God of Fishing

Chapter 2419: 1 against 0

"No brother."

   "Han Fei."

   At this moment, Cao Mengde and Wu Bufan only felt that they had escaped from the dead in that moment.

   Feng Xingliu looked at Han Fei with a dazed expression. He still didn't understand what he was going to do? Isn't it a good one to fight demons? Why was he suddenly beaten?

   Feng Yu frowned and was very angry, because he didn't expect that these people were so greedy that they were going to make a deal with the Devil Emperor. Are they so dizzy?

   And Han Fei is full of worries. Because the guardian spirit plant can suppress the demons, but their light of purification is useless to these contestants.

  Perhaps, when dealing with demon spirits, these spirit plants can be one enemy to ten. But in the face of contestants like Han Fei and others, let alone one enemy ten, one fight and one can be deadlocked for a long time.

   On the opposite side, there are three thousand contestants. This is no longer a question of how to fight, but it is impossible to fight at all. It's not three thousand Chinese cabbage, it really fights, a few guardian spirit plants, it is tantamount to a praying man's arm as a car, and it's overpowering.

At this time, Han Fei's heart was cold, and he said fiercely: "Zhao Qinglong and others have listened to me. Senior Sunflower just doesn't want to do anything with you. You have also seen it. Even if you are fighting against the Devil Emperor, it is still Sunflower seeds can bloom. With you, can you resist it? If you really want to kill you, who can be the opponent of the emperor?"

   However, Yi Chen of the clan that day sneered: "Devil Emperor, if you want to win, if you want us to make a move. Then it proves that you can contain this big sunflower."

   Cao Wumie took a deep look at Han Fei and the others in this direction: "Devil Emperor, we don't mind cooperating with you, but you have to prove your value."

   Fengyu: "You are looking for a skin with a tiger, be careful not to smash it."

  While speaking, Feng Yu Transmission Han Fei: "Little Junior Brother, get ready to run! Don't talk about you or me. The top ten masters of the gods list are here, and I won't be the same today."

At this moment, I only heard Zhou Run suddenly say: "This is the fourth round of qualifiers. The fate of this world has already been decided. Does the Devil Struggle, and what is the point of whether he wins or not? Why does he win? Shouldn't he think about running?"

  Because Zhou Run only transmits voices within their range, Han Fei and the others couldn't help but glance at him.

Before the Devil Emperor had responded to Cao Wujie and them, Zhou Run analyzed: "As a place of trial and reward nature. The ominousness here will eventually be annihilated, and there is no possibility of survival. He wants to live, but there is only one. road."

   Han Fei couldn't help but turned his head to look at Zhou Run again. He actually saw Luo Xiaobai's shadow from this guy.

   Zhou Run didn’t care about Han Fei’s gaze, but categorically said: “This road is a parasitic contestant, and then loses the game in the Ten Thousand Years Competition, and finally leaves safely.”

   Han Fei: "If what I expected is good, everyone should be checked after going out of the qualifiers. How to avoid the checks?"

Zhou Run: "Even if someone examines it, it is impossible to go deep into your natal star or something. There should be a great technique or power that can directly discover the ominous. Therefore, if the devil doesn't want to die, he can't use it as ominous. Go out."

   This is a bit confusing, the ominous Devil Emperor, can't go out with an ominous identity. what is it now?

   Han Fei's heart moved, and the Devil Emperor desperately wants to defeat Dao Yu Kui Shou, how much hatred and resentment? He knows that so many contestants have participated, and he knows that there must be a stronger one. According to the normal method, he can't escape, so he can only...give up his ominous identity.

   Han Fei took a breath, Feng Yu suddenly raised his head, they seemed to have guessed something.

  What's so special? The Devil Emperor wants to parasitize the world's original deity and transform his identity. In another capacity, parasite contestants. If the Devil Emperor succeeds and successfully parasitizes the Daoyu Kui Shou, these contestants will again grab the origin of the world. Oh, that's the enthusiasm. When the time comes, these people are afraid that not all of them will have to be parasitized, and they don't even know that they will be parasitized.

  Han Fei and Feng Yu can't help but feel terrified.

   And people like Feng Xingliu and Cao Mengde are not stupid.


   Feng Xingliu wanted to take a breath of air, but Feng Yu stared back at him.

   Zhou Run's words were not only heard by Han Fei and Feng Yu, as the emperor and powerful, Dao Yu Kui Shou, it is impossible not to hear them.

   Daoyu Kui Shou immediately transmitted the voice to Han Fei alone: ​​"My world seed is handed over to you. If it is really defeated, I will completely annihilate all the world's origins before being parasitized."

   "The seed of the world?"

   Suddenly, Feng Yu and several people were suddenly surrounded by the water in the lake. Including Han Fei, was also wrapped up.

   However, Feng Yu and several people were wrapped up, which was an opportunity presented by Dao Yukui. The purpose of giving them the opportunity is to take the opportunity to hand over the seed of the world to Han Fei.

   And Han Fei's eyes. But I saw a small red carp. Although this red carp had been with Han Fei for a few months, he gave Han Fei a timid look, and then Dao Yu Kui's voice sounded: "The seed of the world, can help Your natal star accelerates the birth of your own world origin. Later, you need to choose the opportunity to escape by yourself. I may not have the spare energy to send you."

   Han Fei's heart moved, Dao Yu Kui Shou's words clearly meant to give up on himself.

   However, Han Fei furrowed his brows deeply: "Senior, is there no one to protect you? There should have been emperor strongmen who appeared in this world and killed the ominous emperor. Didn't you have any contact with them, senior?"

   Han Fei didn't believe it, the quests on the qualification order had reached the level of hunting and killing demons. If the person who arranged this fourth round of qualifiers knew that there was a demon, why didn't he go to study the origin of this world, what happened?

   Dao Yukui Shou: "No one came to contact me. Maybe they thought I had been contaminated. After all, the ominousness has been here for too long."

   Han Fei gritted his teeth, didn’t Emperor Tobu know that there is a good emperor here?

   Doesn't he know this world, but there is actually a rescue?

   At this moment, the red carp is hidden by Han Fei. Daoyukui Capital has already explained the funeral, and he can't bear this little carp being parasitized ominously, or being robbed and swallowed by others.


   When the world origin wrapped around Han Fei disappeared, someone shouted at Han Fei and them: "Asshole, I am madly absorbing the world origin, but don't let me wait for a trace of the world origin. Korean thief, his heart can be punishable."

   The Celestial Clan is taking the lead in the incident, but Zhao Qinglong, who spoke at the beginning, is silent now. It seems that his image of a master of the gods list is not good if it is said too much.

   Needless to say, these three thousand people are already in anger. They think in their hearts, I will only take a part of the big lake. At that time, this big sunflower can still compete with the Devil Emperor, but we have finished the trial.

  Han Fei saw that some of these people moved and started to impact the world's origin lake. However, in the next second, a sunflower seed bloomed, and the more than 30 people who rushed down in a wave turned into dust directly under the bloom of this sunflower seed, their souls were scattered, and there was nothing left.


   At that time, everyone was frightened. Could the Devil Emperor do something for him? Didn't you pin down the big sunflower? Are you so restrained?

   More than 30 people in the late stage of the star transformation were exploded by a sunflower seed. Who would dare to rush upwards?

   However, someone suddenly spoke and pointed to the petals of the big sunflower: "Look at it."

   I saw that half of the petals in the circle of Dao Yu Kui's head were withering. In the next moment, I heard the Demon Emperor say: "I have already shot, it will be difficult for it to hit you again."

   But, the Devil Emperor did not move just now, which caused more than 30 people to fall. At this moment, many people have been frightened. Who is willing to be the first bird?

   At this moment, a sneer appeared at the corner of Zhao Qinglong's mouth, and he saw a flash, bursting beyond the speed of light. Daoyu Sunflower's sunflower seeds were about to burst out, but they only flew out a hundred meters, and the sunflower seeds were in the air, gradually shrouded in darkness. There was darkness and purifying light on the sunflower seeds. Soon, the sunflower seeds turned into nothingness and was forcibly corroded by ominousness.

   And to protect Lingzhi, it is not that anyone can enter the world's original lake. As soon as Zhao Qinglong takes action, there is a barrier outside the lake.


  The power of the gods, the combat power exceeds the understanding of normal people. It is okay to guard Lingzhi to purify the ominous, but to resist Zhao Qinglong, it can only resist with its own power.

   can be the same as Huaxing Dzogchen, is Zhao Qinglong comparable to ordinary people?

   He punched through a layer of enchantment, and after feeling the strength of the enchantment, he shot a long black gold knife, the sharpness of this knife, at least one of the best artifacts.

   "Puff puff puff~"

   there were only 48 guardian spirit plants in total, and they could only lay a limited guardian barrier, but they were suddenly broken through three layers.

   At this time, other people found that Dao Yu Kui Shou really couldn't make any more moves, so they swarmed away.

   Of course, many people haven't done it. Because, from the moment they forcibly grabbed the origin of the world, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com they have already become enemies with this big sunflower.

   Above the lake, Feng Yu and others, who were wrapped in the origin of the world, also returned to their senses, and the origin of the world all retreated.


   Tao Yukui first said: "You guys, let's go!"

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Han Fei watched, and in a blink of an eye, several guardian spirit plants were wiped out, and for a time he hated these people in front of him.

   He only heard Han Fei's blood boil, and his voice was furious: "A group of people who eat things inside and out, if they don't have the opportunity to get the chance, they have to recognize it. Now it's both good and bad.


  Han Fei urged Dadao, five times the combat power, plus his own body.

   "Puff puff puff~"

   For a time, a lot of cracks appeared on Han Fei's body. This is because Han Fei's Void Refining Technique has not yet achieved success. He forcibly carries five times the strength.

   At this moment, Han Fei's power exceeds 50 million waves, and with every gesture, he has infinite power.

   Take a step forward, the world of Dharma and the world, a golden body, appear out of thin air.

   Feng Yu saw this, and said that the younger brother was impulsive, just a few people...

   However, she was actually already burning, and she could only listen to her shouting to Feng Yu and Zhou Run, "Everyone, into my natal star, I can't resist."

   This is a war between the two disciples of the Void Temple. This is a just war. This war, whether it is worth fighting or not, has to be fought.

   When will the ten thousand races be able to fight side by side with the ominous? This is called a traitor.

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