God of Fishing

Chapter 2439: Speed ​​inheritance

Facing this terrifying hammer, Han Fei was awe-inspiring and did not dare to neglect.

But regardless of whether the brawny man was an emperor or a god, the power he showed was only to open the heavens. Since it is the Open Heaven Realm, there shouldn't be any invincible power.

To talk about other things, it's fine if you lose yourself, but strength, this is Han Fei's housekeeping skill. If this is lost, Han Fei feels that so many years of body training have been wasted.


"The Eye of Invincibility."

"Puff puff puff~"

For a time, Han Fei was dripping with blood, his flesh exploded, his skin was cracked, and a fist mark of sacrificing his body, rising to the sky.



Echoes vibrated, ripples raged for millions of miles in an instant, that picture. It is like a huge steel plate falling into the sky, and Han Fei is like an ant, hitting the steel plate into the hollow with one punch, and the storm of strength will escape everywhere. If anyone sees this scene, I am afraid they will be surprised. , How could this be done by the forces of the Open Heaven Realm.


The force's counter-shock directly caused Han Fei to spit out a mouthful of blood. It was the power of the heavy hammer and was forcibly beaten back by Han Fei's punch.

"Fuck, how could Open Heaven Realm have such terrifying power?"

Han Fei stopped running the avenue for the first time, if it weren't for his Void Body Refining technique had been achieved. If he hadn't started to practice the Star Devouring Divine Art, he might be hanged today.

Han Fei consciously realized that power just now, if one more point, he might not be able to hold it anymore. You know, with the addition of Eye of Invincibility, he is blessed by six times his strength, and his strength exceeds 70 million waves. This number is simply not something that the ordinary Star Dzogchen can withstand.

Regardless of whether it is Feng Yu or Zhao Qinglong, they count their hole cards, and they all explode, and their power will not be 50 million waves. However, Feng Yu is the number one in the heaven list, and Zhao Qinglong is the tenth in the **** list.

Their strength is all here, so their own strength? Asking the top ten of the sea realm to open the sky realm there are problems? That's it, almost didn't hold the hammer.

"Ji Dao, this is Ji Dao..."

Han Fei suddenly realized that this brawny man with a hammer is an extreme body refiner. From his power transmission speed to the terrible power of the last hammer, Han Fei realized the path he walked. .

With this alone, Han Fei has benefited a lot. I have never met an extremely powerful person, but this time, I have felt it, and I have a standard in my heart. The only thing that is not clear now is the realm the brawny man used when fighting with him.

Han Fei's expression is solemn, this is the one who walks the extreme way? Sacrificing the soul of the soul, he went too far towards the ultimate direction of body refining. I just don't know if this is the basic power of the Extreme Daoist, if it is, it is simply terrible. But Han Fei thinks it should not be. You have to know that his current basic strength is only 13 million less than that. By the time of Huaxing Dzogchen, theoretically, it is impossible for one's own basic power to exceed 50 million waves.


When Han Fei broke out of this strong wave, his people had returned to the Palace of Enlightenment. At this moment, Han Fei was still holding the hammer in his hand, but blood was flowing across his body.

Han Fei only saw that there were many lines on the hammer's appearance, and it penetrated into his body with a "swish". Then, there was a scene that made Han Fei feel unbelievable. On his right bone, there were some extremely shallow golden dot patterns.

"Hi, Dao bone?"

Han Fei's heart was shocked. One thing he knew was that if he wanted to achieve the Great Perfection, he must first condense his body. What is Dao Bone? It is the bone covered by Dao Wen.

The Dao pattern on the hammer ran into Han Fei's body, making Han Fei a little speechless. Could it be that I inherited the Dao of that predecessor?

But when the pattern slowly settled down, Han Fei discovered that something was wrong again. The pattern on his bones was different from the one on the hammer.

It seems that the Dao pattern on the hammer has changed after entering his body.


After that, I saw the hammer suddenly shattered like a rotten stone.

In Han Fei's mind, a major technique emerged.

"Ultimate Hammer"【Open Heaven Realm God Product】

Introduction: The hammer technique created by the Great Emperor Ji Dao Lian Ti Liu. The hammer of limit is divided into the limit of number and the limit of force. The limit of number, within the range that the current physique can withstand, the maximum number of times and the power of the hammer. The limit of power is a hammering method that superimposes the power of the Dao pattern within the range of the current physique.

Deduction: Cannot deduct

Effect: A terror hammer method that singles out few enemies

Disadvantages: Not suitable for large-scale group battles, there will be short-term power collapse after the war.

Note: The extreme road is extreme after all

Suddenly mastered a great technique, although it was also a divine product, but this ultimate hammer made Han Fei realize the terrible extreme. This is the power displayed by Ji Dao Body Refining Flow, so what about Ji Dao Soul Refining?

This hammer was not a divine weapon, but it gave him some Dao patterns. Han Fei stuffed a group of liquid divine brilliance into his mouth. When he recovered from the injury, he moved his arms, always feeling as if his arm strength had been strengthened. I don't know if it's the cause of the pattern.

As for how long it has just passed, Han Fei thought, it shouldn't have been too long, right? I had a confrontation with a remaining force. Judging from the situation of his own injury just now, it can be no more than two hours at most.

However, when Han Fei came in, it was only three hours after he had a good deal, and he actually saw two heaven-opening divine martial arts, and even on his right arm, Dao lines appeared in advance. This **** is all enlightened, and it really deserves its reputation.

As for the five roads, Han Fei doesn't care which one to choose. As the saying goes, all chances have their own definite numbers, and some things cannot be forced.

Therefore, Han Fei arbitrarily took the middle path because he was too lazy to choose.

I didn't know how far I went out on this road. Han Fei passed a great technique on the wall beside him, which should be a kind of physical skill.

But the enlightenment time of this kind of thing must be long, and it takes a day or two at every turn, Han Fei feels unnecessary. Time should be spent on special opportunities such as the one just now, facing the extreme powerhouse.

This time, Han Fei walked through seven or eight intersections, and after encountering a total of six great arts, finally at the end of which road was not known, he encountered a square of void land. Here, there is a light spot floating in the air.

Han Fei's eyes also didn't show anything. But this light spot must be extraordinary! At least it shouldn't be comparable to the big techniques on the wall, right?

Han Fei reached out for it, but it turned out to be lonely.

"Huh! What a fast speed."

Han Fei frowned slightly, moved his feet, and stepped into the room. As a result, he stepped in and found himself in a sea of ​​stars again.

Han Fei was not surprised and rejoiced, which meant that his chance had arrived again, but he didn't know what it was this time.

The light group was floating not far from Han Fei, and of course Han Fei broke out to chase it faster than the speed of light! However, the next moment, Han Fei was shocked, this thing ran faster than himself.

Even after Han Fei broke out to eight times the speed of light, he still couldn't catch up with that little thing.

Stop by yourself, stop the thing, chase it, and then it runs, as if it's teasing itself.

In the process of chasing, Han Fei clearly felt that the way he and that thing used were all spatial avenues. However, this also means that the opponent's spatial avenue is stronger than one's own.

Suddenly, Han Fei inadvertently accelerated with the Avenue of Time. For a time, his speed was nearly ten times the speed of light.

However, at the moment when Han Fei accelerated, the little thing "swizzled" and continued to accelerate, and Han Fei hadn't even touched the shadow of others.


Han Fei suddenly noticed the difference. When digesting the origin of the world before, he had a new understanding of the Dao of Space. The little thing in front seemed to be affected by its own space force field, causing a second ejection.

Moreover, Han Fei also felt that in the space ahead, there seemed to be power to pull the little thing. With the blessing of the multi-space avenue, its speed far surpasses Han Fei.


Han Fei had already guessed what the chance was, it was speed. Unlike that power inheritance, that one only needs to fight for strength, not to persuade himself. But this thing, no matter how fast you speed it up, failed to catch up with it, but the other party used it, UU看书www. uukanshu.com is obviously the avenue of space, and it is also the space force of space gravity, space ejection, and space pulling force that I understand.

Han Fei's heart moved and tried the Void Theft technique, but the Void Theft technique had no effect at all.

"Is it useless? Is this the consciousness of the gods or the remnants of the avenue?"

The Void Thieves technique was ineffective, but Han Fei did not suffer backlash either.

Since these are not there, then you can only fight for the Great Dao of Space. If the gods are able to pass down this speed during this trip to the Palace of Enlightenment, let alone spend three days on it, even if it is the remaining 500,000 merits. It's all in, it's totally worth it.

Perhaps, Han Fei will be able to comprehend the meaning of speed even if he continues to settle for thousands of years in the Open Heaven Realm. However, it takes time and opportunity. How can it be like now, the opportunity is right in front of you, and when you get it, you will realize it, this is simply a pie in the sky!

Once this inheritance is obtained, Han Fei believes that his last shortcoming will be filled. Since then, physique, soul, speed, these three items, can be called the invincible and almost invincible existence in the open sky realm.

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