God of Fishing

Chapter 2234: Into the Xinghai

   After the party ended, Han Fei was quite determined. Because of this gathering, he knew that he could actually achieve absolute balance. He hadn't pursued it before, but now it's time to pursue it.

   Of course, he has to go to Xinghai before pursuing this path of absolute balance.

   The origin is in the sea.

   Han Fei raised his head and looked up. Although he has a map of the star sea boundary, the thing does not correspond to the star sea right now, and the old tortoise said before that the star sea cannot be entered casually, and it is also very dangerous there.

   Therefore, Han Fei has not been there for so long.

   But now, in the sea of ​​stars, there seems to be some secrets, and I have to feel it.


   Han Fei just appeared on the edge of the star sea with a thought. This is one's own origin sea, as long as it is within the scope of the origin sea, wherever one wants to go is a matter of one thought.

  Han Fei thought that he only needs to take a step to enter the Xinghai.

However, when he took this step, he suddenly realized that he was stuck in a quagmire of resistance. It was clear that Xinghai was in front of him, but he also knew for the first time that it turned out that between Yuanyuan Sea and Xinghai, there was still There is this invisible compartment.

   This "quagmire" feels like a kind of gravitational space, but also like a kind of heavenly power suppressing itself. Anyway, Han Fei felt that his blood had become steaming, and he wanted to burst out depressed.

   It wasn't until Han Fei showed 80% of his power that he felt that he could rush over.

   It's just that when Han Fei realized that he could leave this quagmire, he suddenly gave up, because he suddenly discovered that this quagmire is an excellent place for body training.

   Void Body Refining Technique is about tempering the physical body with the collapse of the endless void.

   And in this "mud flat", Han Fei knew that this was no longer within the scope of the Origin Sea. Because he found that the time acceleration effect here is more than double that of his own original sea mile.

  The only thing I am grateful for is that this place is affected by the original sea, and there is still time accelerating.

  Since it doesn't completely belong to the sea of ​​origin, it can cause the void to collapse.

   But in fact, it's hard for Han Fei to break through here. To cause the void to collapse, the power needed is not small.

   Han Fei can understand that this "quagmire" may be to protect those strong who are new to the open sky, don't think about running to the stars, maybe you will die if you run past it. If you have the ability, you can easily get through this "quagmire" first.

   Han Fei is not in a hurry to enter Xinghai, anyway he already has a direction.


When Han Fei drew the void, the force of horror penetrated the quagmire, like a drop of water hitting the surface of a calm lake, causing ripples, forming an impact beam where the drop of water dropped, and the center of the beam was endless. The connection point between the void and the quagmire.

   At that moment, the violent and raging force seemed to tear Han Fei's flesh and blood. Han Fei felt the invisible, there seemed to be endless rhymes between heaven and earth, impacting him.

   The golden and jade marrow in his bones began to tremble. Massive amounts of chaotic air are involved in the body.

   "Yin and Yang Grinding Disc."

   Han Fei's heart moved, and he quickly urged Xiao Hei Xiao Bai to start the Yin and Yang grinding disc. At that moment, Han Fei felt that his body refining speed was ten times, a hundred times faster than before.


  Han Fei originally thought that things like the essence of gold and jade are too difficult to cultivate. At an ordinary speed, it may take a hundred thousand years for the golden and jade marrow to fill the whole body.

   But now, it seems that I don’t know if I have made a major breakthrough in my strength, or because of this star-sea quagmire, or both, Han Fei’s Void Refining Technique, his speed is soaring. At this speed, it may take only one or two thousand years to complete the refining of the essence of gold and jade.

   At that time, one's own physical body will have another leap in quality.

  Unfortunately, this quagmire of Star Sea is not entirely within the category of Origin Sea, and the effect of time acceleration is greatly reduced. Specifically, how much time acceleration is here, you have to test it yourself.

   So, a few months later.

   Han Fei sighed deeply. He didn't expect that the time here would accelerate so slowly, and it would only accelerate by a mere eight times. In other words, even if the effect of practicing "Void Refining Technique" is tens of hundreds of times better now, it will take outside time, two to three hundred years, to quench the essence of gold and jade all over the body.

   Han Fei said, anyway, before the Divine Capital Dynasty's Ten Thousand Years Grand Tournament, he had no hope of raising his physical body to a higher level, because there was not enough time.

   is the reason.

   Han Fei only practiced in this quagmire of the star sea for a year, allowing herself to adapt to the resistance in the quagmire, and then broke through the quagmire and entered the quagmire of the star sea.


   When Han Fei rushed out of the quagmire for the first time and set foot on the sea of ​​stars, it felt like bursting a layer of bubbles. As soon as he entered the sea of ​​stars, Han Fei felt abnormally cold and biting. Han Fei couldn't help being speechless, it seemed that this place was also very suitable for practicing Void Body Refinement.

  Han Fei can feel a large amount of chaotic air from the stars. In the boundless silence, Han Fei can also feel the invisible power in the stars that is leading his own way.

   In addition to these two feelings, Han Fei felt inexplicable pressure on his soul. I have the power to try to touch my soul and make myself feel like I want to sleep.

   "Hiss~Endless Void?"

   Han Fei couldn't help but get a shock. He once felt a stronger feeling than this, and there was endless void. Han Fei had entered the endless void when he was in the sea realm. When I was inside, I really fell asleep, and then I was rescued by the Beastmaster teacher.

   That kind of impression is indelible. Although he has opened the sky now, but still can't forget that feeling. He felt that if he had stayed in the Star Sea for a long time, he might have fallen into deep sleep as well as in the endless void.

  Han Fei looked back at his original sea, it was blurred, as if shrouded in a layer of mist.

   "No wonder it is said that the Xinghai is dangerous. I have just come out, and I have already felt so dangerous. I really want to swim deep in the Xinghai. What if I can't touch it back?"

   At this moment, Han Fei did not dare to be too far away from his origin sea. He conducted a total of four experiments in the star sea.

   One kind, practice Void Refining Technique.

   After several months of confirmation, Han Fei discovered that the cultivation speed in the sea of ​​stars was more than ten times that of the sea world. However, it is slower than in the quagmire.

  The cause of the problem is that the quagmire has been affected by the Origin Sea, and the existence of time has accelerated. But in the star sea, oneself can't speed up time, so the body training here is slower than in the quagmire.

   The second kind of experiment is naturally to practice the Void Guantian technique.

   It doesn't take a month or a few days. Han Fei can confirm that by practicing the Void Sky Viewing Technique in the sea of ​​stars, he can better clarify the way of heaven, and he can even capture all the avenues he has traveled from in the sea of ​​stars.

   Following, Han Fei discovered one thing, that is, in the sea of ​​stars, there is a lot of heaven. If you want to merge with the sky, it is most suitable to practice in the sea of ​​stars, and the speed is ten times that of the sea.

   In the third type, Han Fei began to try to integrate Dao.

   The prerequisite for exceeding the speed of light is that one needs to rely on the power of heaven. The prerequisite for wanting to use the power of heaven is that one needs to merge with heaven.

   Fundamentally speaking, this is the true unity of nature and man.

   Han Fei's road is Gravity Avenue and Space Avenue. For Han Fei, it is not difficult to integrate into the sky. The true meaning of Gui Yuan is that heaven and earth are unified, and Tao follows natural principles. The avenue returns to the sky, just return the avenue to the original.

   When Qinglong was telling Han Fei about all this, Han Fei already knew how to practice super-light speed.

   At this moment, Han Fei was advancing with anti-gravity at the limit of speed, and his speed increased again.

   When the speed surpassed the critical point of the speed of light, the white holes, stairs and so on that Han Fei saw were gone. What is left is the illusion of void lines, which is like Han Fei's first escape from the void. It can also be compared to a void light burst cloud similar to a sonic boom cloud.

   Two years later.


   saw a certain piece of star sea ~www.readwn.com~ there is an irregular distortion of the void, but no light and shadow.

   When the distorted void disappeared, a figure appeared on top of the mist.

   "It's time to go out, but the time is too short. At present, it can only achieve three times the speed of light."

Just listen to the emperor bird’s voice: “It’s already pretty good. According to my inherited memory, there are very few that can exceed the speed of light before the star is transformed. Even after the star is transformed, not everyone can master the speed of light. "

  Han Fei: "However, what I did not expect is that you can open the sky in the sea of ​​stars. This is a great discovery. If everyone can open the sky in the sea of ​​stars, wouldn't it be completely safe from others?"

Emperor Sparrow: "Not all creatures can open the sky in the sea of ​​stars? The calamity in the sea of ​​stars is stronger than that in the sea world, just like your origin sea and the sea of ​​stars are separated by a quagmire, the sea world And Xinghai are also isolated by this kind of quagmire. The power of the tribulation will be attenuated because of this quagmire when it comes to the sea. Therefore, most people who can open the sky in the sea will not choose to go to the Xinghai to open the sky. ."

  Han Fei: "You just changed the way and said that you are strong."

   The emperor bird held his head high, and snorted coldly: "This is the case. If you can prove the truth in the sea of ​​stars, then you will find that, like the Great Emperor Wanlin, it is nothing at all."


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