God of Fishing

Chapter 2203: Enemies meet, extremely jealous

Nezha avatar and Bai Ranran met?

Han Fei thought to himself that Bai Ranran's strength had never been seen before, but he knew the strengths of Tianhong and Ghost Blade. If it were pure strength, Nezha should be inferior to Tianhong.

However, if the potential of Nezha clone has been fully tapped, neither Tianhong nor Ghost Blade should be opponents.

Han Fei had never seen Bai Ranran personally take a shot, this should be the city of scavengers, the strongest one. He doesn't know how far this strongest is from the second strongest, as well as the top three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

However, relying on his own understanding of the Pihai Peak level, it should not be better than the original self, even if Bai Ranran used the world origin to unearth all his potential in the Pihai Realm.

After all, whether it was bloodline, spiritual vein, talent, combat skills, or cultivation technique, Bai Ranran shouldn't have anything comparable to him.

Another reason why Han Fei felt that Bai Ranran was not as strong as he was at the beginning was that from the memory of Nezha clone, he learned that Bai Ranran had singled out with An Tufu. Although An Tufu was beaten violently, he did not. Fall.

And Nezha and An Tufu had been singled out, and the two of them were almost equal in strength, and no one was better than the other. It can be seen from this that the combat power of Pihai Peak turned into a gap in comprehensive combat power in the end, although Han Fei felt that after reaching a certain level, such things as comprehensive combat power could not be calculated at all.


Han Fei was considering whether to take advantage of Bai Ranran's entrance and chop Wu Hai's servant first. But after that, a loud roar came, not who is Butcher An?

"Te Niang's, it's another one. I'll also see who can kill me."

Han Fei's heart moved, good guys, the three powerhouses are here.

With the arrival of several powerful men, Zhao Mo, disguised by Han Fei, broke out completely. A simulated triangle mark appeared on the center of his eyebrows, his divine power descended, his body was stained with blood, and he would burn his life. Broke off an arm, turning it into a touch of sharp sword light.

When Wu Hai saw it, his expression changed drastically: "You are crazy, this is just a trial, why should you divide it up?"

However, Han Fei didn't listen at all, pretending to give a blow, Wu Hai could only bite the bullet and stop it. I saw him sacrifice that token again. It seemed that he was going to continue to pull out the plug-in and forcefully kill Han Fei.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly. I'm going to die! They are all dead, and their disguise is coming.

No, Han Fei's eyebrows burst out, exploding with power to open the sky. When the sword light in the token was cut down, it was not as unprofitable as before.

However, after all, it was a shot at the level of the top ten lords, Han Fei pretended that he could barely resist. After insisting on five or six breaths, he was finally broken.

"Puff chuff~"

I saw Han Fei's body being twisted into pieces, and Wu Hai didn't get any better. He was hit hard by Han Fei secretly, and his soul was annihilated. For a time, like a dementia, the distinction between the south, east and north is not clear.

The battle in the sandstorm naturally attracted the attention of Bai Ranran and An Butcher. Bai Ranran didn't entangle with Nezha, and rushed directly into the sandstorm.

Tufu An also rushed in without stopping, and one Yunan had already fallen, so don't fall another one. Otherwise, the person who led the team this time would almost die.

The key is that this is only the place of recovery on the 9th. In their view, this is just an ordinary trial that is not very dangerous! Just to train new people.

Han Fei controlled Zhao Mo, and finally roared: "The Wanlin tribe doesn't speak martial arts, and uses the power to open the sky."


After Zhao Mo shouted this sentence, he exploded directly. It's just that no one knows. He guessed that he manipulated time and reshaped the astronomical phenomenon of the collapse of a great road.

At the moment An Butcher rushed over, Zhao Mo was gone, a crack in the heavens appeared, and the red roar continued.

"I'm going to your mother..."

"Got it~"

This time, An Tufu was angry, and Lao Tzu came in front of him. As a result, he lost so much effort and disappeared.

Ghost Blade arrived on the battlefield almost at the same time as Tufu An, but Tufu An saw that Wu Hai's token was still there, and there was still a trace of the power of the Open Heaven realm.

At this moment, Wu Hai's mind was annihilated for a small part, and with no combat power, An Tufu rushed towards this person in a rage.


"Got it~"

I saw two light and shadow colliding in the void. Butcher Ann roared: "Get out!"

The big guillotine came out, slashed three thousand miles horizontally, and the ghost blade doubled swords to block, but failed to **** Wu Hai. After all, his speed is fast, but the natural ability of the Tianchan family is fast.

Butcher An was trembling with anger at this moment.

"Good, good, a city of scavengers, a great power to open the sky. I don’t talk about the rules with Lao Tzu, Te Niang, do you still want to play? There is a kind, wait for me in the third recovery place. Lao Tzu slaughtered it for you to see."

Bai Ranran and Tianhong arrived one after another. Bai Ranran frowned slightly. She didn't expect this. Wu Hai knew that the seventh son of the Wu family among the top ten lords was also among the top ten lords in the past 100 years. , One of the strongest seedlings. The internal camp ranks 67th.

This Wu Hai was one of Bai Ranran's heart, one of the most unlikely people to have an accident, but at this moment he was actually held in his hands by An Butcher. It seems to be difficult to live.

But An Tufu was murderous at this moment. The dragon on the guillotine seemed to be half alive. He bit Wu Hai's body with one bite, and directly tore Wu Hai into two pieces.

Bai Ranran, seeing hundreds of ghosts, followed and tore Wu Hai's body, he swallowed Wu Hai alive.


The crack in the avenue reappeared, but this did not calm Butcher's anger.

Just listen to him gritted his teeth and said: "It's just his mother's No. 9 recovery site, honestly fighting for it, can't it? Bai Ranran, this is the second time. I'm really afraid that you won't make it?"

Bai Ranran didn't care what An Butcher said, but glanced at Ghost Blade: "The origin of the world."


The ghost blade disappeared and came to find the origin of the world.

However, Nezha was one step ahead of Ghost Blade.

Nezha took Longyue, and another young man, and the three arrived.

Long Yue also exclaimed in surprise: "Nezha, your navigation device is too easy to use, right? If this is known to others, it must be crazy to chase you down."

Nezha avatar: "Shhh! Don't open your mouth! We only know this stuff. If you yell, the whole world will know it."

Long Yue didn't take it seriously: "Heh! Bai Ranran and An Tufu are fighting 80% of the time. To be honest, I didn't expect this time to be so quiet. This is the place of recovery on the 9th, and they will be killed. That is about to come. In the half-initial place on Number Three, they still can't kill them mad?"

Nezha divides the body and mind, you know what a fart, if it wasn't for my main body to do things, do you think a bunch of people can die on both sides? This is what we saw, and some of those who didn't see it were probably killed.

Suddenly, Nezha moved his mind and body, Hun Tian Ling shook, and flew out.

"Ghost Blade, things are in my hands, do you want to grab them depending on you?"

After finishing speaking, Nezha avatar shot out, Long Yue carried a sickle, harvesting this world origin.

Beside Long Yue, a strange-looking tree monster plant with six spears stuck in his back was turning the two short spears in his hand: "Should you consider leaving this ghost blade?"

Long Yue: "You think too much, the ghost blade is too fast, and there is the technique of turning around to die. Nezha killed him three times, but didn't really kill him, how do you stay?"


The World Origin Fruit was picked, the power of the Devouring Worm disappeared, and the entire sandstorm stopped abruptly in the void and scattered one after another.

But when they saw Bai Ranran and An Butcher, they were killed together.

However, even though An Butcher was clamoring to kill Bai Ranran, he was beaten into the sky by a series of printing methods at this moment, and the ghost-eating wall body was useless.

Butcher An is also a little inexplicable. You killed the two people on my side first, and now someone on your side used Kaitian outside the means to kill the two people on my side.

Could it be that the angry person shouldn't be me? Why do you feel like you are more angry than me.

An Tufu didn't know that someone had used his image to show off in front of Bai Ranran once, and blatantly clamored to put her in bed.

Can Bai Ranran bear it? She didn't talk much at first. Since everyone is an enemy, if you kill my person, that is your ability, then I have a chance to get it back.

However, this rude butcher, full of foul language, provoked face to face, and was not an individual. Moreover, Wu Hai, who is most important to her, was killed. Can she not be angry?

Seeing the earth-shattering battle here, a flame of fire traversed the sky, and the ghost blade returned to the battlefield on Bai Ranran's side.

Tianhong and Ghost Blade blocked Nezha clone.

Just listen to Nezha indifferently: "The city of scavengers, arbitrarily use the power of the open world~www.readwn.com~ what can you explain?"

Butcher An also roared, "Bai Ranran, you stinky lady, I will definitely not let you get better this time when I go back. Nezha, dare you to join forces and kill these three."

Nezha's clone pretended to think for a moment: "Okay!"

Bai Ranran naturally explained unremittingly that Wu Hai's status is good, and he has the means to open the heavens, which is normal. Even if the City of Wanderers and the City of Primordial City are to be held accountable for this matter, there are still ways to quibble, and it doesn't matter.

I only saw that Nezha avatar slayed at Ghost Blade and Tianhong alone.

Outside of a chaotic battle, Longyue and the strange tree man are watching the battle.

Long Yue: "Li Keli, would you like to help?"

The two estimated that if they made their best effort, they might have a chance to keep one this time.

Suddenly, the two turned their heads at the same time. Millions of miles away, they saw a man covered with red scales and a long knife floating behind his back, appearing in their field of vision.

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