God of Fishing

Chapter 2206: Monsters in the Beginning

Han Fei is currently temporarily assigned to the first team, which is Bai Ranran's team.

However, when entering the Recovery Land No. 3, Bai Ranran said to several people: "This trip, there are too many enemies and scattered actions. Remember, Recovery Land No. 3 does not have devouring insects, so there will be many encounters. The aboriginal creatures of the original land. Moreover, these creatures were directly spawned by the origin of the world. They are extremely powerful and should not be underestimated. You, as long as you can survive, it is a chance."

Bai Ranran's words made everyone wonder, there is no Devouring Worm, so who will draw the power of the world's origin? Where is the root fruit of the world?

As if knowing everyone’s doubts, Bai Ranran continued: “The origin of the world is hidden in the bodies of these primitive creatures. Perhaps there are also special escape places inside. This requires you to search for it yourself. However, wherever there is a large amount of origin of the world, it will inevitably dangerous."

Han Fei doesn't care, a place of experience aimed at the sea-clearing realm, and he is dignified to open up the sky realm. How can he be afraid of those dangers?

After a while, the three Open Heaven Realm powerhouses shouted one after another: "Follow me into the passage."



When Han Fei appeared in the place of recovery on the 3rd, he found that there were densely populated lives, and with the sudden arrival of a large number of people, countless creatures fled. Among these creatures, Han Fei saw many familiar marine creatures, such as large snails, crabs, jellyfish, schools of fish, barnacles, seaweed, starfish, squid, etc....Anyway, there are so many species that many people are amazed.

For most people, they have not actually seen these unpolluted creatures.

Someone sighed: "Could it be that this is an ominous creature, its true form?"

Someone was surprised: "Although it is a little weaker, there are too many kinds of creatures, and there are as many as tens of thousands in perception."

Listening to these remarks, Han Fei sneered, weak?

The strongest of these creatures has reached the realm of noble ones, and they are still in the realm of noble ones.

This is just a newcomer. I really need to explore in depth. God knows what kind of creatures you will encounter, and you will feel weak?

Moreover, Han Fei looked around the surrounding environment. The monster plants here are extremely rich. Only now, although the underwater jungle has not yet formed in this place, it is not very far away from the underwater jungle.

This shows that this world is full of vitality, and there is such a strong vitality in any place. It can be seen that most places should be the same.

It's just that Han Fei thought, what would happen to such a place full of vitality if it loses the support of the origin of the world?

It can be expected that most living beings will lose the opportunity to grow, and even the vitality here will be exhausted. Countless creatures, or will fall.

Han Fei couldn't imagine how many creatures had fallen into the Primordial Cemetery here in the Chaos Wasteland?

It was at this moment, only listening to the emperors from all sides, shouting: "Listen, everyone, this exploration, this place will be explored for up to two years. Let's go..."

"Shoo, hoo~"

I saw the lights and shadows flying out in different directions.

Today, there are no weak people who can come to this place of recovery on the 3rd. They are all strong people who have completely opened up the Origin Sea. These people naturally know that there is no point in fighting endlessly from the beginning.

Therefore, in the early stage, no one would fight against it.

Including Han Fei, he is extremely scarce in terms of the source of the world. Because if he wants to fully tap the potential of his current Origin Sea, at least a dozen or twenty World Origin Fruits are needed.

Moreover, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, Emperor Sparrow and the others also need World Origin. Therefore, he is not in a hurry to hunt. Naturally, he must first seize resources before it is right.

After hurricaneously out of the sea for hundreds of millions of miles, Han Fei took out his fishing rod and hooked out the Vientiane Mariner with his backhand.

Originally, Han Fei wanted to find the origin of the world, but the voyage of the Vientiane is so powerful that it seems that there is the origin of the world in all directions.

The first time he pointed to the invalid, Han Fei's heart moved: "Pointing to the place where the origin of the world converges in this place of recovery."

This time, the Vientiane Navigator aimed in one direction. The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly and he rushed out quickly.

Since it is a place of recovery that has not been explored before, resources are naturally first come first served.

Han Fei started racing at the fastest speed, but, after traveling for hundreds of millions of miles again, he met a primitive creature in the sea-clearing realm.

A big scorpion with a strange shape.

I saw that in Han Fei's eyes, information emerged:

[Name] Holy Crystal Scorpion King (initial creature)

[Introduction] The initial life forms that have absorbed a large number of world origins can directly invoke the power of the world origin. The strength can be through the profound, the avenue merges into the sky, and the combat power is the bonus of the avenue here. The King Scorpion of the Bible has strong defensive power and is good at ecstasy, so he has to deal with it carefully.


[Quality] Ancient Alien Species


[Contains the air of chaos] 9568 strands

[Combat Skills] Life barrier, body of holy crystal, tail of ecstasy

[Can be collected] The origin of life, the crystallization of the origin of the world, the spur of the soul...


[Remarks] The Holy Crystal Scorpion King can call the power of the world's origin, and the strength exceeds the normal king

When Han Fei saw the information of the Saint Crystal Scorpion King, he couldn't help being a little surprised. He could directly call the power of the world origin. What does this mean?

You must know that the Devouring Worm also has the power to directly mobilize the origin of the world. The average king, if there is no good way to deal with it, is not the opponent of the Devouring Worm at all.

Han Fei stopped immediately and shot directly without hesitation. Regardless of whether he is an aggressor or not, even if it doesn't kill the Saint Crystal Scorpion King, if others encounter it, they will definitely take action.

The world of the strong is inherently the weak and the strong. If they can use other people to improve themselves, many people will not care whether they kill other lives.

The Saint Crystal Scorpion King naturally saw Han Fei, and the double ao was in the air. Han Fei immediately felt that there was a mysterious and mysterious power of the Great Dao that melted on the Saint Crystal Scorpion King's double ao.

Han Fei slapped backhand, wanting to test the power of the Saint Crystal Scorpion King.


When the two forces collided with each other, Han Fei felt the terrifying power of nearly 400,000 waves.

"How can it be?"

Han Fei was shocked. The Saint Crystal Scorpion King's level was only level 95. It was still a long way from the peak of the sea, but he had 400,000 waves of power?

"No! There must be some power in this, which does not belong to it, otherwise it would be a bit outrageous."

Han Feixin said that he also came out of the original land, and the rioting sea is not the same as the original land? There is no way to borrow the way of heaven. But the creatures here are okay. What is the reason?


This Saint Crystal Scorpion King was slapped by Han Fei for dozens of miles, but the latter seemed to be fine, and continued to sprint towards Han Fei. Moreover, this time, the speed was extremely fast, and the carapace on his body gradually became crystal clear, as if some power was exploding.


Han Fei continued to slap, but this time his power was 50,000 waves higher than just now, but he only repelled the Saint Crystal Scorpion King by a kilometer.

Just look at the body of the Saint Crystal Scorpion King, gleaming with sparkling luster, as if it had become a crystal body.

"Huh? This is the body of the holy crystal? Its destiny?"

Seeing that the King Scorpion had lost his power to Han Fei, his tail spurs began to sway. This time, Han Fei clearly felt the celestial changes here, and there was a certain great power that coincided with King Scorpion’s tail stab.


The ecstasy tail thorn, came out of the void, Han Fei did not fight back, allowing the holy crystal scorpion king to try to seduce himself.


The invisible barrier of the soul blocked, Han Fei probably guessed the power limit of this holy crystal scorpion king, and its power of soul, under the influence of the great road here, almost reached the peak of the sea.

"It seems that this is the power bonus obtained after borrowing the origin of the world."

Han Fei backhanded, his fingertips condensed a knife, this knife is the normal force of the sea-breaking peak, just listen to the "chih", you can see a shallow mark on the crystal armor of the Saint Crystal Scorpion King, but his crystal armor , Has not been directly broken.

"The defense is really strong, and there is a peculiar power at any time to supplement the defense strength. The origin of the world, can it be used like this?"

Han Fei doubted in his heart that these so-called initial creatures could use the power of the world's origin to greatly improve their various attributes. However, outsiders like oneself can only use the origin of the world to melt into the sea of ​​origin and tap their own potential. Is this way the true use of the origin of the world?

"Puff chuff~"

Following this shot, Han Fei didn't keep his hands anymore, and he really lost the Saint Crystal Scorpion King with a single blow.

However, when Han Fei killed the Saint Crystal Scorpion Queen, there were no cracks in the sky, but he could feel a part of the invisible power, which instantly dissipated.

With the dissipated power, Han Fei felt some complicated Dao Yun~www.readwn.com~ passing by his side.

After the death of King Shengjing Xie, two things were left behind. A mass of milky white energy body, an emerald green crystal.

In Han Fei's eyes, information resurfaced.

【Name】The origin of life

[Introduction] The life energy that is conceived only by the primordial beings born in the heavens and the earth, depending on the strength of the practitioner, after taking it, can increase an indefinite amount of life. When the life source is taken to a certain limit, the improvement of lifespan will be less and less.


[Quality] Normal

[Contains vitality] a small amount

[Effect] After swallowing, it can increase longevity

After seeing this thing, Han Fei knew that this was another way to improve lifespan. In the past few years, I have used a lot of apocalyptic magic arts, one after another, and some of them have consumed 30,000 years of vitality. If this thing can supplement lifespan, then this wave of myself is not a loss.

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