God of Fishing

Chapter 2222: Last ambush

But he saw that Bai Ranran, Ghost Blade, and Nezha were clones, and at the same time they were killing the crabs that Han Fei had transformed.

However, Han Fei's combat effectiveness far exceeded their imagination. They felt the terrible vitality of Han Fei, and at the same time, they could feel that Han Fei had borrowed the power of heaven.

Therefore, Bai Ranran thought that Han Fei borrowed the power of the origin of the world, so he could burst out such a strong combat power.

Because, she discovered that this guy's power far surpasses Tianhong, and the speed is completely exploding at the limit speed. Dao Yun is secretly in line with Tiandao. All of this tells her that this crab is a powerhouse of the same level as her. And after borrowing the power of the world's origin, the strength is more than one's own.

It was too late, it was fast, Bai Ranran's body was moving, and the whole body was shocked, and the speed directly reached the limit speed, and he even caught up with Han Fei's.

This was the first time Han Fei saw Bai Ranran's real shot. It turned out that this woman also used a knife. The power of the soul eater is attached to her blade light, which can interfere with the soul.


Rao Shi Bai Ranran broke out, and when he received Han Fei's hammer, the terrifying power had already lifted him for thousands of miles.


Bai Ranran wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. She was a little unbelievable, but she was hurt by a direct blow.

However, when Bai Ranran saw that Nezha's Universe Circle was smashed into the air, and Huntianling's Great Formation was directly smashed by the double hammer, he felt much better immediately.

She thought to herself, Nezha is not the opponent of this crab.

When Bai Ranran and Nezha were knocked back, Han Fei sneered, and immediately stared at Ghost Blade. In fact, he can hunt wildly for the king of the city of scavengers. But always hunting their family, it seems a bit unreasonable.

But Ghost Blade is extremely powerful, hunting him, everyone can understand, thinking that they want to solve the strong first.

I saw that on Han Fei's giant hammer, golden light was radiant, and there was a thunderous sound in the void, it was Han Fei who was chasing Ghost Blade. In just a moment, the two have crossed tens of thousands of miles in the void and fought three times.


On the third time, there was a sound of fragmentation, and it was the ghost blade's double knives that were penetrated. This pair of knives, that is, the hands of Ghost Blade, was forcibly broken by Han Fei.

Bai Ranran suddenly burst into horror and blood, carrying a blue long knife in his hand, and a white light appeared on the center of his eyebrows. When he fixed his eyes, it seemed to be a sea pen-like creature, like a very fairy white feather.

When Bai Ranran merged with the companion spirit, Han Fei faintly saw the void twisted, which made people move the twisted void, and shot himself.

"Huh? In terms of speed, there is a faint feeling of exceeding the limit speed."

In addition to the faster speed, Bai Ranran's companion spirit actually created an afterimage for her. And this afterimage actually possesses 100% of Bai Ranran's combat power.

"No wonder."

Han Fei's heart moved, no wonder Bai Ranran can achieve the strongest position in the law enforcement camp, because her companion is very powerful. In terms of combat power, this may be a bit stronger than his own Gemini Divine Art.

However, the function of her companion spirit is far worse than that of the Gemini Divine Art.

Seeing that Han Fei was able to withstand the attacks of four top powerhouses alone. This shocked the onlookers. Can the natives be so strong?

On Han Fei's side, the fighting speed is too fast and the fighting efficiency is too high. Even if it was four to one, it failed to suppress him. Even, Han Fei's mouth blasted the sword, and under the siege of the four, he even slashed the ghost blade.

Ghost Blade is characterized by fast speed and high attack. However, the shortcomings are also obvious, the physique is not strong enough, and the means are relatively limited.

It is a pity that this ghost blade has mastered a technique of turning around to replace death. When he was cut, the ghost blade seemed to have taken off a shell, and its body appeared thousands of miles away.


Han Fei could feel that even if he killed Ghost Blade again, it was useless, he should still be able to shed his shell. However, he knew better that this molting style of warfare could not last forever. He was thinking, in fact, as long as he kills a few more times at once, he should be able to kill him and he can't shed his shell.

At this time, apart from the battle on Han Fei's side, the indigenous powerhouses he led were already lost. After all, the two sides have twice as many people as them. At this time, it is good to be able to guarantee that they will not fall.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Everyone, retreat into the ancient land."

The ancient land mentioned by Han Fei is naturally a prehistoric land. There are evil spirits everywhere. It can be said that these people go in and die one by one. They really dare to go in, none of them can live.

And the indigenous creatures in the land of recovery on the 3rd consciously fell into a state of death. Although they don't know Han Fei, the emperor here has already let them follow Han Fei's orders.

Therefore, although many creatures know the horror of the abyss of death, it is better to perish than to be killed by these foreign invaders and to seize their own life origin and world origin.

Therefore, following Han Fei's order, these creatures did not stop, they withdrew one after another, swarming into the abyss of death.

As for the crabs that Han Fei turned into, because of their overbearing strength, Bai Ranran and the others wanted to stop them, but they couldn't stop them, so they could only let Han Fei lead people into the abyss of death.

However, in the eyes of Bai Ranran and the others, the abyss of death is clearly a trap. They felt that this was the place where all the powers of this side would fight their lives at last, so Yanneng had no success.

However, they only felt that there would be a newcomer here, but they didn't think it was a desperate place. After all, they watched Han Fei walk in with such a large group of indigenous powerhouses at the pinnacle of the sea.

Bai Ranran looked towards Nezha avatar: "Although there are a lot of resources harvested during this trip, the source of the harvest is very few. In this place, all things grow around 100,000 miles and there are rich species. Especially near this abyss, it is a gathering of ground veins. The land, the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, the Tao is born. If you don’t guess wrong, this is probably the place where the origin of the world was born."

Nezha: "So what?"

Bai Ranran: "This is the place of the beginning, and the origin of the world here is not less."

Nezha: "Everything is shared, and the origin of the world here is not endless. The most, that is, the amount of the origin fruit of the world, why should I take a risk?"

Long Yue: "That's right, this is clearly a trap."

Moreover, Nezha cloned his gaze towards the distance, "An Butcher, since he is here, why hide and tuck him. If you want to take advantage of the fisherman's profit, I'm afraid it's out of play."

An Tufu is also good at formations, he is everyone in the formations, and this person is not so unbearable on the surface, there are many Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

After being broken by Nezha, the latter was not hidden. After all, the City of Wanderers and the City of Scavengers did not fight, and there is no point in hiding it by yourself.

An Tufu laughed and said, "Why, I didn't dare to chase in, so I thought of Lao Tzu? Now I think of inviting me to join the alliance. Have you ever thought of asking me when I was killed in the land of recovery on the 9th?"

Nezha shrugged: "I didn't kill it, look for her."

Han Fei pointed to Bai Ranran as if it had nothing to do with him.

An Tufu sneered: "Bai Ranran is not a good thing, and you are not a good thing. I know you asked me to come out because you want me to be a man, but why? I don’t care about the world’s root fruits, I really want to. Let me come out of people, then come up with tangible benefits. For example, the origin of life, such as the origin of the world crystal, such as the spring water of the earth vein, the crystal of energy, and the best spirit stone mine."

Just listen to Han Fei and Bai Ranran saying at the same time: "How much do you want?"

At this time, no one can run into the abyss of death at will, everything in it is unknown. But Anjia is different. When the **** descending technique cheats, it can completely give many powerhouses in the primitive city a short-term sky-opening power.

Even if there are strong people from the An family clan join, then even if you encounter a strong person in the Open Heaven realm, you will have the power to fight.

Therefore, the An family does not participate in this exploration of the abyss of death, and it is not appropriate for the people of their two major forces to enter.

With less entry, they can't eat this group of indigenous people. Just that crab can kill many people.

There are too many to go, and in the unlikely event of an accident, Primordial City has become the biggest winner.

Even, once the city of scavengers and the city of wanderers have fallen a lot, Yian's butcher's character will definitely do things outside.

Of course, they can also give up this abyss of death completely, but if they give up, there is nothing to explore in this third place of recovery. If the biggest hidden place is not gone, how can they gain more? Not entering this abyss of death means that so many people have been lost for nothing this time, and as a result, even the natives have not been wiped out. Who can face it by then?

Moreover, what everyone is most uncertain about is whether this hidden place, the returned jade slip, can play a role. It's okay if it can work, but if it doesn't work, then you have to face the ambush of the indigenous people. There are not enough manpower, but not enough to fight.

Therefore, Nezha clone and Bai Ranran directly asked An Butcher how much they wanted.

An Tufu said that he didn't care about the origin of the world, but in fact, how could he really care about it? This is not a place of recovery, this is a semi-initial place, and there are certainly many benefits.

Therefore, the old **** Anbutcher was saying: energy is crystallized, one hundred million for each family. The best spirit stone, tens of billions per family. Earth vein spring water is 100,000 catties per household. The origin of life, one hundred per family. The crystallization of the origin of the world, opening up the sea, each family has 30...


On the spot, the City of Wanderers and the City of Scavengers exploded.

Just listen to Bai Ranran: "Are you sure, there are so many resources below?"

Long Yue: "As long as you co-author, you will become the biggest winner?"

Butcher An: "Hahaha, I can give in. The world's origin crystal can be omitted, but other things are not missing. Otherwise, I will go home and you will continue to grind here, anyway, I will be able to hold on to face. Let the emperor take action and break into this place."

Nezha: "Half, otherwise it's not worth it."

Bai Ranran: "I agree with ~www.readwn.com~An butcher, the free resources are up to you. To me, this is just a task."

An Butcher: "80%, it can't be less, or I will lose."

Nezha: "Sixty percent, one more point, the city of wanderers, just leave."

The three parties bargained for a while, and finally settled 60% of the resources needed by An Butcher.

Just listen to An Butcher said: "There are 30 people from the Primitive City. You know what the power of my Primordial City’s Divine Subjugation Art is. I will be a child of the An family. In the same way, you also need to produce something that can be used to make the most of it. character."

Bai Ranran: "Ghost Blade, you go."

Ghost Blade nodded: "Okay!"

Nezha's avatar looked at Longyue: "Longyue, Li Kanli, you two are together."

Longyue: "No problem."

Li Kanli: "Good!"

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