God of Fishing

Chapter 2227: Kill the star powerhouse

Total attack?

When Xing Yu heard the words, his heart moved, only feeling a little weird. No, didn't you still take me to fight Shaling together before? Now you tell me to launch the evil spirit total attack?

Looking at the evil spirits around, Xing Yu was certain that this was the total attack that Han Fei said.

Xing Yu immediately moved his heart and shouted to Qiu Shoucang and An Taiping: "Leave away, otherwise the number of evil spirits is endless, and we will not be able to leave any of them."

Qiu Shoucang's heart moved. Primitive City has studied the primitive cemetery more. He gave up with An Taiping and left alone. What if one didn't run away?

However, seeing Xingyu have already gone in one direction, his heart moved slightly. Could this be the trap of the Primitive City? After all, An Taiping has been leading the way for a long time, but they killed countless evil spirits along the way, but the number of evil spirits has increased even if they can't find the exit.

Immediately, Qiu Shoucang's heart was ruthless, and he chose a path and rushed out.

When Xing Yu and Qiu Shoucang were both separated, even An Taiping himself was a little bit ignorant. Did he find the right path or the wrong one?

"Got it~"

Under this circumstance, An Taiping immediately unfolded the wings of the sky cicada, and the sound of knowing resonated here. Through the sound, he could identify danger from the void.

An Taiping is also ruthless, the more dangerous it is, the more likely it represents a way out. In his opinion, Xing Yu and Qiu Shoucang's departure was unwise.

He was thinking that if he ran away, Xing Yu and Qiu Shoucang, who could not find their way, were likely to be trapped alive in this wild and ancient land. Under the siege of so many evil spirits, they could not be able to sustain it.

An Taiping felt that he might have killed the two superpowers by mistake. If so, this time the trial of the Third Recovery Land would have made a lot of money.

Strong people like Xing Yu and Qiu Shoucang are not meant to be cultivated. To become a powerhouse of this level, which one has not won countless opportunities and wandered on the edge of life and death countless times? An initial place may not be able to give birth to such a strong person, and as a result, the two may be lost directly this time. This is a great contribution.

Although there are countless evil spirits blocking them, the evil spirits are only evil spirits, and their speed is far from being comparable to that of An Taiping.

An Taiping's ultimate move continued, and after killing dozens of evil spirits in a row, he proceeded to a place where the sound judged to be safe.

It's just that, although there are obstacles along the way, Sha Ling can only consume him, and it is impossible to intercept him.

Just after An Taiping killed nearly 70 evil spirits, although he felt lack of mental power, he felt that he was on the right path. Because he saw a crimson mist, it was a stronger evil spirit.


"Two idiots, gave up the chance of surviving for nothing."

An Taiping grinned, and was about to move forward. Suddenly, he saw a monstrous evil spirit, condensed into a river of evil spirits, slashing in his direction.


An Taiping was instantly horrified. This level of eruption, such a terrifying power, almost evoked the evil spirits around one hundred thousand miles, and the display of this power could never be caused by an evil spirit.

"Roar! God seal, Tianmen formation."

I saw An Taiping appearing on the inner and outer eight layers, a weird large formation, behind him, the triangle **** seal was slowly rotating, and his power was exploding.

"Clang clang clang~"

The endless river of evil spirit knives swept across this weird array, making a "clang clang" sound.

Every time the voice sounded, the terrifying power seemed to be attacked by an Open Heaven Realm powerhouse, and the power was terrifying.

"Crack, click~"

After about three breaths, the outer first layer of the Heavenly Gate array began to shatter, and An Taiping's eyes went black and then lit up. This time, he had already killed too many creatures in the Open Heaven realm, and his current state of combat power was only less than 50%.

In this case, facing such an exaggerated attack, he resisted it, and the consumption was not small.

His heart was horrified, because it didn't seem like he was fighting with a strong person in the same realm at all. This kind of feeling, it seemed to be an enemy of a power that is an enemy of the world. This one hundred thousand miles of evil spirit was mobilized by a certain kind of power. Can you imagine that power?

"Boom boom boom~"

With the passage of time, although the power of the evil spirit knife river is constantly weakening, the boundless evil spirit has never diminished.

An Taiping took a deep breath, but saw that at the moment when the gate was about to shatter that day, a cyclic sound wave was ejected from his mouth.


That sound wave, its power is not inferior to the evil spirit knife river just now, even more than that. Han Fei, who was peeping secretly, was stunned at the time. When the ancient humans took action personally and waited for work, would it be possible that they would still be killed?


Sound waves broke through the Blood Fiend Blade River, and An Taiping broke through all the way. At the same time, he just listened to him and shouted: "Who is pretending to be a ghost, come out for me."

Han Fei's heart became cold, Jie Jie sneered, and came out as soon as he came out. Who is afraid of whom?

Only saw that on An Taiping's course of action, a figure full of evil spirits appeared. The ancient humans had evil spirits on their bodies like blood, like monsters coming out of a pool of blood.

Just listen to him yelling: "In the old days, it was you guys with wings that ruined my world and slaughtered my billions of people. Today, I want you to perish under an endless resentful soul."

An Taiping was amazed, what secret thing does this special mother have? Trillion people? This is the original powerhouse of the past?

No, this person has merged with the evil spirit, completely transformed into the evil body, and the flesh and blood in the body may be manifested by the evil energy. It may not be a good thing to pester this person.

However, An Taiping distorted the space, but the space that had just been distorted was immediately torn apart by the position of the ancient humans. Although he is only a puppet now, he is a puppet again. This is also a puppet on the edge of the Dao. Such a powerful person really makes a move, where is there a chance for you to run away?

No, when the two met, a fierce battle broke out. Because it was an unconscious puppet, it was inevitable that he was a little weaker in battle.

However, this person is really strong! He was originally a figure on the margins of the Dao, and maybe even at the level of Zhao Honghuang. Even if his strength was greatly reduced, it didn't make sense to suddenly fall to the point where he couldn't even beat An Taiping.

Therefore, the two fought together, and An Taiping wanted to get out of the battle many times, but was blocked by the boundless evil spirit.

During the battle, Han Fei could see that Antaiping was getting worse and worse. First, he intercepted and killed almost 300 Shalings in a row, and now he is facing the sniper of this ancient human. If he is in good spirits, it would be strange.

But the next moment, Han Fei saw another magical power.

I only saw An Taiping's eyebrows lit up during the battle. But this is not the gifted soul beast coming out, but a milky white bead appearing.

"Star Ball?"

Han Fei's heart moved, this An Taiping was forced to use star beads?

At that moment, I only saw a beam of terrifying energy pillars that made Han Fei feel unbelievable, and instantly penetrated a hundred thousand miles of void. Even the ancient humans were pierced by this power for 100,000 li, and a big hole was broken in their chest.

But An Taiping didn't seem to be better off, this was the power that burst out directly through the star bead, and it was a release of the power in the original sea.

Han Fei believed that even if he could block the power released this time, he would almost be crippled. He felt that even if he reversed time, it might not be too late.

But seeing An Taiping's seven orifices bleed, panting heavily, and the triangle sign behind him turned much faster.

Han Fei snorted coldly, so what if he is strong? This is Sha Ling's home ground, it is grinding, I will also wipe you out today.

But seeing that the ancient humans came back again, all the evil spirits in the surrounding void were repairing his damage.

An Taiping looked at him, and he was willing to fight. Taking advantage of the fact that the ancient humans had not returned, they immediately twisted the void and wanted to escape.

Han Fei wanted to intercept it, but he hadn't grasped this weird power of distorting the void. It was a speed that surpassed light.

When Han Fei was speechless, when he was about to let An Taiping run away, he saw the twisted void suddenly collapsed. Looking intently, it was Xingyu who shot out from the distorted illusion. Han Fei saw only a big star emerging, almost covering Antaiping. The power of terror, compared with the beam of Antaiping just now, seems to be Strong.


"Crack, click~"

An Taiping was unprepared, most of his body burst, and the raging energy penetrated him countless times.

Even under these circumstances, An Taiping could react. Although his hands were almost turned into dry bones, they could barely block the blow.

"Xingyu? At this time, you sneaked on me, don't you want to go out...hiss, you... pit me?"

Xing Yu shot, and the ancient humans once again swept a river of evil spirits and killed them. When An Taiping saw that there was no action between the two, he seemed to understand something.

"Got it!"

Immediately, An Taiping wanted to run back, as long as he found Qiu Shoucang, he could survive. As the saying goes, Qiu Shoucang will not sit back and watch.

It's a pity, a river of evil spirits, a flying star spear, how is his half-remaining body now? Immediately. Behind An Taiping, the triangular **** seal broke out ~www.readwn.com~ A terrifying power came, that was the power of the emperor.



Reluctantly using the **** descending technique, borrowing some of the power of the emperor, An Taiping spurted blood, but his stump and injuries were also quickly recovering.

However, at the moment he was knocked into the air, he saw a terrifying sword shadow suddenly erupted from behind him.

However, An Taiping quickly sensed that the power of this sword did not seem to be that strong, so he held it backhand.

Just as An Taiping was about to smash the Great Dao Guiyi Sword in an instant, there was a sudden explosion, and power spread to his forehead.

At that moment, An Taiping moved in the void in front of his eyebrows, revealing a trace of the source of the sea entrance, a silhouette of a figure, flashing away, and rushing in in an instant.

Even Xing Yu was stunned by this scene.

Only a voice sounded in his mind: "Don't do anything, this person will give it to me."

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