God of Fishing

Chapter 2214: Race against time

Although Han Fei couldn't move anymore, he still didn't feel that the difficulty level of this place could reach the desperate level.

Although it is not easy to fight, Han Fei consciously has many ways to survive.

As Han Fei perceives, there are still more than 300 Open Heaven Realm evil spirits within the range of his own perception. This is the result of his running while fighting.

Otherwise, if these evil spirits are allowed to besiege, their number may be twice or even three times more than now.

The evil spirits that Han Fei killed were actually not too strong, but no matter how weak they were, they were also in the Open Heaven Realm. The evil spirits were completely exploded. Up to now, he can kill hundreds of them, which is already a miracle. .

Anyway, Xing Yu couldn't figure out how Han Fei could survive the siege of so many evil spirits alone. Even if he wants to penetrate the origin of a small world by himself, it is impossible.

If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant. But Sha Ling is not an ant, and Han Fei is not an elephant.

Han Fei: "Han Gan is moving?"

Emperor Sparrow: "You'd better run! Even if I open the sky now, this amount can't stop it."

Han Feixin said, "Your emperor bird!"

Emperor Sparrow: "I am the Emperor Sparrow, but I am not invincible. With this number, the powerhouses below the emperor in the entire Chaos Wasteland will basically die one by one. If you don't run, you will also die."

"Yes! You said that earlier. I ran away early. I thought you could do seven or eight hundred."

Emperor Sparrow: "..."

When Han Fei was sure that he could no longer fight, he directly contacted the state of fusion with the Emperor Sparrow. Instead, he merged with Xiao Hei Xiao Bai. When the yin and yang divine eyes appeared, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai's mental power replenished, allowing Han Fei to relax, and he directly began to escape.

Han Fei didn't know how many evil spirits there were in this place. But if you really carry it down, once your mental strength is really weak, you may be worn to death by then.

This is not called running away, this is called strategic retreat, he needs time now, he needs a time that can quickly restore his mental strength.

Divine Soul is Divine Soul power, mental power, is the time of fighting state maintained by Divine Soul Power. Han Fei's Origin Sea can accelerate in time, but in this space, he has long discovered that Origin Sea can only adjust the power, but cannot open the way to the Origin Sea unless it is forcibly cut.

I don't know if this is caused by the fact that he and the sea world have crossed the two small worlds in succession. Anyway, Yuanyuanhai couldn't count on it, so all Han Fei could do was escape.

While escaping, Han Fei's body, the two major heavenly veins, began to arouse, and the Void Fishing Technique also began to operate. The advantage of being a Tianmai is that it recovers faster.

However, this recovery speed is mainly the replenishment of spiritual energy and injuries, physical fatigue, energy use, etc. Although the recovery speed of mental power is also fast, it is relatively slow.

"Shoo, hoo~"

During the escape process, Han Fei performed the Gemini Divine Art. When all the evil spirits were chasing the body of the white mist, the body of the black mist slowly attached to a broken bone crab and began to rest.


Although Han Fei is equivalent to only half resting, it is also resting, and I can add one point.

Han Fei got this breathing time, but he didn't dare to take it lightly, because the result of the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler was desperate.

But Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler is calculated daily, and it can be calculated every day. Calculating the desperate situation today means that there will be a catastrophe today. At present, these evil spirits are not desperate.

This also means that either there is a stronger evil spirit here, or there are other threats here.

Sha Ling furiously chased Han Fei, who had recovered a little energy for about an hour. In an instant, the twins became one and turned into a bone, embedded in the Sha Ling body.

This is a countermeasure that has been planned for a long time. If you pretend to be a part of the evil spirit, you should not be discovered, right? His disguise ability is very good, even Emperor Zun can't find it.

In fact, it was exactly what Han Fei thought, because his time grafting was very good, and most of the evil spirits did not pay attention to the back after chasing the target, so Han Fei succeeded.

These evil spirits, after losing their target, began to disintegrate after a furious stick of incense.

"Crack, click~"

As the time got longer and longer, only the evil spirits of the Open Heaven Realm were seen, directly breaking apart, turning into countless broken bones, scattered on the ground.

At this time, Han Fei seemed to be completely ethereal, and fell asleep again like a stick of incense. It's a pity that the time is too short for him to use the time magic, and it is impossible to recover quickly.

Han Fei predicted that it would take nearly two days for him to be the fastest to restore his spirit to a perfect state. However, he cannot wait.

At this moment, these evil spirits turned into broken bones and scattered on the ground. Han Fei wanted to rest for a while. Even if he was not restored to the most perfect state, he would at least return to a 30% state, and the emperor would return to the sea of ​​soul and rest space. He is bigger than himself, so that even if he encounters things later, he won't be powerless.

However, Han Fei's imagination was too beautiful. When the bones were scattered, Han Fei naturally followed and landed on the surface. At first he hadn't noticed it. But after he lay for dozens of breaths, he was shocked to discover that because the evil spirit body was not there, this surface was absorbing him. At the same time, his vitality and evil spirits slowly gathered towards him, seeming to erode him.

When it was attached to the body of the evil spirit before, it might be because the evil spirit had formed a spirit body, temporarily relying on the evil spirits here to invade, but now, these evil spirits have taken the initiative to find themselves out.

Han Fei immediately realized that he was not the evil spirit here, but a different kind of here. This space did not want to assimilate himself, but assimilate without distinction.

Therefore, when his vitality was lost, when the evil spirit began to attach, Han Fei immediately felt that the surrounding skeletons began to move around.


But I saw that many bones were gathering, and a big octopus-like evil spirit was slowly joining together. At this moment, Sha Ling hadn't completely changed.

However, they only saw an octopus shot and took photos. They simply felt that there was a problem with the space where Han Fei was.


I saw that the bone on the ground suddenly jumped out and changed into Han Fei's appearance again.

At this time, Han Fei was less than 10% recovered, and he was seen through by the **** rules of this world.

However, this is only Han Fei's first plan, hoping that he can avoid the shaling's recognition and get a place to rest. But now, this kind of plan obviously doesn't work, just listen to him shout: "Lao Yuan, wake me up."

Because he had been undercover in the Scavenger City, the old tortoise had been in a state of deep sleep from very early on. At this moment, Han Fei sounded like Hong Zhong and directly awakened him.

The old tortoise, who had just been awakened, suddenly said: "What's the matter, are we going to the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons?"

Han Fei: "I am being chased by the evil spirits. You take control of my body. No matter where you go, you can just run away for me anyway. I need to rest."

"Sha Ling...his...fuck..."

After getting along with Han Fei for a long time, the old tortoise also got into the habit of swearing. At first glance, the densely packed, hundreds of evil spirits, the whole tortoise is not good.

"So many evil spirits? All of them are in the Open Heaven Realm, my God, didn't you run to a wild land somewhere, right?"

Han Feixin said that according to the old tortoise's personality, he shouldn't have been to such a place, after all, the old tortoise is only an open world. But it didn't turn out to be the case, the old tortoise guessed it in one bite.

It's a pity that Han Fei has no time to chat with Lao Yuan now. He just listens to him saying, "I'll rest for a while and call me when you can't hold it."

"Hey Hey hey……"

Only seeing Han Fei's body fall instinctively, the old tortoise saw that Han Fei went to sleep directly. His whole tortoise was not good at the time, so you believed me too much, why do you think I could run away in the hands of so many Open Heaven realms?

Unfortunately, at this time, Old Tortoise also knew that Han Fei's mental power must be extremely weak, otherwise he would not wake himself up.

Now that this is the case, what can the old tortoise do? Run...

Han Fei slept for about three hours this time. During these three hours, he felt as if he had slept for three centuries, feeling extremely exhausted in his mental state.

"Han Fei...Han Fei...wake up soon."

In his sleep, Han Fei was awakened, and the feeling of sleepiness made him really unwilling to wake up. But Han Fei realized that he was running for his life now and he had to wake up.

However, as soon as he woke up, he felt a headache. Obviously, there was not enough rest time. This state lasted for more than ten breaths before slowly disappearing.

Han Fei felt that his mental state had probably recovered less than 30%, but that was not enough!

But when Han Fei took a look at the current situation, he only saw his body, which turned out to be covered in bruises, and the aches and pains all over his body quickly hit his heart.

Just listen to the old turtle: "No, this emperor can't do it. This emperor is a ray of soul! It's already the limit to run for so long. This time the emperor is really going to fall into deep sleep..."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei was also helpless, indeed, the old tortoise was just a ray of soul, and it was already embarrassing him to be able to hold on for three hours.

At this moment, Han Fei, whose mental state has improved a lot, did not continue to fight. First, he performed an apocalypse magic technique on himself, and then snorted: "fusion."

After the fusion of Xiaohei and Xiaobai, Han Fei said to the little underworld as he did just now: "Son, you control my body~www.readwn.com~ to run away quickly, don't fight with these creatures, just run anywhere. You just need to run, as long as you can run."

From the time when Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were once fused, Xiao Hei could control his body, so Han Fei handed over his body to Xiao Hei, which was the second step.

However, Han Fei couldn't wait for Xiao Hei to be exhausted before handing over his body to the Emperor Sparrow. In case of a big murderer, I am still waiting for it to do it.

In fact, after Xiao Hei Xiao Bai took control of his body, Han Fei wondered if he could last for three hours. Because Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are not in the Open Heaven Realm, they are only in the Open Sea Realm, and they are not at the peak yet, even if they control their own body, they can't fully exert their own body's power.

The only advantage is that after fusing Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, he has the eyes of Yin and Yang and has extremely strong escape ability. This is the fundamental reason why Han Fei can hand over his body to Xiao Hei.

As for Han Fei himself, his heart moved. It seemed that he had to continue to devour the soul of no master.

Although, swallowing too many unowned souls will make one's own soul and power extremely unbalanced. But now is a very time, if you want to quickly replenish your mental power, you must do so.

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