God of Fishing

Chapter 2221: This crab, the strong behind the scenes?

As Han Fei expected, once there was no ambush, the terror power of the Scavenger City and the Primitive City would be manifested.

During the year that he entered the ancient land, according to several emperors, the enemies on both sides probably lost less than 50 people each. This is still the result of the help of the City of Wanderers.

After all, although the No. 3 Resurrection Land has nearly a hundred peaks of seas, the number is still too small compared to the Scavenger City and the Primitive City.

Without the help of the City of Wanderers, it would have been almost killed by now.

Han Fei estimated that the four emperors also complained to him, saying that they were the top sea-breaking realm powerhouses on their side, and they had fallen for more than half of them. If this goes on, people will be lost.

After Han Fei's determination, all major camps were injured during the year he was absent. Since entering here, the city of scavengers has probably fallen by more than 40%, close to 50% of the strong. The Primitive City is slightly better, but not much better.

This is mainly due to the ambush in the previous three months, which killed a wave of strong men in advance.

In the City of Wanderers, although under the leadership of the Nezha clone, they mainly carried out ambushes against the other two forces, but they lost the right to hunt resources.

In fact, many people feel very uncomfortable at this point. After all, this time they are not just here to fight, this is the place of recovery, these beings have a lot of life origin and world origin in their bodies.

But now, they can't get any benefits, which is equivalent to just becoming pure thugs. Can this person be happy?

Somewhere near the crypt, someone said: "Nezha boss, how long do we have to cooperate? Although we don't mind cooperating with the indigenous creatures, they won't give us nothing! How much do we get something for us alone? Does the origin of the world mean?"

"Yeah! Nezha boss, we have been fighting for more than a year, and Mao hasn't seen it. Others are constantly getting stronger. We are just constantly fighting."

"Nezha boss, should we go and ask the natives for some resources?"

Han Fei’s personality has always been strong, and he just listened to him indifferently: "This trip to Recovery Land No. 3, you don’t need to get any benefits here. When you return to the city of wanderers, the Lord of Silence will give you enough. make up."


"Boss Nezha, this matter was arranged by the Lord of Silence behind the scenes?"

"Nezha boss, this is no joke, Lord of Silence will personally give us rewards?"

Next to Nezha Clone, just listen to Long Yue roaring: "I will give it to you. Otherwise, we have been working with the natives for so long. Now if we shoot them in reverse, where will we be placed?"

Suddenly, Nezha avatar stood up suddenly: "Okay, time is almost up. It's time to play a big one."

Everyone: "???"

The corners of Nezha's avatar's mouth slightly twitched, and the body finally returned.


Three days later.

In the depths of a certain submarine jungle, Bai Ranran said: "The primitive natives seem to have given up resistance, and even the ground veins here are no longer needed. It seems that the manpower of the strong natives is indeed insufficient."

Ghost Blade: "Will it be an ambush?"

Bai Ranran: "The chance is great, but it's also just right. It's done in one battle."

the other side.

An Butcher slashed open a mountain range, grabbed the top-quality spiritual stone and ground vein spring water contained here, and sneered: "They are retreating in an orderly manner, and now they don't even want to fight while retreating or in ambushes. It seems that the manpower is not available too much."

"Butcher, do we want to chase after victory?"


The person who was speaking was slapped away, and An Butcher cursed: "To chase your head, this is obviously to lure the enemy. When the enemy abandons all the battlefields, the only possibility is to fight an unprecedented ambush. Lao Tzu has that. Are you stupid?"

"Yes, yes! Butcher boss, I think too much."

Only listened to An Butcher snorted coldly: Behind these natives, there must be a guy who makes suggestions. From the time we entered the land of recovery on the 3rd, we were ambushed by various beatings, and then we were forced to fight head-on. If it weren't for a top powerhouse like me to hold the line, most people may still be fighting on the frontal battlefield.

"The butcher boss meant to let the city of scavengers go first?"

An Tufu smiled and said: "Not only let the city of scavengers go first, but also let the guys from the city of wanderers go first. Since we came in, we have rarely seen people from the city of wanderers take action, but it is us. I often meet guys in Scavenger City. It seems that they are watching us and the City of Scavengers."

As An Tufu was talking, he kept his eyes cold. In fact, he had a vague guess in his heart, but he always felt it was impossible.


The abyss of death is here. At this moment, 46 fierce beast creatures at the peak of the sea-clearing realm and 103 sea-breaking sea monsters were gathered. This is already the place of No. 3 recovery, the last force.

In front of these four emperors, only Han Fei's body began to twist and eventually turned into a big crab.

"Ah this?"

The four kings, seeing Han Fei's operation, couldn't help being speechless. Does this change when it changes? Are you all of the same blood, okay?

Han Fei's changing crab is at the pinnacle of the sea. If it becomes too strong, no one will dare to fight when it comes to the Open Heaven Realm.

Han Fei felt that as long as Bai Ranran and An Butcher were not fools, they should be able to perceive from the natives in the Third Recovery Land that there should be someone behind them.

However, with the arrogance of these people, it is impossible for them to be afraid of the final battle. Because they must have also discovered the situation that the strong in the land of recovery is not enough.

Eight days later.

In the city of wanderers, Nezha brought a hundred or so people along and ran into the city of scavengers on the way.

However, this time, the two sides showed no signs of starting a fight. When Bai Ranran saw Nezha's clone, he asked: "Hit?"

Han Fei responded: "No time."

Just three short words interpret the state of both parties. This time the journey to the place of recovery took two years in total. I haven't gotten much benefit, but my family's manpower has been reduced by nearly 50%. Why do they want to fight with the other two major forces again?

Even if you want to fight, isn't this time? It's time to settle all the natives in this place of recovery first, and then look at the grievances between the three major forces.

And the reason why the two sides will meet is naturally not because of coincidence, but because everyone's destination is the same. Only now, the only ones who haven't shown up are the guys in Primitive City.

Until Nezha, Bai Ranran and the others led a total of more than 170 people to the place of the abyss of death, they saw that the battle had already been set up here.

But I saw that a crab man, leading a group of fierce beasts that had been the pinnacle of the sea, was guarding in front of a big pit.

Immediately, Nezha said indifferently: "Fifty to two hundred, I don't know where your confidence comes from?"

Just listen to the crab shouting: "Why break into my world?"

Nezha: "Hand over the origin of the world, I will not be your enemy."

Bai Ranran saw what Nezha said simply and neatly, and said that this guy would dare to speak. If you ask for the origin of the world, it is equivalent to breaking their foundation. How could someone give it to you? This kind of thing, after all, has to rely on fighting.

However, the question now is, who will fight first? This is a question.

Nezha looked at Bai Ranran and said, "How about 50 people each for you and me?"

Bai Ranran responded straightforwardly and neatly: "Okay!"

Nezha's avatar was the first to stand up, and 49 people came out behind him.

Just listen to him: "All the rest, pay attention to the rear. The clutter of the primitive city may have ambushes, so I have to guard against it."

On Bai Ranran's side, he glanced at Tianhong, who immediately stepped back, and he stayed to guard. Ghost Blade has another group of people following her.

It seemed that this was the final decisive battle, and Bai Ranran didn't have any special thoughts. The only strange thing about her is that these people really came to die?

Bai Ranran didn't think it was true. What she was thinking was whether the cave behind these creatures was an ambush or a chance.

However, no one thinks so much now, and feels that no matter what, the first batch of indigenous people will be killed before the discussion.

No, Nezha took Long Yue and the others, and Bai Ranran took a few Ghost Blades, and shot at the same time.

As for the other side, the big crab led two giant hammers, sprinted, and killed the group of them, looking completely desperate.


Han Fei was carrying a sledgehammer, but saw lightning marks appearing in the void~www.readwn.com~ Beyond Bai Ranran's expectation, he saw the headed crab, turning into a beam of light, even faster than the ghost blade.


Two hammers, the two powerhouses in the city of scavengers, were directly hammered into powder, and together with the spirits, they were obliterated by Han Fei.

Turning the hands, thunder light exploded, but there was another person on the city of Wanderers who was also crushed to pieces, but he didn't really fall.

Bai Ranran was shocked by seeing this scene directly. She glanced at Nezha, and this fellow was also very surprised.

Just listen to Nezha avatar shouting: "Everyone, avoid this crab."

Bai Ranran and Nezha gave the same command, and she found that this crab was very powerful. Strong enough to burst out at that moment, I couldn't react to it.

You know, even if it is an Open Heaven Realm powerhouse, it is impossible for two to open the sea in front of oneself, but this crab has done it.

Bai Ranran has reason to suspect that this crab is the strong man behind the scenes of the Third Recovery Land.

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