God of Fishing

Chapter 2211: Evil spirit

When he jumped into this dark abyss, Han Fei had already summoned the Emperor Sparrow.

Just listen to Han Fei: "We will enter a very dangerous place. If we encounter danger, I hope you can burst out with the strongest strength."

Dique said silently: "After all, I am not very strong right now, and my mere argumentation is nothing more than an open world. Hey! How do I feel that this place has the taste of ancient times?"

Han Feixin said, wherever you go, there is a taste of ancient times.

Han Fei: "This is a primitive cemetery that has been silent for a long time. It is now nearly half recovered. This is the only and most dangerous place in the world."

It seemed to confirm Han Fei's words, or perhaps to confirm the words of the Emperor Sparrow, a pungent smell full of sulphur and burning heat instantly rushed into Han Fei's nasal cavity.

When Han Fei took a closer look, he saw that it was no longer dark, but a dark red world. When Han Fei looked back, he realized that he wanted to enter a small independent world.

Emperor Sparrow: "This is not an independent small world, this is an ancient land. This place is to make up for me. Your luck... is really good."

Han Fei's face changed slightly: "Don't be lucky, there must be a big culprit here."

The emperor sneered: "Look at that, he is fierce or I am fierce."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei’s release of perception, although this so-called ancient land does not reject perception, but I don’t know if it’s because of the high level of power here, so Han Fei’s release of perception is more than ten times less than before, and perception is just worth it. Reached one hundred thousand miles.


Han Fei fell on the ground, and many places on the surface were still burning. There are often some exposed barren soils that make a "chicking" sound, which is caused by the light yellow flammable gas ejected from the ground.

As far as Han Fei's eyes could be, he saw a huge fishbone that was more than 200 miles long, and only a small part was left outside. The fishbone was covered by various earthy yellow dust and dark red plants, which was not very easy to identify. .

You can see the corpses of many marine creatures everywhere. There were even broken clam shells scattered everywhere.

The Emperor Sparrow stood on Han Fei's shoulders, his head held high, just listening to him: "I smell a bad smell."

Han Fei's mouth twitched: "There must be a big culprit here, but I haven't seen it for the time being."

Han Fei wondered, he had to search for it with a marine universal instrument first. Where is the chance of this ghost place?

Han Fei just took out the fishing rod, and suddenly his heart moved, the ground began to vibrate, and immediately after that, he saw sand and rocks flying in the air, and the messy bones that he saw began to gather. The evil spirits of the four directions are also concentrated, converging in one place.

Under Han Fei's eyelids, there must be at least tens of thousands of dead bones flying across the sky, pieced together, and finally pieced together into a bone dragon.

The eyes of the bone dragon were ignited by evil spirits, and then spread all over the body, forming the feeling of being possessed by the evil spirit, as if the whole body was burning with raging flames.

The emperor squinted his eyes and said, "Evil spirit?"

Han Fei wondered: "What evil spirit?"

Emperor Sparrow: "This place, in the ancient times, there has been a massive fall, causing the creatures here to resent and endure for a long time. Therefore, the evil aura here is so strong. Because, their corpses, their bones, they The spirits that dissipated in the past are full of resentment. When this evil aura accumulates over time, after a long time of gathering and precipitation, it breeds evil spirits. The evil spirits have initially born their own consciousness..."

Just as Han Fei wanted to take a closer look, he listened to the emperor's voice: "To me, this is a big supplement."

Han Fei: "Regardless of whether it's a big supplement or not, please give him a break first."

So, Han Fei slid down and came to the huge bone dragon. When he saw him, the message appeared in his eyes:

【Name】Blood Dragon Evil Spirit (variation)

[Introduction] The fallen blood dragon in the past, because of perseverance, swallows the evil spirits of the battlefield, and becomes the evil spirit. The evil spirit can drive the violent side of the blood dragon. The evil spirits have incomplete consciousness, are cruel by nature, and love to kill. The powerful evil spirits will seduce more evil spirits.


【Quality】Fresh and Wild Alien Species

[Realm] Kaitian

【Contains fierce spirit】16589 strands

[Combat Skills] Bloody Storm, Eyes of Corrosion, Breath of Blood Fiend

[Collectible] Sha Zhu


[Remarks] The evil spirit has a chance to disturb the mind and mind

When Han Fei saw the level of this thing, the whole person was not good at that time, Open Heaven Realm? A pile of bone racks, just like a bone dragon, is it an open world?

Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Does this evil spirit have to survive the calamity and open up the origin sea?"

Emperor Sparrow: "No, in this world, not all creatures need to open up the Origin Sea. In essence, the evil spirit is a high-strength spirit body, just like your divine soul, the strength of the divine soul has reached the open sky. At the level of the realm, then the evil spirits formed have the strength of the Open Heaven Realm. After all, their strength may have reached the Open Heaven Realm before they were alive."

Han Fei couldn't help but said speechlessly: "So, this thing can skip the sea and open the sky."

Emperor Sparrow: "In my memory of inheritance, there have been emperor-level evil spirits. Their special life forms are like a gathering of unknown auras, and they grow more by swallowing each other."


Just listening to the roar of Dragon Yin, the bone dragon evil spirit rose up into the sky, spitting out at Han Fei in mid-air. The raging flames with destructive power swept the earth and burned towards Han Fei.

How can Han Fei be repelled by this mere dragon flame? Just listen to him sneer: "I want to see, what is the difference between this evil spirit in the Open Heaven Realm?"

As Han Fei slashed out, the Invincible Dao Yun burst into pieces, and the dragon flame was smashed into pieces with a single stab, and the remaining force was slashed on the bone dragon evil spirit's head, making a loud "clang" sound.

The echo vibrated, but the Bone Dragon Sha Ling actually resisted, as if nothing happened.

Emperor Sparrow: "In this fierce land, unless you are extremely powerful and defeated, you will not be able to kill it at all with this two-strength attack."

Han Fei sneered: "Then smash him to pieces."

I only saw that Han Fei stepped across the sky in one step, drew his sword and cut out, and the flow of billions of swords was surging like a wave.

"Clang clang clang~"

"Crack, click~"

I saw that the bone dragon evil spirit, the countless bones that had been chopped up in a moment, shattered. He tried to resist, his evil spirit condensed into a storm, and two waves of fire spurted out of his eyes. When his strange eyes looked at Han Fei, Han Fei felt that his heart was extremely angry.

However, this anger was quickly suppressed by Han Fei. He knew that it was the evil spirit that was corroding his mind. However, how can a bone dragon be able to shake his own grandeur?

When the invincible fist seal envelops the apocalypse magic, the power of purification falls on the bone dragon, who wailes and writhes. Han Fei stepped up to the bone dragon in one step, emptied his big hand, buckled the dragon skull, and suddenly tore it to pieces, directly tore the keel body of the bone dragon evil spirit, and the whole head exploded on the spot.

Just listen to the emperor bird said: "I'll come."


Hearing only a sharp chirping sound, only saw the boundless evil spirit, swallowed by the emperor whale, swallowed in his mouth. During the emperor's vomiting, Han Fei still saw something distorted in the evil spirit, struggling, showing its ferocity.

An evil bead was held in his mouth by the emperor, his head was raised, and he swallowed it.

Unfortunately, encountering such a perverted creature like the Emperor Sparrow, people are born with part of the power of the Emperor, which is very difficult to deal with.

After dozens of breaths of effort, the emperor bird seemed to be more handsome after devouring the body of the evil spirit.

However, Han Fei was speechless as the emperor swallowed the spirit body of the bone dragon evil spirit. Within the range of perception, one evil spirit was reuniting one after another.

Some have gathered into a weird big bird, some have turned into unicorn beasts, and some have turned into beetles. These creatures are now killing Han Fei one after another.

It's not that Han Fei is afraid of these creatures. It's just that there are only five or six evil spirits appearing within a mere 100,000 miles.

When Han Fei took a closer look, almost every one was almost as powerful as the Bone Dragon.

"Boom boom boom~"

Han Fei didn't keep his hands anymore, ran the avenue, took a strong shot, and then smashed one evil spirit after another. The Emperor Sparrow doesn't need to do anything, it's enough to swallow the evil spirit body and the evil spirit all the way.

It's just that Han Fei's move to kill the evil spirits seems to have caused a farther range of changes, only to see that flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the void, all kinds of weird creatures, impacting from all directions. The number is increasing, and in the end it has reached hundreds.

"Fuck! So many?"

Han Fei had never expected ~www.readwn.com~ in this semi-recovery place, how could so many evil spirits appear. This is not as simple as opening the sea realm, this is a real open world realm!

Just listen to the emperor bird shouting: "Here has been silent for too long, and the evil spirit has grown from childhood. I am afraid there is no evil spirit under the sky at all."

Han Fei: "There are too many. If there are only these, it's okay. If there are more, then you can't hold it."

Han Fei is strong and good, but he didn't expect the Open Heaven Realm to be one enemy and one hundred casually. Even if he has the power comparable to the ten lord level after running the avenue, he can't stand such a high-energy explosion!

I only saw that Han Fei directly took out his fishing rod and fought and fished in the void. This is a small world in the land of recovery, too far apart, fishing Gu Tingnan can't catch it. However, the nearest Xing Yu, you can try it.

Xingyu, who was far away at the exit of the place of recovery, suddenly moved his heart and looked a little trance.

"Who is looking for me?"

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