God of Fishing

Chapter 2384: Cao Jia Meng, Fei Ge save me

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This magic source may not have expected, Han Fei went around, and finally chose to shoot himself.

It failed to understand why. After finally cultivating to the Great Perfection in the Open Heaven Realm, when Han Fei took such a shot, he almost fell to a great realm, and fell directly from the Great Perfection to a realm where he could barely open the Heaven.

Fortunately, it has countless bodies. As long as he is given time, it is only a matter of time before he grows to Dzogchen. He just didn't understand, where did a strong man like Han Fei pop up?

As everyone knows, after half a day, Han Fei came to a deep sea area, which is adjacent to the swamp, and it stands to reason that there is also a source of magic here.

Knowing the parasitic characteristics of the demon source, Han Fei directly yelled at him after finding a creature in the Open Heaven realm: "The demon source in the west has been beheaded by me. I don't bother to find it and send it to you."

Han Fei didn't care if the magic source here would get the news from this monster shark, anyway, his words had been communicated, it didn't matter whether the magic source would eventually fall.

Han Fei flew across the sky, holding a sensor Wu Bufan and the others gave him in his hand. It could be vaguely sensed that the one closest to him should be the guy Cao Mengde.

Now that I promised these guys to do something for them, then I simply helped. I also want to see what these guys really look like under this mask.


The fourth round of qualifiers, 27 days after the start.

Cao Mengde was holding a stick emitting purple and black flames, and with one blow he penetrated a demon planted tortoise with an illusory body that seemed to be between half-empty and half-real. But he saw him grab it casually, took out a crystal of life origin, and then continued to run frantically.


Suddenly, within Cao Mengde's perception, a human figure appeared.

"Cao Mengde, you can catch it! You should know that if you decide to participate in the One Hundred Thousand Years Tournament, you have no retreat."

Cao Mengde stopped suddenly and looked at the other two figures that appeared in front of him.

Just listen to him: "How many times have I said that I have participated in the One Hundred Thousand Years Grand Tournament, and that is being forced. What am I hindering you? I have to chase me hard, this special mother's It's the eighth time, are you here just to kill me?"

The person who came after sneered: "Cao Mengde, don't pretend. Once we have always suspected that you have awakened the top bloodline, but we have not been able to confirm it several times, and we don't know how you covered it. This time the 100,000-year competition, You can escape our pursuit seven times, and there are still three people escorting you, which in itself speaks for the problem. So, no matter how much you hide, this time, you have to die."


A late-stage Open Heaven realm, and three late-stage Open Heaven experts came around and hunted.

It stands to reason that Cao Mengde couldn't beat any of these four people. Not to mention the late stage of the transformation star, it is not the former daddy Cao Mengde that can go to the late stage of the transformation star that is still left.

But now, with the four powerhouses, there is nowhere for Cao Mengde to escape.

In the late stage of Transforming Star, the real shots were all super-light speed strength, but they appeared in front of Cao Mengde in an instant. For a moment, the avenue rolled, the void was cold, and the ice condensed.

At this moment, Cao Mengde held a jade slip in his hand. In the eyes of others, it was his usual escape jade slip. I saw one of them sneered and shouted: "Space alternates."

When it was over, the jade slip was directly taken away.

The man showed an expression of excitement, with a sword, he also looked like he was about to penetrate Cao Mengde. But the next moment, the jade slip in his hand shattered instantly, and a group of purple flames scattered around the man.

It was just a matter of an instant, this person was left with a pile of bones. And that skeleton turned his head and killed another person beside him.

"No! It's the Purple Demon Spirit Devouring Technique..."

As soon as that person's voice fell, Cao Mengde had already been penetrated by the late stage of the Huaxing Star. However, the late stage of Huaxing Star was shocked, because Cao Mengde's body suddenly stretched out a hand of flame, and countless purple fire threads appeared in the surrounding area.

"It's not good, it's in the plan, and retire..."

"Puff chuff~"

In the late stage of the transformation star, while transmitting the sound, he chopped off one of his arms. But the surrounding purple flame filaments erupted too fast, like countless seaweeds spreading out of the seabed.

Of the remaining three people, one of them was entangled by the bone puppets. When the Star Transformation Stage exploded, a flame refining half of the void, and a figure came out from there, who was not Cao Mengde?

Cao Mengde's body exploded just now, but that was not his body.

At this moment, Cao Mengde was blocked behind another expert in the late transformation stage. Holding a small seal in hand, the gravity here is as high as ten thousand times.

After that, Cao Mengde held a long stick with two pointed ends, blinked and burst out eight times the speed of light.

"Puff chuff~"

This person could not escape and was penetrated by Cao Mengde with a single blow.

But this person is not a vulgar person, a **** arrow burst out of his backhand, directly piercing Cao Mengde's body. The blood arrow exploded in Cao Mengde's body.


The small half of Cao Mengde's body was blown up. But his hands were burning with purple flames, pressing on the person in front of him, instantly burning that person to bones.


Cao Mengde's blood spurted wildly, and he had obviously suffered severe damage. However, at this moment, he barely saved himself.

The first time he chose not to fight, but to escape.

He has hidden his strength, and he can still play well, but he hasn't reached the level of the late stage transformation of the star. Even after finishing all the bodyguards on his body, it would be difficult to kill the late stage transformation of the star.

Therefore, he has to run. Only by running out of this crisis can he win. As long as you successfully pass the fourth round of the qualifiers, you will shine in the 100,000 Years Competition. He can enter other forces and secretly cultivate his own party members, so that he has a chance to comeback.

Here, Cao Meng burst out at the limit speed, as fast as seven times the speed of light. But the moment he jumped out, a figure faster than him appeared and pressed a palm to Cao Mengde's heart.


The upper half of Cao Mengde's body exploded, leaving only a piece of bone and flesh.


I saw that a young man stepped out of the void and was slightly surprised: "I know that you have hidden your strength. I didn't expect you to walk the body training stream. You can quietly move the body training stream to this point, you It's indeed a personal thing. It's a pity that you shouldn't, you shouldn't, participate in this 100,000-year competition. Otherwise, you don't have to die."


Cao Mengde, the flesh and blood are still reuniting rapidly at this moment, but at this time his two white bone puppets have been crushed by the powerful late stage Huaxing star.

Now it is three packs of one, and Cao Mengde is at stake.

Just listen to Cao Mengde's fierce look: "Cao Buqi, I didn't expect your tortoise son to come in person."

Cao Mengde was frantically urging the resources in the stars of his life, while roaring like a beast, he listened to Cao Mengde shouting: "Cao Buqi, what do you think you are, you are just a follower by Cao Wujie's side. You will always It's like a vicious dog crawling under his feet. If I die, you won't live long."


Cao Buqi's eyes were cold: "But he will try his best to speak. In those days, your brother was talented, and he was not drawn by the meridians. You two have a virtue and have three bloodlines, and they are also trying to fight for the main line of opportunity. Who do you think you are."

When it was over, Cao Buqi threw out a cold ice jade bead. As soon as the bead came out, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and Cao Mengde only felt that the blood was stagnant.

"Cold Orb?"

Cao Buqi sneered: "It's considered knowledgeable. As early as 4700 years ago, the purple demon and sacred fire in the clan disappeared. If you don't die, you feel that there will be hidden opponents in the clan. After thousands of years, it is only recently that I suspected you. On the head. Oh, now it seems that it is really you. The Chilling Orb is the divine object that suppressed the Purple Demon and Divine Fire. The Purple Demon and Divine Fire in your body should have been suppressed now? There is no Purple Demon and Divine Fire. You want to see, what other means do you have?"

Cao Mengde struggled for a while, and finally sighed slightly, only to hear him shout: "Brother Fei, save me Brother Fei, I know you are there."


At the same time, Cao Buqi and Na Huaxing changed their expressions at the same time~www.readwn.com~ Of course they knew who Cao Mengde was talking about. Besides Han Fei, who else could it be?

Recently, Cao Mengde, Wu Bufan and others have come close with Feng Xingliu and Han Fei. They just want to hug these two thighs.

Of course they knew that Han Fei's strength, Cao Buqi, could kill Yi Qianxing, and could fight Zhao Qinglong and escape calmly. This strength, the major families, it is impossible to fail to pay attention.

However, Cao Buqi heard that Cao Mengde was used as cannon fodder on Han Fei's side and gave Han Fei various things. Han Fei also collected money to help Cao Mengde.

So, let Han Fei and Cao's family be enemies, Cao Buqi felt that Cao Mengde couldn't afford it. After all, he thinks Han Fei is not stupid, why should people help you?

Cao Buqi: "At this time, I still want to delay time. People like Han Fei can’t afford to be unprofitable. Fighting through Doulong Street is just to sell the qualification order. Let him attack Cao’s family for you as a stranger. , Do you think he is stupid?"

However, as soon as Cao Buqi's voice fell, a voice suddenly sounded.

"You are so capable to say it again, who are you stupid?"

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