God of Fishing

Chapter 2226: Evil spirit army

The Land of Recovery No. 3 was only a semi-initial land, and at first no one felt that there would be any accidents.

Before the open trial, the three major forces had all explored this world, otherwise so many people would not be allowed to enter it.

But now it seems that they still missed something. It's not that they haven't seen the place in the abyss of death, but they haven't seen the open sky realm strong.

Therefore, they all take it for granted and regard it as a place of escape for the origin of the world. Never thought that there will be an ancient boss who is not dead yet.

In this case, it stands to reason that it is difficult to find one out of 10,000 primitive cemeteries. After all, a world has become a wasteland, and the origin of the world has been drained. How can anyone survive?


Xing Yu, Qiu Shoucang, and An Taiping came to the cave. Nor did they look for Bai Ranran's location. Since they haven't come back, they just don't want to come back, otherwise there is no explanation for why the leading figures will not come back.

At this moment, Xing Yu squinted his eyes and said: "If so many kings can fall one after another in a similar amount of time, the danger below may not be as simple as opening the heavens."

An Taiping suddenly said, "Have you discovered that the origin of the world is no longer dissipated here, which means that the origin of the world has been taken away."

"What do you mean?"

Qiu Shoucang's face was cold: "You mean, this disaster was caused by man?"

Qiu Shoucang's heart moved, because the news he got from Tianhong was led by Ghost Blade. Now, everyone else who went down was dead, but Ghost Blade's fate monument was still intact.

Could it be said that Ghost Blade caused the following disaster, and he obtained unexpected resources? Swallowed all the origins of the world here?

Qiu Shoucang's heart moved, it was not without such a possibility. He still knew the ability of the ghost blade, the nine deaths indestructible, which allowed him to die nine times without falling within a certain period of time. If Ghost Blade had obtained all the origins of this world, then its potential and growth might be comparable to that of Bai Ranran.

Qiu Shoucang said immediately: "Why, no matter how dangerous it is, can it still stump the three of you and me? It is no exaggeration to say that the three of you and I are the powerhouses on the edge of the sermon. They have a chance to suppress, and a dangerous place to recover , Can it stop us?"

What Qiu Shoucang said was nothing wrong with what he said. Once his strength reached their realm, a person could actually penetrate an initial place easily. In a place like the riot of the sea, if it weren't because of special circumstances, and there was no Beastmaster guarding there, who would be able to withstand a powerful queen who transformed into a star?

Even Duan Qingsi had dared to fight the Lord of Silence before. It is conceivable that when they reached their realm, their combat power had actually reached a terrifying level.

Xing Yu can kill more than twenty ordinary Open Heaven Realm evil spirits in one blow, and if replaced by Qiu Shoucang and An Taiping, I'm afraid it's the same.

However, Xing Yu already knew what was under this abyss, a group of evil spirits, he had been dragged over to fight. The densely packed, even if the three of them shot together, wanting to penetrate so many evil spirits, it is a bit unrealistic. They are strong, but they are still within the scope of the Open Heaven Realm.

It can only be said that even in the face of so many evil spirits, they are not easy to die. Of course, if there are people below who are cooperating with him, and some other means, he can really keep Qiu Shoucang and An Taiping behind.

Thinking about it this way, Xing Yu was still a little excited. The two of them were not weak at all. If they were killed, there would only be benefits, but no harm. At that time, whether it is a primitive city or a city of scavengers, you can only recognize the plant. Anyway, this third place of recovery is the place for everyone to explore together.

However, Xing Yu thinks this possibility is relatively small. After all, there are so many evil spirits below that can be played out, it is already good, even with the help of the unknown body of Nezha, at best, it is easier to escape by yourself.

At this moment, Qiu Shoucang meant to enter this abyss together.

Xing Yu wondered, since Han Fei allowed himself to lead people over, could he really have a way to win these two people? But a few years ago, it seemed that the servant himself was a little overwhelmed, right?

While Xing Yu was thinking about it, An Taiping said, "Although the origin of the world here has disappeared, after all, hundreds of us have been killed in this place. This matter cannot be left easily. I think, you can enter. ."

Xing Yu: "Since you think you can enter, then do it!"

Xingyu at this time is more like a melon-eating crowd. He feels that he is safe in this trap. What he is interested in now is, how does he play that mysterious body of Nezha?

"Swipe it~"

The three of them jumped into this abyss one after another, as the so-called strong are fearless, anyway, Qiu Shoucang and the others felt that such a place of recovery, how could there be a creature that could threaten them?


When they entered the world below, when the billowing evil spirit instantly filled their nerves, when the anxiety filled the void made them feel something wrong, it was already too late.

"This is, Guhonghuang Battlefield?"

An Taiping's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he felt the strong evil spirit here, and he suddenly uttered a low voice: "No, it's ambush, this place is more dangerous than imagined. This kind of strong evil spirit is a place for nourishing evil spirits, and it is easy to give birth to evil spirits. "

The Primitive City, after all, is the first main city in the Chaos Wasteland, and they know more secrets here. Therefore, when An Taiping first arrived here, he guessed the real problem here.

Sure enough, in their perception, the evil spirits here began to gather. When the first Open Heaven realm evil spirit appeared, they knew why so many people fell one after another.

After all, the testers are just pacing the sea. Facing the evil spirits of the Open Heaven Realm, there is a problem with immortality.

Xing Yu pretended to yell: "Qiu Shoucang, your Te Niang desperately wants to come down, wouldn't it be because you knew the real situation here? Now that the cause of their death is obvious, you have to stay here in Dasha Ling, you keep it yourself.

Xing Yu ridiculed two sentences. There was a big meaning to go, but the surrounding evil spirits appeared more and more, and in the perception, dozens of them had appeared. At this speed, after a while, there will soon be evil spirits everywhere.

Qiu Shoucang's face was black: "I know a fart, but the people in my city of scavengers die the most."

Xing Yu: "So you have to pull us into the water? The only blame is that the people in your city of scavengers are too greedy. If they weren't greedy, maybe the people in my city of wanderers would not die."

Qiu Shoucang shouted: "Xing Yu, are you going to pick something up at this time?"

Xing Yu coldly snorted: "What's the matter, I'm still afraid of you? You don't look at yourself. Pan Litian may be able to say goodbye to Laozi. You are just the second lord."


"Don't quarrel, now I'm thinking about how to go out, there are more and more evil spirits here. It's all in the Open Heaven realm, and there is no weak person."

"Boom boom boom~"

While talking, everyone has already started fighting, there is no way. At this time, it won't work if you don't fight. When the evil spirits are everywhere, it will be difficult to fight at that time.

All of a sudden, the three powerhouses shot one after another, and the evil spirits that Han Fei found to be extremely tricky, in front of these three people, collapsed one after another, and even had no right to resist.

After half an hour.

When the three of them destroyed nearly 500 evil spirits, they finally felt strenuous. They are good at the late stage of Transforming Stars, but they are also in the Open Heaven Realm, and they also have limits.

There is no external force available in this place, they can only consume their own resource reserves. However, just like Han Fei, their combat strength is still there, but mental exhaustion cannot be eliminated.

No, even if they penetrated nearly 500 evil spirits, there are still a large number of evil spirits chasing them, and that number, they can only see, there are seven or eight hundred.

And Han Fei, who was sitting on the neck of the Ancient Blood Fiend, was speechless. Is this especially Xing Yu's combat power? It's just a livestock! The three of them easily killed nearly five hundred evil spirits, and looked like they could continue to fight.

Han Fei counted, there are still 1021 evil spirits that he can drive. These are evil spirits that have been accumulated over the years. In just a while, the fight is almost over. Who can handle it?

Han Feixin said that this can't go on, and Xing Yu can't let Xing Yu help out.

Immediately ~www.readwn.com~ Han Fei's heart moved: "Launch a general attack."

But seeing Han Fei jump off the **** evil spirit, at this time, the boss had to take action to kill Qiu Shoucang and An Taiping.

Over there, Xing Yu roared: "An Taiping, is the road your Te Niang led a serious road? Where is the exit? What the **** is the exit?"

An Taiping roared: "The origin of the world here is collected. Even if I settle down, it is difficult to find it based on the remaining traces. At this time, you have no choice but to believe in me."

Qiu Shoucang was horrified: "No, thousands of evil spirits surrounded him."

Xing Yu cursed openly: "An Taiping, I believe you are a brain, you brought us the evil spirit nest, right?"

Xing Yu felt very refreshing, and it was a rare opportunity to swear at them. It's just that there are thousands of evil spirits coming to this special, is this a bit too much? What about the body of Nezha?

At this moment, Xing Yu suddenly heard Han Fei Chuan's voice: "Be careful! Stay away from Antaiping, the general offensive has begun."

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