God of Fishing

Chapter 2210: Into the desperate place

Three months later.


I saw the city of scavengers, two kings of the Ten Thousand Scales clan appearing one after another.

This is the twelfth time in the past three months that the game has been abandoned. A total of 17 people have returned from the Scavenger City.

The emperor who presided over and led the team this time was Qiu Shoucang, ranked second among the top ten lords. At present, the three major forces, the City of Scavengers, have abandoned the game most, which makes him very shameless.

After all, those who participated in the exploration of Recovery Land No. 3 were all the elites, and there was almost no weak. Why is it okay for people to leave the game with so many people from their own family?

In the Primitive City, there are currently only 11 abandoned matches, and there are only 5 in the City of Wanderers. How can he survive in terms of face?

In the City of Wanderers, there are few people who abandoned the game, he can actually understand that, after all, those guys in City of Wanderers are all lunatics. A group of lunatics who fight and don’t care at all, can you expect him to retire?

But in Primitive City, the number of people who abandoned the game was so much less than in his own home, which made him feel bad.

Moreover, Qiu Shoucang knew that in addition to those who abandoned the game, there were also many strong men who had fallen from the Scavenger City. All those who participated in the exploration of the land of recovery on the 3rd have stayed with them.

However, in just three months, 46 pieces of the fate monument were broken.

Qiu Shoucang knew that the exploration of the land of recovery on the 3rd was difficult, because the three major forces were exploring together and fighting each other was inevitable, so he could understand the occurrence of a high probability of fall.

However, he predicted that it should be normal for a fall of about 20% in a year.

But this is only three months, and the number of people who have fallen has exceeded 20%. What if it is a year from now?

Qiu Shoucang looked at the two people who had been sent back with an ugly expression, and snorted coldly: "Say, you were also ambushed by others, or did you encounter a powerful enemy?"

Just listen to one of them: "Report to the lord, we were indeed ambushed, and we went with four people and encountered nine sea beasts. Most of these sea beasts are mainly monsters, and we can't prevent them from hiding. I know that if we forcefully stay , Will fall, so the subordinates have to..."

Another person quickly said, "My lord, you may not believe it. This is the second time we have been ambushed."

Qiu Shoucang frowned, it is only natural that these natives have wisdom. But madly ambush, this is annoying.

But Qiu Shoucang still said angrily: "Are you all stupid? They will ambush, so you won't hug you?"

One of them said: "My lord, we found out more than a month ago that these indigenous creatures like to guard a dangerous hug. So we all summoned the same clan and went out together in a hug. However, we guessed that other people should be the same as us. The idea is to form one team after another. Some people have a large number of teams, so naturally there are people who have a small number of teams. Now, when we summon the same race, basically we can’t wait for the singles."

Another person added: "Furthermore, there are more treasures in Recovery Land No. 3, and most of the areas we explored are different. The two of us previously met in two teams and then explored together. However, there were only eight people left at the time. The two of us."


Xing Yu yelled: "Qiu Shoucang, there are so many people in your city of scavengers who are afraid of death! Here are two more. You can simply let them all abandon the game. If you can't do it, don't try to be strong!"

Qiu Shoucang sneered: "Huh! Xingyu, I don't believe that the number of people who fell in your city of wanderers will be small."

Xingyu smiled faintly: "Which people in my city of wanderers have never walked on the edge of death. We know better, to seize the opportunity to practice all the way, which road is not boneless?"


When Xing Yu teased Qiu Shoucang, in fact, the strong man on the Primitive City also expressed his hatred for iron but not steel. Four of the children of the An family clan have died, and the number of fallen has reached 37. This number of fallen has greatly exceeded his expectations.

They have also swept here, but in this world, there are indeed only creatures in the sea-clearing realm! It's nothing more than that these primitive natives can borrow the power of life origin. Is this really so difficult to fight?

Xing Yu didn't know what Qiu Shoucang and the Anjia Emperor were thinking. But he knows one thing, that is, the number of people who have fallen in the City of Wanderers so far is only five.

Moreover, he also asked a few people who had returned from the game and already knew about Nezha's cooperation with the primitive natives. He just thought, when he came, the Lord of Silence specially confessed that no matter what happened during this trip, watch more than talk about it, and you can do whatever you want in the field.

Originally, Xing Yu thought Nezha would stir up the situation and make a few big melees or something. In the end, who knows that this servant can still cooperate with the indigenous people? Judging by the appearance of Qiu Shoucang and An Taiping, and the number of people who abandoned the game over there, they probably lost a lot of people, right? At least two or three times that of my own home.

Xing Yu is very curious, how will Nezha end up in the end?

Now, the interior of Recovery Land No. 3 has been explored separately from the beginning to a team exploration. This should be Nezha deliberately. He wanted to use the indigenous people to force the original city and the city of scavengers to gather people together.

"This kid, don't you want to catch it all in one go? If this is too ridiculous, things can be big or small."


Inside Recovery Land No. 3, Han Fei was standing outside a dark abyss, the origin of the world escaped from here.

According to the degree of the world's origin, the rate of escape is at least ten times that of an ordinary newly revived primitive cemetery.

Unfortunately, for him, there is still too little.

I thought that I could go in and have a look, but when Han Fei used the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler to calculate it, he found that the hexagram image was in desperate situation.

This Han Fei doesn't quite understand it. After all, this is just a place of recovery, which was once annihilated. What is the danger here that can make the current self fall into desperation?

However, Han Fei also deeply knew that desperation often also represented great opportunities. If it weren't for the hunting of the Primitive City and the City of Wanderers, he might have gone.

At this moment, the clam girl came over: "Brother Ren, the people from the two major forces have basically taken action in a group. If we don't come forward, we want to ambush, I am afraid it will be very difficult."

Han Fei did not respond to this question, but said: "Have any of you tried it?"

The clam girl was taken aback for a moment: "There have been, but if you go down, the fate monuments are all broken, and none of them survived."

Han Fei curled his lips slightly. Now that he is completely erupted, he dare not say how strong he is, but the city of scavengers must have the top ten lord level. Moreover, now the Emperor Sparrow no longer resists itself, if they join hands, they may not be without a chance.

Han Fei's raising his head and killing the king of these two forces was not the most fundamental goal. In addition to the hunting behavior led by Ne Zha himself, in the place of recovery on the 3rd, Han Fei let the four great open worlds lay as many as a dozen traps. Everywhere, there are at least seven or eight powerful sea-breakers. That's not a normal sea-breaking realm, it's the pinnacle of sea-breaking. This is already the place of No. 3 recovery, the pinnacle of all sea-breaking.

Han Fei: "There are many kings in this world, and you can't kill them no matter how you kill them. Moreover, there are still emperors in the outside world. That is not something a small world can contend with. Next, sacrifices are needed."


The clam girl frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Han Fei: "After three months of ambushing, we also killed many people. However, we can't win all the way like this. Otherwise, the opponent will be suspicious in the Open Heaven Realm. Once the Open Heaven Realm is moved, this game will be impossible. So. , You must make the necessary sacrifices. On my side, there will also be many victims."

Clam girl: "Fighting?"

Han Fei: "If you can ambush, you can ambush. Anyway, when the number of strong people on both sides is about the same, you can only fight head-on. Of course, the forces on my side will help each other. You are not fighting alone."

The girl was silent for a long time: "How do you know that you are not using us to suppress your opponent?"

Han Fei chuckled, "Do you think it's fun for me to mix the dignified Open Heaven Realm into the Open Sea Realm?"

When the clam girl was puzzled, she only listened to Han Fei: "If I only act on these sea-opening realms, I will be enough. Two years will be enough for me to kill them all. Why should I cooperate with you?"

Clam girl: "Why?"

Han Fei: "Once, I also came out of a small world like yours. Therefore, I didn't have the idea of ​​destroying you. You are the same people who have fallen into the world. If you leave this place, you will probably embark on the road to confront these two forces. . I help you, of course. You have no reason to be unbelief, because you don’t have much effect on me, and you won’t be one of my helpers..."

The clam girl took a deep breath: "Okay, but I still hope to avoid large-scale casualties as much as possible."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "Of course."


Several months later.

Han Fei went to see the Nezha clone~www.readwn.com~ after synchronizing some inner thoughts and information, he returned to the abyss of the black hole.

He still decided to take a risk.

Desperate, it's not that he never walked through. It really doesn't work, and you can come out even with a big brother.

But now, he must seize every opportunity. Obviously, although the opportunity in front of him is extremely dangerous, the benefits are certainly not small.

As a result, in the eyes of several emperors such as Mu Nv, only Han Fei jumped and stepped into the abyss of this black hole.

The big crab sighed: "Is he crazy? Did he really jump in?"

Squid: "If he dies, who will do what he promised me? His external incarnation?"

Clam Girl: "He said it has been arranged."

Jellyfish: "Can you believe it?"

Clam Girl: "A person who dared to jump into the abyss of death does not seem to have the need to lie to us. We have nothing to lie to us."

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