God of Fishing

Chapter 2232: Party, comprehension and news (in)

   Facing Senior Brother Qinglong’s question, Han Fei nodded slightly: “It should be, it may be the soul of no master, I have eaten too much.”

No, Feng Yu immediately rushed to say: "Oh! As the saying goes, there is no pie in the sky. Although the soul of no master is good, it can't be eaten at random! You see, fortunately you found it early, or you can later. It's in trouble."

   Han Feixin said, I also know, but I can’t tell you that I can force a balance between the two, right?

   just listened to Feng Yu rushing to answer: "Shall I answer this question for the younger brother?"

   Big Brother nodded slightly, his expression soft.

Feng Yu said this immediately: "Your guess is actually quite accurate. It is actually very difficult to achieve an absolute balance between the soul and the body. Therefore, there is generally no absolute balance, at least a relative balance. , Even if the two are almost balanced, your foundation will be solid."

   Han Fei nodded slightly. Sure enough, when the two tend to be balanced, the true foundation is considered solid. Together, his previous foundation has never been solid.

Feng Yu continued: "However, some special cases are not ruled out. Some people focus on cultivating spirits, so that they can separate the spirits, the strength of the spirits is far beyond the physical body, and the bursting power of the spirits can easily destroy the spirits of others. There are also some who walk in the ultimate body. These people, they finally gave up the spirit, but replaced the spirit with will. They embarked on the ultimate body refinement."

   Hearing this, Han Fei couldn't help but feel moved. He hadn't thought about these things. However, he didn't know before that the limit of body refining was actually replaced by will.

   He always felt that if you don’t have a psyche, someone else’s psyche is very strong, and you can easily get rid of you through the power of the psyche. On the other hand, those who only cultivate spirits and souls have a fragile body. If someone penetrates your body, what else can you drop?

  Han Fei couldn't help but ask: "Then these two people who go to the extreme, don't one of them always weaken to the extreme?"

Feng Yu exclaimed, "That's not right. Both of these are very powerful. Don't think that anyone who wants to go to the extreme can really go to the extreme. This requires talent. Only those with extraordinary talents can play this way. Moreover, spiritual cultivation. To the extreme, it is said that they can exist without the physical body. For them, it is too simple to shape a physical body. Just squeeze it with one hand, and a physical body may come out. However, when the physical body is cultivated to the extreme, he replaces the soul with the will. The body can't be broken, and the soul is immune to attacks. As long as the will survives, and even the body is destroyed, they can find it back in the body, and ask you if it's terrible."


  Han Fei's heart moved, is he so strong?

  Han Fei couldn't help but said: "The pursuit of a balance between the two, with a solid foundation, is it weak compared to the two?"

Feng Yu: "Theoretically, this one is indeed incomparable with the other two. But this one is also good, that is, it is not easy to prove the Dao by walking the extreme way, and this kind of pursuit of a balance between the two makes it relatively easy to prove the Dao. "

   Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth: "What about the fight? As soon as the two kinds of powerhouses come, they will destroy us like us in the middle of their hands?"


   I saw Feng Yu scratching his head: "It seems, it's not right. I have met the ultimate soul refiner, although the soul is strong. But when fighting with him, I can also hold it..."

   Han Fei was speechless: "Senior Sister Feng Yu, are you sure you really understand it?"

   Feng Yu blushed immediately, and he broke his fingers in anxious state: "My, yes, I am a borrowed power of heaven. Right, right, power of heaven..."


   I just listened to Senior Sister Honglian smiled slightly: "Brother Qinglong, you should popularize them both! Eleven will be useful, but I haven't understood it thoroughly yet."

   Senior Brother Qinglong glanced at Feng Yu: "I wanted to tell you last time. You understand, that's how you understand it? If you don't listen carefully, how can you achieve extraordinary results? Let me listen carefully this time."


   Feng Yu feels a little messy. The problem lies in the way of heaven. Oh, what was the topic of the last time, I forgot to listen to it.

   I only listened to Senior Brother Qinglong: "Little Junior Brother, the balance of body and soul, in addition to representing the solid foundation, also represents another thing."

   Han Fei: "What?"

   Brother Qinglong: "The degree of conformity with the way of heaven."


  Han Fei couldn't help but get a shock. This kind of statement is unheard of. What does the degree of harmony with the heavens mean?

Just listen to Senior Brother Qinglong: "The Ji Dao, because it is too against the sky, so it is often incompatible with the Dao, and it is extremely difficult to prove the Dao. Moreover, the Ji Dao is not what Eleven said, the body and soul are completely gone. Significance. Otherwise, those who go to the extreme soul refining path will meet the extreme body refining path. One is immune to the soul and the other has no physical body. These two can't fight at all, and they can't even fight each other. You think this is possible. Huh?"

   Han Fei shook his head, it seemed impossible. Two powerhouses, even if they don't use the soul and body, should they be able to attack each other?

Senior Brother Qinglong nodded slightly: "So, the so-called Jidao, in fact, is not really abandoning the other half, but completely concealing the other half's effectiveness. In a real fight, the two can still be divided. .Because of the special nature of the Extreme Dao, people who follow the Extreme Dao are doomed. This is rare in the world. Maybe you and the entire East China Sea Shenzhou, there are so few. Moreover, not only does the Heavenly Dao not allow the existence of the Extreme Dao, any forces can discover the Extreme Dao People, the first thing they think of, will be obliteration. Because once they grow up, they are completely uncontrollable and can influence the existence of the world. Therefore, there are still extreme people, either limited to certain people, or Limited by certain seals, imprisonment, etc..."

  Han Fei's heart moved, this person who walks the extreme way seems to be terrible!

   Senior Brother Qinglong said: "The extreme way is a matter for a few people, and the balance between the body and the soul is a normal way. It is the way of heaven and earth, and it is a way that allows the gods to be allowed by the way of heaven."

  Han Fei's heart moved. When the elder brother was giving a lecture, Han Fei felt as if he had something to do with the Tao of Heaven. Then after the lecture was over, I found that this class was worthy of hundreds of years of foundation training, and even the soul and the body had made a corresponding balance.

  Han Fei's heart moved: "Isn't Jidao able to communicate with God?"

   Senior Brother Qinglong was silent for a while, he is not a god, this question is too far away.

   Just listen, and the big brother slowly said: "Once there was someone who became a god, and one person can save the world. The road is easy. It is extremely difficult to walk."

   "Can you overcome the eternal universe?"

   The words of Senior Brother, including Senior Brother Qinglong, made everyone's heart shake. They seem to be imagining how strong it is to get such an evaluation from the big brother.

   But, the big brother immediately opened his mouth: "The way of balance, there used to be gods, and the gods of Zhan Jidao."


   After a while, it was another thunder that shocked the sky. Just now, Han Fei and the others were still envious of the power of the Extreme Daoist. But now, it seems that this way of balance is not weak!

   Han Fei's heart was just burning, and he was killed by the big brother in a word.

   Han Fei thought, anyway, according to Senior Brother Qinglong, there are too few people who walk the extreme way. There is only one East China Sea Shenzhou, maybe only one or two. Moreover, if you are known, you will be chased and killed, and you will be restricted. It is better to take your own balance.

  Balance knows that it may take a thousand years, but if you go to the extreme path, you will have to stay on the path without proving the path.

   Big Brother: "Qinglong, keep talking."

   Senior Brother Qinglong was right: "Wow! The reason that Senior Brother just said that the balance will be very strong in the end is that Eleven said that you can borrow the power of Heaven, but Eleven does not understand it very clearly."

The Qinglong coiled in the void, and his voice shook: "In theory, there is no absolute balance in theory, but it can only tend to the ultimate balance. When the soul and body become more and more balanced, the body and mind are the same, it can be said that a thought arises from all kinds of laws. This is the power of balance naturally endowed by the way of heaven. When you are in the way of balance, you can have more insights, the law of rhyme between heaven and earth, you can borrow the power of heaven and earth. How much you can borrow depends on you How much do you understand about this Tao. Of course, you can also use the Tao of Balance and the Tao of Heaven to confirm your Tao. This is also true, the growth of the Balanced Tao is simpler than the extreme Tao, and it is more natural for UU reading www.uukanshu.com, A more reasonable reason..."


   Han Fei took a deep breath, listening to Senior Brother Qinglong's words, he seemed to understand something. In fact, when the Demon Refining Pot can transform between the two powers, he actually has a treasure between heaven and earth.

   Others may not be able to achieve balance, but he owns the demon refining pot, as long as he transforms back and forth. Although this transformation will take time to consolidate. But once the two become balanced, but you can borrow the power of Heaven, then your strength should immediately improve a lot, right?

   Han Fei thought, but didn't want to keep asking, because this is not something that can be done in a short while. I have to go to the Divine Capital Dynasty for a few years. In the remaining few years, even if I practice all in the original sea, I will at most consolidate the foundation and consolidate my cultivation.

  Han Fei: "Thank you, Senior Brother and Senior Brother Qinglong for your doubts."

   Feng Yu immediately said in a huff, "I am still there."

  Han Fei really wanted to roll her eyes, but on the surface he still said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Feng Yu, for clearing up her confusion. Senior Sister Feng Yu, Junior Brother still has something unclear, so I have to ask you for advice."

   Feng Yu immediately raised his head slightly: "Huh! If you are acquainted, let's talk about it!"

   Han Fei grinned immediately: "Senior sister, knowing that after the limit speed, what speed corresponds to it?"


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