blade. These three people have always been inseparable, and it is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

However, only Nezha knew that this was not a real Tianhong at all, it was caught by the body.

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