God of Fishing

Chapter 2233: Party·Comprehension·Message (Part 2)

   Feng Yu said, "Have you seen the speed of light exceed the speed of light?"

   "Super speed of light?"

   Han Feixin said, co-authoring here is also called super speed of light! I thought there was a special title here, but I didn't expect it to be so uncreative.

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "I have seen it."

   Feng Yu immediately said: "You have to ask Senior Brother Qinglong and Senior Sister Shenle, Brother Lei Heng is also fine, but he is not here today."

   Senior Brother Qinglong smiled slightly and said, "This question is quite broad. Before telling you part of the answer, please tell me first, how fast do you think the fastest speed can be?"

  Han Fei's heart moved, how can I guess this? I used to think that once people reach the speed of light, they can't get any faster.

   Even, at the beginning, Han Fei still felt that his old thinking was right, and felt that once the speed reached the speed of light, time would reverse.

   But in fact, this is not the case. He has mastered the avenue of time, so he is not afraid to enter the long river of time. So, when the speed reached the speed of light for the first time, he just knew that there were several choices before his eyes. A certain one can be understood as Xinghai. And the long river of time was not counted by Han Fei, because after the speed reached the speed of light, he could indeed enter the long river of time.

   However, in addition to Xinghai and Time Long River, at the location of the speed of light, there is also a white hole and a ladder. This is what he wants to know.

   He felt that the reason for being able to surpass the speed of light was related to these two.

   However, Senior Brother Qinglong asked himself how fast he could be the fastest. Han Fei felt that this question seemed a bit wrong.

   In his original impression, there was more power than the speed of light. Although it was all conjecture, they had guessed it somehow. For example, what kind of curvature navigation, gravitational waves, space jumps, wormholes, quantum entanglement, space folding and so on.

   Han Fei pondered: "Speed! As long as there is enough kinetic energy, it can accelerate indefinitely, right?"

   Brother Qinglong: "..."

   Brother Qinglong seemed to see Han Fei clearly through the void: "Little Brother, if you want to talk like this, we won't have to talk about this topic."

   Han Fei grinned immediately, and made a conservative estimate. The guesses in his mind were all those that ran far away at once, far exceeding the speed of light by many times.

However, here, naturally you can’t blow like this, so Han Fei said: “I have two conjectures. One is that the speed is constantly increasing based on the speed of light, not the double-type enhancement. The other, It's similar to a kind of space jump, just like the great movement of the universe, you can ignore space and time and jump from one place to another. Of course, there is no concept of speed anymore."

   Big Brother couldn't help but glanced at Han Fei with a gentle expression on his face.

   Feng Yu said in surprise: "Little Junior Brother, you dare to think more than I do. You don't even need space and time."

   Senior Sister Honglian chuckled: "Little Junior Brother's idea is indeed quite peculiar."

   Sister Qinglian: "The direction is right."

   and Senior Brother Qinglong was silent for a moment and then said: "The latter one you said can be done, but it is still too far away from you. For now, try to lean on the first idea!"

   Han Feixin said, I haven’t talked about wormholes yet.

   However, being able to continue accelerating at the speed of light seems to be a breakthrough.

   Just listen to Senior Brother Qinglong: "Except for speed talents, most people understand the speed of light beyond the star. Although many people want to understand before the star, they are usually limited by a situation."

   Han Fei: "???"

Senior Brother Qinglong: "That is, the body is not strong enough, and you want to carry super-light speed. After transforming the stars, the avenue connects the heavenly way. This is basic. When you partly incarnate the avenue into the heavenly way, you can protect the Taoist rhyme and ignore your own existence. Only consider speed."

  Han Fei's mind is a little confused, but he still understands, that is, the Dao merges into the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao acquiesces that you are a part of the Heavenly Dao. You are all God, if you are fast, others don't care about you.

  Han Fei's heart suddenly moved, good fellow, it's like cheating. I became a god, something invisible and intangible. Does the speed limit have anything to do with me?

Han Fei nodded again and again. Seeing that Han Fei didn’t want to ask, Senior Brother Qinglong continued: “In this case, there is more power that can accelerate. For example, if you walk on the Avenue of Space, you can directly distort the space. Use space thrust to accelerate. For example, if you are originally walking the speed avenue, you can directly borrow the speed law in the heavenly road to bless you. For example, if you walk the gravity avenue, then you can directly use the mutual repulsion of the two force fields to accelerate …More specifically which one is fast, you have to try to learn to use your own avenue more."

   Han Fei: "That's it?"

   Han Feixin said, why didn’t you mention white holes and stairs?

Senior Brother Qinglong: "This is the first method that can surpass the speed of light, and it is also a method that can be used in general opening the sky. But this method, generally speaking, is only within ten times the speed of light. And they all have a prerequisite, you You must first truly integrate into the Tao of Heaven."

   Han Fei's heart moved: "Is there a second way to increase speed?"

Senior Brother Qinglong: "Don’t go too far. Originally, this should be a power that will only be involved after transforming a star. You have just opened a few hundred years, unless you have transformed into a star for a hundred thousand miles, or you shouldn’t be involved now. This time of power."

  Han Fei's heart moved: "Brother Qinglong, is it really okay to completely integrate one's own way with heaven's way?"

   Senior Brother Qinglong: "When you understand what heaven is, you can solve this problem yourself."

   Han Fei: "Then Brother Qinglong, when is it appropriate to transform into stars in the Open Heaven Realm under normal circumstances? The larger the Origin Sea, the more resources are needed. But if the resources are endless, wouldn't it be impossible to transform into stars forever?"

   Big Brother: "When it's time to transform into a star, you will have a sense of it. Junior Brother, your current problem is too far away from you. It's time for you to try to cross the Origin Sea and enter the Star Sea!"

   Suddenly, Han Fei's heart was shaken and he stepped into the sea of ​​stars, which he had never thought about. Although Xinghai has been developed for a long time, but a source sea has not been dealt with by itself, how can I go to study Xinghai?

   But the big brother now interrupts himself and lets himself into the star sea, is there the answer I want in the star sea?

   Immediately, Han Fei handed over: "Yes, big brother, I will try to enter the sea of ​​stars when I go back."

   So far, Han Fei stopped asking questions, even though he still has a lot of questions.

   But everything must be done step by step. If it hadn't been for this trip to the land of recovery on the 3rd, I had grown too much, I am afraid I would not have thought of consulting these questions for the time being.

Just listen to Feng Yu's words: "That's right, Junior Brother, you don't walk deep in the sea-opening realm now, otherwise there will be no problems. So, do you have any information to talk about? Let me tell you first, I'm from Nanhai. On the way from Shenzhou to Shenzhou in the East China Sea, I ran into a wild beast."

   Sister Qinglian: "Has the prehistoric beasts begin to enter the world?"

   Fengyu: "I don't know, after a fight, the guy ran away. But recently because of the East China Sea Shenzhou 10,000-year-old competition, other things seem to be less noticeable."

   Senior Brother Qinglong: "The black dragon of the dragon clan has not yet come down, and I don't know where to hide. He is not weak. If you meet him, you should deal with it carefully."

   Qinglian World: "This time there are few people, we have nothing to say, what do you have to say on the junior brother? Since you are going to participate in the Wannian Competition of the Shendu Dynasty, you should be in the East China Sea Shenzhou if you want to come?"

Han Fei thought for a while and said, "I can handle the matter here for the time being. I, I met a man named Mo Qi who walked the Avenue of Time. I feel that she has tried me, and I doubt her and time. The temple is related."

   "Temple of Time?"

   Qinglong said in a majestic voice: "She invited you to join the Temple of Time?"

   Han Fei shook his head: "Not yet, but I guess it's possible. She doesn't know my true identity."

   Fengyu was surprised and said: "Just as you entered the sea world, UU reading www.uukanshu.com met people from the Three Gods Temple? What a coincidence."

   Han Fei: "I can't be sure either."

   At this time, just listen to the big brother: "Let's go with the flow, there will be no hindrance in a short time, don't join easily."

   Han Fei nodded, since he didn't want to tell other people about the chaos wasteland for the time being, it was to solve it by himself. This is also a trial that Han Fei himself gave himself. Of course, the starting point of the trial is a bit high, but the time it takes him is also a bit long.

   As Senior Brother Qinglong said, it has been a short time since I entered the Open Heaven Realm. It was a mere three hundred years, and there are still too many unknowns, even Xinghai has never been.

   For a period of time in the future, what I need is to sharpen myself, polish myself, lay a solid foundation, study speed, cultivate the physical body, and pursue balance...

   Han Fei thought about it, and suddenly realized that none of this seemed to be accomplished overnight. Sure enough, the Open Heaven Realm has a long way to go, and the road behind him is still long, and he can only do it step by step.

   I just listened to Feng Yu's words: "Little brother, Wannian Da is better than me. At that time, the senior sister will take you to eat fragrant, drink spicy, and punch it."

   Han Fei twitched: "Then thank you Sister Sister."

   Big Brother: "Okay, that's it for today, let's go!"



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