God of Fishing

Chapter 2225: Trials that ended early

At the exit of Recovery Land No. 3.

Qiu Shoucang and An Taiping suddenly changed their auras. And Xing Yu, who was always paying attention to these two people, immediately followed them, and his aura changed slightly.

Anyway, we don't know what happened, anyway, so far, a total of six people have fallen in the City of Wanderers.

This number is too unreasonable, even if they have life-saving transmission jade slips, but when the battle situation is stalemate, it may not be enough to use.

Today, there are a total of 17 people around him who have withdrawn from exploration, all of whom withdrew their lives after being involved in danger.

The probability of such a fall was much lower than Xing Yu had imagined.

In fact, he didn't know what Nezha's body had done. But anyway, the faces of Qiu Shoucang and An Taiping have often been ugly in the past two years.

As a result, his Xing Yu simply didn't look good at all, so Qiu Shoucang and An Taiping wouldn't be able to see what was wrong with him.

This kind of ugly face, Xing Yu continued without concealing it for about a stick of incense. Suddenly, the void trembles here.

"Swipe it~"

I saw that in the city of scavengers, a respectable sea-breaking realm powerhouse appeared here.

Good guy, more than 20 people dropped out of exploration at once. Among them, Xing Yu actually saw Tianhong.

"What's the situation?"

Xing Yu's face was dumbfounded. He could understand that others quit the exploration, but if Tianhong quit, there would be a problem. This can be regarded as one of the strongest people who have entered the third recovery land this time. Tianhong, who was able to force him to withdraw from the battle, showed that a major event had happened in the field.

Qiu Shoucang couldn't help but widened his eyes: "Tianhong, why did you come out?"

Tianhong glanced in the direction of the city of wanderers and primitive city, and his voice was dull: "Nezha, butcher An, join forces, kill me and wait."

When Xing Yu heard it, he couldn't help but understand, anyway, who can kill the opponent, and who can he team up with?

However, what Xing Yu didn't understand was that An Taiping looked ugly just now. Nezha and Anbutcher killed people from the Scavenger City. Shouldn't you be so happy?

Just listen to Qiu Shoucang said: "Except for this? Why did nearly 40 people fall in a row?"

At this time, Qiu Shoucang didn't hide it anymore, he would know this sooner or later. The reason why he wants to speak out now is because he wants to hear Tianhong explain the irrationality of this fall, and he wants to enter under the pretext.

Xing Yu listened, wait, why doesn't it feel right. Nima died 40 of them all at once? How dead is this? Why is none of me dead here?

Just listen to Tianhong said: "The three major forces hunting the indigenous people and chasing down to an abyss should be the spreading place of the origin of the world. Each family has some strong people to explore in depth, and now, I am afraid of accidents."

Xing Yu immediately appeared trembling and cold, and shouted one step earlier than An Taiping: "There can be a seal in that place, otherwise there will be jade slips that are transmitted, how can you die so many?"

Tianhong felt that people were dead on his own side, and the City of Wanderers and Primitive City should be similar.

Therefore, Tianhong said: "There is no seal, there is an indigenous Tianjiao who flees there with more than 50 indigenous Pihai Peak. If there is a seal, I have already noticed it."

In fact, Xing Yu already knew what it was. Although he didn't know how Nezha's body survived, how could he use the ancient land to lure in and kill a large number of powerful men from these two families. But it seemed that the guy actually seemed to get it through.

otherwise. According to Sha Ling's bloodthirsty, how could he not attack the city of wanderers?

But in any case, it seems that this time in the City of Wanderers is the final winner. Compared with the dozens of falling out of the two neighboring families, there were only 6 of them falling down here. If they knew about it, they would definitely have to blow up.

Just listen to Xing Yu snorted coldly: "Idiot, how can you easily commit danger with your own body?"

Xing Yu snorted, and although An Taiping learned part of the answer, An Butcher seemed to have done a good job this time, so he didn't say a word.

Because Qiu Shoucang said that 40 died, but only 30 died in their Primitive City. It is estimated that the city of Wanderers is similar. From this look, An Butcher is pretty good.

However, Qiu Shoucang couldn't bear this blow. In the first three months, 46 people fell. Although he was better later, 40 people fell in one year. Now there are 40 people lost. A tortoise son, a total of 201 people entered, and now there are no 126, plus a lot of people who have withdrawn from this exploration, and are still inside, even less than 40. He is afraid that if he doesn't make a move now, these 40 are gone.

Qiu Shoucang said: "Xingyu, An Taiping, that abyss secret place is obviously beyond the scope of this trial. I propose that the three of you and I should go and take down that place together."

Xing Yu: "Even if you want to shoot, you have to wait for the expiration of the two-year period. Otherwise, in case there is something wrong, or there are people who open up the sky and drop the strong. Oh, there are not many people in your family. I am one of the wanderers. There are still some people in the city, and they haven't been evacuated yet."

An Taiping thought for a moment. In fact, 101 people have fallen in the Primitive City, and more than half have fallen, but the situation should be better than the Scavenger City.

Therefore, An Taiping said: "I think they can be recalled in advance. After all, that secret place has exceeded their abilities, and there is likely to be an Open Heaven Realm powerhouse in it, otherwise it would be impossible to kill so many people in succession. After the personnel return, we will make another move and sweep this place."

Qiu Shoucang nodded slightly: "That's OK, Xing Yu, what else do you think?"

Xing Yu was thinking about how to continue the trial, but a memory suddenly appeared in his heart.

In other words, when Xingyu and the others were discussing recalling everyone, Han Fei had already fished Xingyu's old body. Han Fei said: "Find a way to let the trial end ahead of schedule, just recall a hundred people, and I will take the others out. By the way, find a way to lure An Taiping and Qiu Shoucang to a place in the abyss. Many people know the location. ."


Xing Yu immediately nodded slightly: "I don't think it is a problem. They can be recalled in advance. That place is indeed weird, and the trial is indeed not suitable for continuing."

Qiu Shoucang stared at Xing Yu twice, although he felt that Xing Yu's promise seemed a bit too simple. However, he thought, what kind of abyss, the three families entered together with their hands. The people in the City of Scavengers are gone, and the City of Wanderers must be the same.

It's relatively simple to summon all to leave the field.

The transmission of jade slips originally had the ability to summon allies, and this was also the main method for Bai Ranran and the others to summon allies.

In addition to summoning allies, with the power of the Open Heaven Realm, the power can be attached to the jade slip, summoning all the trialists to return.


When the message to transmit the jade slip is sent out.

In just half an hour, a large number of strong people returned from each family.

Oh no, to be precise, a large number of strong people have returned from the city of wanderers.

In front of Xing Yu, a total of 83 people came back, plus the 17 who had already left the game, and 100 people have come back.

In the City of Scavengers, a total of 34 people came back, plus the previous ones who left the game, a total of 69 people.

In Primitive City, a total of 70 people returned, plus 28 people who withdrew before, a total of 98 people.

The major camps obviously found some surprises. That was Nezha, Bai Ranran, and An Tufu, none of these leaders came back.

In fact, Nezha’s idea is that if they all go back now, the ontology must also go back, and one needs to create time for the ontology.

Therefore, when most of the others retreated, Ne Zha chased Bai Ranran and beat him, and also called the always crazy An Butcher two-on-one. Seeing Ne Zha's clone, An Tufu was determined, thinking that perhaps there might be such a missed opportunity to leave Bai Ranran behind.

As for the remaining group of people in the City of Wanderers, as early as when Han Fei approached Nezha, they were collected into the Origin Sea, in order to create the illusion that the City of Wanderers was also very bad this time.

Now, Qiu Shoucang and the others could probably have a foreboding that the reason why people like Bai Ranran and Nezha didn't come back should be that they were getting sick.

After all, just a moment ago, these parties were fighting, and Nezha and An Tufu jointly confronted Bai Ranran.

Now, Bai Ranran should be besieged and killed, and there is no time to come back.

But Qiu Shoucang is not worried about Bai Ranran's safety, because Bai Ranran's real strength is comparable to that of the sky. As the first strongman in the law enforcement camp, even Zhao Honghuang has given the hole cards, how can he be hit by two guys of the same level? kill?

Just listen to Qiu Shoucang said: "It shouldn't be too late~www.readwn.com~ Since everyone has been summoned back, let's do it!"

An Taiping: "What's the hurry? Send people out first."

This time, the loss was too great. Seeing that only 69 people returned from the Scavenger City, you know how exaggerated the loss is.

Therefore, in the unlikely event that the City of Scavengers plays with any thoughts, or throws up the table and stops playing, no one can afford it.

Xing Yu doesn't really matter. He said in his heart that the Lord of Silence valued this trial so much. One thousand percent of them, people are just outside waiting to lift the table at any time. The boss of his own family, can he not know?

Therefore, Xing Yu didn't worry that someone on his side would have trouble at all.

Half a day later, when the three major forces all came, the city of Scavengers, the strong man in charge of the cemetery battlefield, was surprised; "It's over early, why are there so many people?"

Qiu Shoucang: "There is a problem with the indigenous people in the land of recovery on the 3rd. It is not clear now. I will talk about everything when I come back."

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