God of Fishing

Chapter 2228: Eat melons, pit the enemy

Han Fei had tried this in this wild and ancient place a long time ago, and he couldn't enter the Origin Sea. Because the entrance to the Origin Sea seemed to be suppressed by the power of this world.

However, this does not mean that it is really impossible to enter the Origin Sea. An Taiping revealed the star bead, which is his biggest loophole.

If Han Fei didn't know that the Star Orb was connected to the Origin Sea, it was okay, but he knew that this was what Mo Qi told him personally, and he didn't think it was fake.

Sure enough, although only a gap was opened, it was enough to get in by himself.

In other words, Xing Yu's eyes are almost staring at this moment. This is Nezha's body. Do you run into Antaiping's original sea to find death?

but. Xing Yu saw the motionless figure of Blood Fiend next to him, standing in the void, and couldn't help being moved. How could he control such a powerful Blood Fiend?

Also, so many evil spirits, it seems that they are also consciously shooting, is it also under his control?

Xing Yu couldn't help sighing, how could no one ever tell him that Nezha still has an ontology? Does the Lord of Silence know? The answer is definitely knowing, otherwise Nezha's body doesn't need to be exposed.

Xing Yu also felt that this person must be from his own side. Although the body has not yet transformed into a star, there is no doubt that this person can definitely become the fifth war general in the city of wanderers.

This news also made Xing Yu quite excited. It's just that he can't really imagine how he would live out of Antaiping's origin sea.

No matter how weak, he is also a strong man who has walked a long way after transforming into a star. He is a strong man who can match the four war generals and ten lord level. Can Han Fei be able to stop it?


In other words, An Taiping's origin is domestic, the moment Han Fei rushed in, An Taiping was stunned.

"Sister, you dare to enter the sea of ​​my origin? Are you looking for death?"

An Taiping's first reaction was to use the power of Yuanyuanhai to forcibly kill Han Fei. He did not waste his energy on Han Fei. He thought there were two strong enemies outside, and he had to flee.

However, when the force of terror rushed towards Han Fei, he saw three twigs sticking out of Han Fei's eyebrows.

An Taiping was shocked to find that his terrifying power could not cause any harm to this person. Moreover, in the sea of ​​his own origin, all the aura of the fairy spirit and the aura of chaos are converging here and cannot be controlled at all.

"who are you?"

Han Fei grinned: "Me? I am... this gai, this gai, the brightest boy."

An Taiping is speechless, God's brightest boy, are you still singing?

Just listen to An Taiping's anger: "Even if I can't kill you, how can you survive my self-destruction?"

Han Fei loosened his shoulders, and opened his hands: "You are bursting! You can burst a bit before you put it away, now..."

At this time, Han Fei's eyebrows stretched out two small vines again. Except for the fruit-growing small vines, all the other five small vines came out. For a while, An Taiping felt as if he was controlled by invisible power. I was trying to arouse the Origin Sea, but found that there was no power to listen to my call.

Han Fei sneered. In the past, he was weak in strength. Under the suppression of absolute strength, others could detonate Origin Sea.

right now. He has already opened the sky, and Xiaoteng has six roots. From the moment he enters, the power of the Origin Sea is all owned by Xiaoteng. Do you want to blow yourself up? Want to fart?

Of course, An Taiping wasn't incapable of exploding himself, but he could only explode his physical body, and the original sea could only be reduced to an unowned thing.

This is the first time that Han Fei has seen the origin sea of ​​a powerful star.

From this point of view, it was a complete planet. Han Fei looked up at the sea of ​​stars. What he could see with his naked eyes was that there were several big stars surrounding Xianghai.

Han Fei can understand that this was to create small galaxies, such as those in the solar system. Unfortunately, this small galaxy in Antaiping, although surrounded by several large stars, lacks stars like the sun alone.

After seeing the transformation of stars and the evolution of the Origin Sea from the ancient humans, Han Fei is not so novel about this.

However, there are so many resources in the Antaiping Origin Ocean! Han Fei swept across his eyes. If this is a collection, even if most of it is not available, he will be able to open up at least 50,000 miles of origin by himself, and even more.

This is simply incomparable with the resources that he used to exchange billions of resources in the Scavenger City. If you have to use resources to measure, Han Fei can only say that at least tens of billions of energy crystal resources.

And this is only part of what Han Fei can collect.

Han Fei wanted to swallow the entire origin sea of ​​Antaiping. He had tried this kind of thing long ago, but it was ineffective. He could only swallow the surface resources, deep resources, even in the opponent’s origin sea. If you can dig, it will be a long time.

It's a pity that I don't have the time to mine resources now. There is still a big battle waiting for me, and there is one Qiu Shoucang who hasn't killed it yet.

outside world.

Xing Yu listened to Han Fei's words, but did not take action, and gave An Taiping to Han Fei. In fact, An Taiping still wanted to escape and was conscious at first, but later, almost all of his power fell silent, and people seemed to be resisting something and couldn't control Xingyu at all.

But anyway, Xing Yu knew that An Taiping was dead. His power is getting weaker and weaker, even if Han Fei doesn't make a move, now he makes a move, confident that he can kill An Taiping.

In the past, one small vine shot, but now five small vines shot together. After probably a stick of incense, An Taiping can't hold it anymore.

I saw An Taiping twisted his whole body, which was a sign of self-destruction. In the late stage of the transformation, the strong man blew himself up, and the power was so powerful that the Xingyu and the ancients and humans retreated at the same time.


A spontaneous detonation that swept hundreds of thousands of miles stirred up the void here, and even caused a violent earthquake in the surface world.

Because it was not here, the fall of Antaiping did not cause the roar of the road and other astronomical changes.

However, at the moment An Taiping fell, the two great emperors of An's family suddenly opened their eyes.

An Bailin suddenly stood up from the throne with a solemn expression, and something serious happened on the battlefield of the cemetery.

In the sound of the explosion, a figure seemed to walk out of the flames, and the fire light gleamed against him like a god.

Xing Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and then only listened to Han Fei's words: "Fit, Qiu Shoucang, I want to lead it to the outside world to kill."

Xing Yu's eyelids trembled and said, "Go to the outside world, do you have a chance to kill?"

Han Fei grinned: “First, we will be disabled, scrapped, and then thrown away to the outside world. This is the place where the world recovers, and it will be possible to recover in the future.”

Xing Yu shrugged: "Why don't I know Nezha is an external avatar, who are you?"

Han Fei: "Who am I? You can ask the Lord of Silence or Duan Qingsi directly at that time. In short, we are not enemies, we are firm allies."

Xing Yu: "A firm ally? A force outside the wasteland?"

Han Fei: "Don't guess, just go back and ask."


Here, An Taiping has fallen, and it is impossible for there to be no movement in the Primitive City.

Although Han Fei is now able to command these evil spirits temporarily because of the ancient humans. However, apart from this place of recovery on the 3rd, the evil spirits are of little use.

After all, it is impossible for Emperor Zun not to come to such a big thing. People like An Taiping have a status equivalent to that of the four warlords of the city of wanderers, the ten lord of the city of scavengers, or the top five.

This kind of heavyweight has fallen, and the entire Chaos Wasteland is few, can it not be taken seriously?

When the time comes, when the emperor comes, there are less than a thousand evil spirits left, which is not enough to fight.

Isn't this, at this moment, all the evil spirits are chasing Qiu Shoucang and killing?

Like An Taiping, although Qiu Shoucang killed many evil spirits, his manpower was limited. Even if Qiu Shoucang has abundant resources in the original source, he is under a lot of mental pressure!

Although An Taiping and Qiu Shoucang are both better than Han Fei, Han Fei can reverse time. Moreover, with the help of the emperor, you can also catch Xingyu and come to fight together.

Counting it down as a whole, in terms of kills, maybe Han Fei could have a little bit more, but fights, the more combat skills are used, the more spiritual power is used, and the spiritual power is bound to fail.

At this moment, Qiu Shoucang was coming to Han Fei because he felt the outbreak of the Super War.

However, when Qiu Shoucang saw the ancient humans, his whole person would be bad.

Xing Yu did not show up, and Han Fei expected him to surprise his opponent as before.

Including Han Fei himself, also hid it, anyway, if you don't need to do it yourself, then you don't need it.

Even if they were almost killed by now, there are still 713 left. In other words, from the time when they parted ways and now, An Taiping and Qiu Shoucang have killed more than 300 evil spirits.

At this moment, the ancient humans appeared, and the war broke out. Qiu Shoucang couldn't even run, and was completely dragged by the ancient humans.

Moreover, this time, Han Fei was not in a hurry to make a move.

Because he couldn't accurately seize the opportunity every time, through the opponent's star orb, into the opponent's origin sea.

Therefore, he had to beat Qiu Shoucang to the disabled and give him one last chance to let him escape.

That's why, all the remaining evil spirits are all played, more than 700 evil spirits and ancient humans. He stubbornly held Qiu Shoucang, no matter how furious he was, even if he spanned hundreds of millions of miles, he would not give her a chance to run away.

Secretly ~www.readwn.com~ Han Feizheng and Xingyu are eating melons.

Han Fei sighed: "You guys at this level can really fight, and they almost can't fight. You can even kill seventy or eighty evil spirits. It's really fierce."

Xing Yu is speechless, you really didn't mean to raise yourself by what you said? We are fierce at this level, and you are not fierce?

Xing Yu: "It should be almost done."

Han Fei: "Don't panic, just push it again. It won't be too late for him to burn tens of thousands of years of life."

Prior to this, Qiu Shoucang had burned his life of fifty or sixty thousand years, which made Han Fei very embarrassed.

After a while, Qiu Shoucang was hit by the blood evil spirits, and immediately burned his lifespan again, impacted with the power of the star bead, and shot the body of the blood evil all at once, and also killed 17 evil spirits easily.

At this time, Xing Yu said: Almost, I know you still have to enter his origin sea. Wait any longer, when the Anjia Emperor arrives, the play will be difficult to perform at that time.

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Also."

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