God of Fishing

Chapter 2213: Fusion Emperor Sparrow

Han Fei is really still.

Before, Han Fei didn't seem to feel tired no matter how he tried to fight the sea.

However, when he had really overturned more than 200 Open Heaven Realm evil spirits, he only felt that Open Heaven Realm was really difficult to fight.

These creatures are not meant to be killed. In fact, they have to absorb their broken fierce spirits madly at the expense of the emperor, otherwise many of these spirits can recover, and they may regroup the big bones and continue to fight Han Fei. .

It is also the first time that Han Fei knows the limit of his current state of combat power. Although he can continue to reverse time, mental exhaustion is the real reason for his inability to move.

Because in this batch of Kaitian realm creatures, there are too many divine and soul attacks, and if I want to block these divine and soul attacks, my own consumption is also an astronomical figure.

In addition, in this battle, Han Fei discovered that the reversal of time could not actually reverse the mental weakness.

He hadn't noticed this at all before, because his spirit intensity was high enough before, and he didn't have enough time to reverse time, so he didn't realize how tired he was mentally.

But this time, he realized it.

"Apocalypse magic."

In the bombardment of countless open heaven realm evil spirits, an apocalyptic magic technique descended, Han Fei was not for the physical trauma, but to ease the mental pressure.

At this moment, I only listened to the Emperor Sparrow shouting: "Fusion."

Han Fei's heart was shaken, and he immediately shouted: "Fusion!"


I only saw that the color of the sky and the earth changed. With Han Fei as the center, a cloud of blood enveloped the sky. On Han Fei, the black mist was escaping away.

Han Fei's pupils turned scarlet, behind him, a pair of black feathers stretched out more than ten meters. On his body, countless silver lines and stripes appeared, as if imprinted with **** patterns.

At that moment, Han Fei felt that he had the mental power to replenish it, and it was extremely strong, so strong that he was refreshed, and felt that he could hit another 200.

Of course, the fusion of Han Fei and Emperor Sparrow could not be so unqualified, just going up hard.

The Emperor Sparrow is not the kind of unqualified bird, from the point of view of its inheritance skills, you can know. Such as the Eye of Disaster, the Summoning of the Heart Demon, the Battle Body of the Devil, the Eye of Cholera... After the sea was opened, the Emperor Sparrow also had an extra evil spell.

Looking at these great inheritance techniques, except for a Heavenly Fiend combat body, none of them looked like serious grand techniques.

The fact is also true. When Han Fei and Emperor Sparrow merged, Han Fei felt the evil spirit around him, which seemed to be a steady flow of energy, and he seemed to be able to swallow this energy to fight at any time.

Han Fei took a breath subconsciously, feeling that his body was like a whirlpool, sucking these evil spirits into his body. It feels a bit sweet, just like a sweet mist in the air.

Without waiting for Han Fei to study more, a lot of attacks arrived, and Han Fei flew wildly.

In Han Fei's heart, there was a sudden inexplicable anger, thinking, you and the other evil spirits, dare to make trouble with me?

When Han Fei had this idea in his heart, he felt a little surprised, but when he thought that he and the Emperor Sparrow merged, it was no surprise.

However, the fusion between him and the emperor was very strange. When he was subconsciously angry, the red light in his eyes flickered, and he saw the three closest to him in the open sky realm. They suddenly stopped their body, and then suddenly confronted the next to him. Companions began to fight.

Emperor Sparrow: "This is the eye of cholera. With your current power, you can probably use the eye of cholera on eight to ten evil spirits of this level. No matter how many, I am afraid it will not work."

Upon hearing this, Han Fei immediately looked around, urging the eyes of cholera.

I saw that among a group of evil spirits in the Open Heaven realm, five more evil spirits were impacted and began to attack their companions.

When it was the ninth one, he saw that the dragon evil spirit shook his head and broke away from the power of this cholera. Moreover, Han Fei felt some pain in his eyes.

Han Fei: "No way! There are only eight cholera, and I am afraid there are eight hundred more here. Can't you summon the gods with the Eye of Disaster?"

However, the emperor said: "The eye of catastrophe can not be used indiscriminately. Although it can be summoned, it can cause other accidents in many cases. The eye of catastrophe means that disaster comes, and it can be used in places where there is not much danger. That’s all. Because, in a relatively safe place, no matter how big the disaster is, it’s not a disaster. Here, the lowest level of combat power is the Open Heaven Realm, and the disaster is released here, I am afraid that an emperor-level evil spirit will be created. come out."


Han Fei was horrified: "Aren't you really scaring me? The emperor-level evil spirit, with the eyes of disaster, can not only summon the gods, but he can also summon the emperor? Moreover, the attack strength of this thing, you as the master Don't even know?"

Emperor Sparrow: "It is not to summon the emperor, but to give birth to an unexpected calamity in a certain place. It is a calamity to let the creatures in a certain place be charred. This is all the evil spirits of the Open Heaven realm. What level is needed to make their lives charcoal? the power of?"


Han Fei was simply stupid. It turns out that the Eye of Disaster is not an ordinary great technique at all, but a destructive great technique that can poison one party.

Han Fei couldn't help being horrified, then Emperor Sparrow used this Eye of Disaster many times before.

Because of the fusion of the two sides, Emperor Sparrow knew what Han Fei was thinking, and only listened to him: "I use it, and you use it. There is an essential difference. I used to control disasters, and can relatively control the power level of disasters."

Han Fei: "Then call it first."

Han Fei was about to make a move, but listened to the emperor's sparrow saying: "You should be able to control the evil spirit spell, and cooperate with the evil spirit body to explode together."

Han Fei's heart moved, he was about to break out of the Heavenly Evil Battle Body, but the Emperor Sparrow reminded him to use the Demon Eater Technique at the same time.

When these two great arts imprinted my mind, I only saw the darkness surrounding Han Fei. Han Fei's body was undergoing a sudden change, turning into a monster with a height of 100 meters, covered in darkness.

At the same time, Han Fei felt explosive power. This kind of power probably increased Han Fei's physique by about two to three times.

You know, Han Fei can't last long to run his own road. So even if running the avenue on your own can provide more than five times the super combat power, but it is not lasting, what is the use?

Although the power brought by the Tiansha battle body was not that strong, Han Fei felt that as long as there was evil spirits, he could continue to drive this technique.


Han Fei wanted to make a punch, but when he moved his body, although he didn't have the speed of his explosive limit, his instantaneous speed was not far behind.

Startled by the speed, Han Fei originally wanted to make a punch, but he subconsciously became a claw.


"Crack, click~"

I saw a beast like a giant elephant, with countless bones torn to pieces by Han Fei's claws, and the giant elephant was instantly wrapped in thick black mist.

However, the evil spirit body in the black mist wanted to struggle, but was directly confused by the black mist.

Han Fei was a little surprised: "Isn't this going to be ignorant?"

Emperor Sparrow: "You guessed it right, this is the air of ominousness. It's just that this has become my own ominous, rather than those ominous in the chaotic wasteland."

Han Fei: "Is there a difference?"

Emperor Sparrow: "The difference is that these ominousness carry the darkness in my Emperor Sparrow's fate, and it can even demonize the mind. You try to control this evil spirit with an ominous aura."

Han Fei was shocked, can he still play like this?


I saw that the dark mist spread across the sky, and some evil spirits didn't care about it and tried to attack Han Fei.

Some also attacked Han Fei while resisting the dark mist.

The difference is that for those who did not resist, the evil spirits on their bodies were gradually swallowed by the dark mist, and in their eyes, the black flames replaced the evil spirits.


When Han Fei saw one creature after another being swallowed by the ominous mist~www.readwn.com~ their evil spirits were sucked into his body and turned into his own power, while their skeletal bodies became their own puppets.

Han Fei immediately used this ominous aura unscrupulously and didn't need to fight with his own hands. It was really cool. It was like the difference between a mage and a fighter. Now, this is completely a long-range attack plus Dao control.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. When Han Fei took control of the 32nd Sha Ling, the ominous aura on his body became weaker and weaker, almost gone.

Just listen to the emperor's bird: "After all, I haven't opened the heaven yet, so I can only breed so much ominous aura."

Han Fei looked at the countless evil spirits left, what could he do? Keep talking.

Indeed, with Emperor Sparrow joining the battle, his fighting time and fighting methods have been greatly improved. But as the Emperor Sparrow said, it is still only the pinnacle of the sea, being able to control dozens of evil spirits in the open sky realm, which is already appalling. Coupled with the eye of cholera, the Emperor Sparrow alone has caught up with the evil spirits.

When Han Fei used the Heavenly Evil body to cooperate with the God of Eating God skill to fight for a long while, and once again killed the Hundred-King Heavenly Realm Evil Spirit, his mental state was again poor.

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