God of Fishing

Chapter 2422: Void Refining Master

Han Fei and the others were sent back together until they all appeared in front of the tower when they entered. Many people looked at Han Fei as if they were trying to eat people. At this time, Feng Yu released Feng Xingliu and them all again.

   Han Fei didn't care, and he added to everyone: "If you didn't choose to join forces with Ominous, you might really get a big chance. Unfortunately, you gave up this chance for nothing."

   In essence, the final outburst of Dao Yu Kui Shou is also related to these people's robbing of the origin of the world. Otherwise, Dao Yu Kui Shou doesn't have to rush to die with the Devil Emperor. If it's just a slow consumption, the Devil Emperor and Dao Yu Kui Shou will not know who will die.

   But these people took action and almost led Dao Yu Kui Shou to the defeat. If it hadn't been for the Baidi to take the shot, Dao Yu Kui Shou had already been defeated at the moment.

However, Han Fei also understood that the Divine Capital Dynasty really knew everything. They were very patient. They waited until the last moment when the Demon Emperor had to use all his power to fight against the Dao Yu Kui Shou, and then the Bai Emperor. come out.

   At this time, Feng Yu released Feng Xingliu and them all again.

   As soon as Feng Xingliu came out, he was surprised: "Where is this?"

   Zhou Run was surprised: "I'm back? Didn't it mean that the fourth round will take three years?"

   Cao Mengde sighed: "Hahaha! Am I still alive?"

   Wu Bufan: "Huh! What do these people look in?"

  At this time, they saw thousands of angry, speechless, solemn, complicated eyes.

   They looked at Han Fei again. Cao Mengde and the others couldn't help but feel a little guilty. It seemed that Han Fei was more troublesome than they thought. They thought that Han Fei would at best offend these big clans like them.

   As a result, who really knows that Han Fei was the main powerhouse who had suddenly compared this one hundred thousand years, and all of them were offended.

   Just listening, among the crowd, Cao Bumiao stood up and looked at Han Fei coldly: "Han Fei, kill my brother, seize the artifact, this matter, my Cao family will never die with you."

  Han Fei raised his mouth, with a scornful expression on his face: "Who are you? You are a stinky fish and shrimp who dare to talk to me now? Go away..."


   In the dynasty of the gods, Cao is immortal and can't do it with Han Fei?

   As for scolding people or something, although the big clan is unbearable, the rules and tutors tell them that no matter how angry you are, you can't scold those bad things.

   "Huh! Let me see you can be extremely rampant."

   The crowd dispersed.

Feng Xingliu asked, "Han Fei, what happened in the end? Why did we come out? Why did so many people come out together? What happened to the big sunflower? And what happened to the Devil Emperor? NS?"

   Several people are staring at Han Fei, and they are also very curious. Of course, they are most curious about how Han Fei and Feng Yu escaped? The two of them should have run away, right?

It’s just that Han Fei is too lazy to talk to them at this moment, just listen to him: "I need to go back to retreat. This time I have too many opportunities. I have a hunch that the star core is about to be born or will embark on a star journey. You too. Some opportunities, hurry up and go to retreat!"


   Feng Xingliu was shocked directly; "Huh? No...Aren't you a talented star? You just walked into the stars? You?"

   Even Feng Yu is a little bit daunted, how old is this? Co-authoring your entire transformation star realm, will it be over in a few years?

   But they immediately thought that Han Fei had been in the source lake of the world for a long time. It would take more than two months, right? It seems that Han Fei's chance is a bit scary! It's a bit too much for him to directly transition from the transformation of the star to the star path. Has he completed thousands of years of practice for others in just two months?

  Han Fei did not explain, he really needs to retreat now.

   He only heard Han Fei greet him: "I will leave a thought to the outside world, and I will find me if I am in a hurry."

   At this time, there is still half a year before the end of the fourth round of qualifiers. On the surface of the Demon Realm, there should still be some Demon Sources that have not been dealt with. However, the demon emperor's deity was completely overturned, and the Bai emperor made another move. If you want to come to those demon sources, you should be unable to overcome the waves.

   And once Daoyu Kui Shou lives again, or comes out of the near-death state, the Demon Realm will be rejuvenated again, and the remaining ominous power will be suppressed and relaxed.

   Above the natal stars.

   Han Fei killed 33 strong players in the late Open Heaven Realm, and 53 strong players in the late stage. In the previous battle, he broke out in his strongest state, and with the Dao fully operating, he was no longer his enemy in the late stage of Transforming Star.

   Of course, the main effect is to rely on Void Thieves and cooperate with one's strongest outbreak.

   Before, he couldn't survive, but now, Han Fei has so many natal stars in his backhand to plunder his vitality, and the Void Refining Technique should be done.

   Three days later.

   After Han Fei condensed the vitality of the six metamorphosis stars in his natal stars, he invested in his natal stars, and a new star core compression officially began.

   only four months later.

   Han Fei’s star core, under Han Fei’s thousand-fold compression, still has a diameter of 3000 miles.

   At this moment, Han Fei's Golden Jade Marrow reached 1892 drops.

  The number of golden and chalcedony has exceeded Han Fei's expectation. But this amount is his carrying limit. When the Golden Jade Marrow was refined so much, Han Fei obviously felt that some kind of change had taken place in his body.

   He felt that flesh and blood seemed to resonate with bones and golden marrow.

   Immediately following, Han Fei felt that part of the golden and jade marrow was spilling out. Following Han Fei, he felt that the flesh, bones, large marrow, and even the skin were all undergoing slight changes. Slowly, they are in the same resonance state. At that time, Han Fei felt his strength and began to swell.

   It’s just that this kind of expansion is slow, and it took three full months for all the swelling feelings to slowly disappear.

   At this time, Han Fei looked at his information, and the data also changed.

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: 107 (open sky·jidao)

   Canghaiwan Genealogy: 200016 (Evolving: 727/13064)

   Spiritual Qi: 360,000

   Soul: 12.87 yuan (12870695 points)

   Perception: 10 million miles

   Power: 12.76 The power of stars (12761106 waves)

  The first spiritual vein: the original vein

  Second Spirit Vein: The Vein of Eternal Darkness

   The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 101]

   Second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 102]

  Major exercises: "Void Fishing Technique", the ninth layer, "Void Thieves Technique" [Emperor Supreme]

   "Oh, I'm catching up."

   When Han Fei scanned the information, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Before, he was afraid that the power of the soul would exceed the power too much. But now it seems that the great achievements of Void Refining Technique and the growth it brings are also terrifying.

  After careful calculation, the growth brought by it also exceeded 3 million waves. This shouldn't be too surprising. The great success of Void Refining Technique should have pushed one's physique to a short-term peak.

   Whether this power is strong or not, Han Fei is not sure, but he is sure that he has just entered the late stage of transformation, which is the so-called extreme stage.

   Han Fei had a confrontation with Zhao Qinglong before. At that time, at his peak state, his power was still lost to Zhao Qinglong. At that time, he calculated that Zhao Qinglong's power should be above 30 million waves, but must be below 40 million waves, or, to be more precise, it should not exceed 36 million waves.

   Otherwise, I was not enough to fight Zhao Qinglong.

And Zhao Qinglong’s burst of power should also have the power of Heavenly Dao bonus. As for the specific increase, this is not clear, but it stands to reason that Zhao Qinglong’s grade will get 30 to 40% of the power of Heavenly Dao. , Seems to be a matter of course, maybe even more.

   With this question, Han Fei didn't hesitate, so he went to Feng Yu directly.

  A number two, Feng Yu is also in retreat, Han Fei calls out Feng Yu through his remaining fire feathers.

   "Little Junior Brother? Didn't you say you went to retreat?"

   Han Fei didn't say anything else, and straightforwardly said: "Sister, in my practice, I have some questions, please ask the world to help me answer one or two."

   Feng Yu picked up her eyelids, and didn't know why, she always felt a bad premonition.

   I saw Han Fei hey smile: "Senior Sister! What is your basic spiritual power and basic power?"


   The bad premonition in Feng Yu's heart became stronger. Han Fei was able to ask this question, obviously a breakthrough.

But when Han Fei asked, she couldn’t help but listen to her: "Little Junior Brother, if you are doing comparison? Then I think you should look for Feng Xingliu to compare better. Senior Sister, my current power of the soul , At more than 21 million points. In terms of strength, it is more than 23 million waves. However, in the late stage of transformation, there is still a big gap with Dzogchen. The realm of Dzogchen is a big breakthrough. Then you will understand the way of heaven, soul and spirit. There will be a qualitative leap in strength. Moreover, this is only a basic strength, and Senior Sister can also use the power of heaven."

   Han Fei's eyes flashed: "How much to borrow?"

   Feng Yu said solemnly, "Borrow twice. In fact, if you want to borrow, you can borrow more. But the body can't hold it, and it can't carry such a strong force."

   "Hiss, double?"

  Han Fei instantly thought of the power that Zhao Qinglong had shown, but didn't he use his full strength?

   Yes, Han Fei is sure, if Feng Yu said that he could borrow twice his strength, then Zhao Qinglong definitely did not use all his strength in the first place.

   But Han Fei was still surprised: "Senior Sister, with double the strength, Senior Sister, is your body carrying it?"

Feng Yu smiled and said: "The star journey is over, and the physique will be stronger. And once you break through the Dzogchen in the later stage, you will be born to the Dao, and the breakthrough will have a qualitative leap, so you can still carry it. It’s the little brother, what realm is your Void Body Refining Technique? I think you are not weaker than me. Is it possible that your Void Body Refining technique has become a great success?"

   Han Fei grinned: "Haha! Almost, almost..."

   Feng Yu's mouth twitched: "What about you, what is your current spirit and power?"

   Han Feixin said, according to the proportion, in the later stage of self-transformation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com should also exceed 10 million, right?

   So, Han Fei cautiously said: "It just broke 10 million."

   "Huh? It's broken ten million now?"

  Han Fei looked dumbfounded: "Could it be that something is right?"

   Fengyu widened his eyes and looked dumbfounded: "You, do you know how big a leap will be made between the late stage of transformation and the great perfection?"

   Han Fei felt as if he had overlooked something. Should he just check with Feng Xingliu first?

   Just listen to Feng Yu's long voice: "Double."


   At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not good, he staggered, looked at Feng Yu in amazement, and said in shock: "Doubled?"

   Fengyu's gaze is faint: "You haven't reached the late stage of transformation. When you reach the stage of transformation, you will double again, sizzle...So, junior brother, you are 810,000 miles of transformation, right?"

   "Ah? What? No! How could it be...haha..."

   Feng Yu murmured: "Senior Sister, I’m from 810,000 li into stars, what's the matter, you are 640,000 li into stars, you want to go against the sky?"

  Han Fei was stunned: "...Are you not?"

Feng Yu: "I am not. I was surprised when you said that you transformed into a star of 640,000 miles. Because I never heard that the senior brother and sister of the Void Temple were transformed into a star of 640,000 miles. Although I don't know the size of other senior brothers and sisters, I The few that I know are all from 810,000 li. So, you lied to me, little brother, you lied to me..."

   Han Fei: "..."

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