God of Fishing

Chapter 2223: completely annihilated

Long Yue and Li Kanli had no psychological burden at all.

Originally, they thought that Nezha and these natives had already formed an alliance, and they couldn't hurt their own people no matter what. However, the original city and the city of scavengers, it is a pitfall.

Moreover, this time there are not one or two pits. There are 30 people in the Primitive City, and at least 40 people in the Scavenger City. In addition to the various ambushes before, this trip to the Land of Recovery on the Third The city of the city and the city of scavengers, it can be said that the pants are going to be pitted.

No, because Nezha and Bai Ranran let go, An Tufu gave an order: "Anjie, you pick 30 people and lead the team in. If you encounter an ambush, you will suffer a heavy loss, so you can completely let it go."

A man of the settled family came out and accepted the task in response. Of course he knew what An Butcher meant by letting go.

The strong of the An family clan, who don't have a safe back, even if they encounter the strong of the Open Heaven realm, they have the power to fight. What's more, this time the three companies have surpassed the pinnacle of a hundred Pihai?

As for Anbutcher and the others, as leaders-level figures, they would naturally not take risks with their bodies.

Moreover, most people are still outside, and if something goes wrong outside, the loss will be more severe than in the abyss of death.


After a while, Long Yue, An Jie, and Ghost Blade, each commanding a part of their own powerhouses, rushed into the abyss of death.

Long Yue also quietly said to Li Kan, "Because of what happens later, don't expose your flaws before you are absolutely sure to eat them."

On the other side, An Jie of the Primitive City also secretly said to the strong man in the Primitive City: "In a moment, if someone is in ambush, let the City of Wanderers and the City of Scavengers be in front of you, our goal is The origin of the world."

In fact, Ghost Blade's eyes also showed a hint of sheen, and his heart also harbored unknown thoughts.


When the three teams of men and horses rushed into the wild and ancient land, they were all lost for a while.

Someone shouted: "It's so strong here, where are the natives?"

Someone's face changed drastically: "No, the perception release here is more than ten times smaller than the outside world."

Someone was horrified: "There seems to be no way to enter the Origin Sea here."

Long Yue and others were also surprised: "It's so weird here, there is not even a living thing in the perception. The ancient atmosphere is exuding everywhere, I don't feel right. Where are our native allies?"

Just when everyone was about to send a few people out to search, suddenly the ground began to vibrate. Immediately afterwards, they saw the bones that had been scattered everywhere, unexpectedly began to gather.


When the huge evil spirits appeared in the eyes of everyone, this time, everyone panicked.

"No, it's an immortal creature in the Open Heaven Realm."

"No, they are all skeletal creatures in the Open Heaven Realm. Where have we come?"

"Hurry up and find your way and escape from here."


However, when everyone flew away less than tens of thousands of miles, they found dozens of evil spirits were surrounded by them.

Those are all beings in the Open Heaven Realm! Even if their combat power is not very strong, it is also an Open Heaven Realm. Han Fei could kill hundreds of them, but he couldn't handle even one of the ordinary sea-breaking realm powerhouses.

Even Long Yue panicked.

Many people madly transmit Longyue: "Longyue, are we being pitted?"

"Longyue, does this aboriginal want to kill us together?"

"Sister Yue, what should I do now. These are all monsters in the Open Heaven realm, are they still allies?"

Long Yue's face changed drastically: "Prepare to meet the enemy."

"Swipe it~"

At that moment, the people in Primitive City ran the fastest. However, just listen to the "Boom Boom Boom" sounding continuously, coming from a distance.

Everyone saw that the first few strong men who escaped from the Primitive City were blown up at this moment, with fish tails hitting them across. The strong Primitive City who used the **** descending technique could not even carry the tail, so he just Being convulsed, the soul was instantly corroded by evil spirits, torn by evil spirits, there was no possibility of survival at all.

In the city of scavengers, Ghost Blade shouted: "Crush the jade slips and withdraw from this exploration."

In fact, without the ghost blade speaking, when everyone saw the tragic situation on the primitive city, many people began to crush the jade slips one after another.

It's just that the next thing that made them horrified happened, only the audience was shocked: "No, the transmission of jade slips has failed, and we have no retreat."

At this moment, all the talents were shocked, and most of them took out the life-saving jade slips and began to crush them.

They dared to descend into this strange abyss with the team precisely because of this life-saving teleportation jade slip. But now it seems that this is so clear that it is death!

At this time, I just listened to An Jie, the son of the An family, roared: "All give me the **** descending technique. This is the evil spirit. The legend only appears in the ancient and decaying prehistoric land. This kind of evil spirit appears as soon as it appears. , There will be more people than us, and they will follow me while the evil spirits are not around."

"Got it~"

But seeing Na Anjie, the sky cicada waved his wings, and the whole person turned into a light, just about to run away.

But suddenly, a blood-colored blade slashed through the light in an instant, and only heard a "pouch" sound, this An Jie was directly cut into his body.

The next moment, where Anjia was located, there was an Open Heaven realm phantom. This phantom wrapped An Jie's body, allowing the latter to repair his body quickly.

Just as the phantom was about to shoot, another **** knife mark pierced the sky.

Just listen to the phantom yelling: "You dare."


In the eyes of everyone, the Open Heaven Realm Guardian phantom, without even a little resistance, was beheaded on the spot.

And that An Jie's newly recovered body was grabbed by a big **** hand, and saw the big hand lightly squeezed, and everyone was horrified to find that An Jie's child led by Primordial City was directly pinched and exploded.


At this time, everyone realized the horror of this place, and had panicked and started running around.

However, the surrounding evil spirits had already besieged and killed. A group of Open Heaven Realm, but a group of Open Sea Realm slaughtered, isn’t that like playing?

Just listen to the "Boom Boom Boom" bursting sound constantly, one after another strong sea-piping realm, fell on the spot.

Long Yue and the others were forming a group, only listening to Long Yue said: "At this time, it is useless to escape, and these skeletal creatures did not attack us, they should be allies."

A group of people rolled their eyes. Why don't we know that Nezha boss can make such a powerful ally? How many open-world level allies are there?

They thought to their hearts that if the three major forces had long known that there was such a place in the land of recovery on the 3rd, let alone send them a group of seas, even if the Open Heaven realm comes, they can't be counseled, and the emperor can take action.

At this moment, in the Scavenger City and the Primitive City, when countless strong men were fleeing and being killed, they saw two figures coming from a distance.

One of them seemed to have only the realm of Pihai, but with a mask on his face, he couldn't see his appearance. And the man beside him was full of evil spirits, and he seemed to know that it was not easy to provoke.

I only saw where the two people went, the strong men in the Primitive City and Scavenger City near them were exploded by the evil spirit hammer.

However, many people have also discovered the difference, that is, there is no evil spirit attacking the city of Wanderers. In this short period of time, more than half of the people in the Scavenger City and the Primitive City have fallen. However, the people in the City of Wanderers were still standing still, and there was no evil spirit attacking them.

At this moment, of course, many people fled towards Longyue and them.

However, halfway down the road, a row of Open Heaven Realm evil spirits separated the road between them. Who dares to approach, kill without mercy.

At this time, if they don't know the reason, they are stupid.

Someone from the Primitive City shouted: "It's the strategy of the Wanderer City. They are united with the natives."

The people in the Scavenger City roared: "Longyue, You and others unite with the native creatures to kill me. If this matter is revealed, it will definitely be under siege from the Scavenger City and the Primitive City."

Someone was angry: "Ah! Bai Ranran and the others will know, and you will not end well."

However, these people could only roar, and without a few words, they were beaten to death by a group of evil spirits of the Open Heaven realm, swallowed, just like ants, and there was no room for resistance.



Long Yue and others swallowed their saliva, and they were shocked. Is Pihai Realm really strong? It seems that in this world, there will always be a group of terrible existences hidden. To them, the sea-opening state is like ants.

Among this group of people, the only difference may be Ghost Blade.

Rao is in the top ten of the law enforcement camp, but facing a large group of evil spirits in the open world, it is not good! Han Fei's strength can reach the level of the top ten lord, and he can kill hundreds of evil spirits. It was extremely difficult to replace Han Fei, who had just entered the Open Heaven realm, and kill a dozen or so.

Switching to Ghost Blade, he hasn't been able to open the sky yet, under these circumstances, he can't even kill a single evil spirit.


This is the fifth time that Ghost Blade has been crushed. He shed his shell again and again, and was shot to death again and again. Whether he was trying to tear the void or trying to burn his blood to escape, it was all ineffective. It was like a blockade here, the strong man wearing the mask looked like a clown, watching the ghost blade struggling.

"Boom boom boom~"

The sixth time, the seventh time...

Seeing that it was about to be killed for the ninth time, Ghost Blade turned its momentum and moved towards Han Fei.

He didn't know who he was facing, but he knew it and couldn't run away. Instead of struggling, he wanted to do his last bit of strength to see who was controlling it behind the scenes.


Hell Killing Blade ~www.readwn.com~ Han Fei didn't stop either, and Sha Ling also stopped shooting along the way.

At this moment, the audience guessed that except for Longyue, they were almost all dead, and there was only one Ghost Blade.

Long Yue and others, Damn Guibiao went to kill Han Fei, only thinking that he was looking for death.


Ghost Blade's dual knives stopped three inches in front of Han Fei, unable to advance.

At the last moment, Ghost Blade roared: "Who are you?"

I only saw a piece of evil spirit enveloping the ghost blade, and at that last moment, the ghost blade actually saw the man take off the mask in front of him.

However, when he saw this person's face, his eyes widened.

Han Fei shrugged slightly: "Don't look at me so surprised. You are not bad, you should be a good puppet."

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