God of Fishing

Chapter 2383: Reminder from God of War

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Han Fei wasn't afraid that the magic source would run away. If this stuff could run, it would have run away long ago, so she wouldn't stay here waiting for her to come.

Therefore, he probably doesn't have the ability to move quickly, maybe it's because of her ground vein that connects here, so she can't leave it.

And Han Fei's purpose of going to the natal star is also very clear. Although he now got all the resources in this Demon Origin Realm. But there are still big concerns about whether to cooperate with this magic source.

After a while.

Above the sea of ​​stars, the altar unfolds, and the fire curtain rises into the sky.

God of War: "Are you here again? Why didn't you offer me sacrifices to the Kaitian realm creatures this time?"

There was no need for Han Fei to send a message first, and God of War took the initiative to send a message, mainly because Han Fei was too diligent. Come here every other way, making the **** of war have an illusion, doesn't this guy seem to be busy? Why does it look like a painful egg every day?

Han Fei: "Senior God of War, let's not panic about offering sacrifices and not offering sacrifices. I have encountered a situation here... right now..."

Han Fei made a long description and sent the news of the Demon Territory to the God of War.

It depends on the God of War immediately responding: "Are you sure it is the original land contaminated by the ominous power? Or the original land with at least one million open heavens?"

Han Fei: "Yes, that's it. I have caught a magic source now. I'm wondering if I can cooperate with him, right, right..."

It was said that the God of War was fascinated at the time, and people asked you to do the task, but you worked with the monster.

Just listen to the God of War: "You can cooperate. According to your description, this kind of magic source, as long as it does not swallow more than five other magic sources, the threat should not be big. But you don't know if he has swallowed other magic sources before. So, you can’t bet either. Moreover, Wan Clan does not have the habit of doing harmlessly and must not rely on it. Therefore, my suggestion is that even if it is possible to cooperate, there is no need to cooperate."

"No need to cooperate?"

Han Fei asked back, one demon source has swallowed several demon sources, and he can point it out with the Marine Vientiane. If there is nothing wrong with the God of War, he can kill the four other magic sources after devouring them.

But the God of War came here and there is no need to cooperate. This is worth thinking about. With so many resources, why is there no need to cooperate?

But the God of War responded: "What do you think is the main purpose of needing resources after transforming the stars?"

Han Fei: "Then naturally we have taken the step of the Star Path. Even if we don't follow the Star Path, we must use a lot of resources? For example, when preaching."

God of War: "When you are really proving the Dao, you just grab some resources from the Demon Origin Realm, that’s definitely not enough. The Heavenly Dao of the land is robbed, it is indeed of great benefit to the proving Dao. But do you have that ability now?"


Han Fei: "Senior God of War, according to your opinion, I am now engaged in resources, which seems to be of little use?"

God of War: "It's not that it's not very useful. It's just that since you've been to such a place, according to what you said, there may be one hundred thousand magic sources here, and you only have three years. If you fight, you can kill a few You have the ability to kill these demon sources. You might as well try to steal the origin of this world."

Han Fei directly expressed shock: "Stealing the origin of this world? Senior God of War, do you think I have enough life? This is a terrifying place with a hundred thousand sources of magic. Can the origin of the world be stolen as long as it is stolen? If I guessed correctly, the origin of the world should have a certain level of consciousness, right? At that time, I can get a thousand or 800 monsters in the Open Heaven realm, I can still fight?"

God of War: "As you said, this initial place is only ominously polluted, but since you can go to this initial place to experience, it means that this initial place has not been completely eroded by ominousness. In other words, the place here The origin of the world should still be fighting against the ominous force. While resisting the ominousness, there is no time to take care of these contaminated monsters. Moreover, the origin of the world may have such a loss of consciousness, but it is more based on rules. Domination, not as exaggerated as you think."

When the God of War said that, Han Fei's heart suddenly moved. If the origin of the world here has not been completely corroded, and the resistance is still ominous, then it seems that he does have a chance.

But Han Fei asked again: "Senior God of War, even if I find the origin of the world. But I have to face the ominous? If I absorb the origin of this world, won't I have to face the erosion of the ominous power?"

God of War: "I! You are now facing the ominous, so many of you are going to such an ominously contaminated world. Every monster you strangulate, the source of the devil, is destroying the ominous. As for facing the ominous, if If necessary, you can call me to help you at that time."


Han Fei was stunned. Will you help me?

But Han Fei soon realized that the God of War wanted to sacrifice the life of the Open Heaven Realm himself, and he also knew that the star core in the opponent's natal star had been dug by himself. Doesn't this mean that God of War can actually enter other people's natal stars through sacrifices.

If this is the case, in fact, as long as a channel is opened for the God of War, the God of War can come directly. The question is, what must I sacrifice so that God of War can come through weird wormholes or more magical paths without obstacles?

Moreover, Han Fei was thinking that the Southern Emperor once described the God of War. Although he was not a God, in his words, the God of War was infinitely close to God. Such a big boss really came, it can be described as every second day of the second air.

But will the God of War covet his own body? After all, he hadn't become a god, and he, 810,000 miles to open the sky, talents, countless opportunities. It's okay to chat with the God of War across the curtain of fire. If you really want to face the God of War, Han Fei really doesn't have the guts.

But Han Fei couldn't say these words directly, so he rolled his eyes and responded: "Senior God of War, if you really want to come here, the Great Emperor Tobu may have to end it himself. Don't talk about the origin of the world at that time. , I can't even get the resources of the Demon Source Territory."

After a while, the fire curtain responded: "That's true. After all, this is Tobu's place. I stole his place. This kid is 80% full of grudges. Forget it...I can't go there, but this I think you still have to find the origin of the world. As for how to deal with the ominous invasion, you can mobilize the seal of the **** of war at that time, and I can protect you for a while. Since it is the place of Tobu, once you really steal the origin of the world or something, This causes problems in this world. Anyway, Tobu came out to clean up the situation. You are a contestant, it's your shit? Tobu won't even take action against you. He can always sell me for this face."

Han Feixin said hehe, you look like a boss.

But Han Fei thought to himself, if God of War allowed himself to find out the origin of the world, would there be other people instigating the children of the clan to find the origin of the world?

After all, according to Han Fei's current understanding, such as the heavenly clan, the phoenix protoss, and even the Fist Mang Mountain Peak and the Eastern Sword Pavilion, there have been gods. If there is the guidance of the gods, will they fight for the origin of this world?

Han Fei thinks that maybe this is really possible. Although those people don't have a universal navigation instrument, the background of the gods is unimaginable. People are likely to have other ways to find the origin of the world.

Thinking about it this way, Han Fei's mind became more active. Compared with the origin of the world in such an initial place, it was a **** if it was the source of magic in this area.

The origin of the world contains vitality, and contains the rules, avenues, and powers of the world.

And in such a place of origin, once the origin of his world is obtained, the problem of vitality after the birth of the star core is immediately solved, and there is no need to make these so-called life origin crystals.

Even oneself can't eat so much of the origin of the world. Then let Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai eat together, and let the Emperor Sparrow eat together, but unfortunately they couldn't take the Tufeiyuan with them, otherwise they could also take it with them. If you can't eat it, you should also be able to sacrifice to the **** of war.

Anyway, no matter what, if you really get the power of the world's origin, then the state of transforming stars should be almost finished.

Thinking about it this way, Han Fei suddenly felt that the magic source was not fragrant.

Han Fei immediately said: "Senior God of War, I will listen to you, I will go to the origin of the world."

Han Fei is ready to go offline, but God of War sent a message: "If your kid wants to really get the origin of the world! No one can eat it alone. I will teach you how to store the origin of the world, and then you will sacrifice it to me. ."

Han Fei responded at the time: "Senior God of War, I'm desperate."

God of War: "What I said, Lao Tzu taught you less? Originally wanted to wait for you to infuse vitality and refine your body, teach you supreme divine art, your boy can't bear even this little world origin?"

"Supreme magic?"

Han Fei’s eyes lit up at the time and quickly responded, “Senior God of War, who do you look down on? Am I the kind of person who can’t bear to bear my treasure? I said that I’m working hard. You always teach a way to store the origin of the world, you Don’t you always give my God of War seal some time?"

God of War: "You actually offered me a serious sacrifice once, ah, you, what do you sacrifice, don't you have any points in your heart?"

Han Fei: "..."

"Well~www.readwn.com~ You are always waiting. Within March, I will definitely offer you two genuine products."

At the end of this chat, Han Fei's spirit and energy were different.

Outside, when Han Fei returned from his natal star, the magic source was still in place.

After Han Fei came out, the Demon Yuan asked, "You came back so soon?"

Han Fei grinned: "Yes!"

Demon Source: "According to my judgment, there are 13 demon sources nearby, and the weakest one is in the west."

However, Han Fei shook his head slightly: "No, you are wrong."

Moyuan didn't seem to understand: "I can't be wrong."

Han Fei grinned, "The weakest one is right in front of my eyes."

Magic source: "..."

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