God of Fishing

Chapter 2235: 1 Asserting life and death

  Emperor Sparrow said it was light, but Han Fei knew well how difficult it is to open the sky or prove the Dao in the sea of ​​stars.

   If the emperor was not born as an emperor, this time the sky is opened in the sea of ​​stars, it will be smashed. Even if it was an emperor, this was the worst time Han Fei had ever seen it been hacked.

   The whole process was purple-red celestial calamity, normal people, I'm afraid they can't stand it twice.

   In the past three years, Han Fei has not fallen asleep. But he can feel it, but the time has not come. If there are three more years, he may be too sleepy and want to fall asleep in the stars.

   Therefore, Xinghai and Infinite Void still have a lot in common. At least, both will make people fall asleep. It's just that as the strength gets stronger and stronger, the ability to resist this lethargic power has increased.

   With Han Fei's current strength, it would be fine to stay in the sea of ​​stars for three to five years. If he really stayed for thirty to fifty years, he would have fallen asleep long ago and drifted freely in the sea of ​​stars.

   But, anyway, after these five years of retreat, Han Fei's current combat power is no longer what it used to be. At this time, Han Fei even felt that even if he didn't need to run the avenue, he might be able to enter the top ten lord level.

   Before returning to the city of scavengers, Han Fei quietly touched and went to No. 68 Baiyu City, bringing Zhang Daqian with him.

   Now, Nezha has practiced for more than 300 years, and Zhang Daqian has also practiced for more than 300 years. Because of his rich combat experience, Nezha has spent more than three hundred years in the cemetery battlefield, so he can now be compared to the top Tianjiao of Chaos Wasteland.

   And Zhang Daqian was originally a top arrogant, Zhang Daqian walked the giant beast divine way, now the body is big, has spanned more than 500 miles. The bloodline characteristics of the immortal barrier far exceed the body of Nezha, relying on the natural instincts of regeneration, self-healing, unloading, and devouring spirits. It can be said that in the same realm, it is almost impossible to kill Zhang Daqian.

  Furthermore, Zhang Daqianxiu's way of nirvana, if anyone can kill him, he has to thank others for giving him the chance of nirvana. Of course, with Han Fei's ability to collect resources. At least so far, Zhang Daqian's resources for his first Nirvana are completely sufficient.

   However, the resources are ready, but Zhang Daqian has not yet reached the time for Nirvana. Han Fei estimated that Zhang Daqian's first Nirvana might be placed in the Open Heaven Realm.

   Of course, if this time, during the trip to the dynasty of the gods, you can find a strong man much stronger than Zhang Daqian and cut him off, Han Fei thinks it is also a good choice.


   The city of scavengers.

   When Han Fei returned to the Scavenger City, the people in the city were no different from usual.

   After Han Fei came back, he went straight to Mo Qi's location for the first time. Now he has no scruples, Mo Qi is a special existence in Scavenger City.

   Moreover, after having the experience of Mo Qi looking for himself last time, this time he took the initiative to look for him. Under normal circumstances, others would not think there was any problem.

   However, when Han Fei arrived here, he discovered that there were many young talents outside Mo Qi's residence, unexpectedly queuing.


   Because Han Fei didn't release his perception, he didn't know what these people were doing around Mo Qi. The key is that none of these people are weak. From their aura, Han Fei can tell that one of these people is one, and they are all people who can enter the inner camp and will definitely be ranked high.

  Han Fei has always been low-key. When he first came, he didn't attract the attention of others. Everyone was in line. Even a lot of people were next to their entourage. There are a few people, there are unexpectedly strong Open Heaven Realm to follow.

   "All the rich second generation!"

   At this moment, someone frowned and said, "When will we have to wait! It's been three days now, this shelf is a bit too big, right?"

   Someone snorted coldly: "Butler, I have to wait for this person? Can't I invite her home?"

   Butler: "Yo! Little ancestor, under normal circumstances, our family can't ask for this one."

  Youth: "My Zhou family can't move, please?"

  A woman glanced over here: "Zhou Bo, no one will say you are dumb if you don't speak. Your father has to be in this row when he comes. What are you?"

   The man who was scolded by the woman was furious: "Pan Ying, what do you mean, I was talking next to you? Who jumped in the line before?"

   The woman named Pan Ying looked cold: "You want to take this position back?"


   Zhou Bo hummed twice and didn't speak any more. The Pan family is the first family in the city of scavengers. It would be impossible to grab a spot with her, otherwise there would be no need to get off the stage later.

   Someone lowered their heads and sneered: "It's not promising, Pan Ying bluffed him with a single sentence, so I still want to leave a name in the Ten Thousand Years Competition, what dream do you want?"

   When Zhou Bo heard it, he was about to get angry, but suddenly he heard a crisp sound, which came out from the house: "Come in."

   Suddenly, all the young talents in line were shocked.

   Pan Ying suddenly became physically strong, and his heart said that after three days, this man is finally in a good mood and begins to meet guests. She saw Pan Ying getting up and walking towards Mo Qi's residence. After only ten steps, an invisible force directly pushed her back.

   "It's not you, what's wrong?"

   Pan Ying: "???"

   Pan Ying looked dumbfounded, she ranked first, but who am I? Doesn't this pay attention to one come first, then come first?

   At this time, Pan Ying couldn't help turning her head, and then she saw everyone looking back, looking around.

  Until, they saw that at the back of the team... I, to be precise, there was still hundreds of miles away from the team, a strong foreigner with a knife and covered in red scales slowly approaching.

   Han Fei pretended to return to his ancestors before, twice before and after, he has made his red scale armor his signature.

   So, when these big clan children looked over, these people immediately remembered, this is... that Ye Fengliu?

   Under normal circumstances, the children of the big clan will not enter the law enforcement camp. Those who enter the law enforcement camp, even if they are in the camp, are generally not the core children of the big clan.

   Because those true core children don’t need to fight in the cemetery battlefield like most people. They have a solid family background, enough secret realm challenges, and even master the primitive cemetery, the place of recovery, anyway, there are places, and some are the consumption of resources for the core children.

  At this moment, such a group of core children looked at Han Fei. They were surprised at first, and then they all cast unkind eyes, and some of them looked cold, as if they were looking at a dead person.

  Han Fei is in a hurry and has no time to spend here. The last time he came to see Mo Qi, he wanted to see his ally before leaving to see if he had any special information for himself.

   So, in the presence of so many big clan children, Han Fei moved forward indifferently. Until that Zhou Bo, straddling one step and blocking Han Fei's front.

   He only heard the corners of Zhou Bo's mouth and sneered: "Senior Mo Qi, come first, come first, this person is the last, we don't have a statement, no regulations?"

   Mo Qi did not respond, but Han Fei said indifferently: "Get out of the way."

   Zhou Bo: "Do you know who you are talking to?"

   Han Fei's eyes were cold, and invisibly, killing intent burst out. Zhou Bo was startled by the sudden burst of murderous intent and took a step back subconsciously.

   But then, I felt embarrassed. How could I be frightened by the look of my own dignified Zhou family? No, I can’t find this place today. How can I talk about prestige in the future?

   Suddenly, Zhou Bo's expression was gloomy: "Give you a chance, from in front of me, back to the end, in the last row, I won't be embarrassed by you today."


  Han Fei didn't even look at him. When his figure flashed, he was about to pass directly. But this week's strength was not weak, he made an interception in the first place, and this shot was not a normal shot. He directly shot a stab to the back of Han Fei's head.

   Someone was surprised: "Definite Soul Sting? Are you going to kill people in the city?"



   At that moment, everyone hadn't seen it clearly, they only saw the white light flashing. The next moment, Zhou's housekeeper, who was watching this scene, suddenly changed his face and stretched out his hand to block it.


   In an instant, the soul thorn was gone, and it was caught by Han Fei.

  While Zhou Bo was shooting, one hand was still stretched out, but then, his body, starting from the center of the eyebrows, to the lower abdomen, was directly divided into two halves, and the whole person was instantly cut off.

   And the **** of Zhou's housekeeper were directly cut off.

   "Hi! So fast."

   "Hey, did he cut the finger of the housekeeper Zhou?"

   "This Fengliu is stronger than the rumored one!"

   "Te Niang, no wonder this kid can join Bai Ranran's first team."

   "Huh! Very crazy, this kid, I really want to kill him."


For a moment, Pan Ying's heart froze. The knife just now was too fast. Even if it was her, she could barely see the knife shadow. With such a knife, she felt that she might not be able to stop it. Merry, indeed a lot stronger than the rumors!

   Han Fei did not stop, but that week the housekeeper snorted coldly: "Damn, stop."

   Regardless of Han Fei's disagreement, this week the butler is ready to take a shot, reaching out to Han Fei. However, suddenly a blue light barrier appeared, and Mr. Zhou was shocked and wanted to stop. As a result, one of his palms ~www.readwn.com~ was completely decayed.

   He wanted to regenerate his palm, but he was shocked to find that his palm could not be reborn, as if he was completely separated from him.

   just listened, and a arrogant hum came out: "Do you dare to presume anything in front of my house now? Kneel there."

   The housekeeper was shocked that week. He didn't want to kneel, but he felt the power of time on his wrist. He can be sure that if he doesn't kneel, he will be dead today.


   After a while, butler Zhou directly knelt to the ground, not daring to say more than half a word.

   At this moment, the children of the big clans are all amazed, this one is so strong? So arrogant?

  Han Fei continued to move forward. When passing by Pan Ying, he heard that the latter suddenly said, "Ye Fengliu."

   Han Fei stopped and tilted his head: "You want to stop me too?"

   Pan Ying shook her head slightly, but said lightly: "I'm Pan Ying, meet me?"

   Han Fei lifted his eyelids and looked straight ahead, without stopping, as if he had never stopped at all.

   After Han Fei passed Pan Ying, an indifferent voice responded: "Not interested."

   Pan Ying: "……"

   The second generation of the rich: "..."


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