God of Fishing

Chapter 2229: The evil spirit comes out of the cage

Qiu Shoucang might not have thought in his life that one day he would be consumed alive by the crowds of tactics.

If he didn't have the blood evil spirit of the ancient humans, he was confident that he could still support and run, and maybe there was still hope of going out. However, as soon as the ancient human Blood Fiend entered the arena, he was completely passive.

This is a wild and ancient land, a world full of evil spirits. This world is full of evil spirits. Xue Sha fought with him, taking advantage of the geographical advantage, and he had endless supplements.

But not only did he have no supplements, but his mental strength continued to languish. In this case, if he was dragged on for a long time, wouldn’t he be consumed alive?

At this moment, Qiu Shoucang knew that he could not rush out from the surrounding of these evil spirits and blood evil spirits.

Under this circumstance, he knew he was powerless to return to heaven, and unless the emperor came personally, he would not be able to save him at all. However, in this place, there is no way to call the emperor, unless he falls, causing the fate of the monument to be broken.

However, Qiu Shoucang is unwilling! In this life, I would never have thought that I would fall into such a small place.


I saw Qiu Shoucang finally broke out, and once again poured out a terrifying attack with his life star beads, blasting through a road, and he was going to struggle again for the last time.

In a moment, Qiu Shoucang swept across hundreds of millions of miles. Although there were blood evil spirits and a lot of evil spirits chasing behind him, his speed was still far behind him.

Suddenly, Qiu Shoucang's heart suddenly moved, because he found a strange place, where there is a big cocoon, where life is bred.

Although the origin of the world there has been taken away, how could Qiu Shoucang's rich experience fail to recognize this place?

Immediately, Qiu Shoucang laughed wildly: "Hahaha! It really is the road to heaven."

It's too late, it's fast, Qiu Shoucang arrived at this place, he didn't even hesitate to hesitate. It directly releases massive amounts of chaotic air, and even fairy air.

This is similar to the principle of using Chaos Qi to enter the primitive cemetery, but here, it may be slightly different, and the exit may be more obscure.

Even Qiu Shoucang was looking for a weak spot in the massive chaotic air. In the end, his gaze fell on a dead wood-like demon plant.

This demon plant was supposed to be a strong man bred by the origin of the world, but apparently he hadn't been born successfully yet. It's just that although he failed to conceive successfully, he seemed to faintly opened up an opportunity to connect with the outside world.

Qiu Shoucang took advantage of this, breaking the void with one finger, piercing the void.

But just when half of Qiu Shoucang's body stepped into the void, a hidden terrifying force burst out from a moment and never far away, bombarding him.

"Xing Yu?"

Qiu Shoucang yelled violently, somewhat unbelievable. He didn't know when Xing Yu appeared here, but his own strength and spirit had already suffered a huge loss, and now he encountered Xing Yu's full blow. He couldn't fight back, and he even had to rush out of the tunnel, otherwise, once he was left behind, facing a strong like Xing Yu, there was no possibility of surviving at all.


Qiu Shoucang almost exploded with all his strength, maintained the passage, and quickly got through.

When Qiu Shoucang appeared in the outside world, tears almost fell. I finally saw the way of life, and as expected, God still took care of myself.

However, he thought he didn't have his own power control, and the channel collapsed. But he was wrong. There was a strong like Xing Yu behind, and it was not difficult to forcibly surround this passage.

"Shoo, hoo~"

Just behind Xing Yu, light and shadow burst out of the tunnel.

Looking closely, in addition to Xing Yu, there is also the blood evil spirit, and there is a man wearing a mask.

It's too late to say, it's fast, Xing Yu appeared, holding the big star. On the other side, the blood evil spirit shot, boundless evil spirit, condensing a long river of evil energy, rushing towards the face.

In addition, the masked man, unwilling to show weakness, burst out a strange sword light that intertwined with the spirit and fierce aura.

"Xingyu, are you cheating me?"

Qiu Shoucang yelled violently. He is now weak and lacks even 30% of his combat power. How can he face the bombardment of the three powerhouses? That is, the guy with the mask is weaker.



Qiu Shoucang was bombarded with mutilated limbs and depleted spirit.

"Puff chuff~"

Seeing that the void was squeezed out of a crack, Qiu Shoucang was shocked, isn't that the entrance to the sea of ​​origin?

Seeing Han Fei's brain drilled in, he frantically swallowed Qiu Shoucang's reserve energy in the original sea just like he had just absorbed An Taiping.

From the outside world, Xing Yu blocked the place. Although An Taiping and Qiu Shoucang have both fallen, the follow-up events in the Third Recovery Land may be very fermented.

But, after all, two powerful enemies have been killed, and it's up to him later.


I only saw that the void broke open and Han Fei got out of Qiu Shoucang's origin sea.

When Han Fei raised his hand, Qiu Shoucang's eyes struggled slightly. Xing Yu's eyes shrank slightly, are they controlled?

Han Fei's heart was also extremely stirring, he thought he could not control Qiu Shoucang, after all, his strength was there. However, at the moment Qiu Shoucang was too weak to think about it. The Origin Sea was almost hollowed out by himself, and he was chased and killed by the evil spirits, and he was ambushed. He was already unable to resist.

At this moment, in the void passage, only "shoo, hoo", hundreds of evil spirits appeared.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "Perform the show to the end."

Han Fei ran the Avenue of Time and used it on Qiu Shoucang, disrupting the time at this moment.

Xing Yu looked at Han Fei's series of sorrows and felt speechless. With so many methods and deep intentions, this man was definitely an extremely dangerous person.



Nezha, An Tufu, and Bai Ranran were fighting fiercely in the area of ​​recovery on the 3rd.

Nezha was dragging time. An Tufu thought Nezha was determined to kill Bai Ranran today, because he felt that Nezha was playing very violently.

An Tufu felt that why he didn't cooperate, in fact, it was a great achievement to kill either of these two.

However, after fighting for a long time, the three of them were shocked to find that no one could do anything about it.

At this moment, they discovered that the entire area of ​​Recovery No. 3 began to vibrate, as if something major had happened.

They were far away and saw the scene that made their hearts frightened.

In the eyes of Nezha, Bai Ranran, and An Tufu, they saw countless skeletal creatures and a human-shaped blood evil spirit, chasing Qiu Shoucang and Xingyu.

Moreover, it seemed that the two of them were seriously injured, especially, half of Xing Yu's body was gone, and Qiu Shoucang had a big hole in his chest and abdomen.


At that moment, the three of them were shocked, only the shock of Nezha clone was pretended.

At that moment, I saw the strong blood fiend in front, turned his head and glanced in the direction where they were. After that, I saw three evil spirits leaving the team and killing them towards Nezha clone.


"not good!"

Nezha and An Tufu both exclaimed in shock. At this moment, at this moment, the battle between them is meaningless.

These three people, almost at the same time, took out the teleport jade slip and teleported back.


Because there is still a long distance from the place where they fight to the exit. Open Heaven Realm can be reached quickly, but Open Sea Realm cannot.

The three of them appeared at the exit of Recovery Land No. 3 almost at the same time. At this moment, there was no one here. Naturally, the three of them could only open the channel by themselves with the aura of chaos.


Just when this passage was just opened, suddenly, a figure was seen walking out of the void.

"Ye Fengliu?"

Bai Ranran was a little surprised at this moment, he didn't expect that Ye Fengliu was still in the third recovery place at this moment.

And Nezha clone and An Tufu, when they saw that there was someone coming from Bai Ranran's side, they immediately stepped into the passage first.

Han Fei first said to Bai Ranran: "Something happened. A large number of Open Heaven realms seem to be hunting down... the second lord."

Bai Ranran said that Ye Fengliu actually saw that scene, and it seemed that they came too quickly.

Bai Ranran: "Go! Let's go out first."


outside world.

As soon as Nezha went out, he directly shouted: "Something happened inside, Master Xing Yu is being hunted down."



"what happened?"

Suddenly, not only Duan Qingsi's spirits shook, but the two powerhouses next door also showed up.

On the other side, An Butcher shouted: "Where is Lord Taiping? Where is Lord Taiping?"

On the Anjia side, a strong man immediately stepped out of the void and shouted in a low voice: "Butcher, what happened?"

Butcher An: "Evil spirits. There are thousands of evil spirits in the Open Heaven Realm."


The city of scavengers, the strong man guarding the battlefield of the cemetery, his face changed drastically. At this moment, I saw Bai Ranran and Ye Feng streaming out.

After Bai Dandan came out, the first sentence of the situation: "Master Zixiao, save people quickly, the second lord, is being hunted down."


It was too late, it was soon, Duan Qingsi, Zi Xiao, and the strong man from Anjia immediately entered the land of recovery on the 3rd.

"Got it~"

Just as these three entered the land of recovery on the 3rd, about a stick of incense, cicadas screamed in the void, and the terrible pressure fell, who was not An Bailin who came?

An Butcher or something, before he had time to talk to An Bai Rin, he saw An Bai Rin tear open the entrance of Recovery Land No. 3 directly.

But as soon as the entrance was opened, I saw Duan Qingsi carrying half of his body and Xingyu, who was severely injured, rushing out.

And Zi Xiao carried Qiu Shoucang, who was full of holes, and rushed out after dozens of breaths. Behind him was the strong man in the An family, but there was no such thing as An Taiping.

Behind the strong man in the An family, a blood evil spirit, leading 700 evil spirits, was chasing them like crazy.

"Huh! Looking for death."

An Bailing shot and pressed it with a palm, squeezing the void of a hundred thousand miles, and the bodies of hundreds of evil spirits collapsed and burst.

The head of the blood evil spirit roared and shouted at An Bailing: "It is you who ruined my world. I will eventually come back for revenge."

I only saw that the blood evil spirit, with the strength of the emperor, grabbed the evil spirit in his hand, and drew towards An Bailin.

Everyone who saw it was shocked, this is really the emperor!

"court death!"

An Bai Rin pointed to the destruction of the world, and one hundred thousand miles collapsed in the void. The entrance to the third recovery land completely collapsed, directly burying more than 700 evil spirits.

Han Fei's eyelids trembled, is this the emperor's method? Is it too strong?

The power of a single finger can cause a hundred thousand miles to collapse in the void. Is this still a human?

But at this moment, I only saw Qiu Shoucang next to Zi Xiao, and suddenly put his opponent on Zi Xiao's body.

At that time ~www.readwn.com~ Zixiao felt a fatal crisis.

"Shou Cang..."

Zi Xiao wanted to run, but was resisted by Qiu Shoucang, and gave his life a blow to keep him.

"Boom boom boom~"

At the same time, the collapsed void, headed by the blood evil spirits, more than 700 evil spirits, collectively exploded.

The tripartite forces are all shocked. All of a sudden, millions of miles of the void exploded to annihilation, Zixiao in the city of scavengers stretched out his hand to protect Han Fei and Bai Ranran, grabbing them and fleeing back together.

When I look back, it's annihilated completely over a million miles.

There was only one sentence left in the void, and a hoarse voice from the forest growled: "I will kill you after all."

When everyone was confused, shocked, and horrified. Only Xingyu, his eyelids trembled.

Because he knew that the fallen blood evil spirit was just a fake. But is Zixiao being pitted?

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