God of Fishing

Chapter 2209: Strangling together

Seven days later.

A certain part of the sea of ​​Recovery Land No. 3, here is an extremely vigorous submarine jungle, and in this place where the monsters are planted vertically and horizontally, many original creatures of the sea-breaking realm have gathered.

This is the place of recovery on the 3rd, a treasure land closest to the exit. In the Primitive City and the Scavenger City, more than a dozen sea-breaking experts have found this place one after another, and a great battle broke out.


In a violent explosion, a ten thousand scale clan powerhouse fell, and his flesh and blood was swallowed by the demon plants here. The other two Wanlin clan powerhouses who were with him are escaping outside.

Only one of them yelled: "This place is not right. There are six sea-breeding monster plants gathered here at once. It must be a real treasure, but it's a pity that we don't have enough manpower."

While the other person ran away, he pinched out a jade slip: "I call some people over. With you and me, it is difficult to win the opportunity here independently. If the people from the Primitive City and the City of Wanderers come, Don't even think about getting the chance here at that time."

The man nodded: "Okay! But, I'll quit first when I wait... Be careful on the right side, this demon Zhi is not too slow to be surrounded by them, otherwise it will be too late to run."

The two are like two streams of light, twinkling in the sea, and they are being chased by three demon plants.

After a hundred breaths, just as they were about to escape from this submarine jungle, in their perception, they suddenly discovered that there were people from the Primitive City, and there were as many as four people in the Primitive City.

"No, the people from Primitive City are here."

"How can it be so fast? Isn't this direction the direction of our exploration of Scavenger City? Why did they come?"

"I don't know, rush out, you and I can live, otherwise once they are entangled by these primitive monster plants, how can the people of the primitive city give up this opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman. Then, there will be no way to run, but to quit Up."

However, several people across from the Primitive City also found these two people at this moment. The leading woman yelled softly: "Thousand-Lin Clan, they are being chased by the primitive natives, blocking them."

"Swipe it~"

The four great sea-breaking realm powerhouses flashed with a triangle mark on their eyebrows at the same time, and there were only two people on the other side. The demon plant behind will naturally be in their bag by then.

Four-on-two, it stands to reason that you may not be able to keep the opponent. However, the woman in this primitive city "crashed" behind her, showing a pair of cicada wings.

When the two kings of the Wanlin clan looked at them, their expressions changed in shock.

"No, it's from the Tianchan family."

"Quickly, run separately. One can go. Whoever goes out will move the rescuer. If he must die, just smash the jade slip and give up this trial."

The appearance of the children of the Tianchan family means that one person must have fallen. Because the speed of the Tianchan family is too fast. Fortunately, there is only one child of the Tianchan clan, otherwise neither of them can escape.

"Got it~"

Like a glazed phantom, the woman swept over nearly a million miles, stretched out her hand to grab a long bow, and her figure soared and almost disappeared here.

The Wanlin clan powerhouse who was stared at by that woman was shocked. Is his luck so bad? He knew that if he broke through at this time, he would undoubtedly die, so he turned back and rushed to the encircled area of ​​the three big monsters.

There may be a chance to turn back, but if you break through, you will definitely die. As for giving up this trial, he still didn't want to, he still held a trace of luck deep in his heart.

The Anjia woman was also very decisive, and directly shouted: "Watch this one, and the other will go with him. When they called for support, we had already leveled this area."

The strong always have strong self-confidence. These four people didn't know what was in the depths of the undersea jungle, they felt the demon plants in the three sea-breaking realms.

The powerful man of the Ten Thousand Scales, the blood burst, the secret method was fully opened, and his strength suddenly increased. He rushed to a vortex flower. He thought to himself, as long as he broke through this, he could rely on these three monster plants. The strength of the people blocked Anjia.

"Wandering Dragon Soul Destroying Gun."

This Ten Thousand Scales clan powerhouse broke out, exploding with the strongest blow in his life, this blow exhausted him at least five thousand years of vitality, but he didn't care.

"Puff chuff~"


The red flower that saw the vortex was hit to a halt by this blow, and the flower was pierced by the pulling force.

A light and shadow passed by the broken body of the red flower.


"How about settling down? I don't believe that you can deal with five or six demon plants at once. Damn, I was so scared that I was about to give up this trial."

The woman from the Anjia frowned slightly: "The three big monsters can't even hold on to any individual. You can stop me with this kind of strength?"


This homely woman broke the void with one arrow. The sharpness of this arrow turned into a spiral arrow, flying straight across the sky.


With just one blow, I saw that the big red flower directly exploded half of the flower, and the force of the void suction was destroyed by one blow.

Just when the Anjia woman was ready to kill the big red flower. Suddenly, a great whirlpool was set off here, and in the whirlpool sea, there was a treant who projected a spear toward the Anjia woman.

"Huh! Little bugs, die!"

The settling woman's eyebrows were triggered by a triangle mark, and she burst out again. However, this time, the void broke open, and the 100,000-mile void was full of irregular sucking force. This arrow, attracted by the sucking force, failed to make a difference. On the bottom of the sea, countless vines rushed to the sky, sealing off this place, sealing this place into a Jedi.

"Huh! Three demon zhi, dare to stop me?"

Just as the woman was about to break out, she saw the seabed burst open, and hundreds of tentacles stretched out. It turned out to be a five-color mussel resembling an anemone. As soon as the clam shell opened, a sickle pierced the sky towards A few people from Anjia were killed.

When the Anjia girl takes a closer look, isn't that the Dragon Moon in the City of Wanderers?

"It's not good, it's hit, withdraw."

It's just that, behind them, on a vine, another person has been standing at some point.

The woman who settled down, her face changed slightly: "Li Kanli?"


The powerful Wanli clan who just ran away saw that the place of breakthrough was covered by the vortex, his perception was impenetrable, and the people who knew the Tianchan family were blocked.

Just listen to him grinning: "Heh! When you enter the depths of the jungle, you will realize what despair is...who?"


This tens of thousands of scales strong instinct shocked. When he came back to his senses, he saw that the colorful seabed, the coral bush suddenly burst, and a big mouth of blood was almost biting on his forehead.


Before this person had time to escape, he was chewed to pieces, and a colorful snake slowly swam out of the mud.

the other side.

The Ten Thousand Scales clan powerhouse who thought he could escape to the sky was escaping, and suddenly saw a sea of ​​fire descend. In the next second, a large flame covered him.

"Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Cover? Where?"

"Hey! Smart, it's your grandpa."


Surrounded by the waves of fire, the universe circled around, and this person was strangled by Nezha's clone.

In a blink of an eye, the two great sea-breaking realm of the Wanlin tribe fell.

The rest, the Primitive City, was surrounded by Longyue and Li Kanli, as well as the three big sea monsters.

The Anjia woman shouted: "Longyue, you unexpectedly joined forces with these natives? If it is known, your city of wanderers will be conquered."

But I saw Longyue brandishing a sickle to kill: "You can't talk nonsense, we are teaming up with the indigenous people, you are blind? We call my timing."

"Boom boom boom~"

Here, the war broke out, and the five-on-four did not prevail at the beginning. However, after only a hundred breaths, a big snake, a lobster, a starfish...

The Anjia girl was shocked, how could this be fought? How could there be so many powerful men in this submarine jungle? Could it be that there is a place to hide foreign treasures here? In other words, this is the place where the origin of the world escapes?

With a heart move, the woman smashed a jade slip to call people, and ran away while folding herself.

When fleeing, she also shouted: "You will crush the jade slip and give up this trial."

In any case, she just thinks that Longyue and the aboriginals have cooperated, but what she doesn't know is that the entire city of wanderers has cooperated with the aboriginals. Therefore, she did not think this was a very important secret. She just wanted to wait for more people to get here. However, it was impossible for her to give up this trial. This was the only chance to go to the Divine Capital Dynasty, and only once in 100,000 years.

As for the other three, she could only let them evacuate, and it would be nice if she could run away by herself.

"Got it~"

"The sword opens the gate of heaven."


Just when the woman thought she could only rush out, a pair of Yin and Yang sword shadows, two consecutive swords, directly cut off the woman's body and soul.

The other three were shocked and were about to smash the jade slips and pass them directly back to the exit. But the magic sound shook here, and the three souls were shocked, and they were lost at the same time.

The strong contends for a moment, the result of these three people can be imagined.

When the three of them fell, Nezha clone appeared. Seeing this, Long Yue couldn't help beckoning: "Nezha."

After a while, the war subsided, this hunting, directly slaying the seven kings, the results were extraordinary.

Strangling these enemies~www.readwn.com~ Han Fei said to the big red flower and the five-colored snake: "Continue to ambush, if there are no accidents, there will be more people coming next time. But you are also ready to evacuate, Too many people fall in one place, which will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the strong. If the strong arrive at that time, it will be difficult to fight here.

Five-Colored Serpent: "My lord confessed that the next ambush is on the Coral Plain, where eight great sea-opening peaks will be ambushed in advance. After the next stop, we should evacuate there. Now, let's go back to the deep jungle."

Nezha clone nodded.

When the demon plant and the sea beast retreated, Long Yue said in amazement: "How do you convince these primitive aboriginals? This can all be combined. If this kind of ambush comes several times, the primitive city and the scavenger city, how can it be? Don't vomit blood?"

Nezha avatar smiled and said: "Our goal is to hit the primitive city and the city of scavengers. If you don't cut him one hundred or eighty, this trip is considered a waste."

Li Kanli: "Nezha boss, is it really okay for us to cooperate with these initial creatures?"

Nezha: "Don't worry. What you need to care about is that there should be more people in the next wave. Be careful not to let them crush the jade slips and send them back to the exit."

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