God of Fishing

Chapter 2224: Join forces with the original city

Although Han Fei can make all the people from the Primitive City and Scavenger City that came this time into puppets of the living dead. However, it is not necessary.

Once the puppet of the living dead is seen through, it will inevitably cause the two major forces to pay special attention, and maybe they will check all the strong under their jurisdiction.

Moreover, Pihai Realm is of no use in the matter of overthrowing the City of Scavengers. He also never expected that he would be able to destroy the city of scavengers by manipulating several powerhouses in the sea-breaking realm and the open-day realm.

The reason why he kept this ghost blade was because his strength was indeed not weak, mainly because of his life.

If Han Fei did not expect, this guy could shell out nine times. Such a role, being a follower, is also good.

When the mist of evil spirits clears, where is the figure of Ghost Blade?

Until this moment, Longyue and the others realized how strong the natives who cooperated with Nezha were. They were also fortunate that they hadn't killed the creatures in the Land of Recovery III indiscriminately, otherwise would they not end up with the people in the Scavenger City and the Primitive City?

However, Han Fei walked to Long Yue and the others like a stroll.

Longyue and the others also had a dilemma, but they saw Longyue respectfully said: "Longyue has seen seniors."


Han Fei gave a soft "um", and then said; "From now on, you are considered to have fallen, and you will not appear again for a long time in the future. Let me relax for the time being, and enter my original sea. I will take you to the city of wanderers."

Long Yue and the others moved their hearts, as if something was wrong. Is this person really an aboriginal from the Land of Resurrection Three? It doesn't seem to be true, because listening to his tone seems to know the outside world very well.

But no matter what Long Yue and the others thought, they completely believed in Han Fei's words. People can crush them to death with one hand, so why bother to deceive them?

When Long Yue and others were brought into Origin Sea by Han Fei, he looked at the evil spirit army, and the corners of his mouth were slightly aroused.

Just listen to him murmur: "This hunting, there should be a different protagonist."


In other words, beyond the abyss of death, Nezha, Bai Ranran, and An Tufu were all waiting. At the same time, they are always paying attention to the fate of those who entered the abyss of death.

However, just at the moment when these people have just entered the abyss of death. Just listen to An Butcher suddenly said: "Nezha, now, should we do it?"


Bai Ranran frowned suddenly, and a bad premonition suddenly grew in his heart.

Just now, I sent 40 people to the Abyss of Death, and currently there are only 30 people who are strong in the sea-opening realm. The city of Wanderers is also similar, only two or three more than his own.

On the Primitive City, because only 30 people were sent into the Abyss of Death, there are currently 42 people remaining here. Although there are still people from all the forces that have not appeared, they also know that it is impossible for such a big world to converge in one place in the end.

Therefore, if the three parties remain hostile, then their side is safe. otherwise……

In fact, Bai Ranran had never thought that Nezha would cooperate with An Tufu. Because there is no reason, the hatred between the city of wanderers and the original city seems to be greater than the hatred of the city of scavengers.

In the past, the City of Wanderers and the Primitive City had more than one war. It is said that the Lord of Silence was seriously injured. It is conceivable that the battle will be fierce.

Therefore, Bai Ranran felt that even if Nezha wanted to join forces with others, he should also cooperate with himself and attack An Butcher.

But now, An Tufu's words caused Bai Ranran's heart to move, only to feel that something was wrong.

But when I saw it, Nezha waved his hand: "Encircled!"

In fact, this is the city of Wanderers, and everyone is more dazed. What is the situation? What happened to Nezha boss and An Butcher?

But even if everyone knew about it, they didn't feel anything wrong in their hearts. Because from the beginning, when they and the Native Alliance smashed their opponents, they knew that their more important thing than exploring the land of recovery on the 3rd was to smash the other two powerful forces.

Now, after a year of fighting, many strong men have fallen into their hands in the Scavenger City and the Primitive City. And Long Yue's entry into the abyss of death is also a pitfall.

Now, Nezha and An Butcher are teaming up, this is to drive the city of scavengers to extinction! Just thinking about it, that's exciting. If this time the two major forces can lose more than half of them, that would be a great achievement.

Nezha avatar, shot without hesitation, and directly stopped Bai Ranran. Just listen to him: "An Tufu, Bai Ranran is stopped, if you can't get rid of the others, there will be no chance of cooperation in the future."

An Tufu laughed: "Hahaha! Let's watch me kill it for you. Extreme Soul Hunting Array..."


I saw three strong Anjia clan experts including An Tufu, simultaneously spreading the wings of the cicada, and the triangle mark on the center of the eyebrows appeared. For a time, their strength skyrocketed, comparable to that of Kaitian.

Bai Ranran's eyes were cold: "Get out of the way."

However, Nezha's avatar immediately showed three heads and six arms, with all arms shaking hands, and said indifferently: "Save people, win me first."

Bai Ranran snorted coldly: "Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Nezha clone: ​​"Try it."

I saw that Bai Ranran's eyebrows flashed, and there were six more wings directly behind him, and the blue long knife in his hand appeared. In addition, Bai Ranran seemed to use a certain secret method, only to see the scales on his body with a lustrous luster on them, Han Fei could feel that Bai Ranran's strength was becoming crazily stronger.


The sword is like a thunder, the mark is like a white dragon, the sword enters the way of heaven and leads the way into the situation. This blow is completely comparable to the combat power of the Open Heaven Realm.

However, only to see Han Fei's body, a light curtain appeared, and the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Hood had already protected him. The nine fire dragons rushed to fight Bai Ranran in a sumo fight, and the latter made the seal in the void, and in the blink of an eye, the seal was over a hundred, and the sky groaned, and the nine fire dragons were shot out. The remaining Shenyin is intended to trap Han Fei in the Nine Dragon God Fire Hood.

However, Nezha clone sneered, and saw him step out of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, opening the heavenly gate with the Yin and Yang swords in his hands. The sword intent hung in the sky, and the sword slashed the hundred seals, forcing Bai Ranran to retreat.

I only saw Bai Ranran, his eyebrows trembled, and a white dragon phantom, ignoring the Kaitian sword qi, and hitting the Nezha clone.

The latter said indifferently: "Show your cards! If you don't play your cards, you can't have a chance to make a move."

Bai Ranran gritted his teeth. There were already enough powerhouses in the city of scavengers. Now if this batch is killed again, the family will be almost wiped out.

Therefore, Bai Ranran didn't care about hiding. He only heard a dragon chant, but saw a white dragon emerge.

When Bai Long and Bai Ranran merged, they saw him as if he was wearing a white armor.

"The second companion spirit?"

Han Fei couldn't help squinting his eyes. Unexpectedly, Bai Ranran would have a second companion spirit, no wonder he could become the number one powerhouse in the law enforcement camp.


Suddenly, Bai Ranran reached the peak quickly, and Han Fei was blocked by Hun Tian Ling, but he was thrown back thousands of miles with a punch. In the process of flying back, Nezha's avatar shook, and the mysterious spear and fire-tip spear violently shot out, colliding with Bai Ranran's fist marks again.


Nezha's clone retreated a hundred miles, and saw that he stepped on his foot, holding a fire-tip spear, and turning his whole person into a top, turning a spear into a human, giving him a full blow.


I saw that this time Bai Ranran did not repel Nezha clone again, but retreated dozens of miles by himself.

I saw Nezha avatar grinning, the sky was chained up in the sky, the shrimp came out day by day, the chain was locked for thousands of miles. Within these thousands of miles, the power of the soul cannot erupt, and can only fight in close quarters.

This is, Xia Tiantian's great inheritance of the sea-opening realm, locks the gods and forbids them.

Nezha said indifferently: "The law enforcement camp is number one, Bai Ranran, do you only have this skill?"


Long Yin exploded and saw two human figures collide in the void, creating a glowing glow in the sky. During this period, on other battlefields, An Butcher laughed presumptuously.


"Bai Ranran, you stinky lady, let you kill Lao Tzu."

"From the Primitive City, kill me."

"Hahaha! Nezha, stop her a little longer."

"Tianhong, you can't catch up with me, what can you do with me?"

An Tufu laughed presumptuously, and the sea-breaking realm powerhouse who fell in his hands had already reached eight people. However, under the combined attack of the Primitive City and the Wanderers, except for the seven or eight people protected by Tianhong, everyone else was dragged into the independent battlefield.

This also means that those who are dragged into the independent battlefield will be dead if they do not leave the battlefield.

"Boom boom boom~"

The sky, the avenues of thunder marks, one after another, have fallen in a short period of 16 people, of which An Tufu killed 8 by himself.

unfortunately. The good times didn't last long, butcher An, who was laughing out loud, stopped abruptly with a crazy expression on his face.


Nezha's heart moved, and there should have been a large number of falls in the abyss of death.

But I saw that Nezha clone burst back, pretending to take out a few jade slips. I only heard the "click" broken, and the sound of fragmentation appeared one after another.

However, this did not affect the hunting battle. Although Han Fei's expression changed drastically, he rushed towards Bai Ranran for the first time.

Bai Ranran naturally also noticed that people who entered the abyss of death ~ www.readwn.com ~ showed signs of falling.

But Butcher An became more and more angry, trying to spread the anger of his own fall on the city of scavengers.

Until, more than fifty breaths passed.

Bai Ranran suddenly shouted: "Stop, everyone who goes down is dead, what's the point of you in this city of hunting scavengers?"

Nezha: "The meaning is, it depends on you."

Bai Ranran's heart was cold, Nezha, like An Tufu, were both lunatics.

Just listen to Bai Ranran shouting: "Everyone, quit."

It's a pity that they used the teleportation jade slip to withdraw from the exploration of the Third Recovery Land, but some acquaintances still failed to catch up. In other words, the transfer process is interrupted and cannot be separated.

So far, the city of wanderers, this battle, has won a great victory.

But Han Fei looked indifferent, this record was not enough.

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