God of Fishing

Chapter 2204: 1 word, loaded

When everyone saw Han Fei's appearance in the field of vision, Bai Ranran was the first to be a little confused.

Bai Ranran calculated it in his mind. If he remembers correctly, the area where Ye Fengliu is located is separated by three areas from here. Why did he get here?

However, at this moment, Bai Ranran did not think much about the three-way war.

On the contrary, it was Han Fei. Once he came up, he smashed the virtual with a stab, a kind of fierce stab that resembled Dao Guiyi Sword.

Han Fei carried his hands on his shoulders and fought with the sword, wherever he passed, the sword aura grew and the blade waves rolled.

To be honest, everyone was fascinated by this appearance.

An Tufu's heart sank, and he didn't even know this guy. And this person is obviously a swordsman against Longyue and Li Kanli, and is the co-author of the city of Scavengers?

It's just that this way of playing is too ridiculous, is this guy pretending to be forceful?

By Long Yue's side, Li Kanli's eyes were cold: "I'm coming."

I saw that the tree man suddenly grew a lot of branches, and then these branches began to unfold, and there were small silver needle-like leaves growing on them.

"Shoo, hoo~"

After the countless small leaves were shot out of the void, they turned into spears, and they were also absorbing the power of the void and exploding.

However, when these two endless spears collided with Han Fei's knife wave, they were almost defeated by a crushing force.

"not good!"

Long Yue's expression changed slightly: "I'll help you."


Like the sickle of the **** of death, when Longyue's sickle was raised, a darkness covered Han Fei, a field of sickle, trying to harvest Han Fei.

"Ding Ding Ding~"

"Clang clang clang~"

Bai Ranran frowned, cursing inwardly, stupid. Is this really an arena battle? In actual combat, whoever's hole cards can kill, just use it, let alone you haven't fought with these people.

However, in the darkness, a sword mark suddenly flashed, and the dazzling blade light seemed to rise into the sky in a scorching sun. Everyone couldn't help but shrink their eyes and pupils, and there was a spirit attack attached to this blade of light, causing them to lose their vision for an instant.

"Puff chuff~"

In the blink of an eye, there was a sound of body cracking.

Just listen to Long Yue exclaiming: "Not good, the origin of the world."

The nature of the world origin fruit is that it cannot be put into the origin sea after it is obtained. Once it is placed in the original sea, it first needs to be refined on the spot. In this kind of melee, how can Longyue refining?

Moreover, the origin of this world was not grabbed by herself, Longyue just took it. Who knows that the origin of the world will be robbed of one's own domain in an instant?


I only saw that one of Longyue's arms was directly exploded into powder, while Han Fei had appeared thousands of miles away, grasping the origin of this world with one hand.

"Fast guy."

As the descendant of the Tianchan family, Tufu An felt that the speed of that person just now was too fast.

However, he also saw clearly, don't look at this person as simply grabbing something. At that moment, he borrowed the Dao of Heaven and turned himself into a part of the sword light. The moment he unfolded Longyue's arm, he also used Space Avenue. Before Longyue and Li Kanli hadn’t reacted, he just Ran.


Nezha cloned the ghost blade in a circle of universe, Hun Tian Ling wrapped Tianhong's giant pillar of King Kong, and instantly left the battlefield, his hand spear burst, stabbed a sky mark, and slew towards the body.

In any case, the origin of the world has been robbed, and the leader of the team, I always want to be interesting.

However, Nezha avatar only had time to shoot this shot.


At that time, I only saw Han Fei's body, Yun Danfeng gently drew the long knife in his hand, flicked his thumb, the long knife was pulled out of the sheath, and the sword was drawn, making the world pale.


The two attacks collided, Han Fei took advantage of the momentum to retreat thousands of miles, dodging a spear that was about to reach its limit, stepped on his feet, and covered in the sword prison.

Bai Ranran was amazed, with such a clever body technique, his heart said that the power displayed by Ye Fengliu was not strong enough to crush Longyue and Li Kanli. But his body shape at that moment just now was really beautiful.

Moreover, she didn't know Han Fei's Space Avenue before she knew Han Fei.

Nezha's avatar had no results. Longyue pointed at Han Fei with a sickle: "Bold thief, dare to steal this girl's world origin, this girl can't spare you."

Han Fei said indifferently: "It is now, mine."

Long Yue: "You are not ashamed of speaking, do you really think I can't beat you?"

Han Fei swung his long knife across his backhand, with his hand on his waist. I don't know when there was an extra kitchen knife.


Ghost Blade couldn't help but sigh. Everyone knew that Han Fei used a knife, but only knew that Han Fei's knife was not easy to get out of its sheath. However, no one knew that Han Fei actually had a knife.

An Tufu's big blade slashed wildly, dragging Bai Ranran, and at the same time yelled: "Nezha, can't your people do it, can't you get rid of a little one after two hits one?"

However, Nezha's identity exploded and said indifferently: "Go!"

Long Yue and Li Kanli were surprised, what left?

Long Yue said anxiously: "He robbed our world origin."

Han Fei looked at Longyue and said beyond doubt: "It's just the origin of the world."

Longyue and Nezha have cooperated for three hundred years, and I haven't seen anyone pull out a short knife, so I must be thorough. This can only show that I underestimated the knife.

Long Yue shut up immediately, but she still held a grudge against Han Fei's body and asked: "What's your name? His Japanese girl definitely wants you to look good."

Han Fei said indifferently, "Ye Fengliu, the city of scavengers."


Nezha had to stop. Ghost Blade and Tianhong naturally didn't have to chase and fight. They couldn't kill them. Two fights and one could barely hold down Nezha. Now that they have retired, they naturally don't have to chase them.

But the butcher was furious: "Nezha, you are not planted, are you crazy? Is it difficult to stare at my primitive city? What's the matter, today I met an unknown person in the city of scavengers. Dare to fight?"

Nezha's avatar looked at Butcher An: "Idiot, one more word, I will join hands with them and kill you first."

An Butcher: "..."

An Tufu's heart was horrified, the speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Originally, Nezha had retired, and he was a one-to-four. If Nezha is making a shot, how would Nima fight one-on-seven?

Suddenly, An Butcher yelled, and the cicada's wings vibrated, turning into glazed light and shadow, and retreated.

Anyway, this kind of character is mad when he is mad and timid when he is timid, and runs faster than anyone else.

Bai Ranran didn't pursue it, because she knew that Butcher An's true power hadn't exploded yet.

When everyone else left, Bai Ranran looked at Han Fei: "Why are you here?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "The picture you gave is empty, I found it all the way."

Bai Ranran: "Are you so fast?"

Han Fei ignored him, but removed the knife domain and looked at the world origin in his hand: "This one, mine, right?"

Bai Ranran thought of the space avenue that Han Fei had just exploded, and couldn't help but said, "Why didn't you tell me in advance if you took the space avenue?"

Han Fei raised his eyes and looked at Bai Ranran: "It used to be just playing in the arena and I didn't use it. Moreover, no one can force me to use this, just like no one can easily force me to draw a knife."

In a word, to Bai Ran Randan's death.

After all, she is the first strongest in the sea-opening realm of the city of scavengers. Although Han Fei is very rude, as the team leader, she can't care about it.

Moreover, this time, it was Han Feiqiang who selected the team of his own, which was a good thing.

Bai Ranran guessed and doubted because she didn't understand it.

Just listen to Ghost Blade Han's voice: "Boy, speak, be polite."

Han Fei indifferent: "Sooner or later, I will blow you up."

Ghost Blade: "..."

Bai Ranran: "..."

Bai Ranran squinted his eyes: "Since you have met, you have also got the origin of the world, quickly absorb it, and then follow it!"

And Han Fei said in that emotionless voice: "You guys, I guess, the origin of the world is gone."

Bai Ranran: "Why do you see it?"

Han Fei: "I have eaten one, and the other was eaten by Primitive City. This is the third one. Since I came in, I have met three, and even if there are more, no one picked it."

Bai Ranran couldn't help being surprised: "Have you already eaten one?"

Han Fei: "No way?"


Facts proved that in the next few days, Bai Ranran and the others didn't really get a World Origin Fruit. This time, the biggest gain was unexpectedly that Ye Fengliu.

This trial was executed for a total of 17 days.

Later, until they left the battlefield, Bai Ranran and the others learned that in this action, five died in the Primitive City and three in the Scavenger City. Only the City of Wanderers had the least died, only dead. One.

An Tufu was furious after returning, and frantically condemned the city of Scavengers for not talking about martial ethics, and frequently using open-air combat power.

However, this kind of involvement is not very effective. Except for the two sides to start another battle in the cemetery battlefield, there is no benefit.

For the next period of time, Han Fei went to the battlefield to watch the battle every day and eat melons.

Because the cemetery battlefield ~www.readwn.com~ In addition to exploring the primitive cemetery, there is also a place to declare war. Because of the land of recovery on the 9th, both sides have been fighting for a month.

Every day, it is clamor and challenge.

This kind of battle was once played by Han Fei. After slashing a king in the Primitive City, he never had the chance to fight again.

Because the battles here are generally fought in equal parts. Fighting around is actually not easy to fall.

Han Fei came up with a sword to kill the king, and he really remembered it for many kings in Primitive City. In addition, An Butcher’s description said that Han Fei and Ne Zha had a shot and grabbed the World Origin in the hands of Long Yue and Li Kanli.

Good guy, what kind of people are these, the Chosen Squad! This level is equivalent to the level of the top 100 in law enforcement camps, the children of the Anjia clan, who would dare to provoke?

Therefore, Han Fei can only come to watch the show every day.

Everyone thought that Han Fei was just here to watch the battle. In fact, Han Fei was just calculating how many of the scavenger camps were really strong. How to get rid of, can kill the most people.

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