God of Fishing

Chapter 2420: Emperor Zun 1 hit

Feng Xingliu still wants to talk, but where is there any place for him to talk here?

  Han Fei's strength grew rapidly, especially after Daoyu Kui Shou poured him the power of the Lordless Soul and the origin of the world, he understood a lot, but he had no time to practice one by one.

   Now, Han Fei stepped on the Avenue of Space, which was obviously different from before. Even if the blessing of the Avenue of Time was not used, it would have eight times the speed of light.

   Han Fei felt that if he was given some time to study, it might be faster.


   There were many people who came to kill Han Fei. On the Celestial Clan, there were six or seven people at once, targeting Han Fei. They don't believe that, under this situation, why don't you run away? With your three stealing opportunities, what can you do?

   Three thousand strong here, one person can kill you with one punch.

   However, just as they were fighting head-on, three of them instantly lost consciousness. Han Fei's punch, not only these three, but also the other one, was directly blasted into scum.

   Killed four enemies with one punch. This scene shocked many people. Is Han Fei so fierce? I know he is strong, but he is not so strong, right?

   There are quite a few people here, who had fought Han Fei head-on in the third round of qualifiers. Didn't you think Han Fei was so strong at that time?

   Now, in the late stage of Huaxing, he couldn't even stop Han Fei with a punch.

   Of course, Han Fei punched him, and there were hundreds of great techniques that fell on him, and there were dozens of magical attacks on him.

   But Han Fei doesn't care. At this moment, although his physique is not at its extreme, it is not something these people can shake.

   As for the soul? Guarded by the Demon Refining Pot, and cultivated into a Yang Soul himself, he is also not afraid to attack.

   Under the avenues, Han Fei no longer concealed his invincible road, even if Zhao Qinglong discovered it, it was all right. Because today's Han Fei is no longer the Han Fei of the three rounds of qualifiers.

   Invincible Road, fearless, invincible, fearless, dare to face the avenue of heavens.

   Jinguangquanying, hit across the sky.

   Someone slowed down and was punched through by Han Fei. Under the double killing of law and body, they were dead if they died, and they could no longer live.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   Although facing countless attacks, at every breath, someone was killed by Han Fei's fist.

   I just heard Han Fei shout: "Today, who the **** dares to leap into the source lake of the world, I **** him to death."

   Far away, some people didn't do it. And these people who didn't do it actually had a lot of bigwigs. For example, Wushuang, Wang Beichen. Another example is Chen Qinmo in the Ghost Strait. Although he keeps saying that he wants to be an enemy of Han Fei, he did not step forward to find a fight at this moment. In fact, his eyelids jumped when he saw it. Isn't it crazy? Two people against three thousand? The key is that he can actually fight?

   Deng Xingtian on the fist mountain peak, when he saw Han Fei's fist mark, his eyes flickered and his fighting spirit broke out. He could see that Han Fei's martial arts were all martial arts, which was abruptly fought in countless battles.

   Maybe this kind of martial arts does not have many skills at all, but it is one of the most terrifying martial arts. Especially, Han Fei showed the invincible road, even if it was Deng Xingtian, he didn't want to go up and fight with Han Fei at this time.

  Walking on the road of invincibility, this kind of people are least afraid of being positive.

   And when Han Fei bloomed the Invincible Road, Zhao Qinglong was shocked. Is Han Fei taking the Invincible Road? He didn't even feel it before?

   The collision of Invincible Road has always been a deadly enemy.

   However, there was no chance for them to collide at this moment, because in front of him, it was Feng Yu. This Zhonghai Shenzhou is recognized as the No. 1 powerhouse in the sky list.

   The two fought more than three hundred times in a flash. In terms of strength, speed, spirit, and magic, Feng Yu did not lose the wind.

  The phoenix traveled through the sky, under the sword of flame, Zhao Qinglong took out his second long black gold knife.

   Double-extreme artifacts, Zhao Qinglong's background is naturally not to be underestimated.

   He just listened to him shouting: "Feng Yu, there is no time to fight with you today, the origin of the world, I will take a copy, and it won't be too late."

   Feng Yu yelled: "As a strong man on the list of gods, you are in the same situation as the ominous. You are also worthy of the list of gods?"

  While speaking, a red dot appeared in front of Feng Yu, only the size of a thumb, but it was a red dot the size of a thumb, but it was pointed toward Zhao Qinglong's pair of supreme artifacts, Hei Jing's long knife.


   At that moment, the void collapsed. If it weren't for the world's origin lake to be the domain of the Taoist Kwai leader, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of miles would collapse in an instant.

   Along with the collapse of the void, a burst of hot energy immediately impacted all the combat areas here.


  Rao is Han Fei, who is tough with thousands of people, and Han Fei, who is not a complete space around the hammer, is all lifted out by this terrible energy explosion.

   Where is the energy explosion? Han Fei thinks that this is just a star exploded, this is the power that has erupted from the Great Perfection of the Transformation Star? Did you underestimate the Great Perfection of Huaxing, or did the ones you encountered were all rookies?

   It’s just that Han Fei forgot that his habit of fighting is usually not much different from Feng Yu. If you really encounter evenly matched opponents, you will be ruthless when they come up.

   It was Zhao Qinglong, who was blasted for 100,000 miles by Feng Yu's hand, and his whole body was lifted bloody, the whole body was burnt, and the fire ran wild in his body.

But the black dragon said: "It seems that this son is ranked first in the sky list, and she is a bit wronged. She will exterminate the stars and refine them into fire beads. I have heard in the past that the phoenix-ranked star orb, the claws hold the stars, it seems not. Fake. Just like the dragon play bead, you can play with the dying star as a ball."

   When Zhao Qinglong heard this, his eyelids trembled twice. Is it a human thing to play the dying stars as a ball?

   But Zhao Qinglong is also strong enough. Just like Han Fei, his body is bright and invincible. But seeing him wantonly shattering his battle clothes, the broken flesh and blood are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. The invincible will, enveloping the two knives, in an instant, even with the knives, turned into a tornado of super-light-speed blades, and slashed hard towards Feng Yu.

   There is no weaker in the **** list. Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong fought, and the momentum was unprecedented, but anyway, there was no way to help Han Fei.

   On Han Fei's side, after fully activating the avenue, this strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Before he had just come to the Shendu Dynasty, he could kill Yi Qianxing. At that time, the strength of a suit, plus equipment, did not exceed 30 million waves in the sky, and the result has now doubled.

  Under the Great Perfection of Huaxing, even if each has the blessing of the great avenue, there is almost no enemy of one under the invincible road.

The appearance of    Double Invincible Road made many people who did not appear in the periphery look awe-inspiring.

   Those big clan powerhouses who wanted to deal with Han Fei in the first place, now they all take the opportunity to touch this brow. Invincible Road sees Invincible Road, it is an endless situation. In this world, this road, after all, only one person can walk. They are more willing to believe that it is Zhao Qinglong, after all, they are masters of the gods.

   Moreover, in the third round, Han Fei obviously lost to Zhao Qinglong. This is information that everyone can get at hand.

   But this does not mean that someone will look down upon Han Fei. In fact, those who can walk on the road of invincibility, under the secret law, can actually carry thousands of people on their bodies to fight, how can such people be weak?

   There was a phantom dragon strike, Han Fei stretched out his hand to clasp it, and tore the companion spirit alive with both hands, together with the strong man behind, knocked on the door of the sky and killed it directly.

   There was a tortoise lying on its back, trying to resist it, but Han Fei punched it out, like a starburst, the tortoise burst, and the tortoise was brought to the ground and fell directly.

   Someone arranged a void illusion, and the rosary of the gods shone, and Han Fei directly chopped the servant into several segments with a yin and yang reincarnation knife.

   It's over, every time Han Fei kills a person, he never forgets to stuff their soul fire, remains, and flesh and blood into his natal stars. These are all their own vitality and their own resources, and they can be sacrificed to the **** of war if they really don't work.

   If you don’t put it away, it’s wasted.

   As for after going out, will anyone make trouble for themselves, or find someone to ask for themselves? I don't even know it, it's okay to die ashes.

   In just a few dozen breaths of time, Han Fei beheaded the enemy forty-six, and his whole body was about to split, blood bathed, and the world of Fa Xiangdi was directly blown up. If it weren't for dozens of groups of liquid Shenhui stuffed into his mouth, I'm afraid the trump card of Borrowing Avenue would explode at this moment. However, those who are invincible will rise to the difficulties, but will not retreat in battle, rather than retreat to death. Really made a magnificent demeanor.

   Dao Yu Kui Shou and the Devil Emperor were also fighting together at this time, but they saw the sunflower seeds withering one by one, and the ominous aura here was getting shallower and shallower.

   Seeing, there are only less than ten sunflower seeds left in the last sunflower seeds of Dao Yu's sunflower head.

  Han Fei’s big bones broke a few, not because they were interrupted, but because the void refining technique had not yet been completed, and some of them could not carry Han Fei’s power.

   At this time, Han Fei cut the enemy seventy-eight.

   But at this moment, the last guardian spirit plant finally withered. There are too many strong ones to resist.

   At this moment, countless people rushed out as fast as they could. They didn't want to entangle Han Fei anymore, they wanted to get the origin of the world. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

   Zhao Qinglong was just blocked by Feng Yu, neither of these two would let anyone else, until his body was chapped and his magical skills reached the sky, he just couldn't retreat.

   No matter how strong Han Fei is, there is only one person. He can stop one person and two people, how can he stop a hundred people?

   But at this moment, the sunflower seeds of Daoyu Sunflower's head accelerated withering.

   Because, in the darkness, a figure finally appeared. Those who are madly robbing the origin of the world, where do you care about this? Anyway, the big sunflower is expected to be able to carry it.

   They were madly absorbing the origin of the world, but they didn't see, Daoyu sunflower head, at this moment only the last sunflower seed was left. His flowers and leaves began to wither, her roots began to age, her vines began to wither, and finally, a shining sunflower seed burst out.

   "Hey! You finally have to lose!"

   In the darkness, the figure said this softly. It doesn't seem to be too slow, but in fact, he has already shot, and a dark bead is almost printed on the sunflower seed.

   "I'll freeze Lao Tzu with a blow."

   At that moment, Han Fei threw a blue bead with his backhand. At that time, Cao Immortal, who was absorbing the origin of the world, suddenly widened his eyes, and shouted an angry roar from his throat: "Cold Orb?"

   This is a superb artifact that Han Fei snatched from Cao Immortal, the Chilling Orb. With a blow from the emperor, Han Fei was so angry that he was ready to explode the blow of the emperor at the moment he threw this extremely cold orb. If it doesn't work, Lao Tzu will explode the best artifact directly, and he won't believe that Yukui Capital will be seriously injured like this. Where can you get better?

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