God of Fishing

Chapter 2205: Place of Recovery 3

Han Fei's behavior of eating melons and watching a movie lasted more than three months.

During the period, he also performed two ordinary primitive cemetery missions. After all, the relationship between the Scavenger City and the Primitive City has been strained recently, and there have been many disputes.

So, coincidentally, Han Fei dealt with the original graveyard of the dispute with the original city.

The four kings of the primitive cemetery were killed in two trips, and they were seen by Bai Ranran and others.

As far as Han Fei is concerned, it seems that he has only accomplished a trivial thing. In addition to going to the battlefield to eat melons and watch the show, he uses his own authority to see some historical materials on the cemetery and battlefield.

Until one day three months later.

Han Fei was about to go eat melons and watch the show, but the ghost blade suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ghost Blade: "The new mission is here, the big mission, we must gather immediately."

Han Fei's heart moved, and Ghost Blade deliberately said a big task, which moved Han Fei's mind. Could it be that the land of recovery on the 3rd is about to begin?

When Han Fei and Ghost Blade came to a camp, they found that there were 200 people gathered here. Han Fei couldn't help being surprised. He knew that there would be more people going to Recovery Place on the 3rd, but he didn't expect that there would be so many!

At the beginning, there were only 7 people left in the team led by Bai Ranran. This time, beside Bai Ranran, there was also a strong male Wanlin clan standing behind him, with nine players standing behind him, which seemed to be a deliberately formed ten-member squad.

After Han Fei came in, the man glanced at Han Fei lightly, and said nothing. But Han Fei could probably feel that the person didn't seem to put himself in his eyes.

After a while, when everyone came together, Bai Ranran said: "Everyone has listened to me. This time, you will participate in an ultimate mission that is rare in thousands of years. Chaos wasteland, hundreds of millions. The primitive cemetery, the primitive cemetery is constantly resurrecting, and this time, we found a primitive cemetery that is about to recover to what can be called the original place..."


"The original place?"

"How many opportunities does that have?"

Many people are excited, the place of origin! An initial place is worth one hundred or one thousand primitive cemeteries. Even the primitive cemetery that is recovering is completely incomparable with the original place.

These people's hearts are beating. Could it be that this time they have the opportunity to participate in the exploration of the original place?

Just listen to Bai Ranran’s words: “Don’t be too happy too early. You only know that the initial place has a lot of opportunities, but you don’t know that the initial place is also extremely dangerous. In history, every time the initial place appears The place requires great sacrifice. The only thing you can be thankful for is that this is the initial place of recovery, and the danger is much lower than the real initial place. But even so, it should not be underestimated... …"

After Bai Ranran finished speaking with these people, Han Fei and other team members were gathered.

Bai Ranran: "You should have heard it too. This is our real mission. We just let you see the place of recovery and get some resources by the way. And this initial place will be the city of scavengers and wanderers. The city of sages and the city of primitives are the three battlegrounds. For this place, dozens of strong men have fallen, and even one of the strong men of the Open Heaven realm has fallen, so you should know this time What a rare opportunity."

Around Han Fei, the few people chosen by Bai Ranran were all dignified.

Han Fei frowned slightly: "So many people?"

Bai Ranran: "This is an exploration, but it is also an experience. However, this time the experience, the selected personnel are quite special. The selected will participate in an event that you will almost never encounter in your life. Great opportunity."

Han Fei understood that the so-called great chance refers to the great chance of the Kingdom of God.

In this 100,000-year comparison, anyone who can survive has a very high probability of opening the sky. For Pihai Realm, opening up the sky is the greatest opportunity. How many people struggled for tens of thousands of years in order to open up the sky, but to no avail, but just take a trip to the dynasty of the gods. As long as they can survive, the chance of opening up the sky is as high as 50%. Who doesn't want to go?

At this time, I only heard the man leading the team coming over, and only heard this person say: "Ran Ran, because the relationship with Primordial City has deteriorated. This time, Lord Hong Huang, directly arranged our second team to come and assist. Let's , You have to communicate well and take care of each other."

Bai Ranran looked at this person coldly: "Ye Qingzhou, in the melee, no one can help anyone. You just need to manage yourself."

"Hahaha! Look at what this says, see more. Don't worry, if there is a chance, I will still take care of your team a lot."

After speaking, this person passed by Bai Ranran and others. When passing by Han Fei, his face was still smiling.

Han Fei is now very familiar with the information on the internal camp. This Ye Qingzhou was an internal battalion in the law enforcement camp. His strength was second only to Bai Ranran. He ranked second, so one person led a second team.

Rather, the relationship between Ye Qingzhou and Bai Ranran was not good. Among the top ten strong in the inner camp, four are in Ye Qingzhou's team. This man has a sturdy fighting style and is very aggressive. Moreover, it seems to have always been in the first position, so what is said on the surface is just fine if you listen to it.

He said to take care of the first team, as long as you don't sneak out the strong ones in the first team.

However, Han Fei likes this kind of people. They are all from the Scavenger City anyway, so let them lie in their nests, and they will all die.

Even Han Fei felt that if Ye Qingzhou had the ability, he could still help him.

A mobilization meeting ended. Under the leadership of an Open Heaven Realm powerhouse, a total of 201 people rushed to the so-called Recovery Land No. 3 together.

Han Fei also wanted to see what the so-called place of recovery was.

After half a month, when the kings entered a primitive mist and came outside the so-called No. 3 Recovery Land. I saw that the city of wanderers and the city of scavengers was already in place.

When the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse in the City of Scavengers saw the camp in the City of Wanderers, he saw at least fifty or sixty people, all of whom were in the Heavenly Selection Squad.

Just listen to the emperor's astonishment: "Xingyu, your city of Wanderers, this is bringing all the people from the Chosen Squad here! Why, the city of Wanderers is empty?"

Xing Yu sneered: "There are so many people in the Tianxuan team, shouldn't you tremble? The real strong of your law enforcement camp will not come, this time, wait for half of the damage to go back!"

"Huh! It's not ashamed to say, really the team chosen that day is the strongest in Chaos Wasteland?"

On the other side, over the Primitive City, someone looked at this side coldly. Behind that person, An Butcher and the two An Family Sisters also scanned the other two icyly.

This hasn't entered the field yet, and it feels like it's about to start a fight.

And Han Fei re-established contact with Nezha clone. But, this time, Han Fei learned a piece of news from Nezha's clone.

This time, the city of wanderers, the strongest group of powerhouses, all came, and none of them fell.

I asked why this was because Gu Tingnan knew that Han Fei's body was mixed with the operatives in the Scavenger City. As early as more than three hundred years ago, Han Fei was able to barely fight Pan Litian, the leader of the ten lords. Now that he is in such a team, it is strange that the city of scavengers and the city of primitives do not have any trouble.

With Han Fei's murderousness, the king of the Scavenger City and the Primordial City can be considered light when folded in half.

Therefore, Gu Tingnan directly studded and pushed all the strongest people in the city of wanderers.

This is the tacit understanding between Gu Tingnan and Han Fei. After Han Fei got the news, he was speechless at the time. It was really interesting. Could it be that he could kill all these people? I was also expecting to stand out from here, and then enter the selection queue of the Wannian Competition.

However, Han Fei couldn't really make the City of Wanderers suffer. As a result, his heart moved and he had no choice but to make the Primitive City more dead.

From the beginning, Han Fei and Nezha did not even look at each other.

I saw the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse in the Scavenger City~www.readwn.com~ alone threw out a jade slip saying: "Everyone has listened to me. This initial mission, this The emperor will also enter it. However, the emperor will only be at the entrance. Once you realize that you will die, you can crush the jade slips. Once the jade slips are broken, you can automatically send them back to the entrance. Of course, once you return to the entrance, you too Lost the qualification to explore the land of recovery on the third..."


Han Fei couldn't help frowning, and the emperor also went in?

On the Nezha clone side, there was information synchronized: "Although it is an exploration, it is actually a trial. Each family does not want their own side to fall too much. Therefore, in addition to a compromise, the emperor can enter, but Don’t walk around, you can only stay at the exit."

Han Fei knew it well, so Nima and a few people were overwhelmed and said that they would dare to overturn you.

In fact, the real situation is that all three Open Heaven Realms have entered the venue to protect their calves, striving to ensure the safety of everyone's life.

But Han Fei smiled disdainfully, the emperor didn't come, and there is something to do with guarding the mere Open Heaven Realm? I really want to do it. Which one can escape here?

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