God of Fishing

Chapter 2438: Enlightenment Palace, hammer out

After exchanging two top-quality artifacts, Han Fei's heart was dripping with blood. He wanted to exchange for a top-quality artifact for himself, but he didn't expect to change it to Feng Yu.

Fortunately, during this period of time, his strength has also grown rapidly, even if Zhao Qinglong is positive and tough, he is not afraid. And Han Fei's identity completely disappeared from the eyes of the world when he left the Divine Capital Dynasty.

Choosing the reward in advance, Han Fei was no longer eligible to choose the third item, so he was immediately removed from the arsenal of the gods. The emperor did not give Han Fei the opportunity to wander around.

After a while, Deng Xingtian came out the second time. Han Fei was not familiar with him, and he didn't know what he chose. This guy looked very cold, and Han Fei was not interested in starting a conversation.

After that, when Zhao Qinglong came out, Han Fei didn't have a good face.

It's over. As a result, Feng Yu came out eighth, and Wushuang came out last. Han Fei was still a little speechless, Wushuang had already been entangled long ago, and the result has been entangled until the end, this girl is really entangled.

Because of the emperor's side at this moment, Han Fei couldn't communicate more with Feng Yu.

When everyone came out, the referee waiting outside said, "Well, since the reward has been selected, go to the Shendu Enlightenment Palace! The Enlightenment Palace needs to be used up at once, and the time will be automatically sent out. Of course, if you have extra merits on your hands, then the merits will be automatically deducted after the time is exceeded, and will be automatically sent out when the merits are not enough."

This was obviously addressed to Han Fei. Only Han Fei was the one who could exchange the time of the Enlightenment Palace. The merits of the others could not be exchanged for even a day, so they could only watch.

The referee waved his hands, leading Han Fei and the others up.

During this time, Han Fei saw the twelve palaces outside the void. The twelve temples have ups and downs, and you can faintly see the appearance of their glorious palaces, but if you want to look inside, you can't see them.

After all, this is where the Emperor Zun practiced. Han Fei couldn't help sighing, the foundation of the Shendu Dynasty really cannot be underestimated. A **** emperor's arsenal contains two emperors, the referee is the emperor, there are twelve emperors of the Zodiac, and a Tobu emperor. This is all revealed on the bright side.

In terms of quantity, this power is much larger than the number of emperors in the Void Temple.

The place where the Shendu Enlightenment Palace is located is above the Shendu Twelve House. This surprised Han Fei. The place of cultivation of the twelve emperors was not as high as the enlightenment palace. Now he is a little looking forward to what a magical place it is.


When Han Fei and the others jumped out of the void, what they saw was not the palace, but the high wall in the sea of ​​stars. There is no geometry under those high walls, just like a huge maze erected in the sea of ​​stars.

As soon as Han Fei and the others came back to their senses, they heard the judge say: "Gods are enlightened, what everyone sees and encounters is different. There are ancient ways of God, hidden innumerable great insights. With the great arts of the heavens and the silent dharma of the past. Cherish your time, especially the half-sun view. I won't say much about the others, you can realize it yourself!"

After speaking, I saw that the maze wall opened an entrance, which means that the time of the Enlightenment Palace has begun to count down.

"Swipe it~"

I saw that Cao Wumian and Zhou Mi rushed out first. Their time was very short, with only a semi-daylight scene. If they didn't make good use of it, this time would be in vain.

At this time, including Han Fei, they all walked into the maze immediately, after all, the time was short, and they knew nothing about God Enlightenment Palace.


Han Fei came in from the place moved away from the wall, but he immediately looked back and found that there was still a way to come.

At this moment, in this Enlightenment Palace, only Han Fei is left, and the others don't know where they have been. Maybe everyone has different chances and different positions.

Han Fei stood still and looked up. The surrounding walls seemed to be towering and endless. Perception was completely ineffective here, and he couldn't even get out of his body. Han Fei can only see with his eyes now.

Right in front of Han Fei, there are two roads to choose from. And on the roadless wall directly opposite him, there were countless knife marks.

Han Fei's eyes were a bit tingling, he guessed that this should be some kind of sword technique inheritance.

Compared with other people's time, Han Fei's time is more abundant, and he wanted to use the time fishing technique the first time. But just as he expected, the gods enlightenment palace and gods arsenal are forbidden to cheat by Han Fei.

However, they may be able to ban time fishing, but the power of refining the demon pot cannot be restrained.

Han Fei didn't move while standing here, but was always comprehending and observing the knife mark in front of him.

An hour later, in Han Fei's eyes, a message emerged:

"Light Speed ​​Slash"【Open Heaven Realm Artifact】

Introduction: A fast sword technique that reaches the speed of light burst. This sword technique is great. The fastest speed can reach 18 times the speed of light. There are few enemies in Kaitian territory. Light Speed ​​Slash requires a combination of the spatial avenue comprehension level and its own speed comprehension level to achieve success. The speed of light slash, if it can be matched with the shadowless light knife, the effect will be doubled

Comprehension: Five percent

Effect: extremely fast knife, hard to resist

Disadvantages: Because the speed is too fast, the power transmission is inevitably insufficient.

"What a great swordsmanship."

The heartbeat must be heartbeat, but only 5% of the comprehension in an hour, it takes at least a day and a half to comprehend this technique.

Ordinary people, if it takes only half a day to obtain a god-level sword technique in the Open Heaven Realm, it is definitely twelve minutes' willingness.

But where is this? This is the God's Enlightenment Palace, and there is even the inheritance of the gods here. It's not ridiculous to comprehend the sword art of opening the sky for a long time!

Moreover, from the introduction of Light Speed ​​Slash, this is a sword technique that needs to rely on its own speed and space avenue to reach the peak.

So, assuming that one's mastery of speed and space avenue is really strong to that level, one might not be able to comprehend this speed of light slash on his own.

So, thinking about it this way, Han Fei immediately chose to give up.

Han Fei came to the intersection of the two roads on the left and right unhurriedly, and after pondering for a moment, he instinctively wanted to use the Gemini Divine Art. But as soon as the Gemini Divine Art appeared, Han Fei suddenly discovered that the knife mark of Light Speed ​​Slash had disappeared.

Immediately, Han Fei's twins became one, and he had a guess in his heart that he might have a complete body form. After the Gemini God surgery, his strength, spirit, and all aspects were greatly reduced. Therefore, there are some things in this God's Enlightenment Palace that will no longer appear in front of one's eyes, and oneself will miss this opportunity.

Therefore, after the Han Fei twins were united, the light-speed slashing marks on the wall reappeared.

"Heh! It's a shame for you to show up, and I won't choose you."

Han Fei walked to the right quickly, but it didn't take long, probably dozens of miles? Han Fei is also not sure about the distance he has traveled. He always feels that the distance seems to be a problem here.

This time, Han Fei came to a circular space surrounded by a maze wall. There are six roads around. In addition to the one when I came, there are five ways.

Han Fei was bad at the time, and he should have cheated in this kind of place. Unfortunately, the rules do not allow it.

In the middle of this circular space, there is a small flower bed, and on the flower bed, there is a hammer.

"Is this still an artifact?"

In Han Fei's eyes, there was no information about the hammer, but as a normal person, seeing the hammer, he would definitely have to pull it up. Don't want to use the hammer for nothing?

Han Fei's thinking is the same as that of ordinary people, even more greedy.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, he walked forward and held the hammer handle full of Dao patterns with one hand.


As soon as Han Fei held the hammer, there was a light bursting, and with a "swish", Han Fei disappeared in place.

The next moment, Han Fei was stunned to find that he was suddenly on top of an unknown star, the hammer was gone, and the maze was gone.

However, in front of Han Fei, a burly figure appeared, with long hair and beard, holding the heavy hammer he had just seen.

Han Fei's eyes were dazzling, this is the rhythm of fighting!

However, he heard the burly figure shout: "How long hasn't I met the inheritor, boy, since I'm here, then take me a hammer first."


Before the hammer arrived, the void burst and the space collapsed. Han Fei felt the infinite power, which was crazy and terrifying.

However, the strength that this person exploded was from the Open Heaven realm. As for which realm he was in, it was unclear. Anyway, Han Fei immediately urged the Dao, and burst out with full force, and the terrifying force of more than 50 million waves met the hammer head-on.


Void ripples, madness breeds, and golden waves of light stir the void. The burly figure was surprised, and then laughed: "Pick me ten thousand more hammers."

Han Fei: "???"

The next moment, Han Fei, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, saw the shadow of the sky hammer, as if he was attacked by countless people in an instant, and the brawny and brawny man had disappeared.

"Boom boom boom~"

"Clang clang clang~"

God knows how many hammer blows he has carried, Han Fei's heart is speechless, this man clearly opened the sky, how could he burst out such a frequency of hammer blows, really blasted countless ways.

As far as strength is concerned, the strength of this ten thousand hammer is not as good as the first hammer foot, but Han Fei also feels unable to carry it after such a round, and the power transfer is not so fast.

Just blocking Qian Hammer, Han Fei was unilaterally bombarded. Fortunately, his physique is strong enough, sitting cross-legged in the void, resisting hammering hard.

So Han Fei thought he had carried the hammer. Above the sky, a shadow of a giant hammer seemed to cover nine days and ten places, as if the sky had fallen.

"Fuck! Come back?"

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