God of Fishing

Chapter 2398: traitor

Han Fei has not tried to steal other people's weapons with Void Thieves. I don't know if he steals other people's suits in a future fight, will he embarrass him to lose 30% of his opponent's combat power?

   It is a pity that this double axe seems to have recognized the master, and it seems that it has been taken by these thousand monsters as its own. And it seemed that the knives, axes, and swords used by these Thousand Monsters were not of the same type, so he knew that they were all taken by him.

   At this moment, the two axes trembled, trying to break free of Han Fei's palm. The Thousand Monsters found that the axe they were holding in their hands was inexplicably gone, and they had realized that Han Fei possessed an incomparably powerful ability, which was to seize his own things or power.


  Thousand Beasts realized this and killed them with bare hands. No matter what, they couldn't hand over their weapons to Han Fei. This was finally a fight. Among so many weapons, there are a total of three artifacts, and it happens to have this pair of axes.

   But, how could Han Fei make him do what he wanted, he backhanded down the sacred spear formation, and directly suppressed the double axe in the formation. Then he pulled out an artifact spear with his backhand, which was handed over by himself at the beginning, and was prepared to be used to refine the weapon he wanted.

   However, they still haven't thought about what weapons they need to refine. He already has the magical chopper, and he has already paid a set of the magical battle suit, which can be used after a modification.

  Han Fei used this spear as a stick.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   The Monkey King’s three thousand sticks cast out a sky full of stick shadows, and bombarded with the countless fist marks of these thousand monsters.

   After a dazzling fight, they both stared at Cao Mengde in a daze.

   I only heard Wu Bufan exclaimed: "Look, that magic source is actually in absolute power, and it's no match for Brother Fei."

   Zhou Run frowned: "But Fei Ge is not as fast as this guy."

   Yes, before the Thousand Monsters were far more powerful than Han Fei, so Han Fei seemed to be lacking in strength when he was really fighting. But now they are fighting each other head-on, and both of them are quick fights. Although Thousand Monsters are faster, Han Fei's power is even stronger.

   This kind of head-on fight, after three breaths, Han Fei was hammered nearly ten thousand punches. However, the golden light on his body was flowing, and he did not retreat in the slightest, letting him fight.

   And the twenty-four arms of Thousand Monsters were only half of them at the moment. There were multiple bursts on his body, and his physique was completely inferior to Han Fei.

   After all, Thousand Beasts are just demons planted into them. Although they are not physically strong, their resilience is terrifying.


   Suddenly, after three breaths, Han Fei spouted a mouthful of blood.

   At that moment, Han Fei sprouted plants, mushrooms, grass, and demon vines, which sprouted on Han Fei.

"not good!"

   Zhou Run was dumbfounded. This is the boss just found by the Avengers. Is this parasitic? Isn't this the end?

   The Thousand Monsters yelled: "Participants, give me your body! With your body, I will proclaim."

   After that, the endless vines blocked Han Fei and directly captured them into the body of the Thousand Monsters. Zhou Run and others also saw a cloud of dark matter there.

   When they saw the dark matter, Zhou Run and Cao Mengde's eyes widened. What happened?

   seems to have made some decision, only to listen to Zhou Run shout: "Li Chen, shoot."

   "Yin and Yang change, space interchanges."

   Then he saw that Li Chen threw out the yin and yang walnuts, trying to transform the void and transform Han Fei back.

   However, Han Fei has been entangled in the vines of Thousand Beasts. Changing Han Fei is equivalent to changing Thousand Beasts.

   At this time, Thousand Monsters moved across hundreds of thousands of miles and appeared in front of Li Chen and the others.


  Luo Dafei's soul is scattered: "Li Chen, what are you doing?"

   Zhou Run shouted violently: "Seal the bell."

   At the last moment, Zhou Run wanted to put the magical sealing bell into the body of Thousand Monsters to cover Han Fei. However, the Thousand Beasts slapped the Sealing Bell with a backhand slap, and even took Zhou Run to fly for thousands of miles, half of his body was **** and almost bursting.

   Zhou Run's team saw this and one person immediately shouted: "Brother Run, it's no longer saved, let's run! If we don't run, it will be too late."

   Thousands of Monsters are the powerhouses on the edge of Proving Dao after all, and when they enter the crowd, they feel that these people are bringing food to themselves. Shot immediately.

   At that moment, Cao Mengde made a bold move, and the Nine Heaven Seal blocked the fist mark of Thousand Monsters.

   Wu Bufan's mouth was bloody, and it fell on his sleepy cable, entangled with the many big hands of Thousand Monsters.

   gathered the power of the people, only stalemate for a while, only listened to the sound of "boom", and looked intently, it turned out that Wu Bufan's sleepy Xiansuo was forcibly broken by these thousand monsters.

   At that time, everyone was shocked, it was a magical tool! This transformed demon source is too strong, it actually destroyed a divine tool with bare hands?

   The man shouted just now: "Brother Run, let's run!"

   Zhou Run: "Shut up, since you are betting, there is no reason to stop."

   Zhou Run still has a glimmer of hope in his heart, he thinks Han Fei shouldn't be arrested! Even if Han Fei was parasitized, he shouldn't have any resistance and be caught by Thousand Beasts.


   Zhou Run suddenly felt cold. This was a test. Han Fei wanted to test whether these people would betray. Smart as Zhou Run, he found Han Fei's mind, but he couldn't speak or transmit his voice.

   He bet that Han Fei is trapped in Thousand Monsters at this moment, but there is definitely a way to know if they are transmitting.

   Zhou Run can only hope that Cao Mengde and the others will not be stupid, this is really a test.

   However, Cao Mengde is no problem, and he roared: "Purple Demon God Fire, Set the Soul!"

   Cao Mengde turned into a fireman, holding a spear, and struck away. Just listen to him scolding: "Go to your mother's Qin Xun, Fei brother is my hope for the rise of the Avengers. Fei brother is expected to prove, you son of a tortoise, you can use it when you run away. You have to bear it. Tens of thousands of years?"

   Wu Bufan: "That is, we waited for so many years to find a boss like Fei Ge. How can we just give up?"


   Wu Bufan was so troubled that he broke the cable and took out a big pipe to make a move. As a result, he was directly hit by a thousand beasts and a thousand punches, and he was directly bombarded with scum.

   The man called Qin Xun suddenly changed his color and became a group of neuroses. The boss is gone, just change another one! In this trial, there was Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong. Why did he catch a Han Fei?

   Suddenly, Qin Xun shouted: "If you want to fight, you can stay!"

   And another person also quietly withdrew from the battle. This person was named Wang Yang, who had good fighting strength. He knows that Han Fei is great, but Han Fei hasn't reached the late stage of Transforming Stars after all.

   Han Fei was able to fight Thousand Monsters, but it didn't mean they could. It just depends on Wu Bufan, who couldn't hold a single punch of Thousand Monsters. What are you going to fight in this battle?

   Luo Dafei cursed: "Qin Xun, Wang Yang, you two traitors, if I don't die, you will definitely be killed."

Until the two ran away, Luo Dafei was beaten to pieces for the second time, but at that moment, there was a person holding a shield in front of Luo Dafei. This person was named Mu Nan. This time he participated in the 100,000-year competition. .

   But his family is not that big. Although the overall strength is very strong, it is only about the same as Luo Dafei. Among the eight teams, except for Luo Dafei, this is Mu Nan who is the weakest.

   Mu Nan picked up the pieces of Luo Dafei's flesh and blood, and quickly flashed out, but was wiped out by a sword light in the air.

   At that second, Mu Nan felt that he was dead, the sword was too fast, and he couldn't avoid it at all. I'm afraid, even if Han Fei is here, he can't avoid this sword.

   Zhou Run, threw the boosting die, forcibly condensed into a barrier beside Mu Nan and the others.

   Seeing that the sword was about to sweep above the barrier of the augmented dice, Mu Nan gave up resisting, because the time at that moment was too short to run, so he could only hope to block the sword.


   At that moment, the long sword suddenly disappeared, and the sword light also disappeared without a trace.


   Everyone: "???"

   The next moment, I heard a lazy voice ringing in everyone's ears: "Hey, UU reading www.uukanshu.com demon, dare to move my brother, you are looking for death."


   A sword glow burst out from the body of Thousand Monsters. Following that, I saw a holy beam of light descending from the sky, directly covering the Thousand Beasts.


   Thousand Monsters crashed to the ground, rolling on the ground, accompanied by a painful roar.

   Apocalyptic magic, specifically to overcome the evil. This ominous is also an evil, a large amount of ominous power was expelled from the body of Thousand Beasts by Han Fei's apocalyptic magic.


   At this time, Han Fei had already appeared on the head of Thousand Beasts, and within a range of thousands of miles, hundreds of sealed guns were sealed down. On the Thousand Monsters, there was a gap of more than 30 seals.

   Up to this moment, Han Fei kicked the Thousand Monsters and said lightly: "You guys, not bad."

   At this time, Wu Bufan and Luo Dafei have reunited physically, and they couldn't help but exclaim, "Brother, I know you're all right."

   "Hahaha! Brother Fei, although I was the last one to penetrate the demon source, I am not ashamed."

   Zhou Run secretly sighed, but it is a pity, Qin Xun and Wang Yang, if they can give them a short period of time to think clearly, they will not understand.

   But just now, they didn't have time to think, in the face of life and death, everything is instinct.

   The Avengers, it is impossible for a traitor to appear, so Qin Xun and Wang Yang are bound to die.

   Sure enough, I only heard Han Fei say: "Wait for me here, I'll go back as soon as I go."


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