God of Fishing

Chapter 2423: Supreme Inheritance·Star Devouring Art (Part 1)

"I lie to you?"

"Wait, Senior Sister, you mean the senior brothers and sisters of the Void Temple, they are all 810,000 li transforming stars? Then Senior Sister, you said before..."

At that time, Han Fei's eyes looked at Feng Yu a little wrong.

Feng Yu snorted, "Didn't that accompany you to perform it? Do you think that any individual can be as strong as the first in the heavenly ranking, the level of the god's ranking?"


Han Fei suddenly understood what the **** legendary number-turning star. Co-author, there are still a lot of such things, the Void Temple is like this.

Calculating Feng Yu's situation, Han Fei couldn't help thinking. If so, what about Zhao Qinglong and the others?

Han Fei couldn't help but said, "That **** list..."

Feng Yu: "Basically."


Han Fei took a breath directly: "So many?"

Feng Yu: "Who has transformed into a star of 810,000 li, and will go around talking nonsense? It's just speculation. No one on the **** list would say that he is a transformed star of 810,000 li. But in fact, there are also alternatives, of 640,000 li. , It doesn’t necessarily mean it will be really weak. But it won’t be the birth of the stellar core, the power and power of the soul will break ten million. Do you know what this concept is?"

Han Fei: "What concept?"

Feng Yu: "After completing the star journey, until the late stage of transformation, your overall strength may increase by 50%. Once you pass the late stage, you will be Dzogchen, on the edge of the path, and your strength will be doubled. Ten million means that when you reach the Great Consummation, you will be transformed into the bones of the Dao, and you may have the power of 30 million waves. If you borrow the power of the heavens...60 million waves, if you tell me that you are 640,000 miles of stars, ghosts I don't believe it."

Han Fei: "...to the effect."

But seeing Feng Yu's eyes twinkling, he leaned to Han Fei's side: "Little Junior Brother, Senior Sister, I also have a lot to ask you. What's your mastery of stealing and stealing things?"

Han Fei said in surprise: "Sister, don't you know?"

Feng Yu said in surprise: "Should I know?"

Han Fei: "Should you not?"

Feng Yu remembered the discussion between Senior Sister Qinglian and Senior Sister Honglian, and immediately said, "Could it be the magic of my Void Temple?"

Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth: "Well, Void Fishing Technique! When I practiced this technique, aren't you surprised how I chose this technique?"


Feng Yu's voice suddenly rose eight degrees, his eyes rounded, and he was shocked: "It turned out to be this technique? Oh! No wonder, no wonder Senior Sister Qing Lian and Senior Sister Hong Lian used to play with it before."

Han Fei actually doesn't quite understand, Void Fishing is very strong! I don't know why even Feng Yu didn't repair it.

Just listen to Feng Yu sighed leisurely: "It's a pity! Cultivation techniques have to be cultivated from an early age. I cultivated the techniques of the Phoenix Protoss. It is definitely not possible to change the route halfway. Because of the bloodline factor, only the techniques of the Phoenix Protoss follow. I am the best match."

When it was over, Feng Yu said again: "What about your physique? Although the void refining technique is very strong, it is not enough for you to carry so many people on it now, right?"

Han Fei: "Senior Sister, I practice small physical training, and every physical training exercise along the way is extremely difficult. Therefore, it should be a superposition of multiple physical training exercises."

Feng Yu snorted, "Okay! This reason is okay. You should have a good chance this time? You don't need to consolidate it? I came here to ask about the strength standard and make a comparison?"

Han Fei: "Hey, I'm going back to retreat now, and I'm leaving now."

Until Han Fei left, Feng Yu still murmured, squeezing his fingers, and then said after a long time: "Doesn't this mean that the younger brother is a lot stronger than me when he reaches Great Consummation?"

Han Fei, who has returned to his life and stars, understands Feng Yu’s basic strength data, and also has an understanding of the realm behind. In other words, according to common sense, he has reached the Great Perfection of Huaxing, and his overall strength and strength may have to be reached. Around 36 million waves, the power of the soul should be almost the same.

Now, Han Fei's headache is that it seems that the growth of the power of the soul will be overtaken by the growth of power in the future!

However, I have taken a step to look at it now, and I am still looking for the God of War to chatter.

Above the stars.

When the 33 later stages of the Star Transformation were sacrificed by Han Fei, the God of War directly sent a string of exclamation marks.

God of War: "???? How come there are so many at once, you didn't even take away the star core and vitality."

Han Fei responded: "Didn't I tell you that I will participate in a competition? Someone here shot me and was killed by me one after another. Senior, this time I am interesting, right?"

The God of War quickly responded: "Enough is enough, this is naturally enough. It seems that your kid has sent it!"

Han Fei: "I don't know if it was posted or not, but Senior God of War, I have already covered my whole body with the Golden and Chalcedony Marrow. The technique of physical training has been accomplished. Now, it stands to reason that I have reached the stage of the Star Path. Senior, you said before. How did you leap over the stage of the star journey! What is the supreme divine art you always talk about? I can always talk about it now, right?"

The God of War was astonished: "It's only been more than two years, so you have finished your physical training?"

Han Fei: "Yeah!"

God of War: "How old is your natal star?"

Han Fei: "According to the predecessor's compression rate, there are now 3000 miles."

God of War: "Has your power broken 8 million? I tell you, 8 million waves are the prerequisite."

Han Fei: "Well, it just broke 10 million. It seems that this prerequisite should be enough."


In the distant star sea, someone is speechless, isn't it just a star journey? How come it broke ten million? Breaking ten million, is this turtle son so strong?

"Wh, it seems to be the same. This kid can kill Transformation Star Dzogchen before the star core is born. It seems that he is indeed a wizard."

When it was over, the God of War responded: "Since you have reached this step, then I won't hide it. I told you before that you can dig out other people's natal stars and condense them into pearls, and you can bring them back and arrange your own natal stars. . One is to guard the natal stars, and the other is to connect these stars with one’s natal stars. A cyclical intergrowth can be formed, and the system can be closed with force. This method, logically speaking, only needs the obtained stars or the dead stars. Enough, and your strength will grow rapidly. However, these are not your own natal stars in essence, and no matter how you transform them, they are not yours. Therefore, the growth of strength requires more and more external conditions... "

The God of War sent it for a long time, and Han Fei actually knew it. In fact, the reason why he only offered sacrifices to the late stage of transformation star, and he still controlled a bunch of powerhouses in the stage of transformation star stage.

If God of War's supreme magic is not suitable for you, then you can still take the star path of growth. And he has so many Star Transformation Stages, by then, as long as he learns the method of condensing the Star Orb, he can get all his natal stars and complete his star journey.

Han Fei: "Senior, I understand this. The more annihilating stars will condense in the future, it may range from dozens, to hundreds, to thousands, to tens of thousands. Outside the stars, I have seen this scene."

God of War: "Well, if someone walks to the limit of the emperor and even becomes a **** in this way, he may need billions of stars. This means that he has to kill many people, or grab countless stars of dying. This way, the early stage It seems simple, but it will become more and more difficult in the future. Unless the emperors fight each other and swallow each other."

Han Fei's heart moved, didn't he? He also thought about it, if he made a solar system, what would happen behind it? Make this galaxy bigger and bigger, and finally make a Milky Way?

Just thinking about it, Han Fei felt his scalp numb. However, if this is a road that must be taken, he will not be afraid. God knows how many enemies he has?

This Han Fei: "So, Senior God of War, what is your supreme magic?"

God of War: "Star Devourer."

"Star Eater?"

Just hearing the name, it feels not easy. Literally, it means to devour other people's stars. But now it is difficult for me to swallow a star core of others, how can I swallow other's stars?

Han Fei hurriedly questioned: "Senior God of War, are you sure I won't be blown up? And, if a normal road requires many stars, doesn't it need many stars?"

God of War: "Need! I never said that I don’t need the natal stars. However, the path of eating the stars is an extraordinary path that can be compared. This technique, but from the endless calculus of the gods, is a super powerful path. Of course, I am the first person to take this road. Unfortunately, the gods have been swallowed by ominousness, and they may have already fallen. Otherwise, if the deduction continues, this road may become a legendary road."

Han Fei couldn't help but murmured, the way the gods deduced? But the God of War does not seem to be a god, even Nandi just said that the God of War has the power to fight the **** of war, but he is not a god, he seems to be stuck on the road to the gods.

Han Fei: "Senior God of War, are you the only one who walked this way?"

God of War: "That's not it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. If you have time, you can go to the West Sea Shenzhou, and you will know that there are still some who take this road. Of course, not many, and most people are not qualified to go. This way, because their physique is not strong enough. The same physical exercises, some people can reach the limit, some people can't, there is no reason, if everyone can be so strong, then everyone can prove and claim the emperor. "

Han Fei: "Senior, do you think this path can become a god?"

The God of War immediately responded: "Of course it can! But it still needs a certain amount of exploration. Boy, no matter what you hear or what the outside world thinks of me. But I tell you, if you can go this way, even if you can't make it. God, you can also have the power to fight the gods and spirits. Moreover, you should understand that there is no road that can't go down at all in this world. It's just this road. You haven't found a way to go on."

Han Fei: "Senior, you said that this Star Devouring God technique was calculated by the gods?"

God of War: "It has been calculated for a long, long time. In order to deal with the ominousness, they have calculated many roads. These roads are all walked by different people. I was the first to take this road. It is a pity that I came here. No, I’m left alone to figure out how to go this way alone. Once I find it, I will be able to break the position of a mere god."

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