God of Fishing

Chapter 2208: Alliance with natives

In other words, the local creatures in the land of recovery on the 3rd are also fascinated at this time.

They knew that there would be people coveting this world, but judging from the comprehensive strength of those who came in before, it was generally just a sea-exiting realm, and most of the people who came in were left behind by them.

But this time, Han Fei's arrival made them fear and jealous of the outside world. In fact, Han Fei showed too much power. With a full blow from the Open Heaven Realm, someone took it unarmed, and directly threatened to claim the origin of the world.

At first, these powerhouses were of course unwilling. One of the big jellyfish was secretly transmitting the sound, so that all the sea-opening realms would retreat.

Han Fei didn't care about it, but raised his lips and said, "I! Or, I can give you a chance. If I win against me, I won't make another move."

These four great beasts seemed to see hope, but even if Han Fei didn't say anything, some of them wanted to do it. Especially the jellyfish, suddenly sealed off a hundred thousand miles of void and shaped a corroded cage.

Han Fei could feel that this cage seemed to have the power to corrode flesh and blood and souls, but unfortunately, they didn't know Han Fei's current physical strength and soul limits.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Is there any more? If this is the case, even if I don't take action, none of you will survive."

After speaking, I saw a big squid turning into a spiral in the void, just like a drill. Han Fei could feel Jin Rui's aura, and with the power of the world's origin, with the help of the mighty power of heaven, he wanted to penetrate Han Fei.

There is also a crab, the giant ao opens and closes, it is caught in the void and burns, and the wind and waves make a knife.

The only thing that didn't do anything was a clam demon.

As soon as Han Fei raised his hand, Dadao Guiyi Jian condensed. Now, Han Fei is running the avenue again. The horror of its power is beyond tens of thousands of waves. It is not easy. Many avenues merge, and the burst of avenues merges into one sword. It almost crushes Wuhuaxing's Open Heaven realm.

"Clang clang clang~"

"Crack, click~"

I saw the huge octopus body, under the sword of Dao Gui, bursting apart inch by inch, and was twisted into blood from head to tail. If Han Fei hadn't planned to kill these people, he would be the first right now. Kill the squid.

The squid was penetrated, Han Feixiang grabbed the two giant ao fiercely with both hands, broke them with great force, and Dao Yun burst out.

Just hearing a "click" sound, the rumbling sound rang in the sky, the giant ao was broken abruptly by Han Fei, and there was no power to parry it.

As for this cage, Han Fei turned his hand knife and cut it out with a single blow. It swept across the sea, attacked indiscriminately, and swept across the world. The cage was like paper, and it was shattered.

Han Fei said indifferently: "To drop or not to drop?"

At this moment, Han Fei hadn't constrained in fact, that monstrous blood, as if waiting for an opportunity, swallowed a few of them alive.

At this time, I just listened to the big clam making a clear voice and said: "Okay, no need to fight."

I saw this big clam, transformed into a clam girl, with enchanting posture and very dusty.

The Clam girl spoke up, and the other people also converged, no longer making any moves, and they all turned into human forms. Obviously, they have already mastered the method of transformation.

Han Fei wanted to come, too. How could he not even be able to do this little thing if he could go to the Open Heaven Realm?

At this moment, the squid had just reunited in the flesh, looked at Han Fei in amazement, and glanced left and right. The squid and crab were no better than him.

He couldn't help smiling wryly, this one, they really couldn't stop it!

Just listen to the female clam said: "Your Excellency would rather take the origin of the world and destroy the creatures in this region? Don't you be afraid of burning your body with karma? There is no possibility of promotion anymore?"

Han Fei sneered: "Fuck me? The origin of the world can make this world revitalized. But it won't lead to the complete destruction of this world. The power of the origin can be regenerated, at most within a period of time, the ordinary creatures here. I have lost the space for promotion. Moreover, it is not me who wants to destroy this world. There is an exit here, and no one is weaker than me. They regard this as a hunting land. I don't take it. They won't take it? In the outside world, there are countless small worlds like yours, and most of them are silent now, and there is not even a living body in it... Although I draw the origin of this world, I can also help you to survive in the outside world. But, other People are not necessarily..."

Han Fei paused and said, "You should know that I will kill you easily, and there is no need to tell you these truths. I also know that there are a lot of life origin and world origin crystals in your body, but I don't care. But, It does not mean that I am a kind person."

These four people smiled bitterly, and in their hearts, they actually believed in Han Fei. Indeed, like Han Fei's strength, it is really not difficult to kill them.

Moreover, at the moment when this place was broken open, they did know that this place had been invaded. Han Fei said that the three great open worlds are sitting here, and they have also known from some way.

In fact, someone has explored this world before. It's just that they hibernated and didn't dare to appear. The reason for appearing now, it was also forced to helpless, after all, the other party has completely entered.

This time, they thought that the number of Open Heaven realms on their side was no less than these invaders. But they never expected that besides those three, there was a strong man like Han Fei.

Even Han Fei said frankly that none of the three were weaker than him. Doesn't this mean that any one of the three can easily penetrate the four of them?

If this were the case, this battle would be impossible to fight, and no matter how many people came, they would not be able to withstand the blow of such a powerful person!


The clam girl sighed slightly: "Actually, we also learned about the so-called origin of the world from your former invaders. In our case, it is not called the origin of the world. This power is called the origin of the world. And most of us are born and awakened under the nourishment of the source quality. However, the reason why we get the source quality is because the source quality itself created us. However, if we want to absorb the source quality, we can only In the place where the source quality disappears, practice and absorb. If we want to take out all the source quality at once, we can't do it. If nothing happens, you should not be able to do it."

Han Fei's heart moved. Indeed, if there is no Devouring Worm, the special creature that can gather the origin of the world, he doesn't know how to harvest the origin of the world.

However, the three major forces, a large number of powerful people entered here. Then they had only one way to obtain the origin of the world, and that was killing.

Han Fei was taken aback, he didn't want to destroy this sea area directly. But he knows how strong the people who came this time are, they are equivalent to the top two hundred superpowers in the law enforcement camp. Even if the creatures in the Third Recovery Land can borrow the power of the world's origin, their combat experience is generally lower than that of the three powerful forces.

Moreover, as far as I can see from the previous battles, no matter how strong these native creatures are, in theory, one-on-one, it is not easy to beat the invading sea-clearing realm strong.

And how many creatures must the invaders who follow them kill to get enough world origin?

Han Fei also seems to understand why the three major forces would do this, because the origin of the world in a place of origin is limited. So many people shot together, and it is impossible to get one per capita. Instead, it is calculated by the number of kills. As long as everyone kills the original creatures here, they can obtain a small amount of world origin, and they can also play a role in experience, so why not do it.

However, the price of this is the fall of a large number of primordial creatures in the original land. But in the eyes of those strong, what is this? The countless primordial places have been polished up. Who cares about such a semi-primary place?

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Whether you can get what you call the source quality is my business. I don’t think you want to watch countless creatures here being killed by invaders? Why, we can cooperate and I will help you Kill a large number of invaders, and at the same time, ensure that you can leave this world and find you a safe place in the outside world..."


Five days later.

This is already the fastest speed of Nezha clone. He couldn't do the same as his body, moving forward at full speed at the limit. Therefore, his speed is relatively slower than the main body.

This is not ~www.readwn.com~ When Nezha is about to come to this sea area, the information will be synchronized. In an instant, the main body and the clone communicated, and the Nezha clone naturally knew what the main body was going to do.

When Nezha's clone came here, he saw Han Feizheng and several Open Heaven realm powerhouses together. Immediately he said: "The outside world doesn't know that there are still Open Heaven Realm powerhouses here. Otherwise, this time, it will definitely not be a large number of Sea Opening Realms.

The clam girl and others were puzzled: "This is?"

Han Fei: "My external avatar. At present, there are nearly 600 Pihai Pinnacles who will hunt this creature. These people are very strong. You should know what this concept is?"

The four emperors looked moved, they only measured the invaders by the strength of Nezha clone.

However, how strong Nezha clones are now, they are all in the Open Heaven Realm, they will not fail to see it, and their expressions are naturally moved.

Clam girl: "Brother Ren, you said you can find a place to settle down for me. What about the creatures here?"

Han Fei: "It depends on how you cooperated..."

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