God of Fishing

Chapter 2397: 0 Warcraft

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Although Zhou Run and the others didn't know what Han Fei brought out, it looked like a functional artifact.

They clearly saw that the ruler of the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler had fallen on the "Big Cage" hexagram, but Han Fei still chose to go in. This is the most dangerous hexagram on that foot apart from desperate situation, right?

Just listen to Han Fei: "If you don't dare to enter the terrible place, you still want to challenge the authority of the major families? Let's go! This is not a test of life and death."

With Han Fei taking the lead, everyone actually feels safe. What I am afraid of is that Han Fei does not take the initiative, which is embarrassing. After another two years of help, one thing they can be sure of is that if all eight of them add up, they will attack Han Fei together. Probably, the end result is that Han Fei was injured and they all fell.

now. Everyone was cautious, did not dared to go fast, and did not use the speed of light.

Because there is no need to travel faster than light. Because the depths under this abyss were only about 300,000 li, lush woodland appeared.

In the first 300,000 miles, there are many kinds of avenues and charms, which add up to more than 20 kinds. In addition to these great auras, at least seven or eight powerhouses have fallen here.

The aura of these strong men will not dissipate, even if they fall, their blood will still be there, and the great skills once played are still exuding this powerful Taoist rhyme.

This means that there is no need to enter that piece of woodland at all. In this 300,000-mile clearing, danger will come.

No, Han Fei and his group of nine people just landed on this open space. They walked forward and before they arrived there, they saw a statue of more than 30 meters high, with three heads and twenty-four hands, and a human-shaped monster. Blocking the way straight ahead.

This monster is like a warrior covered with armor. Only when you look closely will you discover that his human body is actually made of plants.

However, this monster seems to completely imitate the humanoid form, and even imitates the musculoskeletal form, making it easier to fight.

But it was only different from Han Fei's three heads and six arms. This guy, with each head and body, seemed to be able to control eight hands. Among them, each head held four knives, three swords, and double axes.

Because those weapons are different, they look more like this monster grabbed.

I just listened to this vague voice saying: "Well, there are so many people here at once, and the number is quite large. It's a pity, you can't wait to get out."


Han Fei stepped a kilometer away from the monster, and a message immediately appeared in his eyes:

[Name] Thousand Monsters

[Introduction] A complete form of magic source living in the dark demon world. After the magic source consumes enough ominous power, it actively counteracts all the monsters and other monsters in the territory, making its spiritual intelligence higher and higher and born A unique evolutionary form. Being swallowed by Thousand Monsters is likely to become a part of his changing form. Thousand Monsters is an absolute powerhouse at the edge of the Dao of Proving. As long as he acquires enough ominous, plus a large amount of world origin, there is a high probability that the Dao will become a true demon.



[Realm] Kaitian

【Contains ominous power】2048 strands

[Combat Skills] Thousand Demon Fist, Thousand Demon Incarnation, Parasitic, Thousand Demon Transformation

[Can be collected] the crystal of life origin


[Remarks] In a world that has been contaminated by ominousness, no spiritual plant is innocent.

"Huh! This thing turned out to be a magic source?"

Just listen to Han Feidao: "This thing, if you guessed it correctly, should be the real magic source in form, not the magic source that has little combat power. This Zhaner waits for the squad, I will fight."

"The magic source in the true sense?"

Even Zhou Run was a little surprised. But then I thought about it, I had made a deal with the Demon Source, and realized that the Demon Source was actually able to command the monsters in the Open Heaven Realm. But he always felt that the magic source itself was not too threatening. It is more like a group of wise men among the monsters in the Open Heaven Realm.

But now it seems that it is not. It's not that they want to be wise, it's probably because they can't move. So I can only act as a wise man.

And now, if the Thousand Beasts they met hadn't had a slightly smaller body, they would have thought it was some kind of terrifying Law Bodies.

Upon seeing the past, everyone knew that this magic source was difficult to fight. Han Fei said that he wanted to fight him, which meant that Han Fei was facing a challenge to the Great Perfection.

This has to be set aside, Cao Mengde and the others must have sprayed it a long time ago, how could this be an opponent?

However, it was Han Fei who played in the battle, which is difficult to say. After all, Han Fei was a super powerhouse who had killed Yi Qianxing.

The side holding the three knives, looking at Han Fei, let out a crazy shout: "Participants, you have ruined my preaching layout, and I want you to stay here forever."

"Oh! You don't seem to be smart."

Han Fei grinned. Could it be that the magic source of complete form is not smart?

However, when Han Fei saw that Thousand Monsters had three heads on his neck besides his own three heads. Of the three heads, one is a shark head, one is a humanoid head, and the other is a bird head.

It was clear that there were three contestants. After being killed by these Thousand Beasts, the spirit, consciousness, and thoughts might have been swallowed by him.

However, this should also be smarter.

But no matter what, Han Fei is now thinking of trying the methods of turning the stars into perfection. Han Fei didn't even think about it.

With the terrifying power of Han Fei's current 40 million waves, one punch can penetrate a small star. However, I saw that Thousand Monsters, fists like phantoms, blasted out thousands of fists in the blink of an eye.

Halfway through, he punched Han Fei's fist.

With a heart move, Han Fei burst out six times the speed of light. But the eyes of those Thousand Monsters not only could completely keep up with Han Fei, but his huge body unexpectedly exploded 10 times the speed of light.

Han Fei hurriedly ran the Avenue of Time, and placed a time slowdown outside himself, only to keep up with the speed of Thousand Monsters. I only saw Han Fei twisting, the Blade of Time, slicing the three heads in front of Thousand Monsters.


In a blink of an eye, these three heads were sent into an adjacent time. These Thousand Monsters could not see through the timeline, but Han Fei could. But seeing him casually took a yin and yang reincarnation knife, slashed into the adjacent piece of time, and in a blink of an eye, the three heads were completely wiped out.


At the moment when these three heads dissipated, Han Fei obviously felt that Thousand Monsters was slightly stunned. But it was just such a momentary reaction, and then the servant held three knives in his hand and slashed at him at ten times the speed of light.

At this speed, even if he used the Avenue of Time, he could only be comparable to Thousand Monsters, and couldn't run away.

"Clang! Clang!"

Han Fei was slashed by two knives for thousands of miles, and the explosion ripples instantly swept a radius of 300,000 miles, Zhou Run and the others were shocked and had to retreat.

It's really too strong, this is the power of the late stage transformation star, even if they burst out with all their strength, they can't stop it at all!

This kind of competition seems to have surpassed the competition of pure skill and power mastery.

However, what shocked Zhou Run and the others was that even though Han Fei was smashed for thousands of miles, the Thousand Beasts were also shaken back by thousands of miles.

Han Fei's heart stunned: "The power of this thing is about the same as mine... No, it may be a bit weaker than me. But the opponent's speed of cutting these two knives exceeded ten times the speed of light. So I was slashed head-on. fly."

Han Fei, who was cut into flight, rushed out again with his backhand at more than eight times the speed of light. This time, the Thousand Monsters were replaced by the double axe side to deal with it. On this side, the double axe united into one, bursting out a terrible axe light that completely surpassed the light of the sword just now.

To be honest, Zhou Runtian didn't see the speed at all.


Han Fei stole this axe light directly. With his physique, he can now fully carry this power. While stealing this axe light, Han Fei also stole the road behind the axe light.

It's a kind of power like a space slingshot. It probably means that the moment this blow broke out, it was actually the thousand beasts that spurred the space behind the giant axe. Using space as the bowstring and adding their own strength, they produced this axe light that exceeded ten times the speed of light. .


Seeing that axe light burst back at almost the same speed, the Thousand Beasts did not know why their attacks were gone. But after all, he was a blow with all his strength, and there was no need to take it by himself.

At that time, Thousand Monster wanted to avoid it, but he suddenly realized that the time around him suddenly stopped. But even so, Han Fei still saw Thousand Monster's body mutated.

"Puff puff!"

Thousand Monsters were cut off by his own axe at that time and cut off four arms.

Not far away, Zhou Run and the others were all dumbfounded. They thought that the axe would come down and the earth would fall apart. What happened? Han Fei didn't have anything to do. Instead, the Thousand Beast's own arms had broken four, completely crushed.

"Boom! Phoo~"

Wu Bufan's face was solemn: "It's true brother! If you can hit Yi Qianxing, you can hit this complete form of magic source. I feel that our Avengers will rise soon. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

On the other side, Han Fei cried out a pity when he saw that the blow didn't work.

But Han Fei grabbed it again with a backhand. He was thinking, is the magic source in its complete form the kind of weird life form that can be dispersed into countless lives?

After all, this guy currently only has three heads.

However, the next moment, Han Fei was disappointed, he only stole a little bit of power this time. This means that the Void Thieves technique has no effect on these creatures in the Demon Realm.

The main reason is that these gadgets are actually made up of countless small bodies, and Void Stealing cannot be stolen accurately or collectively.

Similarly, since there is no way to steal consciousness, it is naturally impossible to steal the opponent's speed. However, since there is no way to steal the power of the opponent's body, it is still possible to steal the axe in the hands of these thousand monsters.

However, Han Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed the two large axes by Han Fei.

"Well, it's still an artifact?"

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