God of Fishing

Chapter 2207: Who can stop me one blow

Han Fei stretched out his hand to grasp the life source, and inhaled it into his body without any scruples.

Immediately, he felt a lot of vitality and was making up for it. This kind of vitality replenishment, calculated by the vitality consumption of the apocalyptic magic arts, is probably more than 300 years old.

Han Fei sighed slightly, and the reason why he had made up for more than 300 years should have something to do with his true realm. If you really are a sea-breaking realm, then this life source shouldn't only make up for more than 300 years of vitality.

You know, a king has a life span of 100,000 years. Under the same circumstances, being absorbed can only replenish more than 300 years of life, which is a weird thing.

However, Han Fei was not discouraged either, after all, this was the first creature in the sea-breaking realm he encountered. And he not only provided a source of life, but also a source of the world.

No, when Han Fei's eyes fell on the emerald green crystal, the information reappeared:

【Name】Crystal of the origin of the world

[Introduction] The original creatures of the primitive world were born after absorbing the origin of the world, and the crystallization of the origin of the world was born. With the crystallization of the origin of the world, you can connect with the heavens here, merge them into the heavens, and form a unity of heaven and man. Anyone who is born with the crystallization of the origin of the world can use the power of heaven to burst out a powerful force.



[Contains the origin of the world] A small amount

[Effect] After taking it, it can stimulate one's own potential and transform oneself into the realm of heaven.

"Gemini magic."

Han Fei didn't know if he would need to refining immediately if he swallowed the world's original crystal. So use the twin magic to ensure safety.

After Han Fei threw the world's origin crystallization into the origin sea, he discovered that this thing was essentially different from the world's origin fruit. This thing will not spontaneously merge into the original sea, but can be stored in the original sea.

Han Fei couldn't help being surprised. If this were the case, would there be a high probability of getting a lot of world origin crystallization from other people this time in the fight in Recovery Land No. 3?

Han Fei thinks it is very possible that the origin of the refining world takes time, and no one can guarantee that no one will find him during the time when the origin of the refining world is crystallized.

If he is discovered, he will be passive.

Thinking of this, the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused. It seems that in the past two years, he has something to do.

However, Han Fei chose to refining for the first time. The sea of ​​own origin, after time has accelerated, the speed of refining is extremely fast.

The outside world has only passed dozens of breaths, and that crystallization of the world's origin has been refined by Han Fei. However, Han Fei couldn't help shook his head this time in refining. The world origin of this level was far worse than the world origin fruit condensed by the Devouring Worm. Han Fei estimated that at most only one percent of the world's origin fruit.

This also means that only by killing at least a hundred primordial creatures of this realm can one obtain a world origin fruit.

When Han Fei saw this, his interest was immediately diminished. If it weren't for these initial creatures, it could bring him some vitality, I am afraid he would not be willing to hunt these initial creatures in the sea-opening realm.

Therefore, Han Fei accelerated his advancement again after refining this world-origin crystal. It is not his purpose to hunt the original creatures of this world. What he was looking for was the place where the world was truly born.

after one day.

Because Han Fei was too fast, he also encountered some creatures in the sea-clearing realm on the way, but he did not stop.

The Vientiane Navigator points to the place where the world's origins converge. From the beginning, Han Fei's goal was very clear, and it was for the greatest opportunity in this world.

If nothing happens, Nezha clone will also go to this place.

Compared with the greatest chance, the creatures in the sea-clearing realm along the way are equivalent to sesame seeds. I have no reason to pick up these sesame seeds instead of holding the watermelon.

Three days later.

Although he would be disturbed, Han Fei only spent three days, spanning a distance of tens of billions of miles, and came to a weird place where strong men run rampant.

Han Fei had to stop, because within his perception, at least three creatures in the sea-clearing realm appeared, namely a spider, a crab, and a starfish. Moreover, at this point, the strength of the creatures in the Sea-Piercing Realm is not as simple as the Saint Crystal Scorpion King that I met before.

These three sea-clearing realm creatures, no matter their size or threat level, far surpass the Saint Crystal Scorpion King.


Han Fei stepped out of the void, but did not stop. It stands to reason that the creatures in the sea-level realm will at least have some territorial awareness. These three, being able to live in harmony in such a million-mile sea area, has revealed an oddity.

When Han Fei stepped into the perception range of these three creatures, seeing these three, one after another cast hostile eyes on Han Fei.

Seeing this starfish, Han Fei couldn't help but think of the six starfish who refused to come out with him. Han Fei wondered that it was indeed dangerous outside, and everything was unknown. Bringing the six-door starfish towing oil bottle, maybe I could mess with myself, so I let him stay in the sea of ​​riots.

Now, there is a starfish king here, and it seems to be extremely strong.

The three powerhouses broke out at the moment Han Fei appeared, and they killed Han Fei.

As the saying goes, cut the mess with a quick knife! Han Fei did not want to test the strength of these creatures. Just a glance at the eyes, you know that they are the creatures of the pinnacle of the sea.

Han Fei drew his knife from the void, swept across the void rift, bursting out with the power of the Heaven-opening Realm.

"Puff chuff~"

Can the Open-Sky Realm's combat power be easily resisted by the Open-Sea Realm? Even these creatures can borrow the power of the origin of the heavenly world. But even so, they still haven't exceeded the threshold of Open Heaven Realm.

You know, not everyone can do it to fight across the border. To cross the border, the World Origin may need to provide them with several times the power to allow these creatures to cross the border.

Unfortunately, this exaggerated improvement is not so easy. So Han Fei cut the spider with a single knife.

When the crab and the starfish saw Han Fei's horror, wherever there was a heart to fight, they immediately ran away.

Unfortunately, how can their speed compare to Han Fei? A yin and yang reincarnation knife, a blow to the heaven gate, both of them fell.

Han Fei successively absorbed the origin of life left by these three, and then threw the origin of the world into the sea of ​​origins, and continued to move forward.

At this time, Han Fei moved forward, and found that there were more and more powerful creatures in front of him.

In the beginning, Han Fei probably killed more than a dozen creatures at the pinnacle of the sea, making up for thousands of years of life. There are still a lot of world origin crystallization.

Han Fei estimated that according to the creatures at the pinnacle of the sea, these ten superfluous ones should be almost equal to the small half of the world's origin fruit.

However, afterwards, Han Fei discovered something was wrong. Because he felt that in all directions, there were a large number of creatures coming towards him.

Moreover, surrounded by four creatures in the Open Heaven realm.


Han Fei took a breath at the time, is this the so-called semi-initial place? Is this world level a bit higher? There were not a few Open Heaven Realm powerhouses in the riots, but in this place where half of its recovery had been restored, four Open Heaven Realm creatures came all at once.

Han Fei doesn't matter if it's just an ordinary Open Heaven Realm, but the creatures here can all borrow the power of Heaven. This also means that even if these creatures only entered the Open Heaven Realm for the first time, their theoretical strength is at least 30-50% stronger than the normal Open Heaven Realm.

"Outsiders, why invade here?"

Han Fei's heart moved and immediately responded: "I have come to take the origin of this world. As far as I know, after the origin of the world is exhausted, the world is just silent, and there is no more vitality to breed more creatures. At least, you can still be alive. So. , I hope you don’t stop me, because you can’t stop it.”

But I saw a three-headed giant python, propped up his body: "Outsider, you invaded our world and cut countless powerful people in our world, but now you are so right and confident to break the roots of my world. Why, should I wait for you? Thank you for failing?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "Since you know that someone is coming, you should know that there is more than one outsider. The weak eats the strong, this is the law of survival in this world. As long as no one stops me, I can not kill you. But I am not against you. Do it, do you think those other people will do it to you?"

"Xie mad, our world cannot be violated."

There was a crocodile man, holding a decapitating knife, and slashing down at Han Fei. The terrifying power, with the mighty heavenly might, engulfed nine layers of thunderclouds, as if a super strong man who had opened the sky for a long time was shooting.

However, in the eyes of the other heaven-opening creatures, Han Fei did not evade, just raised his hand.


Rolling waves ~www.readwn.com~ Waves followed, with hundreds of aftershocks.

But when the wave dissipated, Han Fei was still standing there, grabbing the long knife with one hand, without breaking the skin.


The four great open-world realm powerhouses are all amazed, this person is actually so strong? Shaking the sky with his bare hands, wouldn't his strength surpass himself and others too much?

Han Fei said again: "I said that I only take the origin of the world and don’t want to kill more. At the same time, I tell you a word, your world is not hidden from the outside world, and many people know and monitor you. The world. I don’t come to take it today, and others will come to take it in the future. I can still leave you a way out, and even take you to the outside world. But other tribes won’t make sense with you."

While speaking, Han Fei stepped on his feet and the dharmakaya appeared.

However, he saw the ten thousand zhangzhang Dharma body with golden light, and said with a kind voice: "I am a person, I have never spoken the truth once. I can continue to talk if I can't make it... You can try who can stop me."

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